Christian Serratos looks exactly like Selena in New Sneak Peek
Christian Serratos is channeling the feeling of music Tejano Selena Quintanilla-Pérez in a new Netflix series.

Fans ofThe dead who walkknowChristian SerratosLike Rosita Espinosa on the long-term AMC series. But now, the actor is ready to take a new role: Tejano Sensation of MusicSelena Quintanilla-PérezOn the next Netflix series on singer's life. In anew teaser trailer forSelena: the series released by Netflix on October 6, fans got their first real look at Serratos like Selena, thatJennifer LopezApparently played in the film of 1997 about his life. The Teaser Netflix shows Christian Serratos in a fewIconic Selena looks Like "Como Flor Flor" plays in the background. And it also reveals exactly when the fans will be able to broadcastSelena: the series: December 4, 2020.
Selena: the seriesis supported by the singer's family; his sister,Suzette Quintanilla, is an executive producer. "Selena will always have a sustainable place In the history of music and we feel a great responsibility to do justice to his memory, "she stated in a statement when the show was announced." With this series, viewers will finally get the whole story of Selena, our family and the impact she had on all our lives. "(Selena was notoriously murdered at the age of 23 by his President of Fan Club,Yolanda Saldívar.)
The Netflix Series Writers Team is being trapped by American Writer MexicanMoisets Zamora, which is also executive producingSelena: the series. Zamora stated that he intended to focus on his cultural identity: Selena was born and lifted in Texas, but she got up to the renowned singing in Spanish, at the insistence of his father,Abraham Quintanilla, a former American Mexican singer. "[Selena] was part of my existence as a latino boy," said Zamora at NBC News in April 2019. "I associated with my family andMexican in America. ... it looks like so many trips that I see around me through my family. "
Serratos, a 30-year-old Mexican Italian descent actress, received the Selena Father's approval seal, who told Mexican JournalReforma that of all the actresses they have seen,Serratos was "the best".
It's a role that Serratos wants to take too. In 2015, she told MTV that she would like to play "someone who is very single latina"Some days, and that's exactly what Selena, the Queen of Tejano's music, gives it.
Read on Serratos like Selena, and for more Lookalikes,The 12-year-old girl in Nicole Richie looks like her only as she now.
Here are some serratos showing the natural locks of Selena.

The look recalls how Selena has worn her hair in her teenage years, as in thisVideo of his song "only in my dream" at 15.
And here she is in the emblematic white strapless set.

The fans of Selena recall this look of herAstrodome Houston Performance in 1994and Serratos definitely channel the legendary Tejano star.
Of course, the bustier comes into play again and again.

Those who like the 1997Selectionfilm definitely remembers the scene in which the singer and his fatherFacing his wardrobe on stage, or the absence of.
And of course, there are fringes for days.

It was the beginning of the 90s, after all! And for more style of this time, checkThe trends of fashion only cool '90 children will remember.

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