80% of couples with this one in common together, studies

This surprising index could tell you if you and your partner are compatible.

It is not surprising that couples withcompatible communication Styles tend to stay together, but here is a twist: the researchers now say that four out of five couples with compatiblewriting Styles are likely to remain committed.According to a recent study, couples who demonstrate this "written synchrony" are much more likely to go to the distance than those who do not.

The study, which has been published by the Association for Psychological Science, models followed every dayWritten communication between meetings couples Over 10 days. In particular, they focused onOnline cats, that they analyzed using a computer program. They found that nearly 80% of the couples whose writing styles were stylistic matches were still together three months later, compared to 54% of the couples whose written styles did not match too.

In particular, the study examined the way participants used "the words of the function". Slightly difficult to define without entering a full grammar lesson, these are words that show how names and verbs relate (examples includethe,a,to be,anything,this,will,him, andand). As a co-author of the study,James W. Pennebaker,PhD, explains how we use these words seemingly simple forms deeply a personWrite and talk about style. "The words of the function are very social and require social skills to use," he said.

That's exactly why they reveal so many individuals and couples. These models of our communication offer windows in theInterior work of our brainAnd how do we context the things around us. If these processes are synchronous in a couple, it indicates a similar way to see the world. And, like Pennebaker Note, people do not do itintentionally Synchronize their communication habits: "What is wonderful about it," he says, "Do not we really do that decision; it comes out of our mouth."

Another study conducted by the same team emphasized how these words are integrated into our communication styles. After arranging a four-minute seriesSpeed ​​dates For student pairs, the team analyzed the schemas of their speech. They found that while the conversations covered many topics - things like the hometown, majors and leisure - their use of function words varied greatly. The pairs that used operating words in the same way were four times more likely to want to see again, although they were not aware of the common point.

Couples can find this insight is an important index to find out if their relationship hasLong-term compatibility. But evenbeyond This shows that our compatibility works so much deeper than our feelings, our values ​​and our interests: it is integrated into the very part of our thoughts and shared silently whenever we communicate. And for more meetings, checkMen are more likely to have this relationship regret.

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