How much is a "big date" of the year you were born

In the 1950s, spend $ 10 on a date was a madness.

What can you buy a few dollars today? If you have luck, thatstrength Get you one side of French fries or acoffee. But in the 1950s, a crunchy invoice of $ 5 was more than enough to take this special person to a movie and for a good dinner after. It's crazy to imagine, but it's true: the same amount we spend in our morning coffee today is the cost of abig date There are decades ago. You want to know exactly how people used to spoil their diversiones? Continue reading to discover the cost of a "big date" from 1950 to 2000. And if you want to see where your dollar is wasted,This is the state where your money is worth the least.


1950s couple eating fancy dinner at nice restaurant, big date
Farms Inc / Alamy Archives

A FLICK OF FRIDAY NIGHT: $ 0.98 for two tickets
Steak: $ 4.50 for two sirloin steaks
Total: $ 5.48 ($ 48.43 (adjusted for inflation)

Today, if you have taken your date toKeens SteakhouseOne of the most famous steak joints inNew York City-A Sirloin would give you $ 56 per person. In the 1940s and 1950s, however, this same dish at the same restaurant would cost you only $ 2.25. And consider the price of a meal at aCatering establishment Back in the day, there was always money after dinner to buy movie tickets. And for more nostalgia, check100 terms of slang of the 20th century that no one uses more.


1970s African American Couple on a Date

A packed picnic: $ 1.30 for two chicken salad sandwiches, 20 ¢ for two sodas, $ 1.34 for two beers and 30 ¢ for two apple pie slices
Total: $ 3.14 ($ 33.78 (adjusted for inflation)

Back In the mid-1950s, an appropriate external picnic - we are talking about basket, a blanket and everything was an ideal lunch orDinner date option. According toEdith Barker1955 Super Market Silver Jubilee cookbookPopular dishes are used for a picnic during this period include a grilled ham, apple pie, oven potatoes, a mixed vegetable salad, hot rollers and muffled onions.

And although a meal in the park is not just as chic like a dinner in a steakhouse, taking the time to prepare a meal of several dishes for your darling was also special. Certainly worthy of the designation of the "big date".


Couple Kissing in their Car at a Drive-In in the 1950s {Dating 50 Years Ago}

Movie Night at the walk:$ 1.40 for two tickets, 20 ¢ for two sodas, 40 ¢ for two milkshakes and 10 ¢ for popcorn
Total: $ 2.10 ($ 18.12 when you have been adjusted for inflation)

With thecinema industry Brooming, the 60s have seen the popularity of the dates of training movies. According toTime, Couples during this period counted about 4,000 training theaters by status to choose from for their date destination.

The best part of the dragues is that although they are consideredthe Date spot in the 1960s, going to one was as an activity that will be suitable for the portfolio you were probably found. Through the decade, ticket prices have never exceeded $ 1, and evenconcessions Like malted lakes and hamburgers were only one quarter. And for more things to take you back to Antan, discover100 photos that children born after 2000 will never understand.


1960s couple enjoys cocktails, she wears floral hat

Sushi dinner: $ 8.50 for two meals with three dishes
Drinks at the bar:$ 2.80 For two martinis each
Total: $ 11.30 ($ 91.55 when you have been adjusted for inflation)

If you wanted to impress your appointment in 1965, you did not go to your local French restaurant - you did a Beeline for one of the sushi spots beginning to emerge on the restaurant scene. "American [soldiers] would have developed a taste for Japanese food, including sushi, while she is stationed in Japan," saidHouse jonas in a recentFood and food article.

After two Japanese premises open in New York in 1963, food reporter and restaurant reviewCraig Claiborne declaredjapanese food The next big thing. And it was for a moment.


Aretha Franklin in Concert in the 1970s Cost of a Big Date

Hibachi dinner atBenihana: $ 16 for two steak hibachi and vegetable entries and $ 7.90 for two cocktails "Banzai"
Concert Aretha Franklin: $ 16 for two tickets
Total: $ 39.90 ($ 266.82 when you have been adjusted for inflation)

Nowadays, many of us have seen a burning onion tower or a shrimp tail are recovering into a chef hat. But in the 70s, the magic concept of the Hibachi style cuisine when he entered the US market in the late 60s. "The new Palace of Benihana is excellent on many leaders and his main fault resides (Happy for management) in its primary popularity "Clibornto crushThe New York Times From the new West Street 4th Street in 1970.

Needless to say, Benihana and other Hibachi restaurants were the big spots of the date during this period. And if you took your date at a Hoppin concert after dinner-LED Zeppelin WhereAretha Franklin Were always a sure bet, then you were pretty much guaranteed a second date.


A Dinner Theater Before the Guests Arrive Cost of a Big Date

Dinner and show at a theater dinner: $ 25.90 for two all-inclusive tickets
Total: $ 25.90 ($ 125.66 when you have been adjusted for inflation)

If you needed to impress your appointment in the 1970s, you do not take them to the cinema - you make dinner theater tickets. As the name suggests, dinner theaters were theater hybrids of restaurants that included both a meal and entertainment with the price of admission. As a writer at theNew York Times described in 1973: "People can eat, drink, smoke and watch a show - all under one roof, and all for a price except forliquor. "

Some dinner theaters were better known for their food than for their entertainment; Others welcomed parts with suchEminent actors that the food was more after blow. In any case, the theaters dinner was "an entirely roman and very lucrative phenomenon, theatrical", "The temperaturedeclared. They provided a pleasureNight night option For couples in the 1970s.


couple roller skating cool grandparent photos

Rink: $ 7 for two pairs of rental skates for two hours
Dinnerdinner: $ 7 for two cheeseburgers and $ 2 for two commands of fries
Total: $ 16 ($ 51.98 adjusted for inflation)

Rolls Rinks reachedMaximum popularity In the 70s and the 80s. "In the 1970s, the disco ribboats were the hip," wroteSteve Dale In an article of 1987 for theChicago Tribune. "Today, videos have helped pick up that the same shiver that grandmother has slipped on his skates to Waltzes."During this decade, Couples trembled at rinks to dance at the music disco and shake their Groove Thangs, then refuel with dinner. This type of single date would guarantee you almost another appointment. And for more interesting information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


Interracial Couple in the 1960s or 1970s {Dating 50 Years Ago}

Night at night Opera:$ 100 For two tickets
A fantasy Italian Having dinner: $ 2.95 for Crostini, $ 9.95 for Pick-Pick-Piccata and $ 10.95 for Veal Parmigiana
Total: $ 123.85 ($ 296.74 for inflation)

Although Italian cuisine is available in America in most of the twentieth century, it was not only in the 1980s that Italian institutions become original spots. Starting in the "80s", risottos and northern wine sauces [from Italy] has become fashionable and provided a class marker between pasta and southern pizza, "National GeographicRemarks.

At the same time, Opera saw a resurgence - you can thank this decade for such notable works.Nixon in China,The Orpheus Mask,One night at the Chinese opera, andONU RE IN ASCOLTO. With this great consideration for the ragù and the penchant forPavarotti, ideal fantasyA romantic rendezvous In 1985 was quite expensive: just under $ 300, once adjusted for inflation.


couple dining with wine and lobster

DinnerLegal maritime foods: $ 60.85 for two 1.5-lb. Vapor cooked lobsters and six oysters
National visitCats: $ 140 for two orchestra seats
Total: $ 200.85 ($ 337.79 when you have been adjusted for inflation)

Ah,Cats and legal maritime foods.Brings you back, is not it? Many things have contributed to the success of the food from the Legal Sea in the 1980s and early 1990s, including the presence of the restaurant at the first inauguration of the PresidentRonald Reagan In 1981 and theSee todayname the "Best Seafood Restaurant in America" ​​in 1986. Similarly, the musical comedyCatswas catapulted under the spotlight in the 80s and remained there through the 1990s as theater criticism at the timeravaged About his ability to "[Transport] the public in a complete fantasy world that could only exist in the theater and yet, these days, it is only rarely."

In Boston, where the legal maritime foods have called home initially, you could have caught the national tour of the musical after falling on the new England. It looks like a dream date.


1990s couple enjoys champagne
Russell Kord Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

Refined dinner: $ 80 for two four-course fixed price dinners and $ 32 for a bottle of champagne
Total: $ 112 ($ 189.43 when you have been adjusted for inflation)

While some peopleIn the 90s were raised for blockbuster to rent the last copy ofpulp Fiction To impress their dates, those who really wanted to show that someone special a good time took advantage of the kind of chic meal (and champagne, of course) in their favorite romantic comedies of the 1990s. Inspired by movies likeA pretty womanToYou've got mail, an elegant dinner was the incarnation of a "big evening outside". Bonus Points If you wear gloves!


young black man and woman enjoy cocktails on date

Hang at the Hookah Fair: $ 20 for two hookahs and $ 24 for four cocktails
Total: $ 44 ($ 65.89 (adjusted for inflation)

"Whilecigarette use A constant decline in recent years, the use of hookah (water paper) has rapidly increased in popularity, "reports a 2015 study published in the journal.JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. The Hookah Trade Shows have become a national phenomenon in the 1990s and early 2000s, making these smoked spaces where to go for an intimate night. In fact, a journalist in 2003 called Bookah Lounges "America's most trendy gatherings." And for more than 2000s nostalgia, check 23 Red Celebrity Red Carpet Photos You must see Believe .

Categories: Culture
Tags: dating / Nostalgia
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