25 times television programs have predicted the future with perfect precision

The greatest lights of society are ... screenwriters?

Television writers have a job:distract. Even when they try to reflect the real world, it is always designed as a fictional. They certainly do not try to give us an overview of the future, not intentionally anyway. But just as they say that if you put a hundred monkeys in a room with machines to write and one of them possibly writing a Sonnet Shakespearian, we can say that the same thing on television scribes and their powers prophetic.

This is true: 99% of the time, when screenwriters write about the wonders (and the absurdities) of tomorrow, they are not very close to succeed. But then there is this percent elusive, when they see in some way where we collectively go with amazing clarity. Even Nostradamus had no trace as impressive to predict the future. Here are 25 such examples, whenTelevision emissions - political dramas to conventional science-fi - global events and new technologies that seemed too fantastic to believe, and yet, in one way or another.

Star Trekpredicts the landing moon

star trek tv shows predicted the future

The epic of Gene Roddenberry science-feel did not have a lot of respect when it is originallybroadcast In the 1960s, but for a show with so many weird extraterrestrial species and crazy and fictitious galaxies, he managed to predict the spatial ambitions ofrealHuman being. In an episode of 1967 called "tomorrow, it was yesterday," the Starship company became again at 1969 and picks up a radio transmission from NASA, in which they occur like astronauts are preparing to disengage from CAPE Kennedy for the first landing of humanity. Weather The writers just checked the year 1969 or if they knew something we did not do is anyone who guessed.

The simpsonspredicts President Donald Trump

simpsons tv shows predicted the future

Remember in 2016 when most people thought it was a long shot that Donald Trump is elected president? The Animated Long Race SeriesThe simpsonspredicted Back in 2000, in the episode "Bart in the future".

When Bart has a chance to see in his future, he learns that the sister Lisa would grow up to become the first woman (right). In addition, his predecessor was none other than Trump, who at the time was known for the most part as a real estate developer and author ofArt of the case.Dan Greaney, writer on the show, explained in an interview that the joke was intended to set the scene of a dystopic future. "It just seemed like logical stop before hitting the bottom (rock)," he said. "It was compatible with the vision of America that goes crazy."

Parks and leisurepredicts the global victory of the Cubs' World Series

parks and rec tv shows predict the future

There were two ways to demonstrate that a television show was fixed in the improbable future. One was with an African-American president, who, pre-Obama, if you remember, seemed to be a fairy tale - and the other by winning the Cubs of Chicago wins a world series.Parks and leisuretook This last approach duringtheir last season in 2015, When Tom (Aziz Ansari) and Andy (Chris Pratt), visit Chicago, at one point in the near future, and we say that everyone in the city is "very good mood now because of the cubs winning the series" . Of course, a year later, the cubbies have broken their 108-year-old series and finally won the commissioner's trophy.

Maxpredicts advertising on the Internet and 4chan

max headroom tv shows predicted the future

How could a show be done in the 80s so preciselyto predict So many things on the modern digital era, decades before the Internet becomes all that the general public was even aware? We always thought that Max Habeau was just a head used for Shill New Coke ("C-C-C-Catch The Wave!"), But as it turns out, the show was alsoMake matchesAbout a future in which we are bombarded by the Internet advertising, where even terrorists become stars of reality and that a new crime empire would be built in virtual spaces like 4chan.

The six million dollarspredicts Bionic members

6 billion dollar man tv shows predicted the future

If you grew up in the 70s, you probably had fantasies about becoming Lee Majors, the bionic star ofThe six million dollars. Imagine being able to run at superhuman speeds, view at enormous distances with your bionic eyes and lift your tanks with bionic limbs! Well, we are closer than ever to becoming Bionics more than fodder for a childhood dream. The robotic prostheses are increasinglybecome a realityWith a laboratory working on a high-tech arm that can be controlled with the mind of a person. And then there's the Argus II bionic eye in good faith, which is currently in clinical trial and could beAvailable to the publicvery soon.

Thunderbirdspredicted skype

the thunderbirds tv shows predicted the future

This series of actions bizarballiennes 60s, made entirely with puppets,followsA former astronaut billionaire and his five adult son who protect the planet damage with their futuristic ships, all called Thunderbirds. Among their many technological marvels, a communication device that worked as a phone, but with a television screen that allows you to look at the person you call. Fifty years later, even your grandparents use video conferencing services such as Skype, FaceTime and Google Hangouts.

Friendspredicts Facebook

friends tv shows predicted the future

WhenRoss introduced its Chandler Pal In 2003 a new website designed exclusively for college students - something that Facebook would introduce a year later, he called a place to "post messages for people, everyone knows what you are."

Chandler Fashion Snarky, responded to Ross with, "Oh, a faster way to tell people that I'm unemployed and childless." So not onlyFriendsPredicting an empire built on social media people who say "what are you up to," but it also predicts sarcasm rolling her eyes and she would inspire deep depression that comes with constantly compare your life with ' other forum online forum online in a no apparent reason online forum.

To laughpredicted the fall of the Berlin Wall

laugh-in tv shows predict the future

"News of the future," a recurring segment on the window of the wildly popular comedyRowan and Martin laugh-in-whomake run Between 1968 and 1972 - was supposed to be a pure satire. Obviously, they were not really reported on the future. With one exception, they were exactly right. "There was dancing in the streets today as the East Germany finally tore the Berlin Wall"A joke started. It was during the height of the Cold War and one at the time thought that the Berlin Wall was going nowhere. And it is not at least not for 20 years. But here the same part unknown. It's not so much that the comedy show has predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, but they said that it would fall in 1989, which is just a year to the current date!

Black mirrorpredicts autonomous drone insects

black mirror tv shows predicted the future

Black mirror, ablurred zoneFor a new generation, is supposed to be a fiction of how technology manipulates modern life. But the show has made repeatedly accurate predictions, contact lenses with cameras in them to pirates on pirate singing their victims.

The three final season in 2016, which is most disturbing about the target.Featured Drone Insects pollinate flowers in a world where the bees became extinct. We are closer to this reality that you can realize, with some companies of a dynamic ProX Norway-management to reduce the size robotic hummingbird. There are also successful research in the creation of autonomous dronesReplicate a swarm activity. Robot Bees are coming!

Development stoppedpredicted the US-Mexico border wall

arrested development tv shows predicted the future

During the four season of the cult showDevelopment stoppedin 2013,a parcel lines is particularly similar to our current political landscape. George Bluth, the family patriarch, landed a government contract to build a wall along the US border from Mexico, "keep the Mexicans out of America," but he has no intention to finish the job. Sound familiar? Will Arnett, who plays Gob Bluth on the show, said in an interview "What is great is how (President Trump) could, you know, sort of shoehorn its way into our account we have actually created with the wall years ago. "

The jetsPredicting flat screen TVs

the jetsons tv shows predicted the future

It's a little surprising how muchThe jetsis right. They predicted rugs for dogs and clocking clocks and even roombas. But the only prediction that probably seemed the impossible to the most ridiculously impossible public during the 1960s, when the cartoon firstcreated, was the flat screen TV of the futuristic family. It could not have been more different from the classic TVs at the time, which were big and cumbersome and had to be transported by plane and out of the house. No, no, we're kidding, but TVs during this time were far from elegant LCD screens that we have today, or that the jets were looking in their living room in the sky.

Quantum jumpSuper Bowl xxx predicts

quantum leap tv shows predict the future

It's a thing to predict a Super Bowl winner, but it's another thing entirely toto predict the complete scoresix yearsbefore the game is even played. That's what happened during an episode of 1990 ofQuantum jump, an hour of travel showing on a scientist who "jumps" in other periods. In this second season episode, the main character ventures in the year 1996 and ends up watching the Super Bowl, where he mentions that the Pittsburgh Steelers are "three points behind". Fast forward at six years later, not only the Steelers of the Super Bowl but at one point during the match, they lost to Cowboys 20-17.

EpoksPreview London Metro Bombardment

spooks tv shows predict the future

This BBC drama - the title is a family for spies - followed a team of secret British agents devoted to stopping terrorists before being able to hit. If only life was like that, where good guys still prevail and that terrorist attacks can be stopped before their arrival.

In June 2005, the showturned An episode on terrorists trying (and fail) to bomb trash stations in London. Exactly a month later, real terrorists have tried the same thing, only they managed to kill 52 people and injure more than 500 years. Even cooler, the fictitious terrorists ofEpoksI tried to deton a bomb at Kings Cross Station, the same place that true terrorists chose for one of their deadly attacks. The creators have been so disturbed that they briefly consider to draw the episode completely, but they finally chose to include a responsibility for non-responsibility at the beginning, ensuring the viewers that what they were about to see Do not rest on real events.

breaking Badpredicts a chemistry teacher doing drugs

breaking bad tv shows predicted the future

If the AMC success showsbreaking BadWe learned anything, it is that secondary chemistry teachers should not attempt to complete their income by manufacturing illegal substances. Someone apparently did not receive this message, because in 2014, one year after the show Bryan Cranstonbroadcast His final series, a chemistry professor at Portland College, Oregon was arrested for executing his own laboratory. According to the police, they found documents in his home who detail "how to reinstall methamphetamine, as well as a handwritten scientific formula at the bottom of the page."

Scrubpredicts where Oussama bin Laden

scubs tv shows predict the future

Osama Bin Laden was still cached in 2006 when he wasappointed abandoned During an episode of the Sitcom HospitalScrub. When JD (the character of Zach Braff) tries to learn more about the war in Iraq, which he realizes that he knows nothing about, the concierge (Neil Flynn), a guy who always exaggerates his knowledge and his Backstory said, "We should look for Ben Laden in Pakistan. "

Its Devin was as good as anyone who is at the time, but in 2011, we learned that he was totally correct when the terrorist manager was finally killed at his complex in Pakistan. I guess we should more often take military advice from fictitious sanitation agents.

Family guypredicts Antonin Scalia's death

family guy tv shows predict the future

The guy of the familyWas not afraid to make insipid jokes and their 2007 episode "meet the quagmires" was not an exception, which understood the Grim Reaper revealing that the Supreme Justice of Justice Scalia had been accidentally killed during a Hunting accident with Dick Cheney.

The gag was especially at Cheney's fresh, which inadvertently shot a friend during a hunt for a quail in 2006. But years later, in 2016, Scalia died at a Ranch in Texas after a day of hunting of quail. It was nothing more macabria as theFamily guywriterspredictedBut just the fact that it happened during a hunting trip is enough to make this tightly precious joke.

Scandalpredicts the Saga Edward Snowden

scandal tv shows predict the future

We have been addicted to this political thriller sincecreated In 2012, but we never saw an episode and a thought ", it could totally happen in the real world." This was particularly true for a two episodes in which Olivia Pope (played by Kerry Washington) helps an NSA agent with stolen information that proves that the spying government of American citizens. Ridiculous, right? Would never happen! With the exception of OH wait, a year later, an NSA entrepreneur named Edward Snowden has created securities after fled the classified data that proved that the government spies the US citizens.

Chris Rock Showpredicts the book of Oj Simpson

chris rock show tv shows predicted the future

When O.J. Simpson published his "hypothetical" confession,If I did itIn 2007, the world could hardly believe it. This title felt like a parody. Who could have imagined that the juice would do something so ridiculous and fool? Chris Rock, who's! In 1999, the comedian was featured in his own HBO series calledChris Rock ShowAnd one of the sketchesFeatured Rock Reminiscifing former customers, who included a visit to the Old Superstar of the NFL to connect the instruction video (non-existent),I did not kill my wife ... But if I did it, here's how I would do it. The satirical title was so similar to what eventually became a real book, we must ask ourselves if O.J. I was watching and thought, "Oh yes, I totally fly this idea."

Armed menpredicts on 9/11

lone gunmen tv shows predicted the future

ThisX-FilesSpin-off, which followed a trio of plot theorists and paranormal investigators, did not last longer than a single season, but he left an inheritance that is still difficult to understand. The very first episode of the showFeatured A plot that looked like a hyperactive imagination: the government secretly conspired to divert an airplane and pilot it into the World Trade Center. The episode was broadcast in March 2001, less than six months before life imitated on art. The world will never forget on September 11, but the series that first suggested that such an unthinkable and unthinkable act was even possible for a long time for a long time.

Mr. Robotpredicts Ashley Madison Hack

mr robot tv shows predicted the future

Many people who watched the season a final ofMr. RobotAssumed that writers and producers worked overtime to give the emission of a "torn title" atmosphere. What other explanations were there for one of the characters, Lenny, complaining of his membership in Ashley Madison-a dating site that connects the married people wanting to have any cases - could have been hacked? After all, the episodebroadcast only a few weeks after the same site actuallywasPirated information and user information had been disclosed online to see everything.

CornMr. RobotCreator Sam Esmail insisted that it was not a last minute addition, as Ashley Madison Storyline was in his original script. "I went", I'm a little charming that, "Referencing Ashley Madison" reminds Email. "I ended up cutting it before we knew." It ends up putting the fictional websites hack, before learning that its makeup character was not the only one to have its exposed extramarital ambitions. "It's almost as if the world wanted me to keep the scene of [Ashley Madison] as planned," he says. "It's just things I can not predict. In general, feeling is incredibly surreal."

Monty Python predicts future

monty python tv shows predicted the future

John Cleese and the other members of Monty Python were more than happy to make fools of themselves for the amusement of audiences, imagining more and more ridiculous premises that never existed in real life. To takeThis sketchof the second episode ofThe flying circus of Monthy Python, whotookOn "the problem of the mouse", a phenomenon (fictitious) in which men dressed like mice and went to the holidays to eat cheese and squeaking.

As a psychologist asks at some point, "How many of us can honestly say that at one time or another, he did not feel sexually attracted by mice? I know I have." It had to seem absurd in 1969, when the sketch was broadcast, but perhaps not in 2018, where the "fur" subculture, in which people dress like anthropomorphic animals, it is something that gets evendiscussed on theNational Geographicchannel.

The simpsonspredicts horse meat

simpsons tv shows predict the future
IMDB / Jim Henson Productions

No other show on this list has brought as many precise predictions as Matt Groening's family satire. One of our favorites, if only because it's so weird weird, was an episode of 1994 in which Doris Dinklady Doris, Chief of the cafeteria at Springfield Elementary, iscaught Adding horses to children's food. A disgusting joke without base in reality ... At least until 2013, when meat-based products sold throughout the United Kingdom and Europe, such as frozen beef burgers, were discovered to hold until at 29% horse flesh. Who is 29% more horses than anyone wants in a hamburger!

The year of the Olympic Sex Gamespredicts reality TV

year of sex olympics tv shows predicted the future

The title may seem salary, but this 1968 British mini-series was more Orwell than Hugh Hefner. Located in the future in which the poor and the powerless people are kept obedient on television, the rich ranking class offers a new guaranteed program to keep the masses captivated, a kind of "reality show"Featured Real people who are blocked on a deserted island and forced to coexist and survive without the luxury of modern life. Seems familiar? It only took three decades for American television to borrow the concept and turn it into a real show,Survivor, hosted by Jeff Probst and without all the "just look at that so you do not raise yourself against your oppressors."

Star Trek: deep deep spaceGoogle Glass predicts

star trek tv shows predicted the future

The originalStar Trekpredicts our potential to land a man on the moon and one of his many sequelae,Star Trek: deep deep space, was not about to leave Captain Kirk and his crew to get all the glory telling fortune. In the 1997 episode "Rocks and Shoals", the characters are charactersintroduced has a "Virtual display device"This allows them to see things outside their immediate location - and according to Captain Sisko, has at least one side effect: headaches. The others are nevertheless fascinated, with a single character noting that it is like" Have a screen of view inside your brain. "It could also have been the Google Glass slogan, introduced in 2013 and welcomed with much more enthusiasm than the doubtful crew of a Federation Space Station.

24predicts the first African American president.

24 tv shows predicted the future

When the show firstcreated In 2001, he understood a candidate for the Black Presidency (and a possible president-elected) David Plame, played by Dennis Haysbert. It would be seven years in other years before Barack Obama won the presidency, and some described it as a "Palmer effect" - the British political journalist Nick Bryant described, when a fictional character "helped Create a climate of public acceptance of the notion of black president. "Haysbert agrees that his representation of a competent and competent color president, proves" the possibility that there could be an African-American president ".

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