The strangest reference that each state is extremely proud of

Apparently, we should call this country in the United States Stonehenge's replicas.

From the Golden Golden deck of San Francisco at the door of the clouds in Chicago, there isemblematic monuments dispersed in all 50 states. Some, however, are certainly more unusual than others. In Alabama, for example, people are proud of unclaimed luggage. And more in Louisiana, one of the most popular paversites is that ofNicolas Cage-Evene if it is not yet dead. For your fun, we have collected the strangest and unique landmark that each state is extremely proud. Hey, we all need something to stay, right? And for more things that make each single state, check theAn obscure fact, we bet you did not know about your state.

Alabama: The unclaimed luggage center

scottsboro, alabama unclaimed baggage center, weirdest state landmark

Have you ever wondered where your "missing" luggage disappear? Well, it is quite possible that your forgotten long wand is sitting in an installation of Scottsboro, Alabama. This city houses theUnclaimed Luggage Center, a single store that sells lost or unclaimed plane luggage objects. Retail you will find everything from iPad to a$ 15,000 Rolex Watch. The unique store has become an emblematic symbol andtourist attraction For the state of Alabama, hosting more than one million visitors every year of more than 40 countries. And find out more about your lost bags,This is what happens to all your missing luggage.

Alaska: The abandoned hotel Igloo City

abandoned igloo city hotel in cantwell alaska, weirdest state thing

What is a hotel without guests? Just ask for the Igloo City hotel in Alaska. In 1960, craftsmanLeon Smith started construction onIgloo City, in the hope of creating a singleHotel experience For visitors around the world. However, the Igloo of 58 pieces was still not up to the construction code standards of the Smith era died in 1999. Its dream of the igloo being a hotel filled with guests never rendered in conclusion. Today, it is a place for travelers to visit and amaze yourself with what could have been - from outside, that is to say. And if you want to experiment with insane hotels that are operational, check these17 floating hotels simply magical.

Arizona: The Turquoise Arc McDonald's

mcdonalds sedona arizona blue arches, wow interesting facts

You will not find the Arches of Iconic Golden McDonald in the city of Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is known for its natural beauty and the city is fighting to make sure nothing hurts that. So when a McDonald was built in Sedona in 1993,officials of the city Would only accept a blue "M" blue, as they felt that gold would face the surrounding red rocks of the earth. Though there isMore than 36,000 McDonald's restaurants around the world, this Iceon Arizona destination is the only one to present turquoise arches.

Arkansas: The Café Orange Mammoth

mammoth orange cafe, redfield arkansas, weird state landmarks

This orange coffee is not in the case to sell real oranges. Rather, the orange mammoth coffee is aGiant Orange Restaurant On the edge of the Roufield road, Arkansas, known to serve fries specialties like fried pies and fried catfish. And for more England, checkThe most common street name in each state.

California: Salvation mountain

salvation mountain in california, weirdest state landmark

In the California desert,Salvation mountain Stands, featuring many biblical verses and religious murals. The expansive artwork has been createdover 25 years throughLeonard Knight as a tribute to Christianity. As a now emblemic symbol for California, the picturesque hill has been presented throughoutKesha Music Video "Praying" at the 2007 movieIn nature.

Colorado: The largest range in the world

world's largest fork, colorado, weird state landmarks

There is a national competition for the largest fork in the world and Creede, Colorado, is home to the FrontRunner. Created to an upanother big fork In Missouri, this aluminum sculpture is 40 feet long and weighs more than 600 pounds.

Connecticut:The giant frog bridge

frog bridge in connecticut, weird state landmarks

A bridge of nearly 500 feet covers the length of the Willimantic River in Connecticut. But what makes it so unique is not its size - it is the four bronze frog statues of 11 feet high height perched at the top of the wire coils worshiping its corners. Why are frogs, ask? Added by the artistLeo Jensen In the early 90,local historiansAsk the sculptures were built to represent the 1754 "Freng Farter" during which many people have confused the sounds of dying frogs for foreigners who kill the residents of the city.

Delaware:The giant doctor bag

giant doctor bag delaware, weird state landmarks

A giant doctor bag is outside the Apex Medical Center in Newark, Delaware. However, the only person able to wear this bag around is a literal giant, seeing that it is nearly 20 feet high! And for stronger sculptures in each state, checkThe most ugly statue in each state.

Florida:The largest entertainment in the world McDonald's

world's largest entertainment mcdonalds, florida, united states, weirdest state landmark

Of course, you can find a McDonald's on just about every street corner in America, but only one of these is theThe largest entertainment in the world McDonald's. The original closed in 2015, but fortunately, the company decided to replace it with a bigger and better in Orlando, Florida, in 2016. This super-size location has a children's playground. 22 feet and more than 100 arcade games.

Georgia:The tree that owns

athen georgia tree that owns itself, weird state landmarks

One of the strangest things you will find in Georgia is a treeless tree. Only named "tree that relies herself", this white oak in Athens, Georgia, wasawarded autonomy In the 19th century through an action, the landowner attracted before his death. As indicated, the tree has been given rights on the ground of eight feet, he stood on and while the tree of origin was overthrown by a storm in 1942, the neighbors planted a new tree in his place To honor the wishes of the original owner. And for strange strange facts, consult the25 craziest facts on the south.

Hawaii:The largest labyrinth of hedges in the world

largest maze in hawaii, weird state landmarks

TheDolut In Wahiawa, Hawaii, is not just at home of some of the Joviouses of America; It also houses theThe largest labyrinth of hedges in the world. Planting the company, you can stick on some juicy fruits while sailing through more than three acres of Hawaiian hedges.

Idaho:The biggest beagle of the world

idaho cottonwood beagle dog park, weird state landmarks

Thisgiant Good boy is located in Cottonwood, Idaho, what is correctly named Bark Park dog. Maybe the biggest beagle in the world, this dog building is actually asmall bed and breakfast that you can rent a room. Beagle's inn was built by a local husband and a woman's wife in 2003, and now offers a gift shop and a reception center that attracts manydog loving citizens every year.

Illinois:The bottle of Catsp Brooks

large brooks catsup bottle water tower in illinois, weird state landmarks

In the south of downtown Collinsville in Illinois stands theThe largest bottle of catsup in the world. (Yes, it's Catsup, not ketchup.) Unfortunately, however, there is no condiment in this bottle. Built in 1949, the structure works instead of a water tower. It is known to be an emblematic landmark, although strange in Illinois and is even listed on theNational Register of Historic Places.

Indiana:The martini-drinking elephant

martini pink elephant, weird state landmarks

Perched on a wooden trolley, this glasses bearing andPink pink elephant-sipping pink Headquarters outside a local alcohol store in Fortville, Indiana. When the statue is not outside the guard, it is treated in local holiday festivals.

Iowa: The Hula Hoop Tree

hula hoop tree in iowa, weird state landmarks

Overcast in more than50 hoops of hula, this tree in Amber, Iowa, is definitely a strange luminaire. According to the inhabitants, the tree was apparently adorned with two hula hula after a storm - and since then, colored hoops have just appeared around its branches over the years.

Kansas:The largest string ball in the world

world's largest ball of twine, kansas, weird state landmark

Probably one of the strangest state benchmarks is the largest ball of the world in Cawker City, Kansas. Starts withFrank Staeber In 1953, the ball weighed nearly 5,000 pounds and stood at eight feet in 1961 when it was given as a gift to the city. Today theball remains a tourist attraction of iconic Kansas and citizens still add a spike every year at theTwine-athon.

Kentucky:The water tower "Florence y'all"

florence y'all tower in kentucky, weird state landmarks

Over the years, theFlorence Y'all Tower Waterhas become an emblematic symbol of Kentucky. Located off the Interstate in Florence, Kentucky, the developers of a high and coming shopping center gave the land to the city for the water tower in the early 1970s with the stipulation he had to say "Florence Mall". However, after the legal concerns surrounding the advertising of an unclassible shopping center, the city officials had to blur up and possibly change the words to "Florence Y'all" profitably.

Louisiana:Tomb pyramid of Nicolas Cage

nicolas cage tomb in new orleans louisiana

Surrounded by a routity, tombs elderly in the century in the oldest cemetery of New Orleans is a modern white pyramid marked asTHE FUTURE TOMBES From Cage Nicolas, who bought the plot about a decade ago. At nine feet tall, he has the Latin words "Omnia ab uno" inscribed on it, which means "all of one of one". Despite the actor still alive, the strange sculpture has become a strange attraction in Louisiana.

Maine:The bean boot L.l.

giant boot ll bean headquarters maine, iconic state photos

Thisbig boot, which seats outside the L.l flagship store. bean in Freeport, Maine, is one of the biggestIcon Landmarks. At 16 feet high, it is estimated at a size of 410 feet (speaks of a giant!).

Maryland:Starry Night in door buttons

starry night in doorknobs, maryland, weird state landmarks

AlthoughVincent Van Gogh originalStarry NightPeaceful seat in the New York Modern Art Museum, you can get an overview of a redesigned version in Bethesda, Maryland. Located on the side of a hardware store,Wall paint was created Using more than 1,250 door buttons and door accessories by the store owner,David Goldberg. Thanks to his work of art, Goldberg is now often called Town like David van Go-Berg. And for more interesting Tidbits on the world of art, here is here25 Secrets of Spirit Hidden In Famous Art Works.

Massachusetts:The turtle boy statue

turtle boy fountain statue, massachusetts, weird state landmarks

This strange sculpture is well known in the massachusetts thanks to its conception less than kosher of a young boy, young boy, driving a sea turtle. The sculpture located in Worcester, Massachusetts - inspired t-shirts, visits and even aFull website. It was created byCharles Y. HarveyAlthough the artist died before it can be finished.

Michigan:The largest cherry pie pan in the world

world's largest cherry pie pan, weird state things

Michigan houses theThe largest cherry pie pan in the world And the largest cherry tray of the old world. Only 50 miles away, the two landmarks haverivalry Between the cities of Charlevoix and Traverse City. The original was built in 1976 in Charlevoix, but when Collé City built his pile stove of 28,000 pounds in 1987, it took the cake or, well, pie.

Minnesota:The largest autonomous hockey stick

world's largest hockey stick, minnesota, weird state landmarks

At the corner of Monroe Street and Grant Avenue in Eveleth, Minnesota, seatThe largest autonomous hockey stick in the world. Weighing about 10,000 pounds, he replaced the sticks of three tons of three tons of the city after the city learned that a city in British Columbia had bought a stick that rivalked. The stick is only named "free" because while the Canadian version is technically larger, it stands bolted on the side of a building - unlike the iteration of Eveleth.

Mississippi:The golden finger pointing to the sky

gold hand pointing towards the sky, weird state landmarks

A giant hand hasadorned the summit From the first Presbyterian church of Port Gibson, Mississippi, since 1860. While the original hand was made of wood, the current hand is made of metal and was bought to place at the top of the bell tower in 1903. The pointing finger was inspired by the the original minister church,Dr. Zebulon Butler, who would gesture towards the sky during most of his sermons.

Missouri:The largest gas pump in the world

world's largest gas pump, weird state landmarks

The Missouri is known for having a lot of so-called "The largest in the world"Attractions, the greatest piece of chess in the world with the largest roll of hygienic paper in the world. One of the strangest, however, is a structure of 21 feet built to look like a gas pump. Nicknamed" big pump ", the emblematic structure is sitting in King City and is on theNational Register of Historic Places.

Montana: The Garden of Mille Buddhas

garden of one thousand buddhas in montana, weird state landmarks

Covering more than 10 acres of land, theGarden of Mille Buddhasis a spiritual site and a public park located in Arlee, Montana. Starting in 2000, various participants from around the world began to gather on the garden to create Buddha concrete statues to adorn the land (hence its name).


carhenge car sculpture in nebraska, weird state things

England can have the emblematic Stonehenge, but alliance, Nebraska, aCarager, a car replica of the English monument. It consists of 38 spray-painted gray automobiles to look more like stones. Created in 1987 byJim Review As his father's memorial, the destination has become a big point of landmark for Nebraska while Stonehenge is for England, even if a little strange. And if you want to head to Nebraska to view this strange statue, make sure to checkThe best trips from the road in the Midwest.

Nevada:The extraterrestrial mailbox

alien mailbox in nevada, weird state landmarks

You will not find much on Nevada's Highway 375, except for the mysteriousextraterrestrial mailbox. The only landmark on a 40-mile section, it is 12 miles from Zone 51 and serves as an iconic place for extraterrestrial lovers. He is just known like the "black mailbox"Because at the beginning, only one black mailbox stood there where the two white are doing now. In mailboxes, you will find distant and broad visitor letters addressed to" extraterrestrials ".

New Hampshire: The staircase to anywhere

stairway to nowhere, new hampshire, weird state landmarks

"The staircase to anywhere"Is hidden in the woods of Chesterfield, New Hampshire. This strange monument is the vestiges of a castle that burned in 1962. As aprecious artifact New Hampshire, visitors are encouraged not to climb the stairs to keep the remains intact as long as naturally possible.

New Jersey:Lucy the elephant

lucy the elephant new jersey, weird state landmarks

While many road attractions came with the ride of the automobile, Lucy the elephant goes back to the horse and the buggy era, doing soone of the oldestSurvivors tourist attractions in America. Thissix-storey elephant was created as a building in 1881 hoping to attract visitors to Margate City, New Jersey.

New Mexico:The largest pistachio nuts in the world

world's largest pistachio roadside attraction pistachioland, new mexico, weird state landmarks

The largest pistachio nut in the world is 30 feet high in Alamogordo, New Mexico. It's outsidePistachio, a vineyard of 111 acres of pistachio to more than 12,000 pistachio trees. The sculpture was erected in 2008 to honor the founder of Pistachioland,Thomas McGuinn.

New York: The naked cowboy

the naked cowboy new york city

Unlike other states, the strangest Treasure of New York is not a monument or a building; Instead, it's theNaked cowboy.Robert John Burck is an Ohio artist who has become an emblematic symbol because of his performance from the Times Place of New York. It is difficult to miss it, see that it did only a cowboy hat, boots and white underwear.

North Carolina:The largest dresser in the world

north carolina world's largest chest of drawers, weird state landmarks

In the highlight, North Carolina, aConvenient 32 feet tall is located just out of the side of the road. Built in 1926, it was intended to mark the strong point that theCapital of furniture in the world, with two socks hanging from the middle drawer to honor the killing industry of the city.

North Dakota: Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea are shown

big lewis and clark statue figures, north dakota, weird state landmarks

If you are looking for giantcolored Shipping Cutouts Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea, then Bismark, North Dakota, is the place for you. The light and abstract statues represent nearly 30 feet high and are housed next to a replica of the 1800s's quillot they used.

Ohio:The basket building

newark ohio Longaberger Company basket building, iconic state photos

Newark, Ohio, houses the only onebasket-shaped building in America. The seven-story building was created in 1997 as the seat ofLongaberger Company And has been designed as a replica of the popular picnic basket of the manufacturer.

Oklahoma: The largest pop bottle of the world

world's largest pop bottle of arcadia oklahoma, weird state landmarks

TheThe largest pop bottle of the world seat outsidePops In Arcadia, Oklahoma, on the emblematic road 66. Take after the road, it is located on, the bottle pop, called "bubbles", is 66 feet high and is covered with hundreds of multicolored LED lights.

Oregon: The smallest park in the world

mill ends park in portland, hard state facts

Many parks are venerated for their large area, but one is honored for the opposite exact. OregonMills ends the parkis a small plot of greenery located on a median in the middle of the road in Portland. Only 452 square inches, it was judged theThe smallest park in the world.

Pennsylvania:Koontz coffee maker

coffee pot building koontz Pennsylvania, weird state landmarks

This coffee-shaped building was created in 1927 byDavid Koontz To attract people to his gas station in Bedford, Pennsylvania. Over the years, theCoffee maker Has been used as a bus station, a bar and a dinner - but after almost torn in 2000, it has been restored and installed in the Bedford County County Exhibition Center where visitors can go inside for S ' to amaze historical artifacts of the city.

Rhode Island:The biggest bug in the world

famous big blue bug, rhode island, weird state landmarks

The 58 feet long "Big blue bug"Providence, Rhode Island, can be scary, but it is strangely loved by the inhabitants of the city nevertheless. The pest management company that houses the historic point has even sold the limited edition of big animals stuffed with blue bug. Big Blue is so loved, in fact that a woman has theTattooed mascot on his leg.

Caroline from the south:Peach

gaffney peach statue south carolina, iconic state photos
Flickr / Treybunn22

Called affectionately "Peach, "This fishing statue is a water tower inside the Interstate 85 in Gaffney, South Carolina. It was built in 1981 to establish the fact that South Carolina produces more fisheries than Georgia, despite the known Georgia as the state of fisheries. Fisher even had acameo On NetflixCards house.

South Dakota:The corn's palace

corn palace in mitchell south dakota, weird state landmarks

The corn's palace In Mitchell, South Dakota is only covered with corn-based murals and other grains. Built to highlight the healthy agricultural climate of South Dakota, the current palace was erected in 1921 and is the third iteration of the building. Used as a versatile space, the corn palate is redecorated each year and is visited every year of about 500,000 tourists.

Tennessee:Egyptian Pyramid of Bass Pro Shops

memphis pyramid, tennessee, iconic state photos

On Tennessee, people are busy worshiping aBass Pro Shops Store. ThePyramid of Memphis In Memphis, Tennessee, was originally built in 1991 as a sports arena. However, he was abandoned in 2004 and, in 2015, he reopened that Bass Pro Shops Megastore.

Texas:The Eiffel Tower wearing a cowboy hat

eiffel tower wearing a cowboy hat in paris texas, weird state landmarks

You do not have to go to the end of Paris, in France, to see the Eiffel Tower - just the head onParis, Texas. The reply of the iconic Parisian monument was built in 1993 and adorned with a Cowboy hat in 1998 to give Texas Flair. Nevertheless, this 65-foot model is less than one-tenth of the True Eiffel Tower size.

Utah:The hole n "the rock

hole n the rock landmark near moab utah, weird sate landmarks

One of the main attractions of the road is located at the MOAB, Utah motorway. There you will find a rock of sandstone with the words "Hole n "the rock"Painted in big white letters. Originally, start as a small cave, the hole has been extended and transformed into a 5,000 square feet house, 14 rooms in the 1950s by a man namedAlbert Christensen. Albert and his wife have both dead, but the rock is always like a tourist attraction.

Vermont:The highest workbook in the world

world's largest filing cabinet, vermont, weird state landmarks

Burlington, Vermont, houses theThe highest file firm in the world. At 38 feet high, the structure is made of true welded file cabinets on each other. It was built in 2002 by a local artist namedBren Alvarez, and even have peoplegather to adore it.


foamhenge statue
Flickr / Ryan LINTELMAN

The stone of England seems to be the inspiration of many replicas.Foamhenge is a replica of life size of the life of life built by the styromataCline In 2004 and transferred to Centville, Virginia, 2017. Initially constructed asApril Fool, the attraction was created in just six weeks - an hour of recovery much faster than that estimated by the true Pierrehenge1,500 years.

Washington:The Fremont Troll

fremont troll under aurora bridge in washington, weird state landmark

If you look under the MEMORIAL GEORGE WASHINGTON bridge in Seattle, Washington you will find a real troll. TheMixed media sculpture Has been designed by four artists in 1990 for an artistic competition to rehabilitate the area under the bridge where illegal activity was common. Now a beloved creature, the city even houses a birthday party for the Troll Fremont every Halloween called "Speak. "

Western Virginia:Modest

legend of mothman statue

According to the legend of Western Virginia, a man "of night form" was seen around the state in the late 1960s. The Mothaman - as he was known - became a mythical figure as emblematic of the history of West Virginia that the city of Point Pleasant has created an annualMothman Festival, during which they unveiled a statue of the creature in 2003.

Wisconsin:Chaty Beautiful

chatty belle talking cow, neillsville wisconsin, weird state landmarks

Chaty Beautiful was built for the 1964 World Fair in Neillaville, Wisconsin. If Chatty Beautiful is not the biggest cow's statue out there, sheis the "The largest talking cow of the world, "Thanks to a voicemail in its base that scrutinized the dairy facts to pay visitors.

Wyoming:The largest arch of the world Elkhorn

world largest elkhorn arch in wyoming, weird state landmarks

If you end up with Highway 89 in Wyoming, take a detour to see theThe largest ark of Elkhorn in the world in Afton. At 75 feet wide and 18 feet high, this unique arch extends over a four-way street and contains more than 3,000 tissue woods. Created in 1958, the CRA needs a new layer of plastic finish each year to keep it intact. And for strange and wonderful places in America,This is the most underestimated travel destination in your state.

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