Here's what Gen Zers and Millennials really think of previous generations

The thrust goes in both directions.

Older generations are pretty much sure they haveMillennials and Gen Zers understood. They are "titled", "lazy" and do not want to "pay their contributions". Basically they are justHanstone Zombies of social media. The baby boomers spend so much time trying to dissect the "children of today" that they never take a break to wonder what all these young clogs are thinkingthem.

But it's important because, for better or worse, these people are their children orsmall children. So, it's time to cope with reality and discover what millennia and zers actually think of older generations.

They ruined the economy.

jar with college savings money in it, things that annoy grandparents
Shutterstock / Designer491

MillenniumThe Wall Street newspaper journalistJoseph Sternberg was very specific about who his generation should blame for their financial problems. It was right there in the subtitle of his book,The decade flight: how baby boomers flew the economic future of the Millennials. As he saidVox: "We have suffered from the phenomenon of educational debt because when we could not find a job, many of us went to college. Or we had graduate degrees. Ourboomer parents We encouraged to finance a large part of the debt, on the principle that it would end up paying on the labor market. But it was clearly wrong and we pay the price for that. "

It's not just speculation. Motley's fool, a financial advisory site,predicted that baby boomers can escape the benefits of social security from 20 to 25% by 2034, just around Gen Xers start startingoutgoing. This means, at the moment when the millennia and the zers are ready to give up the rack, it will not remain bigger (if something) for their golden years.

And their opinions on student debt are bad up-to-date

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Millennials and Gen Zers can still have the best approach - aMark Zurickwhotweeted About the boomers who think "we should not have a mortgage because they" worked hard "to pay their loans. Finish, Susan, your tuition fees amounted to $ 300 a year and you could Refund three teams at the metro. "

Coarse? Absoutely. But the bigger point is valid. TheCost of the college Has not simply increased in the last six plans, one year at a public university costs 3,700% more than in 1964, according to 2019GOBANKINGRES ANALYSIS.

Natalie, a 19-year-old UCLA student, Cassa onTumblr With a comparison side by side of what the two generations - the youngest and older have had to deal with graduate studies.

Annual Courses for Yale, 1970: $ 2,550
Annual course for Yale, 2014: $ 45,800
Minimum wage, 1970: $ 1.45
Minimum wage, 2014: $ 7.25
Daily hours at the minimum wage needed to pay tuition in 1970: 4.8
Daily hours at the minimum wage needed to pay tuition in 2014: 17.3

The numbers speak for themselves!

They have too much control over politics.

reading newspaper

According to a 2018Axios / SurveyMonkey Survey51% of the millennials are almost safe that boomers aggravate things for their generation. And, be it mandate limits for members of the Congress or simply the suggestion that more young peoplego outMost of the millennia interviewed agreed that becoming more involved in politics was the only way to generate their generation.

This is an opinion that you will also find widely shared on Twitter. "These boomer politicians need to stop and let the gen xers and millennia clean their mess"A user has noticed. Some political critics argued that 2020 could very well be the year when millennia and zers finally become a political force to count. "Our day Will Come,"writing Political Columinist Sternberg. "When we do it, we must understand what went wrong over the last decade so that we can make better choices than our parents."

They kill the planet.


Climate change is steeply the biggest threat for the future of humanity. Every day we see titles like "Previous generations have created a climate crisis for millennia and generation Z. "And when you look at the data, it's hard to discuss. According to one2019 Analysis of Carbonbrief, boomers used as carbon as future generations will have a live carbon budget nearly eight times lower than their grandparents if they want to avoid disaster.

The millennia and the zers are increasingly frustrated by not only their current and future situations, but also by the lack of recognition of their role in the problem. A Twitter userwrote, "My father is a strong change of climate change, but will no longer be retiring in the south of Florida Cuz ', he will flow in the ocean' Lol Baby Boomers is fun." And a shared tumblr user thathypothetical conversation:

"Adult politicians: Adolescents should not vote because the part of their brain that deals with the priority of the long-term objectives on immediate satisfaction is not completely developed.

Teenagers: Please stop destroying the planet

Adult politicians: But the planet will not be voluntarily for decades and I want oil money now. "

They blame the youngest generations to destroy the industries they love.

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Boomers tend to blame young generations for killing industries, everything fromcereal Todiamonds Tomotorcycles. Or as a youngabstract On Twitter, "Baby Boomer: Millennials kills ... * Spin Wheel * Nectarine industry!"

A particular contention point has been department stores, such as Sears, Kmart and Macy's. They have been money in hemorrhage, losing billions of billions and fervent more and more doors for good. WhenRecent ABC News History wondered, "Is it because of a millennials?" A discontented Twitter userresponded: "The baby boomers killed polar bears but good right, my deepest excuses of J.C. Penney."

They are part of the false epidemic of news.

older woman on computer, things that annoy grandparents

In a thread of reddit where millenniaDistributed their grievances on boomers and gen xers, user@Thenekomatta Asked, "Why is most older generations (and millennia) may have something called acellphone In their pocket and decide never to take a minute to check something that seems suspicious? The truth is that false news is a real problem, and older generations are not only the most likely to believe it, but also to share it.

A 2019 study published in the journalAdvance of science I found that people over 65 were seven times more likely than their younger counterparts to distribute false or misleading stories on social media sites. So, if a baby boomer shares a link to a controversial story "News" on their Facebook page, it's a nice bet they did not search Google to make sure the information was accurate.

And they should spend more time on the internet.

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The baby boomers and Gen Xers have certainly liked to tell the generations of the youngest that the Internet breaks down their brains. But a 2008 study out of theUniversity of California, Los Angeles, discovered that Internet search can help stimulate and possibly improve brain function, especially among "older and older adults".

So, the older generations may not spend almostquite Time online. Some Gen Xers and Baby Boomers are very easily confused by the Internet and how to use it often treat it as a foreign entity. "I like baby boomers who say that" children do not even know howwrite CURSIF 'in a negative way, "Gen ZerZach Wallen Written on Twitter. "Like," OK grandmother, you can not even turn your laptop without having 6 viruses and wiring half of your retirement money to a Nigerian prince. "" An unfair generalization? Sure. But it's funny (and a little true).

It is the worst patterns (and colleagues).

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Younger employees get the biggest criticism for being difficult at work. But one2011 workplace surveyI found that the exact opposite may be true after interviewing 774 workers in the public, private and non-profit sectors in Australia. The researchers found that four out of five baby boomers do not even want to work with other baby boomers because they are so difficult at the workplace. "Baby boomers will have to reinvent themselves so that their own generation and other generations will be able to work for them," saidGoldsmith Adrian, who led the investigation.

Millennials and Gen Zers, for the most part, have a very good sense of humor on theirFrustrating colleagues. ALos Angeles Times The writer offered aLanguage guide in the cheek To deal with baby boomers at work, including shots, such as: "older colleagues can shoot comments such as" I have children of your age! "In no case should you emphasize that you have their age. Just smile and do not stop smiling for the duration of your job."

They romonate their past.

baby boomer talking about past

The decline is not always 20/20, especially in boomers and gen xers. The oldest they get, the more they seem to watch their respective young people with pink glasses.

"It's so sad to see howgeneration of children Do not even go out (because) they are addicted to smartphones, "wrote aTwitter User, Impression of older generations. "What happened to the days when children actually left the house to bring together wild plants or agonize manual work in textile mills until the death of Scarlatin at the age of 12?"

Millennium self-proficientCaroline McCarthy went after Gen Xers in a story forSpectator Called "Speed ​​Me, Generation X: You are not so special." In the article, it has been educated the so-called lazy generation by reminding them that it struck fixed lines and the way you have found your first apartment in a classified advertisement at the back of a weekly alt- Weekly is "the general equivalent to tell the children you used to cross the snow to go to school every day. (Mounted, both senses!) "

They ruined the housing market.

1960s huge suburban ranch home sits on green grass with white picket fence
Classicstock / Alamy Stock Photo

As Twitter userTALIE F E underline, "If I had a dollar for every time a baby boomercomplains About my generation, I would have enough money to buy a house on the market they ruined. "It may seem like acidic grapes, but the 2017Study on the Housing Shortage of found that 85% of baby boomers do not plan to sell their homes over the next year. "As a growing population of baby boomers deciding to stay, there are about 33 million properties, many of which are urban condos or suburban single-family homes - the most popular choices for the millennia", notes researchers.

"Boomers actually hold the key to these houses the market desperately needed,"'s Chief Economist,Danielle Hale, RecountHousing wire.

They assume that all young people are lazy and have no work ethics.

woman eating popcorn laying on the couch watching TV

Nothing irritates a millennium or a zer more than being returned with acultural stereotype-Inter a "assumed" lack of work ethics. Even the former presidentBarack Obama A goal of younger generations for not having enough ambition. "You are competing against young people in Beijing and Bangalore," he saysIn a speech of 2012 at the National Urban League. "They do not hang out. They do not happen. They do not play video games. They do not look atTrue housewives. I say that like that. It's a double-mean drive street. You must make success. "

Mark Lurie, the CEO of a company where it has "a lot worked with millennia", think the problem is a fundamental misunderstanding. Baby boomers are used to a system where hard work is rewarded with increases and promotions, and if you stay long enough, a pension and a 401K. It is not the same world as millennia have inherited.

"Employment security and long-term investments no longer exist in the world of modern work," wrote Lurie onQuora. "The millennia expect to be drawn or let go regularly, so they want to work directly with their own career fairness, which are the skills and their experiences that help them improve their career prospects. They know that their time is limited , then they are not investing in things outside their own way. "

They think the millennia and the zers are those that are easily triggered.

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Baby boomers and Gen Xers like to throw words like "snowflake" when commissioning the youngest generations for their supposed of fine skin and emotional fragility. But Millennials and Gen Zers think it's an example of pot calling the black kettle. "If a generation is a generation, it's really" generation snowflake ", you would be struggling to find anyone who corresponds to the box as well as baby boomers", millennium authorChris Ward to crushAverage. "Baby boomers have made art anger."

In 2018, Twitter UserMate Dawooddraw attention has aThe Wall Street newspaper History on boomers offended by the words "seniors" and "old". "I see why they are called baby boomers," he returned.

They are not as funny as they think they are.

Jerry Seinfeld comedians

Certainly, it would be an unfair generalization of pretending that each older generation is deprived of humor. But much of what boomers and Xers Xers find hilarious do nothing for millennia and zers. To takeJerry Seinfeld, for example. It is loved by everyone over 50, but like aThe Twitter user has noticedHe reinforces the suspicion of the millennium that the boomer culture is overestimated. "So there isSaturday Night Live, whoVultureDave Schilling (Rather or not)licensed as "deeply rooted in white baby boom ideas of what is funny".

Of course, boomers like to say the same young people. Millennials and Gen Zers have no sense of humor, they insist. Respond to this review, a Twitter young userto move back, "All our generation laughs ...Same internet All day, we simply do not like racist jokes. "

They are obsessed with cars.

Traffic in a City Valentine's Day

Like aRecent Report of the American Public Interest Research Group Indicates that younger generations are simply not so interested in driving previous generations, preferring public transport and alternative options, such as cycling or good walking. "I think the advertising tendency or throating to own fresh cars is less one thing it was for previous generations," said the insurance expertAdam Johnson in an interview withStrong. "Many young people today have other priorities, such as traveling or paying debt."

But boomers? Yes, they still love their cars and their millennia and their zers have noticed. Like a twitter userNoted, "You know that the baby boomers had good because their crisis move at noon bought a dear car." Or, like any otherabstract: "Baby boomers are so materialistic. For them, you did [that] [that] in life if you have good cars and a house. But the American millennia appreciate life more. Most of us would prefer to spend new experiences,hobbyand things we love and we spent passionately. "

They might want to slow it down with alcohol.

older man drinking wine

The youngest generations always get the blame of drinking from the drool and having an abusive relationship with alcohol. But as it turns out, these are truly older generations that should need to reconsider this second (or third or fourth) glass of wine. A 2019 study conducted atMedical School of the University of New York I found that an adult out of 10 out of 65 drank excessively, defined every day five alcoholic beverages.

Here's how a Twitter userdepressed The finger stirring to the drink:

"Boomers: Millennials destroy the world with their feast and depravation!

Millennials: *drink less andhave less sex that their parents *

Boomers: The millennia are not fun, relax and throw you puritains without joy "

They refuse to believe that the millennia do not want their old things.

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You know that Netflix ShowRanger with Marie KondoWhere does the first organizational guru of the planet lead to viewers to get rid of everything that does not "spark"? Well, old furniture and silverware and "good China" have been up to the millennia by their parents and grandparents certainly did not joy.

In an interview with theWashington Post,Stephanie Kenyon, owner of the commissioners and evaluators of Sloans & Kenyon in Chevy Chase, Maryland, delivered this rough reality: "Barely a day, we do not receive calls from people who want to sell a large dining room or a bedroom suite, because no one in the family wants it, "she said. "Millennia do not want brown furniture, rocking armchairs or silver tea tea. Millennials do not polono no money."

They act as younger generations have invented bad choices.


That's right, Millennials and Gen Zers do stupid things in the name of online peer pressure. They ateLaundry detergent pods And gallons of trapped milk took part in stifling challenges and tried out of moving cars (because they saw it in aDuck Musical clip). Mute choices, we agree. But it's also hypocritical forall The older generation to point their fingers, as if the youngest generations are the first to do insane things for sport.

In the 1930s, the children of high school and college swallowed whole red fish and it was a fashion thatI started at Harvard, from all places. And in the 1950s, the students werestuff with a single phone booth See how many bodies could match. Then, in 1964, a group of Yorkshire students, in England, decided to try to set a record of themost people on a bed. The 16 years at the bottom of the stack of 50 people stated that "never again".

Yes, no generation sang the market on terrible ideas, and it does not even end as you grow up. As Twitter userNikki Reimer joker, "Legit has just leaving a baby boomers' gallery trying to talk about Pair pushing me in the helium snow blower. #LifeWith & Boomers #Justsayno." And for the way we are all really more like that we did not think it, here is20 "millennial problems" that actually apply to everyone.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: aging / Career / Funny / humor
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