Kate Hudson reveals why she did not like to kiss Matthew McConaughey

In an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow, the two actors spilled their best Costar kisses.

OrKate HudsonorMatthew McConaugheyare a stranger torom-coms; And the pair played a couple on the screen not once, but twice (in 2003How to lose a guy in 10 daysand 2008Gold with crazy) But in a new interview, the old spilled some details of their great and romanticFilm kissesrevealing that they were not as magical as those of your theater headquarters. Talk toGwyneth Paltrowon herGoopPodcastKate Hudson explained why embracing Matthew McConaughey was not all his fans for assuming it would be.

To be fair, it's not exactly his fault. "The thing is, every time I kiss McConaughey, it's like if there is just something going on and there is like snot or wind ...", started Hudson, according toPeople. "As when we kiss itself at the end ofGold with crazyWe are like in the ocean, we like to have the plane crash. He just had snoots on his face. "

She did not elaborate on any of their kisses inHow to lose a guy in 10 daysBut Hudson told Paltrow that, overall, she thinks she does not have "the best embracing" as Costars and "should have had better".

Saving one of his main men, Hudson added that sheAlmost knownCostarBilly Crudup"Was good," even if the kiss she remembers not to make the movie.

For his part of the conversation, Paltrow targeted the senders of Tony Stark / Pepper Potts saying that lips with herIron ManCostarRobert Downey Jr.was "literally like embracing [her] brother."

For more kisses on the screen who were not as dreamers as they looked at it, keep reading. And to see what some of your favorite stars are up to it, checkThe biggest idols of teen television from the 90s, then and now.

Liam Hemsworth and Jennifer Lawrence inThe hunger Games

Liam Hemsworth and Jennifer Lawrence

According to him,Jennifer Lawrencebasically sabotaged his kisses on the screen withHunger gamesCostarLiam Hemsworth.

"She's one of my best friends, I love him, but if we had aKissing sceneshe would need to eat garlic or tuna fish or knew something that was disgusting, "he said onThe show tonight, according toWomen's health. "Just before the scene, she would like:" Yeah, I had tuna "or" I had garlic, and I did not brush my teeth. "And I'll be like", fantastic, I can not wait to go there and taste it! ""

And for torque stories on the more romantic screen, here is here50 couples of celebrities who met together.

Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst inSpider Man

Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire
ALAMY Stock Photo

This half-masked pliers in the rain in 2002Spider ManPerhaps one of the most emblematic romantic moments in the history of the superhero film, but even the Spidey prefers to be on the right with regard to the embrace.

"There was rain flowing up or down my nose. I could not breathe and I'm breathing the corner of Kirsten's mouth"Tobey Maguiresays to filming this scene withKirsten Dunstby the associated press.

And if you are aSpider ManFAN, discover:Ranking each wonder movie, worse at best.

Bradley Cooper and Sarah Jessica ParkerSex and city

Bradley Cooper and Sarah Jessica Parker
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

Before becoming famous for his right,Bradley CooperGuest-played on an episode ofSex and cityas one of the dates of Carrie. And although she played a sex chronicle on television, Cooper does not have good embracing memoriesSarah Jessica Parker, but not because of his lack of skill.

"Just before getting on the stage, this guy came up and I think he says," SJP does not make a language. No language, man ". And I was like", who is SJP? "Cooper supposed to say, by woman first. "Then she kisses me, then rides me at the front of the car and all I kept thinking, keep your tongue as far as possible in my mouth. It was a nightmare. But she was not great . "

And to see SJP with his actual guy back in the day, discover23 Red Celebrity Red Carpet Photos You must see Believe.

Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segel inhow I Met Your Mother

Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan
ALAMY Stock Photo

I know what you think: not the marshmallow and the water lily! CornAlyson Hanniganhad his reasons not to have appreciated his first television kisses withhow I Met Your MotherCostarJason Segel. Namely, he had an unhealthy habit.

"It's like kissing an ashtray and he's trying to be polished by suffering from gum or mint, but it does not help"Hannigan said, by digital spy.

Segel even struck a bet with Hannigan to help him stop smoking and possibly he succeeds. But when "he was stressed," said the other actor, Segel would pick up the pack again.

Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley inThe spectacular now

Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley
ALAMY Stock Photo

Teller mileshas a little reputation in Hollywood to be unpleasant, although he argued thatit's actually misunderstood. His comments onThe spectacular now Costar Shailene Woodley can illuminate a light on the subject.

"Before Our first embracing scene, Shailene Took these supplements of Chinese dirt and pushed them into his mouth. It's like a pocket of land, "he told the first of the film, by Variety , adding that supplements felt rather raw.

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