11 powerful photos of the vigils after Atlanta shootings

The American Asian community and the Allies gathered as a result of tragedy.

On March 16th,Eight people were shot with three massage shows in the Atlanta region. Six of the people killed were of Asian origin, and all but one were women. While the application of the law has not yet labeled this a hate crime, it hasRaised fear In the American and Pacific Asian community (AAPI). Stop Aapi Hattter, an organization trained to combat anti-Asian discrimination and violence during the Pandemic of Covid, published a statement calling the shooting of a "indescribable tragedy-For the families of the victims first and foremost, but also for the Asian American community, which has resumed high levels of racist attacks over the past year. "The AAPI community and the Allies have come together online as well as in -Person to stay united against hatred. Here are 11 powerful images as a result of the tragedy of March 16, and for more communities that come together, revisits these20 signs of the life of Black Lifs protest everyone should see.

A father and son frequent a vigil.

Father and son at vigil in California
APU Gomes / AFP via Getty Images

A father and son attend a vigil at Candlelights in Garden Grove, California, March 17th.

A woman holds a phone that reads "Stop Asian hatred".

Candelight vigil in California
APU Gomes / AFP via Getty Images

The members of the California community be held together, holding a banner side by side. A woman displays an image of a candle on her phone next to text that reads "Stop Asian hatred".

Women hold a banner.

Candlelight vigil in California
APU Gomes / AFP via Getty Images

Women hold a sign that reads "Stop Asian Hate" and "Protect our elders". And for changes that have followed recent events, see these8 changes that have happened since manifestations of white matter started.

A woman attends a vigil.

Candlelight vigil in California
APU Gomes / AFP via Getty Images

A woman looks during the vigil of California.

Women hold their phones instead of a candle.

Candlelight vigil in California
APU Gomes / AFP via Getty Images

Instead of candles, women hold pictures of candles on their phone.

Women hold a banner "#stopasianhate" at a vigil.

People hold a banner during a candlelight vigil
APU Gomes / AFP via Getty Images

Women stand together with a banner "#stopasianhate" during a vigil. A woman speaks through a microphone to the gathered crowd. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

People gather for a vigil in Washington, D.C.

Vigil Held In Washington, DC To Remember And Honor Atlanta Shooting Victims
Alex Wong / Getty Images

Community members in Washington, D.C., gather in the Chinatown region to honor the victims of shootings with a vigil.

The community meets.

Vigil Held In Washington, DC To Remember And Honor Atlanta Shooting Victims
Alex Wong / Getty Images

People from a variety of horizons join Washington D.C., to appear against hatred. A black woman holds a sign reinforcing solidarity. And for more education on racial justice, here is here13 documentaries on the breed you need to see if you do not have yet.

People gather next to the vault of friendship.

Vigil Held In Washington, DC To Remember And Honor Atlanta Shooting Victims
Alex Wong / Getty Images

A man speaks to Vigil's participants in a microphone next to the archway friendship in Washington, D.c. 'S Chinatown.

Women look during the vigil.

Vigil Held In Washington, DC To Remember And Honor Atlanta Shooting Victims
Alex Wong / Getty Images

Women in the crowd solemnly look during Washington, D.C., Vigil.

One speaker speaks to the crowd.

Vigil Held In Washington, DC To Remember And Honor Atlanta Shooting Victims
Alex Wong / Getty Images

A speaker speaks to the crowd of Vigil who gathered. People hold banners while listening.

For resources for the fight against anti-AAPI racism and violence, see:

Stop Aapi Hate

Asian Therapist, Islander Pacific Islander and Asian South Asian (APISAA)

AAPI Progressive Action

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