The 40 most funny celebrity tweets of 2020
That's a brief, but these poles have always made us ridicule.

Well, we finally reached the end of 2020. Congratulations to you all reading this: you did it. But before going to 2021, which, hopefully, will bring moments lighter and better, let us remember some of the moments that made us laugh through the darkness. While most of us were stuck at home,Social media communication has become even more essential. And these actors, musical artists, television stars on reality and comedians have helped keep the humor alive with tweets on the pandemic, parenthood and other random thoughts jumped in the head. So, if youNeed to smileContinue reading Fon'r the 40 most funny celebrity tweets of 2020. And for the term that dominated, in the last 12 months,It's the word 2020 of the year, says Oxford Dictionary.
1 Macaulay Culkin makes you happy with his birthday

Let's start with thatMacaulay Culkin Tweet, who is really a shock for the system. The only house came out 30 years ago, and back in August, the actor all thrown into tweeting, "hey guys, you want to have aged? I welcome." This fact really strikes for many people, seeing thatTweet has more than three million tastes. To see what the rest of the child's child actors is so far, checkThat's what all children "at the single house" look now.
2 Mariah Carey draws his power

If someonecan accelerate ChristmasIt's the queen of the holiday season herself,Mariah Carey. "Thanksgiving is canceled," she tweeted back in September, doing her best to go through the end of the year. And for holiday songs that are not as well-loved as Carey 'all I want for Christmas, it's you, "CheckThe most hated Christmas songs of all time.
3 Mark Hamill roles the presidential debate and himself

Many celebrities have had thoughts on this year's presidential debates, butMark Hamill's tweet takes the cake. "This debate was the worst thing I've ever seen and I was in the Star Wars Special Holiday," wrote the star. It's been 40 years since the special tunes of criticism, and it's always the goal of the joke.
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4 Dionne Warwick has questions

Dionne WarwickThe Twitter presence is imminent at the end of the year, with this serious question toLuck the rapperStanding among his more popular observations. "Hi, @chancetheap,"She tweeted. "If you are very obviously a rapper, why did you put it in your stage name? I can not help but think about that." To learn more about his fame Twitter, checkThat's really behind hilarious viral tweets from Dionne Warwick.
5 Cardi B considers nature

RapperCardi B Tweets on all of the politics to his music tohis tastes expensivebut she kept it simple withIt can tweeter- "Are ants are they caca?" - It could just let you ask, "Do they ...?"
6 Mindy Kaling is done with food bloggers

If you've ever watched an online recipe and you're done on someone's food's blog,This tweet is for you. Writer and actorKaling Mindy Nailed the feeling of these long personal stories bloggers share before finally arrived at what you came.
"Back when Tim and I lived in Denver, we always wanted a healthy cardiac way to start our day before a strong Colorado morning! It was before having received a diagnosis of GERD, and just after adopting the pepper of Our black laboratory. " Just give me the recipe frittata g ******** "writes.
For more thanOfficestar, checkMindy Kaling has just defended the "Caucasian names" of his children on Instagram.
7 Seth Rogen lacks clumsy social interactions

Naturally, many this year's celebrity tweets have to do with the pandemic, includingthis one ofSeth Rogen. "In order to be wicked again," the funny actor has written. Who does not want to go back to clumsiness of public life?
8 Chris Evans has the best answer to his guy Instagram

In September,Chris Evans accidentally hugged astaffPhoto on its instagram history. But instead of ignoring it all together hetweeted this message on the vote and got more than a million tastes. "Now that I have your attention ..." He joked, "Vote November 3 !!!" It's the head slap Emoji who really does.
For the MCU final hierarchy, discoverRanking each wonder movie, worse at best.
9 Lil nas x becomes real about the new music

LIL NAS X of the famous "old town" is hilarious on Twitter. But as he knows, tweeting alone does not pay.This tweet About the life of its greatest single blow is one way or another at once amusing and bragging. "I'll start loosening music soon the old town of the city that runs," he wrote. I can not wait.
10 Jamie Lee Curtis on his hurry

Respond to a derogatory tweet on 2018 feminist themesHalloween following,Jamie Lee CurtisI returned to an advertising campaign that you may have forgotten. "You're a grumpy goat," she says,follow up a follower who accused him of putting "a theme of #Metoo" in the film because "she was mowed".
"I have sold Activia Yogurt for seven years. I have not been broken," she continued. Do not joke with JLC.
11 Rita Wilson prefers' Rona who comes into a bottle

Rita Wilson and her husbandTom Hanks Were two of the first celebrities who spoke publicly to be diagnosed with COVID-19. And after Wilson's experience, she was certainly on all this pandemic thing. "From there, the only corona I want comes from Mexico and you drink it"she wrote, all the way in March. For more information about Wilson, Hanks and other celebrities that have been positive tested,Here are the most important figures with coronavirus so far.
12 James Blunt saves you a stream

James Blunt Pink with glory (and was tirelessly) with his sweet-pop songs "you are beautiful" and "goodbye my lover" in the mid-2000s. Since then, he has become a such hero of Twitter he has published the bookHow to be a complete and total problem: Journal of a sensation of reluctant social media. He had another shot withthis joke About amateur musicians entertain for quarantine.
"During the lock, while many other artists make mini-concerts of their homes, I thought I would do you a favor and not," he said.
13 Kylie Jenner we got all

Some tweets are Funny Express. Others are funny by accident. ThisKylie Jenner Tweet is suitable for the last category, purely because it gets older. In February, Jenner had no idea that 2020 would go down from there, but she already had "to have enough."
14 Kumail Nanjiani remembers the first days of Lockdown

At the beginning of the pandemic, people were at bread paste, taking advantage of zoom calls and watching bartenders on Instagram - and it almost seemed that locking would not be so bad. "Remember whenStanley Tucci showed us how to do a Negroni and we were like "Ok maybe we're going to go through this quarantine" lol "thing,"actorKumail Nanjianiwritten in August.
15 Chrissy Teigen Fun Pokes in Pandemic Pr

Chrissy Teigen Is basically the queen of Twitter, so of course, she also contributed to the pandemic conversation. As empty platitudes started hitting the waves, shetweeted what we thought: "Does anyone know if we're going to go through that together or not? Or if these moments are certain or uncertain? Nobody let me know."
16 Ken Jennings fails his children

Danger! championKen Jennings has become an unlikely and hilarious Twitter personality over the years. Among his many funny tweets isThis one on raising children. "I have never felt that more failure as a parent than when I learned from my children like cold pizza," he said. And he's right. Who does not like cold pizza?!
17 Gabouey Sidibe tariffs a controversial candy

SIDIBE GABOUEY became a star thanks to the intense dramaPreciousS, but on social media, she has a lot of jokes. This year, she contributed to the ongoing debate on a seasonal treat-IT-or hate-it and made a solid point.
"Provides that I do like candy maize"She tweeted around Halloween. "It's just a hard cake glazing. You are wild."
18 Neil Patrick Harris gives his consideration to a word from the biggest bomb of 2019

By going in a cinema is impossible or risky during the pandemic, many people rent movies at home. IncludingNeil Patrick Harris, who probably dropped more than it should have for one of last yearMost Mocker Movies.
"Our family rented the movieCatslast night. For $ 20, "he tweeted. "Miaou-ch."
19 Chelsea Peretti becomes real about motherhood

If you have over the age of six,Candy LandIs the most boring game on the planet and you should do everything you can to avoid playing it.
"Hide while I hear my son say" his time to play Candyland "in the distance",BRooklyn NEW-NEW-NINE.Chelsea Peretti wrote, who probably received a lot of agreement of other parents.
20 Anna Kendrick on what locking him taught him about herself

Perfect actorAnna Kendrick expressed a feeling almost anyone else can relate to 2020. "I guess I will never lie to myself on all **** I would do if I had just had time," A-T- she writes.This tweet Follows someone someone discovered in writing again this year.
21 Sean Lowe roasses with love of reality dating shows

Remember early in the year when everyone met Netflix's addictive dating showLove is blind? It seems there are ages now, butThis sarcastic tweet ofBachelor StarSean Lowe, who met his wife on his own series of realities, will bring you back immediately.
"My wife bingingLove is blind On Netflix, "Lowe has tweeted". I do not understand. What kind of losers need a stupid TV show to find love? "
22 Dax Shepard shots his shot

It also seemed that everyone binging netflixKing tigerAt the beginning of the pandemic, causing a lot of conversation on who should assume the role of his main personality if a movie was done.Parenthood actorDax Shepard Throw his hat in the ring saying: "If I do not break myself like Joe Exotic In the possible biopic, Hollywood is broken. "
23 Jackeie Harry eats the breakfast of the champions

If your eating habits are a little courant in quarantine, you are not alone. "Sometimes you need hot cheetos and whiskey for breakfast and you do not even ask it,"Jacké Harry Tweeted in September. She also postedA funny follow-up tweet: "Havings tums for dinner."
24 Keke Palmer gives you a verification of the reality of this "cleaning"

Singer and actorKeke palmer Pose a lot of tweets starting with "I do not know who needs to hear that ...", who are often serious or inspiring on the tone. But not always.
"I do not know who needs to hear that, but that lemon water does not do anything,"she wrote, which is particularly funny if you have been told that it is a kind of magic healing.
25 Billy Eichner on his year streaming

At the end of the year, Spotify users can get statistics on the music they listened to the most in theirSpotify wrapped. ActorBilly EichnerThe review of him gave this very specific overview on himself.
"According to the end-of-year Spotify list, I am a white young woman who came from sexually and emotionally in the summer of 1994"he wrote.
26 Issa Rae is tired of quarantine

It did not takeUnsafe Star and creatorIssa Rae Long in the pandemic to come to this conclusion about itself. In March she said what many of us spent several months realized several months.
"I thought I was a house body all this time, but it turns out that I am a Bewherethe **** Iwannabe-Body"She tweeted.
27 Olivia Wilde has a new pet

"Scroll completely Twitter while leaving the dog inside and inaugurated in a moufette instead"Olivia WildeTweeted in June. "Impressed that skunks meet the whistles but also I think Twitter could be bad for me?"
Take it from theBooks Director: Do not let Twitter distract you to the point that you leave wild animals in your home. Please learn from his mistakes.
28 Jesse Tyler Ferguson gets dad-shameful

The new parents are very familiar with the unsolicited advice of perfect friends, knowledge and foreigners, as well as celebrities that use the social media experience that more than anyone.Modern family StarJesse Tyler Ferguson Captured the feeling perfectly after welcoming his first child.
"If you are a new parent and you are nervous, do not worry, there are millions of people on social media who like to tell you what to do and what you would already hurt!"he joked. "It will go!"
29 B.J. Novak looks at the brilliant side

Of course, you can easily access your statistics on your phone on your phone. But are you sure you want?
"I'm on my phone 16 hours a day? Awesome, that means I get a solid 8 hours of sleep"Office StarB.J. Novak Tweeted in May.
30 Conan O'Brien understood everything

"I'm not worried about a second lock",CONAN O'BRIENtweeted, looking for positive, "because I already know all the best places of my house to cry."
31 Adam Pally Doly take out some parental tips

This tweet ofTHE MINDY PROJECT actorAdam Hit at home for anyone who needs to dig stuff from their children on a regular basis. Or anyone or not who has finally ended up a ton of reusable canvas bags.
"As a parent, I think it's imperative to never leave the house with something less than 17 bags of beige canvas with half filled beige," joking
32 Elizabeth Banks rewrites a musical theater clip

If you ask the actor and directorELIZABETH BANKSThe Broadway song "Seasons of Love" needs a rewriting after this year. "Zoom seasons" has a beautiful ring to it.
"What is this song ofTo rent Who measures a year in life? "She tweeted. "Is it a billion minutes, a million cafes, carries a zoom on the Wahzoo and ten tons of ice? Cuz is my 2020."
33 Sandra Oh makes a very Canadian observation

In September,Creek de Schitt swept the comedy categories on the Emmys. Look at home,Kill StarSandra Oh gave a shout to the series and the Creator - and his compatriotNAVIGIAN.
"Dan Levy - a real Canadian, just apologized to win !!"she wrote. "MDR !!"
34 Dan Levy celebrates her mother's mother

Speaking of levy, he also posted on the great victories of the show on Twitter, including that ofCatherine O'Hara, who plays the Family Matriarch of the Rose, a character known for his actor's ego and huge equal on the top.
"Well ... Moira had his Emmy"He noted, a lot to the fans'.
35 Lili Reinhart is nice enough to simulate it

If you have a friend who does not stop sending you not so funny, know thatRiverdale StarLili Reinhart can identify themselves.
"We all have this friend who sends us mows that are not funny, but we do not have the heart to say it, so we have just sent **** as" lol it's a good "and" hahah, I think that "She tweeted. Sometimes, just an emoji or a "haha" will suffice!
36 Cole Sprus asks difficult questions

ReinhartRiverdale CostarCole Sprouseis also hilarious on Twitter, likeThis random observation proves. "Do you try to tell me a bridging is not so that babies take shots?" He asked. It's a good point!
37 The children of Ellen Pompeo know what's important

The Gray Anatomy StarEllen Pompeo Shared how she knows she raised her children.
"Me at my 6 years ..." Why do not you like to share? "She tweeted in October. "Mom ... Do not be crazy I love this she's a queen !! ' Excuse me while I hit my back to teach my daughters what happens !!! "
In addition, the kid avoided answering a question about "sharing". Well done all around.
38 Ben Schwartz cries to cooking shows

"When someone asks" how are you all this? "I can now answer with 'I have just crying to an episode of the barbecue of the chef's table," "Parks and leisure actorBen Schwartz tweeted in October. It was an emotional year that even a documentary series on PIT barbecue masters can trigger a good cry.
39 Occupied Philipps is to waste time

"Once in a hotel, I heard a woman on the phone actually (no lie) really scream," You stole me from all my good years! "actorOccupied phillipstweeted. "And it was beautiful and wild to hear IRL (and also like what it even means?) But now, I feel like this pandemic. I've aged 10 good years in 7 weeks. " So take a moment to scream this sentence in the air if it makes you feel better.
40 Josh Gad wants to go out

Recently,Frozen DubbingJosh Gad Summary this very succinct year All the way in March. "The guys, I'm tired of living in history," he said. Can we put an end to this chapter of the manual now?

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