This winner "American Idol" almost dropped

The big star of successful country almost left the competition early.

American idolbrought some of our favorite stars to the projector. Without the show, we may have forgotten many talented singers. However, one of the biggest showsSuccessful stars,Carrie Underwood, almost abandoned early competition. The world of country music would always have been altered if Underwood had left his fear stop him. To see why Lederwood had a second reflection onAmerican idol, read it and find out what competitor has moved on another competition reality, discoverThe worstStars Candidate forever, according to the benefits.

We now know that Oklahoma native continued to win season 4 ofAmerican idolIn 2005, but early in the competition, Underwood was not so sure of his chances. Underwood, who has since won sevenGrammy Awards, said she was so terrified from the competition she turned around almost before heading to the part of the Los Angeles competition.

In an article Français wrote forGuidancemagazine on November 20, she detailed her trip to fame starting withhis time onAmerican idol. "Summer before my last year, I was at home one day, watch TV ... and saw a press segment on people audition for the showAmerican idol,"Underwood recalled. With the closest hearing of St. Louis, more than six hours from his house, she had planned to pass it. However, her mother entered and insisted taking her.

"It would be easy to say that the rest is the story, that it was supposed to be. But that did not feel like that at the time. Go through a series of auditions in Saint-Louis, getting the" Golden Ticket "in Hollywood, every dream of the competitor, I was terrified," wrote Underwood. On the way to the airport, Lederwood felt overwhelmed by what she was for.

"All at a time, it was too many. Going out in Los Angeles by myself, competing with all those people who were so talented. I burst into tears," wrote the star of the countryside. His father offered to take her home and never talk about the show, but fortunately, under Wood decided to cross the competition.

After winning the competition, Underwood released seven albums and several singles shots. Continue reading to know what otherAmerican idolThe stars have been up and for the A-Listers who have bonded on another popular reality competition, check these17 celebrities who refusedStars.

Kelly Clarkson

kelly clarkson on red carpet

FirstAmerican idol winner,Kelly Clarkson, continued to release eight albums, write two children's books and welcomes his own conversation show,Kelly Clarkson show. Clarkson is currently a coach onThe voice. And for more news on the beautiful beloved pop star,That's why Kelly Clarkson has an eye patch onThe voice.

Katharine McPhee

Katherine McPhee

Even ifKatharine McPheehas arrived second toTaylor Hicksat Season 5American idolShe then had many opportunities. McPhee had roles on the television series in the television seriesSmash andScorpio.She also tried her hand in Broadway when she took the leading role in musical comedyWaitress. And for more celebrity content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Jennifer Hudson

Shutterstock / Lev Radin

Jennifer Hudsonplaced seventh in the third season ofAmerican idolBut she has reached a massive success. Hudson played in the movie adaptations ofDream girlsandCats, winning a price of the Academy for the first. She also played inPurple colorin Broadway.

Phillip Phillips

Phillip Phillips

The winner of the eleventh season ofAmerican idolWe then published three albums, one of whom understood the single "home". And for more new tele-realities,Boss Star reveals that it can never cook after accident.

Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert

After being the finalist of season 8 ofAmerican idol,Adam Lambertreleased four albums from his own. Lambert also visited around the world with the queen as a new main singer.

Fantasia Barrino

Fantasia Barrino

Season 3 WinnerFantasia Barrino has published seven albums and appeared in broadway broadcastsPurple colorandAfter midnight. And for the celebrities who said no to another singing competition, here's5 stars that refusedThe masked singer.

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