Paris Hilton just made a rare commented on his sex tape

"The woman in the situation that is a victim should not be treated like that," she said.

In 2004,Paris Hilton was at the height of his fame when his ex-boyfriend,Rick Solomon, Sold a sexual cassette of both of them, which was widely dispersed.Hilton became the subject of ridicule Following the broadcast of the film and although she held mainly silent on the subject, almost two decades later, Hilton returns this awful period in her life. In a new interview for aVanity fairPodcast, Hilton shared his feelings about sexuality and how it always affects him 17 years later. Continue reading to see what she had to say, and for more than another star of the first Aurvhts, checkHolly Madison says that anyone who passes into the Playboy Manor had to do that.

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The Sex Tape has resulted in PTSD for Hilton.

Paris Hilton

April 16, Hilton sat down withVanity fair for theirInside the hive Podcast and during the discussion, it revealed that the release of theSexual sex always affects it. Hilton said that sex Tape "will always be something that will hurt me for the rest of my life. It's always there at the back of my mind." She added that it also affected her mental state. "It always gives me a post-traumatic stress disorder to talk about it," said Hilton.

"It was a private experience between two people. You think you love someone, you trust someone and your trust is betrayed like that and that the whole world is looking and laughing .. . "Said Hilton, dragging.

But it was not even the worst part of Hilton's experience.

To see where another actor attracts the line when it comes to sex on the screen, checkMegan Fox says that these are the types of sex scenes it will not do more.

The most hurtful part of the sex tape for Hilton was that people thought she was free.

Paris Hilton arrives for the 2019 REVOLVE Awards on November 15, 2019 in Los Angeles, CA

For Hilton, the worst part of the Sex Tape was that people believed that the star was freely released to win the fame. "It was even more hurtful for me to think that these people think that I [publish it] on purpose," said Hilton. "It just killed me."

"When it has arrived,people were so bad about it Volume. The way I had been talking about nocturnal discussions and the media, every day to see things with my family was just heartbreaking, "Hilton said." It was humiliating that people see all this, but the fact that the People think I would like it to want that or do it on purpose that it really bothers you. "

In 2020, a documentary on Hilton calledIt's ParisHas been released, who explored where she is now at 40 and what she crossed during the height of her fame. But recently, increased attention to societyTreatment of young women celebrities-Due to one February 2021Britney SpearsDocumentary - put Hilton at the back and other reflective stars on how they treated it.

In March, comedianSarah Silvermanexcused in Hilton For a sexualized joke, she made her with regard to the MTV Movie Awards in 2007, the Hilton night went to prison for violating her probation following an arrest DUI. "Paris Hilton goes to prison," said Silverman to acclaim with the MTV crowd at the time, ignorant Hilton was in the public. "I heard that to make it feel more comfortable in prison, the guards will paint the bars to look like penis. I'm just afraid that she will break your teeth on these things." On his self-titled podcast,Silverman apologized in Hilton, saying, "Here, I'm 14 years later, Paris, Paris, that I'm really sorry. I can not imagine what you were doing at that time."

To see which intimate scene was the hardest for another actor, checkSalma Hayek said it was the hardest sexual scene she had to film.

Hilton said that sex Tape has changed the course of his life.

Paris Hilton
Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock

Hilton saidVanity fair That she had a different idea of ​​how her life smells before sex tape was released. "I always admired these amazing women likeprincess diana And I felt just like when he did that, [he] took all that far from me and that people would never look at me the same, "said Hilton.

She shared this after the spin-offs of sex tape, she did not have a motivation to get to life. "I would be in tears every day, I did not want to leave my house, I did not want to show my face that I felt that my life was over," Hilton said.

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Hilton believes that if it happened to a young woman in Hollywood today, the rest would be different.

Paris Hilton

The world has changed a lot in almost 20 years that Hilton's sex tape has been released. During theVanity fair Interview, she pointed out that some stars shared express bands because they became "a fame plan of the glory", while others had their private videos fleemed by exes like Hilton. Anyway, she believes that if she has crossed this experience in 2021, it would be different. Rather than being done to be the "naughty" because she felt she was back in 2004, she believes that people would understand that she was a victim in the situation.

Hilton said she is "happy that things have changed and people realize that the woman in the situation that is a victim should not be treated like that one or talking about that like that." And for another famous face preconizing for change, consult"James Bond" star Naomie Harris pushes to ban these sex scenes.

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