Sophie Turner Slams "Creepy" paparazzi to take pictures of his baby

The Star Thrones game is admiring to keep the girl willa out of the public eye.

In a relationship with,Game Of ThronesStarSophie Turnerand singer Jonas BrothersJoe JonasSeems enough extrovert - Take this surpriseWedding in Las Vegas and their fun social media positions, for example. But when it comes to their child, the stars are extremely private.Turner and Jonas Welcome to a little girl named Willa last July, after officially confirming that Turner was pregnant or sharing many other than publicly becoming parents. Now, the images of the 10 month child jumped online and his mother takes photographers tabloids to the task. Sophie Turner slammed the paparazzi to take pictures of her baby without her consent. This is what she had to say in a video of Instagram scathing as well as other information about their families.

Turner and Jonas shared no photo of Willa.

In addition to keeping the details of Turner's pregnancy to themselves, the new parents also kept their daughter of their respective social media accounts. Fans and followers have never seen Willa, who is a conscious choice of stars.

They did not speak either. Jonas gave his first interview to be a father just this month.AtCBS this morningHe gusted his daughter "beautiful" girl and said that the brilliant side of the lock was "to be in the same place for a solid duration and have my feet on the floor and be with my family, my immediate family ..."

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Turner said they had tried to avoid paparazzi for their daughter.

Sophie Turner

In a video posted at his Instagram then deleted, Turner shared his anger on a secret taking of Willa's photos and she had just finished online.

"I just woke up," she said in the video,As indicated by E! In line. "I imagine yesterday some paparazzi have managed to get a picture of my daughter and me and I just want to say that the reason I do not pose photos of my daughter and that I make sure we can avoid paparazzi At all costs, it's because I'm explicitly do not want these photos there. "

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She also said it was "scary" for adult men to follow her from her and her child.

Sophie turner

Turner continued, "she is my daughter. She did not ask for this life, to be photographed. It's scary **** ing older men [are] taking pictures of a baby without their Permission. I am acluded, I "disgusted, and I ask everyone to everyone to stop following us and stop trying to take pictures of our daughter and especially print them. "

Neither Turner nor Jonas did not talk about the subject further from Turner took his video Instagram.

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Other stars spoke on photographers targeting their children.

Halle Berry

Many celebrity parents took a stand against children photographed without their consent. In 2013, actorsJennifer GarnerandHalle BerryAmong those who testified in support of a California bill prohibiting non-infiltrated photos of celebrity children, saying that while they knew in a sense what they entered, their children deserved to make their lives freely. ThroughToday,Berry said his daughter Nahla "Do not want to go to Preschool. Why? Because these adult men are there."The invoice has passedbut despite this, and despite publications likePeoplecommitment toNever run from paparazzi shots Star children, practice always continues.

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