The best film came out of the year you got, according to critics

Based on rotten tomato scores, it is the best movies from 1950 to 2019.

We all have our personal favorites with regard to the films we grew up and we may not always agree with critics. After all, sometimes aMovie with big reviews It's just not for you, and other times you find that a revealed critical film is close to your heart. Nevertheless, examine the aggator sites such as rotten tomatoes offer a general consensus and with their annual ventilation of the main films, we can discover the best film every year, at least depending on the criticism.

To compile our list, we have reduced it until 1950 to 2019. It is important to note that the main film for one year given onRotten tomatoes May not be the film with the highest score in the whole; These scores are weighted by the number of exams received by a film and the criticisms that have written them. We also limited our list to films that have a broad exit in American theaters that year.

With that in mind, examine what critics have decided on the best movie of the year when you graduated from high school - and every year before and after. See if any of your favorites made the cup. And to watch how more beloved movies stack, we areRanking each animated film of Disney, worse at best.

1950:All about Eve

still from all about eve
Fox of the twentieth century

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

And for movies, critics were not as good,These are films on rotten tomatoes with 0% ratings.

1951:A tram named desire

a streetcar named desire
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1952:Sing in the rain

singin in the rain
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

And to see how modern movies have been marked, we areRanking each wonder movie, worse at best.

1953:Gentlemen prefer blondes

gentlemen prefer blondes
Fox of the twentieth century

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1954:Rear window

rear window
Paramount Pictures

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

And for more classic movies that capture the season, they areThe 20 best summer movies of all time.

1955:the hunter's night

the night of the hunter

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

1956:Seven samurai

seven samurai
Collection of criteria

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

1957:12 men angry

12 angry men

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

And for another walk down the way, revisit these40 films turning 40 this year.


touch of evil
Universal photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 95%

1959:North to the northwest

north by northwest
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

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still from psycho
Universal photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%


still from breathless
Collection of criteria

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%

1962:Laurence of Arabia

lawrence of arabia
Photos of Columbia

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1963:8 1/2

still from eight and a half
Collection of criteria

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1964:A hard day's Night

a hard day's night
Collection of criteria

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%


still from repulsion
Photos of Columbia

Rotten tomatoes Score: 95%

1966:Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf?

who's afraid of virginia woolf
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 95%

1967:The Battle of Algiers

the battle of algiers
Collection of criteria

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

1968:2001: a spatial odyssey

2001 a space odyssey
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 92%

1969:Midnight cowboy

midnight cowboy

Rotten tomatoes Score: 89%


still from patton
Fox of the twentieth century

Rotten tomatoes Score: 94%

1971:The last picture shows

the last picture show
Photos of Columbia

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

1972:The Godfather

still from the godfather
Paramount Pictures

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%


still from playtime
Collection of criteria

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1974:Chinese district

still from chinatown
Paramount Pictures

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%


still from jaws
Universal photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1976:Taxi driver

still from taxi driver
Photos of Columbia

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%

1977:Annie Hall

still from annie hall

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%


still from halloween
Compass International Pictures / Aquarius Relationship

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%


still from alien
Fox of the twentieth century

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1980:Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire strikes

empire strikes back

Rotten tomatoes Score: 94%

nineteen eighty one:The Raiders of the Lost Ark

raiders of the lost ark
Paramount Pictures

Rotten tomatoes Score: 95%

1982:E.T. The extraterrestrial

et the extra terrestrial
Universal photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

1983:Good things

the right stuff
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%

1984:The terminator

the terminator

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

1985:Make run

still from ran

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%


still from aliens
Fox of the twentieth century

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%

1987:The princess to marry

the princess bride

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%


still from big
Fox of the twentieth century

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%

1989:Henry V

still from henry v

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%


Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%


the silence of the lambs

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%


still from unforgiven
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoesScore: 96%

1993:Schindler's list

schindler's list
Universal photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%

1994:Three colors: red

three colors red
Collection of criteria

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

1995:Toy story

toy story
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

1996:Prank call

still from fargo

Rotten tomatoes Score: 94%


l.a. confidential
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

1998:The Truman show

the truman show
Paramount Pictures

Rotten tomatoes Score: 95%

1999:Toy Story 2

toy story 2
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 100%

2000:Chicken coop

still from chicken run
Dreamworks animation

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%

2001:Monsters Inc.

monsters inc.
Buena Vista Photos Distribution

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%

2002:The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

the lord of the rings the two towers
New line cinema

Rotten tomatoes Score: 95%

2003:The world of Nemo

finding nemo
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

2004:The Incredibles

the incredibles
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%


still from murderball
Yell! Factory

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

2006:Royal casino

casino royale
Sony Free Images

Rotten tomatoes Score: 95%


still from ratatouille
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%

2008:The black Knight

still from the dark knight
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 94%


still from up
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

2010:Toy Story 3

toy story 3
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%

2011:Harry Potter and the relics of death - Part 2

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%


still from argo
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%


still from gravity
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 96%


still from boyhood
IFC movies

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%

2015:Mad Max: Fury Road

mad max fury road
Warner Bros.

Rotten tomatoes Score: 97%


still from moonlight

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%


still from lady bird

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

2018:Black Panther

Michael B. Jordan, Chadwick Boseman, and Sydelle Noel in Black Panther (2018)
Walt Disney Studios Movement Photos

Rotten tomatoes Score: 98%


still from parasite

Rotten tomatoes Score: 99%

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