Celebrity couples from the 90s you totally forgotten

And why these famous basins possibly called it should stop smoking.

If you were aThe 90'sYou probably remember the emblematic couples of the decade - your Brad and Jen, your Justin and your Britney, your will and your Jada. But some romantic duos of the 90s may have slipped your mind in the years since. Do you remember whenEdward NortonandDrew Barrymorewere an article? What would you sayLiv TylerandJoaquin Phoenix? Keep reading for celebrity couples from the 90s, you may have forgotten and why they ended up spending their distinct paths. And for more business business show, checkLonger marriages in Hollywood.

Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock in 1999
Everett Collection / Shutterstock

They were both Timans about it at the time, butSandra Bullock admitted to cosmopolitan years later than it andA time to kill co-starMatthew McConaughey told for a moment after the film meeting. And it seems that the rupture was pretty friendly. "I feel very neat from Matthew"Bullock told the magazine in 2003. "It does not matter where he is in his life or where I am in mine - he could be married - I know we would stay near." To see what the actors of the Decade of the Colute of the Decade in 2020 do, checkThe best children's actors of the 90s, then and now.

Seal and Tyra Banks

Seal and Tyra Banks
FeatureFlash Photo Agency / Everett Collection / Shutterstock

SingerJoint seems to have an affinity for the magnificent supermodels. Before finally marry the exHeidi Klum, it wasspotted withTyra banks to several major Hollywood events in 1996.

Neil Patrick Harris and Christine Taylor

Neil Patrick and Christine Taylor

Well before officially released in 2006, actorNeil Patrick Harris datedChristine Taylor. He saidHoward Stern later she was the "Chick the coolest and kind of all time"And his feelings less than romantic for her have confirmed his suspicions that he was actually gay.

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Matthew Perry and Julia Roberts

Matthew Perry and Julia Roberts on Friends
Warner Bros. Television distribution

After the featured guest in an episode of 1996 ofFriendsas a love interest in Chandler,Julia Robert briefly completed this role forMatthew Perryin real life. The pairhave been spotted on several dates Later this year, although the relationship finally ran out.

Ryan Reynolds and Kristen Johnson

Ryan Reynolds and Kristen Johnston

AsRyan Reynolds started emerging on the Hollywood scene he met3rd rock of the sun funnyKristen Johnston And they started a romantic relationship that lasted a few months between 1999 and 2000. In an appearance of 2020 onLook what's going on to liveJohnston said it was so long, she could barely remember the relationship but thatReynolds was "a good guy". For more elder fires that still get along, check48 exes celebrities who are the best friends now.

Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford

Richard Gere and Cindy Crawford
Denis Makarenko / S_Bukley / Shutterstock

Richard Gere andCindy Crawford Were one of the most famous (and attractive) couples to always walk the red carpet together. They started going out in 1987 when Crawford was only 21 years old and Gere was 38 years old - a difference of 17 years of age that would eventually contribute at the end of their four-year marriage in 1995. decades later , later,Crawford talked about Gere toMarc Maron Podcast WTF (viaPeople), admitting that she had been too young and then to really fall in love. "And then, while I started growing up and grow in me - it's hard to change the nature of a relationship once you're already there," she says.

Uma Thurman and Gary Oldman

Uma Thurman and Gary Oldman
Radin / DPRADE / Shutterstock

When you thinkUma ThurmanFamous exes,Ethan Hawke, To whom she was married from 1998 to 2005 probably comes to the spirit first. But Thurman was married to another well-known actor before that. Her andGary OldmanSplit after less than two years and she latercalled their relationship "An error".

"We met when I was 18 years old. He was 12 years older," she saidVanity fair In 1996. "It was a crazy love story that ended, as it needed. It was my first love. I had no previous experience."

For famous pairs that have never worked in the driveway, check16 couple of celebrities that you have not realized are not married.

Lance Bass and Danielle Fishel

Lance Bass and Danielle Fishel
FeatureFlash Photo Agency / S_bukley / Shutterstock

* Singer NSYNCBass launcherandBoy meets the worldStarDanielle FishelWere the end of the 90s Idol teenage couple power that dreams were made when they are dated. They even went to the Fishel Ball together. Both have stayed friends after breaking, bass released publicly in 2006. This year, he told Fishel on his podcast (as indicated byE! In line) thishe "always knew" that she would accept it for that.

Chris O'Donnell and Reese Witherspoon

Chris O'Donnell and Reese Witherspoon
FeatureFlash Photo Agency / S_bukley / Shutterstock

Chris O'Donnell andReese Witherspoon has sparked rumors of a relationship when they attended an event on the weapons of each in 1993. A representative of O'Donnell saidPeopleat the timeThey were "just friends" But that he "really likes [ed] she." For more old icons in the era era, checkThe biggest idols of teen television from the 90s, then and now.

Ellen Dengeneres and Anne HECHE

Anne Heche and Ellen Degeneres
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

Anne HECHEandEllen Degenereswere Hollywood's most visible Lesbian lesbian couples when dated from 1997 to 2000. In 2020, HECHE said in an interview withMr. Warburtonmagazine that everything inShe did not talk to degenerations "In the years", their relationship was a nice part of my life and that I wear with honor. "

Matt Damon and Minnie Driver

Matt Damon and Minnie Driver
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

Matt Damon andMinnie driver.Hunting goodwillChemistry has made her eyes on their personal lives and both were a pair for seven months after shooting the road in 1997. It's not done well. The driver then stated that she had discovered that her relationship was finished whenDamon said he was single aboutOprah.

Owen Wilson and Shelll Crow

Owen Wilson and Sheryl Crow

BeforeCrow SherlylldatedLance ArmstrongShe was in a relationship with the actorOwen Wilsonduring two years. They met on all of his movie debut,The least man, andShe wrote the song "Safe and Sound" about their love affair.

Notorious B.i.g. and Faith Evans

Notorious BIG and Faith Evans
Notorious B.i.g./youtube/kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

Christopher Wallace, better known as theNotorious B.i.g.andEvans faithwere married in 1994 after a tour of tourbillon. Tragically, b.i.g. was killed in 1997 and while the two were always married at the time, there were problems of infidelity. Earlier this year, Evans talked about disapproving aboutaLifetimespecial on their relationship, that she says "sensationalized" the events that took places, including B.i.g.'s business and the east coast and Wars West Coast. "How many times will people talk about it?" Evans askedPage SIXas indicated byThe independent.

Ashton Kutcher and January Jones

Ashton Kutcher and January Jones
Zuma Press, Inc./alamy - Photo

The twoAshton KutcherandJanuary Joneswere models before being actors. They started going out in 1998, the Kutcher year would have its big active break withThat "70s showAnd one year before Jones plays his first role. They were broken by 2001 and it seems that the overlap of their professional and personal life could have had something to do with that.Jones saidGq in 2009, "The guy I met when I arrived at the first thing in the first, was not in favor of my actor. He was like:" I do not think you'll be good at that. "While she did not know Kutcher, the calendars make the line.

David Spade and Kristy Swanson

David Spade and Kristy Swanson
FeatureFlash Photo Agency / Carlavanwagoner / Shutterstock

David Spadeled a very impressive Hollywood meeting life. In the mid-1990s, after seeing both in the movie8 head heads in a bag of works, it wasspotted a few times withBuffy against vampires(the movie) actorKristy Swanson.

Joaquin Phoenix and Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler and Joaquin Phoenix in 1998
Mediapunch Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

As if their drama of 1997Invent abbottesWas not it much dreamed, he also marked the beginning of Liv Tyler and the three-year relationship of Joaquin Phoenix. They kept their love story a secret of the rest of their colleagues during the filming, but Tyler saidThe morning callshe "fell in love with Joaquin The second [she] saw it. "Although they separated romantically, theExes are always good friends today.


Luke Wilson and Drew Barrymore
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

Drew BarrymoreandLuke WilsonHit it when you turn their ROM-COMFries, and it apparently feared their director.Dan Dean RecountPeopleWhen heheard "their first argument" On together, but finally, their personal connection has made the movie better. "I swear to you, when he looks in his eyes, they compensate," said the director of the scene they shot right after that. "And not only make up, they fall in love to fall in love." Actors dated two years before calling it.

Ted Danson and Whoopi Goldberg

Ted Danson and Whoopi Goldberg in Made in America
Warner Bros. Pictures

Ted dansonwas still married to his second womanCassandra Coateswhen he andWHOOPI GOLDBERGstruck a romantic relationship while Costarring inMade in America In 1992. The press has eaten, but by 1993,they were finished-As were Danson and Coates.

David Arquette and Alyssa Milano

David Arquette and Alyssa Milano
FeatureFlash Photo Agency / S_bukley / Shutterstock

David ArquetteandAlyssa Milanodated in the early 90s when he closed his last race onWho is the boss.Milano confirmed their relationship In 2013, but it did not reveal many details.

Michael Keaton and Courteney Cox

Michael Keaton and Courteney Cox
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

COX COXandMichael KeatonHas fallen in love in 1989, years before the first strikes a lot with friends and led a remarkably private relationship. After six years of meetings, however, the divided couple. Shortly after the 1995 break, Cox talked about his sustainable penchant for Keaton. "It's thethe most important relationship I have ever hadand I think he's the most wonderful person I've ever met, "she saidPeople.

Edward Norton and Drew Barrymore

Edward Norton and Drew Barrymore
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

After meeting on the wholeEveryone says I love you,Drew Barrymore and Edward Norton dragged Romantically. The relationship started and ended in the same year, but it will always have 1996.

Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon

Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore
Everett Collection / Shutterstock

This indie power couple started dating in 1981 - the same year in which they formed the rock worship 'N roll band Sonic Youth-and Married in 1984. Very quickly,Thurston Moore andKim Gordon Becoming the parents of the underground Indie, lending their hands guided to the creation of other groups citing their group as an influence. However, unfortunately, it seems that all good things end. In 2011, the announced pairthe end of their relationship-And the end of sonic youth.

Spike Jonze and Sofia Coppola

Spike Jonze and Sofia Coppola
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

DirectorsSpike JonzeandSofia Coppola met in 1992And for more than a decade, probably related to their affinity to lead beautiful and complicated independent films with impeccable soundtracks. After divorce in 2003, the pair was rumored to havecreated characters Tommes for each other in their movies.

Jennifer Love Hewitt and Carson Daly

Jennifer Love Hewitt and Carson Daly

TRLhostCarson Dalyand engineering actorJennifer love hewittWere one of the most "90 of the 90 products. Unfortunately, they had a clumsy end. Daly saidPeople(As indicated byE! In line) He discoveredThey were broken Hearing Hewitt, say soHoward SternRadio living room.

Vanilla Ice and Madonna

Vanilla Ice and Madonna

Vanilla ice creamandMadonnahung in the early 90s, and the rapper (real name Robert van Winkle) said later thatShe was the pursuit. He also said they broke because he was not happy with his infamous 1992,Sexnor how it was included in suggestive photography.

Fiona Apple and Paul Thomas Anderson

Fiona Apple and Paul Thomas Anderson
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

Singer composerFiona appleand filmmakerPaul Thomas AndersonWere one of the coolest and most artistic couples of the decade, but they collapsed after three years. Earlier in 2020,Apple opened on the past long relationship, calling Anderson a "coldly critical" and "contemptuous" partner.

Emilio Estevez and Paula Abdul

Emilio Estevez and Paula Abdul

The couple met in 1991, married in 1992 and was divorced just two years later.Paula Abdul RecountPeoplethisThe relationship ended becauseEmilio EstevezAlready a father of two of a previous marriage, did not want more children. The singer stated that the dead end was "heartbreaking for [them] the two".

David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer

Claudia Schiffer and David Copperfield
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

There was a magical attraction between Claudia Schiffer and David Copperfield -The literally, at first. The couple met for the first time in 1993 when he brought her on stage to help with a tour. But, as it turns out, the fate lasted only in 1999, when the Pair possibly called he stops .

Matt Dillon and Cameron Diaz

Matt Dillon Cameron Diaz It Couples From the 90s
Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

For the actor Dillon , there was just something about Cameron Diaz . They started dating in 1995 and played together in There is something about Marie three years later, then broken things After the enveloped filming.

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