The most frightening film out of the year you got
Check out our choices for the most terrifying horror films released each year since 1960.

Fear is subjective: a movie that frightened that pants may have done that one of your friends falls asleep. But we can at least form a general consensus aroundwhich movies are the most frightening- for the moment they have been manufactured, or for all time. These are the movies that made us keep the lights, which we may have a kind of regret to look, that we even think of years later. We spent several decades in recent decades to offer our list of the most frightening film that came out every year from 1960 to 2019. Keep reading to see if your personal choice has made the cup, and for more films, We always lose sleep. on, revisitThe most frightening children of the 90s can not forget.

Some black and white horror classics have lost their punch over the years,Psycho It is also terrifying now that it was 60 years ago, even when you know thetwist. And to see how the critics felt the suspense master throughout his career, consult ourRanking each movie from Alfred Hitchcock, worse at best.

Henry James' The tour of the screw has been adapted again and again, more recently like the Netflix seriesThe obsession of the Manoir de Blybut the most effective version will always be the most troublingInnocents.
1962:Carnival of Souls

Theinfluential horror ofCarnival of Souls probably inspiredDavid Lynch andGeorge A. Romero, likeRoger Ebert once noted. And for more fun content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
1963:The haunting

Forget the depthDisappointed by 1999 remake-Or the much more scaryThe obsession of the mountain house On Netflix-because nothing can compete with the thrills of the first adaptation ofShirley Jackson's 1959 Novel.

The combination of the directorRoger CormanStarVincent Priceand source material byEdgar Allan Poe Was quite scary in 1964, although an intrigue centralized around a murderous plague feels particularly scary in 2020.

The psychological horror may not have jumped from your seat as a jump jump into more contemporary movies, but the nightmark vision represented inRepulsion is terrifying in a way that persists. And if you are looking for more recent movies, choose fromThe best horror movies of 2020, according to critics.
1966:Dracula: Prince of Darkness

By time hammer films madeDracula: Prince of Darkness, the studio had learned to make a really scary film dracula, andChristopher Lee had learned to master the role of title. And for more where Dracula is still scary people, checkIt's the naughty horror that haunts you probably, search shows.
1967:Neighborhood district and pit

Another production film hammer - that you may have encountered for the first time asFive million years on the ground-Neighborhood district and pit is a weird time capsule of "science-fi years.
1968:Night of the lives

There is no saying where modern zombie films and television series without George A. Romero, the 1968 classic of George A. Romero, which remains as heartbreaking and subversive as ever. And for more good at all times, these areThe best horror movies of all time, according to critics.
1969:The haunted house of horror

Balancing late the 60s England looked mainly at a moment of fun, but not when there is a murderer on the cowards, as inThe haunted house of horror.
1970:The bird with crystal plumage

The bird with crystal plumage helped to establish Italiangialo Genre to the US.S. and introducedDario Argento As an exciting horror filmmaker, thanks largely to splashy and very stylized violence.
1971:Frightening jessica to death

Frightening jessica to death was compared toThe haunting andInnocents-I may also have beeninspired byThe tour of the screw-And it's just as scary as one or the other.
1972:The last house on the left

Although certainly not for everyone,WES CRAVEN's shockingThe last house on the leftIs considered a classic horror for a reason and its frights are so disturbing that it was promoted with the slogan ", to avoid fainting, keep repeating, it's only a movie. '"
1973:The exorcist

WhenThe exorcist was released in 1973, he did somePublic members vanish And crying and all that might not cause the same reaction in modern viewers, it is likely to induce nightmares.
1974:The massacre at the Texas chainsaw

There is rawness and without restraint atTobe Hooper's classicThe massacre at the Texas chainsawThat makes you feel that everything can happen, but that does not prepare you correctly for what is coming.

That much,Jaws is such a general publicCinematics that it might be difficult to conceive as the most frightening film of its time. Remember that the film is a great reason for many of us to be afraid of sharks.

There is just something to reverse about a bad child, and they do not get a lot of danger than the young damien inOmen.
1977:The hills Have Eyes

Another early Wes Craven Classic,The hills Have Eyes is just as Gritty, brutal and tirelessly that the other films of the director of the time.

But not the first movie of Slasher,Halloween Popularized so many rules of the genre that it is sometimes easy to forget how much it is really scary.

While the rest,Extraterrestrial, offers a science fiction action standing, the originalExtraterrestrial is entirely a horror movie, a haunted house film in the space where the bad guy is not a ghost, but one of the most terrifying creature creations in the history of the film.

Whether or not itStephen King is a fan ofStanley Kubrick's adaptation of his novel,Shiny delivers a performance inducing anxiety ofJack Nicholson And some visuals we want us to forget.
nineteen eighty one:Friday 13th Part 2

No violation of Mrs Voorhees, but theFriday 13 The franchise really picked up when Jason took the coat like the killerFriday 13th Part 2, which also happens to be the most scary film of the group.
1982:The thing

Of course, the horror effects of the body ofJohn Carpenter The thing I'm going to crawl you, but the feeling of Paranoia the Film Installe is what makes it really so scary.

Even dog lovers can agree that few cinema monsters are as terrifying as Cujo, a ragged Saint-Bernard with his eye on a mother and a son stuck in a hot car.

The 80s gave us a lot of wicked Slaasher to remember, each with their own Hit-ou-Miss franchises, but none can compete with Freddy Krueger, introduced into the iconicFreddy.

Dario Argento produced but did not lead thisLamberto Bava-Heled Screamer. And although it can be more a worship favorite, he got a place on the list of bravo ofThe 100 moments of frightening cinema.
1986:Henry: Portrait of a serial killer

If the 80s, Slasher consisted of creating new cinema monsters greater than life,Henry: Portrait of a serial killer Terrified auditors describing a grounded killer firmly actually.

Another magnificent film of gorery silvero,Opera is a movie that requires you not to divert the eyes, with less violent methods than that of the killer who forces the eyes of open heroin.

David Cronenberg dark tale of Twin gynecologists, very loosely based on a true story, continues to doWeekly entertainmentList updated from theMore scary movies of all time.

It's hard to say what's scary aboutCorporate: The ghost of Victor Passcow, the memory of the sister of Rachel Zelda, or of course - the resurrected pledgered Credo taking a scalpel in Jud. They will all let you shout.
1990:The Jacob scale

Many horror films have memorable nightmare sequences, butThe Jacob scaleis a nightmare that will not end - and that's why it's almost certain to keep you at night.

You can debate ifThesilenceofthelambs Is really a horror movie or just a very tight thriller, or you can just accept that it's scary unfathomable.

Tony Todd wonHorror icon Status when he took the role of Candyman, and the film itself gave us something new to be afraid in the bathroom mirror.

The first feature ofGuillermo del Toro came to be appreciated as one of theBigger horror movie ever done. It always packs in many stables in the middle of the drama and fantasy that would become trademarks for the director.
1994:The new nightmare of Wes Craven

After a series of semen who turned Freddy Krueger in something of a comedian,The new nightmare of Wes Craven Made the scary character again by striking through the fourth wall and pretending it more real than ever.
1995:Lord of illusions

AsCandy,Lord of illusions is based on aClive BarkerHistory, and that's maybe the reason he also left an impression such as such illness on viewers.

After three suites - withScream 5 on the horizon-OriginalScream might not seem like scary. But locate the way you felt when you watched Ghostface terrorizeDrew Barrymore. Shudder.
1997:Event horizon

Extraterrestrial We taught us that in space, no one can hear you shout, andEvent horizon We gave us horrible visuals that tested this theory.

You may have thought that your teachers were perverse in high school, butFaculty Took this concept and ran with her, leading to a truly tense and disturbing sci-fiction slasher.
1999:The Blair Witch Project

The kind of horror of the footage found has a major boost withThe Blair Witch Project, who seemed so real, it did not feel like a movie, and so frightening that you were desperate to confirm it.
2000:What is below

Even ifCritics did not take gentlement ToWhat is below, the image ofMichelle Pfeiffer Slowly drowning in a bath has been terrifying viewers for 20 years.

Although he is lived in a clover territory,JEEPERS CREEPERS got the skin of people in 2001: even theLos Angeles Times rented for "theOpening sequence more frightening From any horror image in recent memory "in an otherwise mediocre magazine.
2002:The ring

The ring Is the rare American remake of a Japanese horror movie that manages to be as scary as the original. Seeing that it may not kill you in seven days, but it will take you much longer to shake it.
2003:A tale of two sisters

South Korean horror movieA tale of two sisters Also got a US remake, but you must stand at the original, which is bold, bold complex and OH, yes-really scary.

As theSeen Sequel became more and more convoluted, the gore mounted and the faults descended. The first film, however, is always a shock and the psychological horror of the situation of his protagonist is outright frisky.

Lowering It is a great reminder that the caves are terrifying, with or without monsters terrorizing you. Try to look at it without screaming involuntary.
2006:The hills Have Eyes

Alexandre Aja's Take on Wes Craven's Classic is the only remake of another movie on this list to make the cup. This is because it pays a homage loving to the original while being brutal and severely painful in its own right.

French filmmakers of Alexandre AjaJulien Maury andAlexandre Bustillo We gave this thriller invasion of twisted house who reiterated how much the new wave of French horror could be extremely.
2008:The foreigners

Home invading films are still frightening enough, but rarely fear as visceral as inThe foreigners, in which the lack of noticeable motivation of the killers is the real nightmare home.
2009:The house of the devil

A little haunted haunted house movie, a little Slasher Flick,The house of the devil is an elegant tribute to the horror of the 80s, and he can scare you as much as the films that inspired it.

DirectorJames Wan has become one of the most important horror filmmakers in recent years, but it does not get any frightening than the originalInsidious, who could win a place on this list for this photo of the removal demon behindPatrick Wilson alone.

Another filmmaker of contemporary horror with an impressive CV,Mike Flanagan got his start withAbsentase, a fantastic indie that crawled people and announced the arrival of a new exciting talent.

As it's scaryDisaster? Well, based on what it isscientifically proven to make at your heart rateSome people consider it's the most frightening film of all time.
2013:V / h / s / 2

The horror in the 21st century had several memorable entries in films found and the kinds of anthology film, and they mixed exceptionally well inV / h / s / 2, a movie that gives you a siege of rank in front of a real terror.
2014:It follows

The relatively simple story ofIt follows May not want to reinvent the wheel, but the idea of a supernatural killer approaching slowly has never been higher than the impetus she is here.
2015:We are always here

Another movie that looks a lot like a return,We are always here won a lot ofsuper criticismFor his sensation of traditional horror and a lot of cries for his skip frightening well executed.
2016:Do not breathe

After his effective remake ofevil Dead,Fede Álvarez Returned with a more original film and some of the most stressful pieces of any horror movie in recent years.

ForChildren who grew up in the 90s, there may not be more frightening thanTim Curry Pennywise. However,Bill Skarsgård's The changing clown of form in this number of adults taken on the source material caused its share of terror rate.

One of the most Jarring movies of the last decade,Hereditary Refuses to play by the rules, making it a visually terrifying experience to support - in the best possible way!

WhileJordan Peele's followed byGo out might not be scary throughout, the moment when the doppelgängers go down to the Wilson family are really scary, thanks to any small part toLupita Nyong'o's Double performance.

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