20 things she always wants you said

You can never go wrong with these words and expressions.

As a man, you know that acts speak more than words. But sometimes, especially when it comes to your partner that the words find, you will actually do the job very well. Whether you are trying to cheer him up, make him feel loved, or the factor of romance in your relationship, there are certain words and women phrases that never get tired of the hearing. So read the following, and keep this list at your fingertips for the next time you are at a loss for words. And while you are there, check out the20 things you always want it to say.

"I am in love with you"

couple in love, 20 phrases to say

"People say their" love "all the time, whether for their friends, family members, dogs, and even a spice pumpkin coffee coffee," saysJonathan Bennett, A certified and dating expert adviser. "Given the way" love ", the word is thrown around so much casualness, admitting how much you are" in love "with it is even more special and significant. It is a subtle difference, but that leaves a major impression. And for more excellent tips for couples, do not missHot and wet guide in the room.

"I like you"

talking happy couple, 20 phrases she loves

This one is crucial, so if you did not say it lately, do it as soon as possible. "Many women feel misunderstood or underestimated for all they do to keep things running, and hearing these three little words is often all they need," saysMonique Honaman, Author and expert in relation. "Just know that his actions are observed and appreciated can have a huge impact. Do not just take from us. Take it from this 70-year-old married couple, who arestill very lovely.

"I'm breakfast"

man cooking, 20 phrases to say

This one will never cease to mark points. "There is no better way to start the day by getting the most important meal of the day without having to wait online or pay an exorbitant amount of money for that because your honey thought of you," saidSTACY FREEDMAN, Expert in relation and author. "Women always welcome thoughtful surprises, especially those who involve food and their troiming partners on the stove for them! »

"You are so clever"

couple talking, 20 phrases to say to her

"Women want to be appreciated for more than their appearance," NotesStacy Karyn, An online dating consultant. While compliments on appearance are certainly a must, "compliments it on his intelligence could be something she holds on values, and remembers a very long time. And for more excellent relationship tips, learn toRead your partner's mind with these 10 Body Language Tells.

"I booked a baby-sitter"

couple at the beach, picnic, 20 phrases she wants to hear

He is like music to his ears. "It can quickly dissolve the first concern that any mother (single or married) would have pop in his mind when you suggest one night," saysKerby Bentley, founder ofDatetivity. By saying this right after you propose a romantic activity, you show that you are able to anticipate it (or your family for) the needs, and there is nothing more attractive than being able to do it.

"Can I do to help? »

couple embrace, 20 phrases to say

"The answer to this question maybe: not really, nothing, a hug, or does something that could solve the situation, but the fact that you have offered to do things better is what counts", explainsANA ALUISY, An author and the therapist couples in Tampa, Florida. "This simple gesture is a demonstration of love, care and protection. It also creates an opportunity for emotional connection and intimacy. »

"It fits you well"

man complimenting date, flattering, 20 phrases to say

Ideally, to say unsolicited, that it bears its best night night outfit or its favorite pajamas. "When a woman does not feel great, a partner who tells her that she looks a lot like will not only help feel better, but also make her even more partner, says, saysDr. Vessa Marie Perry, Founder and chief strategist in the relationshipLove Write. And even if itis feeling of confidence, the compliment will still be.

"He's me on when you ..."

couple in bed, 20 phrases to say

Of course, a staple as "you are sexy" offers a similar feeling, but the thing that makes it so effective is the fact that it is personal and specific. "Keeping the living passion in any relationship is difficult, especially over time," explainsROSALIND SEDACCA, A meeting and coach relationship. "When she says a partner of a woman, she excites her again and is desirable from him, he is a wonderful compliment that brings a closer couple from each other. »

"I would choose you all over again"

wedding proposal, marriage, engagement, 20 phrases to say

"Women want to hear you would choose them again if you have been lucky, so often tell him," saysDr. Wyatt Fisher, Founder of a marriage retreat and a licensed psychologist. This one is the most relevant if you have been together for a long time, but it is always nice to hear in new relationships.

"I have this"

laundry, chores, 20 phrases to say

"This can be applied to any number of situations and essentially means:" I will take care of that. "It might be to empty the dishwasher or pick up a tab," says Honaman. Sometimes it's just nice to know that you can sit down and relax without worrying if and how something will do. "Even the The most independent woman likes to have other people take care of time. "

"I only have Eyes For You"

couple in love, commitment, 20 phrases to say to her

So you never want to consider escaping. It's great, but it also helps reallytell She's. Even if you are both super secure in your relationship, Dr. Fisher recommends saying it simply to actually hammer the house you are in for the long term and that you still find it attractive.

"I'll always be here"

couple on fall walk, autumn, 20 phrases to say

"Everyone has insecurities in the relationships and the greatest fear of many people is abandoned," says Bennett. "Make sure you'll be there because the long term is very important." Of course, you should only say that if you really want to say it, but it's a great way to make it feel confident in your relationship.

"You are my best friend"

couple in kitchen, friendship, 20 phrases to say

You can consider this the holy grail of compliments. "Tell a woman she is your best friend comes with the potential to put scintilles in her eyes," says Karyn. "Falling in love with your best friend is a beautiful thing and hearing these words from your partner is basically the dream."

"Let's be dancing"

couple dancing, friendship, 20 phrases to say to her

Even if none of you is a big dancer, dance "is often associated with great music and a big party," says Bentley. "The thought of this meeting immediately releases endorphins", which means that even speaking of it will go romance and make it feel good.

"Hello beauty"

couple waking up in bed, good morning, 20 phrases to say to her

"Nowadays, most women wake up their sleep and a snoring man or scroll through their social media flows," Freedman said. "To be with a man who does not rise only in front of her, but he is also quite thoughtful to try to suspend it - even when she has the head of bed and his restraint at will, will always put a smile on the face of a woman."

"You are a good person"

couple talking over breakfast, 20 phrases to say

This should be easy, considering it (hopefully) think about your partner. "Women like to hear that men," says Perry. "It makes it feel that a woman looks like her partner recognizes her value as a woman and values ​​the role she plays in her life."

"I understand"

couples disagreement, 20 phrases to say

Whether you agree with his point of view, showing him that you can understand why she feels the way she does it can go a long way. "Women just want to be validated and understood," said Alouuisie. "We want to be heard. We want to know that our opinion and our feelings counts for our partner. We do not ask you to accept; we just want recognition."

"I need you"

holding hands, 20 phrases to say

Which means you need her in your life, not that you need her forto do Something for you. "Men are often so independent and self-sufficient. It is important for the women they know that their man really needs them, that they constitute an essential part of his life and not only a decoration or a trophy", said Sedacca. "Women are still rewarding to know that they are essential to its well-being."

"You make me happy"

happy relationship, 20 phrases to say

Especially if you can use a specific example of something it makes that makes you feel so incredible. "People want a relationship to be a positive and changing experience in life," says Bennett. "Let it know that she brings great joy to your life!"

"Thank you"

lakeside couple, fall, autumn, 20 phrases to say

Short, soft and simple. "We all want to be recognized for our efforts, especially at home where they usually go unnoticed," says Alouuisie. "Show the appreciation of things we usually take for acquired can make the difference to promote positive interactions in the relationship, which causes an emotional connection."

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