15 things everyone finds secretly hilarious

Done: We are biologically wired laughing with some things.

Have you ever had a bad day, then you see someone slide on the ice, their legs strand as if they are an anthropomorphic cartoon animal? You start laughing and suddenly you feel better. All your day illuminated. What the hell is happening? What you saw was not, by definition, funny. There are no perforation lines, and for the slippery guy, it's pretty tragic. But we can not help ourselves. It's totally hilarious.

The world is filled with these moments in which we should not laugh but we do anyway, and it always improves our mood. Let's look at more about 20 of our favorites that we all find hilarious secretly. Do not worry, you can laugh - we will not say anyone. And when you are ready for more humor, check the75 jokes that are so bad are actually funny.

People on Segways

secretly hilarious things

Someone once describes Google Google as "Segway for your face". But we do not think that the comparison makes the true villain of a segway a real justice. Driving is the least cool thing that someone can do - and also one of the most hilarious.

It's as if a higher being is pressed all the frenish that exists in the world from Fanny Packs to pocket protectors - and take it into a single piece of technology. And for more things to avoid at all costs, check the40 things that no man over 40 should say.

Animals dressed like humans

secretly hilarious things

Your dog does not need a hat or fur coat or own tuxedo. But if you insist on getting dressed in this way, rest that we're going to laugh. And speaking dogs: if you want you to live forever, checkThe old model that wants to save your dog's life.

Actors who can not hold it together during a performance

Ryan Gosling SNL
YouTube / Saturday night live

Always funny. Period. Case and point: remember whenRyan Gosling Flat-out lost it onSNL? And then lost it again? And even? Everything in the same show? Well, it was funny every time. At the end of the day, there is something about the liberation of these honest emotions and the breakup of the "fourth wall" that makes such invaluable moments. And for more Hollywood inspiration humor, check the30 Funny cinema quotes of all time.

Riant babies

baby laughing

Babies do not censrate their joy. When they laugh, it's with all their bodies. The spit will fly, their eyes roll, their nose leak. It's the best thing to watch. And for a stupid humor, check the40 facts so funny are difficult to believe.


Competitive race walkers

Yes, yes, we know it's a real sport, but we can not help ourselves. It looks like someone trying to go to a bathroom before their bladder explodes.

High Fives who are not returned

Tom Brady left hanging

The glorious voltage like an open palm blocks in the air, waiting for a five height, then the slow and embarrassing lowering of their arm when they realize that there will be no top five today. It's invaluable!

Cakes that are not nice

cake gender reveal

He never agies to see someone take their animosity to all new levels. And for more stupid pleasure, here is the50 picking lines so bad they can work.


sad keanu meme
Twitter / @ WhatTheness

To date, there is still no better way to kill 1.5 seconds than a stupid good. And for more than even, here is the15 Those who captured last year.

Bathroom graffiti

secretly hilarious things

What is it to be in a public bathroom stall that turns everyone into Mark Twain? We are never graffiti tires like "maybe say to the drug" and "I love your fangs, said nobody."

The word "wiener"

secretly hilarious things

In any sexual context, culinary, canine-wiener is just a fun thing to say. Try it. Tell a piece filled with people: "Everyone wants Weeners for lunch?" There will be no dry eye in the house. You will confirm that we are all twelve years in the heart.

Children behave like adults

Coffee scene from Airplane

If it's our own children, it's not funny at all. But the children of other people abandon big words or using words they have clearly learned from their parents, it's the funniest thing you will see all day.

Kevin James

secretly hilarious things

So, no one finds it funny and yet he struck television broadcasts in income and high time, and all his comedy films are blockbusters? Suuuuuuuuuor you hate him.

Epic chess

wakeboard fail blooper

I do not know of you, but I could lose hours watchingKookslamsAn Instagram account filled with videos of people who are trying something simple and spectacular failure. It's so wrong, and so very funny.

Anyone who does something when they think they are alone

secretly hilarious things

Whether it's singing in the shower or talking to their pet, walking with a John Travolta leg leg or screaming at a door that will not open the right direction, when people think they Are alone, they can behave deliciously clumsy and stupid. And for more Guiffaws, learn the50 games of royal-moan words they are actually funny .

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Categories: Culture
Tags: Funny
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