30 The strongest corporate policies Employees must follow

Bob, please stop operating your machete!

Do you want to feel better about where you work? It's easy. Just discover some of the bizarre and oppressive rules imposed on employees in some offices. You will instantly go from "I hate my job" to "I am the luckiest employee of the planet earth. In fact, I think I'll tell my boss how much I love himat the moment. "

Think we exaggerate? Do not be so sure. Depending on where you work, you may need to stay around all day or have your size randomly, or forbidden to wear deodorant, or even ejected to be too ugly. It's a kind of crazy how much control some companies think they have on their staff. They think they stimulate morale and productivity, but they could do exactly the opposite.

Yves Morieux, Director of the Boston Consulting Group Organization Institute, claimed in aTALK TED 2015 That too many rules can really hinder rather than help employees make their jobs. "If you think about it, we pay more attention to the knowledge of who blame in case we fail, than creating the conditions to succeed," he said.

Here are 30 the most ridiculous, unreasonable and counterproductive policies and rules that companies have already attempted to force their involuntary employees. See if you can read them all without feeling you infinitely better about your own job. For more bad patrons, check the15 things dictatorics bosses prohibited to their companies.

No customer correction!

Apple Craziest Corporate Policies

Have you ever had the impression of an Apple employee judging you quietly? Well, we all have. But at the very least, we expect them to correct us when we have something wrong, as coarsely misunderstanded the names of their products. But as it turns out,they are not allowed to.

If a client works in an Apple Store and ad: "I am looking for one of these Izzy-phones", they are not allowed to say something reasonable like ", do you mean the iPhone?" Because it would be condescending. We think we test this policy of society. Who wants to go to the nearest Apple store with us and try to buy a Micky book? And for more facts about Apple, check these10 innovations designed in the crazy workplace on the new headquarters of Apple.

No "non-natural" haircut!

Abercrombie and Fitch Craziest Corporate Policies

Abercrombie & Fitch, the teenage clothing retailer, requested a very specific type of hairstyle on their employees. They were so strict that they distributed a "Political Director"With instructions on which the haircuts were and were not acceptable. Acceptable hair should appear" Sunkissed "with" Subnet-Silking ", while unacceptable hair involves non-natural whitening and all that is famous too "Extreme".

If it was not serious enough, they also had very specific jewelry rules (a maximum of two earrings per ear were allowed for women, but no jewelry for men) and nails , which have not been allowed to "prolong more than 1/4 inches beyond the tip of the finger. "And if you are an Abercrombie buyer, make sure to know the30 Guaranteed Tips for Saving Money on Clothing.

No phones or email!

Evernote Craziest Corporate Policies

Have you ever felt as if you could not do anything because you are constantly responding to emails? So Phil Libin, former CEO of Software Company Evernote. Sohe got rid of the email. And phones too. If you wanted to reach a colleague in the Evernote office, you could not do it with any of the techno-gadgets in your office.

"I want somehow you're getting up and you're going to talk to them," Libin said. A good idea in theory, but we can certainly see how it could be an even bigger beginner. At least you can ignore an email or phone ring, but it's not so easy to ignore a colleague on your desktop and say, "Gotta Second?"

No popcorn!

Popcorn Craziest Corporate Policies

Some food restrictions in the office have meaning, especially if they are intended to protect colleagues from food allergies. But sometimes they seem just weird and arbitrary, like this accountof a reddit userWhich claims that his boss has a strict policy against popcorn.

He and his colleagues received a "highly formulated email from the Big Boss" which forbids all the popcorn on the ownership of society. Why exactly? "The reason given in the e-mail was" does anyone ever tried to talk on the phone and eat popcorn? "" We can not say that we have, but since this boss seems so against that, we sayChallenge acceptedD! And for more on Reddit, check these10 key subcategories for health persons.

Stand for the boss!

Ségolène Royal Craziest Corporate Policies

The ideal work environment is an office that does not feel like governed by a ruthless despote. When they pass in front, you can greet them as a normal person, or maybe not at all if you are busy. But that would not do for Ségolène Royal, the ecology of France and the Minister of Energy in 2014, who left his staff know they wereshould stand each time she passed themNo matter what they did when she was approaching.

She even hired a guy to go out in front of her and announce her arrival, the employees would have enough time to jump up at their feet. It seems too exhausting for us. A forced smile did not claim to be enthusiastic when we prefer to be enough at home in our pajamas? And if you are looking to warm up your own career - with or without dictator chef, here is the40 best ways to revive your career!

Do not be ugly!

American Apparel Craziest Corporate Policies

You needed to have a pretty good self-esteem to work for (former old) CEO American Apparel CEO Dov Charney. According toLeakage documents, all potential candidates had to have "end-to-end" photos that are taken to make sure they were quite appealing to work for society.

The casual employee who slipped through the cracks despite not being easy on the eyes was also at risk. A former manager alleged that "everyone [Charney] does not judge enough enough to work there is invited to be dismissed. ... Dov wants to eliminate" ugly people ".

No animal products of any form whatsoever!

Vegetarian Matt and Nat Craziest Corporate Policies

Matt and Nat, a Canadian handbag company, allows its employees to eat everything they want during lunch breaks, as long as it has ever had eyes or a mother.

The meat - and yes, this includes the fish - is strictly forbidden, which includes the restoration outside the company's headquarters, in a restaurant with guests. It's vegetarian only all the time.

The policy, which creative director Inder Bedi admits is "a little hippie-dippe, "also applies to fashion. Leather jackets, shoes or handbags can not be worn while using by Matt and Nat. Although some workers complained, Bedi does not move." It is very a vegan enterprise, "he says," And we have just been felt that it would be strange if we had meat and fish floating around the premises. "And for more bizarre facts, check these20 FISHING FACTS ON INVOICES OF A DOLLAR.

This is $ 3,000 - now empty your office!

Zappos Craziest Corporate Policies

Zappos, the online shoe retailer, presents very strange starting policies.

Call it a card "Get out of prison not so free".According to his former director H.R.Each new employee accepts a clause that, after a brief period of training, Zappos can decide on the Blue to draw them, no question, paying $ 3,000 for their problem. It could be slightly ecchymer, but this allows the company to change your mind without having to justifyWhy They changed his mind. And for more information on unique work situations, readHow did this Youtuber have $ 16 million last year!

Employees must share underwear!

Disney World Craziest Corporate Policies

Ah, Disney World, the happiest place on the ground. Unless sharing underwear with a guy dressed as an anthropomorphic rat is your idea of ​​happiness.

For many years, employees who play the same disney character only share the same costume, butthe same underwear as. So when you entered for your shift to play Mickey, you not only would put the same dress the last guy you also would put on his underwear. The practice was discontinued in 2001 because, duh, that's just gross. Oh, and speaking of underwear, hereBest 50 pairs of men's underwear on the planet!

Naked Friday!

Nudity at Work Craziest Corporate Policies

If you are not a fan of casual Fridays, then you will definitely not your cousin more invasive,naked Friday. Leave it to the Brits to propose a policy of all businesses to guaranteeEverybody uncomfortable, CEO trainees.

A design and marketing in the UK has tried, with some employees up to what he called an idea "brilliant." "This may sound weird but it works," said the business psychologist who prepared the concept. "It's the ultimate expression of self-confidence and the other." If it's all the same, we'll stick with our idea of ​​a casual dress code. We call it "Keep your pants on Friday." If you prefer to socialize in the buff, consider getting to theThe most secret nude beach in America.

No beard!

George Steinbrenner New York Yankees Craziest Corporate Policies

The ban on facial hair in the New York Yankees has its origins in the 70s, when hippies with long hair have walked the earth. He started by the former owner George Steinbrenner, who did not like how some players also had long hair and unruly that it covered the number on their jerseys in the Stars and Stripes. So he set up a new policy, which requested that all employees Yankees players to coaches of male executives were forbidden to display facial hair other than mustaches (except for religious reasons) and the hair of the scalp can not be grown below. necklace. Long keys and "mutton chops" are not specifically prohibited. "

We can agree with part of it - nobody needs to see mutton chops when they try to take advantage of a balloon - but banning beards feels archaic in 2018. There have been some callsto end the politicalBut it remains up to date.

No garlic!

Anna Wintour Conde Nast Craziest Corporate Policies

We get it, everyone does not like garlic. Some people, through no fault of their own fault, are vampires. And then some people manage publishing empires.

The Tege S. I. Newhouse, chairman of Condé Nast former President, thus hated garlic he had forbidden the dining room of the company. This leads us to ask ourselves, how garlic was consumed in Condé Nast before Newhouse has decided to identify with the grass? If they were acting to cut garlic cloves as respiratory mint? Condé Nast offices they feel like a big garlic press? We need answers!

Having the perfect size!

Woman Measuring Waistline Craziest Corporate Policies

You know what is absolutelynotThe affairs of your boss? Your waist size. In fact, everything that relates to the general area of ​​your body is 100% of its jurisdiction. But in Japan, thanks to the metabo law, employers are legally allowed tomeasure the size of workersThey suspect of having too much Puddin 'around the middle.

For men, it is something more than 33.5 inches, and for women, it is larger than 35.4 inches. So if you work in Japan know the30 best ways to lose weight at work!

Visits eight minutes of bathroom only!

Bathroom Break Craziest Corporate Policies

"The bathroom breaks would be so much fun if I were timed," said Person person. This has not prevented a Norwegian insurance company called DNB track how much time employees are away from their officesvisit the loo.

If they are gone for more than eight minutes, a flashing light goes off. If this sounds awful and mortifying, you're not the only one to think. The regulator of privacy Norway has protested the surveillance system, reminding the tyrants of the bathroom that "every worker has different needs and this strict control of depriving employees of all freedoms during their day job".

Absolutely no funny hats!

Woman Wearing Funny Hat Craziest Corporate Policies

Whatever you work in New Zealand, if you wear something on your head that could be interpreted as a "funny hat", you could see yourPay check moored by at least 10%. It seems ridiculous, not because we think that all workers deserve the right to wear fun hats to work, but because we did not know that wearing fun hats at work was such a problem for New Zealand that they had to start issuing financial fines to ride everything.

Air New Zealand, Auckland's business line aircraft, think it's such a disturbing practice in the workplace they would like to see the fine amount of 25%. Clearly, we do not take enough flights on Air New Zealand. It looks like their driving crews want Steve Martin in the 70s. And if you are a fan of Grand Headwear, consider them10 summer hat options that are classy as a ball cap.

Do not get married without permission!

Couple Getting Married Craziest Corporate Policies

An anonymous worker told TokyoOnline paperJapan today That at his company, the staff was forbidden to go out with men under the age of 23.

"If they catch us, they have reduced our monthly salary and ask us to write and submit an official self-reflection letter," she told the newspaper.

Even more alarming, when they found a partner that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with, they should "present it to the boss and ask for his blessings." And if the boss says no to your potential claimant? Well, we assume that you leave your job or your work week is transformed into a very surreal adaptation of Shakespeare'sRomeo & Juliet.

Only curse around customers!

Coworkers Speaking Craziest Corporate Policies

We do not know whereThis reddit user works Exactly - he probably avoided canned by not mentioning them - but wherever it is, it sounds like something a Mauche David game.

As he explained, HR from his company held a meeting to inform employees "that there were too many swearing sales sales," he says. "Someone lifted his hand and pointed out that the swear is very common in our industry and it's the way our customers speak. Human resources then sent a memo explaining that the swear should be limited to conversations with clients." Hey, if you are going to talk like a drunk sailor, do it at least in front of customers! We try to look professional here!

Never point with a finger!

Pointing Index Finger Craziest Corporate Policies

We do not want it to be chosen on Disney World, but they have seriously hilarious rules. Some of them even seem counter-intuitive, as their policy against any Disney employee - sorry, we hear "member of the distribution" - usingone finger to point anywhere.

They can not completely prohibit the tip of the prohibition, as visitors always ask them for directions and they can not report them on the right without, well, pointing. But instead of using a single finger, they can point with two fingers. Who is ... less offensive, we guess? Personally, we have never been offended by pointing, especially when we ask someone "how to mountain space?" But someone must be, because you will never have caught a disney distribution member by waving a finger in your general direction. And speaking about the magic kingdom, here is the20 Secrets Disney employees do not want you to know.

No sitting!

Woman at Standing Desk Craziest Corporate Policies

Even people who use office standing offices are paused on occasion and find a seat. But it's not an option to the Japanese plastic manufacturer Iris Ohyama, whoIntersisted employees The use of portable computers of the house (whether they might be tempted to take advantage of sitting assistance) and obliged them to use computers at one of the offices standing in society, that is to- tell the only offices available.

In addition, they could only use the computer at 45-minute intervals, that the company estimated that "increase concentration, strengthen creativity and improve the health of workers". So, you are standing all day and the clock is constantly remembered that at any time, the computer will close and you will lose all your work. Not only would it do not make us more productive, we can feel our blood pressure that simply meet the last sentence.

Dry cereals only!

Cereal Craziest Corporate Policies

Employers at spars, an oil and offshore gas service company based in Scotland, has sent aMemo foolish to their staff In 2013, informing it that milk, while being allowed in the premises, could no longer be used in cereals.

"The milk bought by the company is intended to be used with tea or coffee", read the memo. "The use of this milk for cereals is to cease immediate effect."

It's hard to take a rule like that seriously, but employers clearly explained that they were not only serious, but looking for spies. If someone spotted a colleague who puts milk in his cereals, the memoir, "let me an email with the name of the offender and I will deal with them." Wow. It's like an Orwell novel, but with milk.

No pictures of money!

Taking Photo of Money Craziest Corporate Policies

We simply assume that most banks have a general policy against their employees flying money. This should be the number one rule. But according to a reddit user, he was employed by a bank that had greater concerns about cold hard money left in their care. Like what? Like having their money end up viral on social media.

"We had a rule of" not taking pictures of money and put it on Instagram ", the old bankerShared on a reddit thread. And certainly. Because the last thing you need is money to get too many views on Instagram, which devise it instantly. Stop using the adoration of foreigners to hang your self-esteem, your money! You are better than that! And for more money, here is20 Facts that you have never known about the bills of a dollar.

Only women are allowed for sale bra!

Girl Shopping for a Bra Craziest Corporate Policies

Is there something more embarrassing than buying a guy's bra? Apparently not in Saudi Arabia, where women have recently been allowed to enter the workplace.

Once a Saudi woman was embarrassed by a male clerk while trying to buy underwear, she called for a "boycott of lingerie shops that did not employ women" and quickly became a practice Standard for shops that sell underwearhire women.

No coffee!

Businessman Drinking Coffee Craziest Corporate Policies

Excuse me? No coffee?No coffee! Now you just have to become unreasonable. But that's what happened in several British hospitals, whereCoffee and tea have been banned Because, depending on what the medical staff has been said, drinking such drinks was "presenting a mediocre impression to the public and staff who visit our departments."

Uh, no, just the opposite. This has an impression of a medical agent who is alert for cafeveine and mentally, and therefore less likely to leave a scalpel in someone's chest during surgery. We needmore caffein Doctors, no less caffeinations! Good God, what's wrong with you Brits? Make together!

No humor!

Coworkers Celebrating Birthday Craziest Corporate Policies

It was apparently not easy to work for Houston oil and gas magnat Edward Mike Davis, especially if you are one of those people who love things like "smiling" and "birthdays".

No, we are serious about birthdays. As he instructed his employees of the Tiger oil company in 1978, there would be "More Anniversary Celebrations, birthday cakes, lightness, lightness or celebrations of any type within the office. "That's right, it's actuallyProhibited lavitity! How do you even do that? Were the workers sentenced to a fine when their expressions were not desperate and desperate, like a photo of dust bowl of the 30s? Davis continued to remind his staff that "it's a business office. If you have to celebrate, do it after office hours at your time." We would have liked to see this forced guy spending a day in Chuck E. cheese.

Wear tracking devices!

Woman with Watch Amazon Craziest Corporate Policies

Amazon does not trust their employees. Not only are theybanished to wear braceletsOr any other that the company actually sells - for obviously, if they did not do it, each worker would face five watches on each wrist - but now they are preparing for the ultimate in the paranoia of enterprise:Tracking devices. The company has patented bracelets that keep tabs on an employee all day (and maybe beyond), then you always know what these sneaky devils are up to it.

No movement!

Starbucks Craziest Corporate Policies

If there is one thing you do not want an employee, it's a multiple ability to be. Wait What? That's what the business titans in Starbucks seem to believe at leastaccording toThe Wall Street newspaper, which reported in 2010 that all baristas must stand in the same place "at the espresso bar instead of moving", even if there is nothing to do at their particular station.

Yes, it's an idiotic rule. As a NEBRASKA Starbucks employee told paper, "While I lay a frappuccino, he does not make sense to stay there and wait until the mixer ends up running, because I could make a tea iced at the same time. "

No deodorant!

Deodorant Craziest Corporate Policies

The city of Detroit never expected to be pursued by a former employee in 2010, after complaining of the perfume of a colleague aggravating his allergies. And they certainly did not expect$ 100,000. So they changed politics, announcing all the employees of the city that they must "refrain from wearing fragrant products, including anything but not limited to Cologne, after-shaving, lotions. , perfumes, deodorants, body / face lotions, hair sprayers or similar products. "

We do not know if you have already lived a Michigan winter, but it's cold and your skin starts to crack. No lotion is not the worst thing that could never happen to someone who calls Detroit at home. And that does not even belong the deodorant problem ...

No machetes!

Machete Craziest Corporate Policies

This must be our only favorite corporate policy,Shared by a user reddit Who swears that his place of work has a strict rule against bringing "machetes or bb rifles on the property".

Our first thought is, wait, you had to ask employeesnot bring BB machetes and rifles? And for better managed companies, readThe most admired society in each state.

Tell us if you are sick!

Amazon Craziest Corporate Policies

Well, at least according to a former Amazon employee, whoRecountInternal business community that it has been terminated by society after discovering that it had chronic bronchitis and did not inform them.

Never call a colleague "darling!"

Coworkers Talking Craziest Corporate Policies

Ok, it's actually a good thing in a #metoo postal world.

Health workers in Australia received a memo in 2012Prohibit them from using words As darling, darling, mate and darling. "This type of language should not be used in any level of the organization, such as the employee or employee to the customer", read the memo.

We can not agree more agree.

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