Here's why people "really unattractive" make more money

A new revolutionary study connects your appearance and income.

There is chances that you heard about a theory sustained by the science known as "the beauty bonus", which poses that people who are classically attractively attractive to get more jobs, earn more money and are generally considered more trustworthy, competent and intelligent than those that are less attractive. But a new studyPublished inThe Business and Psychology Journalfound that there was more at the beauty premium than to meet the eye.

Researchers Satoshi Kanazawa from the London School of Economics and the Political Science and Mary of the University of Massachusetts examined data from a study of 20,000 Americans that were noted on attractiveness at the age of 16 years, then four times more over the 13 year old.

What the results found was "very unattractive respondents have always won a lot more than unattractive respondents, sometimes more than respondents looking for the average or attractive". These results have therefore involved that there are "very weak evidence of the beauty premium, and it has completely disappeared once individual differences, such as health, intelligence and large personality factors, were statistically controlled. "

It does not mean that there is no advantages of being conventionally attractive. If anything, this indicates that people who are better cultivate more personality traits that would make them desirable for a role. "It seems that more beautiful workers earn more, not because they are beautiful, but because they are healthier, smarter and offer a personality (more conscientious and extroverted and less neurotic)," says the study.

The study noted that the size of the sample "very little attractive" was small and did not really explain why people in this category would earn the most. However, Alex Fradera,A staff writer toThe British psychological study, Proposed a theory: "Some of the very unattractive marked markeds have been marked particularly on the opening and may have been very devoted to a specific subject area, the obsessive pursuer to the exclusion of all the distractions and possibly enter the first plan of their domain. "

In simple terms, because the world is an oyster for beautiful people, they can be more likely to continue several avenues, while the "very unattractive" are more likely to harm their area of ​​interest.

If you are, like most of us, are neither deaths without drops nor amazing, do not despair your money prospects. Studieshave shown that the effects of happiness salary end after $ 95,000 anyway, and evenWarren Buffett has already said that money can not buy happiness. Not to mention, being handsome will not help you live longer,Although these four personality traits are definitely going.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Career / Income
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