The biggest theories of the plot of history that take us back

Have we really landed on the moon?

The theories of the plot are like stories of ghosts for adults. The logical part of our brain knows that there is no truth to them. I want to say…Sure 11/11 was not secretly orchestrated by the US government, Neil Armstrongreally done Go down on the lunar surface in 1969 and Bill Clinton is not a reptile speaking with a very well built latex human mask.

But like these ghost stories, we told ourselves around the campfires as children, the theories of the plot are fun because, well, we do not like anything more than to crawl.

In this spirit, here are 13 of the most preferred conspiracies in the world, which we all know (when we are rational) are completely bonkers. And if you are looking for crazy conspiracies rooted in a real fact, honest to God, do not miss these25 conspiracy theories that are proven to be true!

Reptiles control the government.

conspiracy theories

It all started with the conspiracy theorist David Icke, who had the idea of ​​a race of super intelligent reptiles, called "Annunaki", held most of the positions of political power for centuries. Everyone of Queen Elizabeth in George W. Bush at Henry Kissinger has been accused of secretly being a reptile (supposedly worn very realistic human masks). And people believe it! On aPublic Policy SurveyAbout 12 million Americans are seriously convinced that our leaders are really disguised lizards. And for more irresistible stories, we can not turn away, discover these23 Totally true urban legends.

The landing of the moon has never arrived.

Moon Landing Buzz Aldrin
Image via NASA

What is fascinating is that when NASA landed for the first time three astronauts successfully on the moon in 1969, when such a thing has always felt like science fiction, no one doubted it.

But today, despite the quality of technology, and only a few days after a NASA probe photographed an object of more than 6 billion kilometers from the earth, further than Pluto - there is a growing tide disbelievers who are certain that our government lied to us. And landing the Apollo Moon was actually staged, maybe even filmed in a studio of his Hollywood. Have fun as to imagine a conspiracy so well removed by our spatial agency, we are sorry to say that human beings actually reached the moon.

JFK has not been murdered by a single shooter.

crazy facts
Public domain

Theofficial accountWas Lee Harvey Oswald was the only assassin responsible for President John F. Kennedy's army in November 1963. By 2019, no unique death in history were further examined for all Angles imaginable that the murderer JFK.But, despite the conclusions of the Warren Commission - and scores of other forensic investigations - Americans continue to think otherwise.

On aGallup SurveyAt the 50th anniversary of this fateful day, more than 60% of Americans believe that others were involved. Perhaps the CIA, perhaps Fidel Castro, perhaps even extraterrestrials.

But do not let us try to convince you that Oswald acted alone.Consider these thoughts of the former Lyndon Johnson and Longime Mpaa Honcho Jack Valenti, which traveling in the JFK campaign in Dallas on the day of the assassination and spoken toVanity fair: "Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter. I will tell you why I think, and it was not because of the report of Warren's commission. It's because everything flees in Hollywood and Washington. And 43 years later, there has never been a leak. There are conspiracy theories there. And if there was a plot, there would be at least 10 people, 20 people involved in this plot. And nothing fled, that's why I think Lee Harvey Oswald was on his own. "

Queen Elizabeth is eternally young because she is a cannibal.

queen elizabeth and david attenborough

The Queen of England is 92 and shows no signs of slowing down. What is the secret of his longevity? The British historian Hubert Humer is pretty sure he knows what's going on.

"She has to eat human flesh to be so alive," he wrote in a story of 1973 forWe are royaltymagazine. "There is an immense amount of spiritual energy in the human muscle."

Years later, in 2012, dear dirty America websiteclaimed that they had confirmedHumider theories, thanks a Servicanian from Windsor Castle that would have discovered "vestiges of a human" in the Queen's private refrigerator. It looks like a horror movie! Oh, and if you like horror movies, do not miss this roundabout of the40 best horror movies to panic to you totally.

Big Pharma has a cure for cancer, but they earn more money from the deletion.

lung cancer ribbon

A cure for cancer, a disease that kills around 8 million people worldwide each year, has existed for about years. The conspiracy is happening. But pharmaceutical companies have successfully retained a secret because there are more benefits to treat disease rather than cure it.

Although it is easy to imagine a large pharmacy with greedy intentions, some suggest that it is a stretching to suppose they could withdraw a coverage as massive. "Humans can not keep important secrets"says an oncologist UCLA. "If there is a discovery on cancer cancer, the word comes out before the scientific presentation."

The Illuminati established a new world order without anyone realizing it.

illuminati, secret society, celebrities not like us

A Umbrous Subordinate Cabal has been secretly comploiting to control the globe with a totalitarian global government. What is the proof? Well, this frightening pyramid with the only eye at the back of a dollar ticket, for one. What exactly does this mean, we have no idea, but the rumors persisted that an enigmatic and ruthless society of a percentage has been working for centuries to destroy democracy and transform us all into their involuntary slaves. Do you need us to continue? Seriously, did not you readThe "Da Vinci Code?!

Elvis Presley has simulated his own death.

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll, died of cardiac arrest in 1977. Unless there was no. There are legions of fans and non-fans who are convinced that Elvis is alive and hidden .... somewhere. It has been spotted everywhere in the country,more singleIn a king hamburger in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The main proof that he is not dead, apart from people who really do not want to believe that he left, is his second name, Aron, who is wrongly spelled as "Aaron" on his tombstone.

Chemtrails pollute the sky .... and your mind.

blue sky with clouds

The condensation trails, or "chemtrails", left in the sky behind the planes are only motor vapors mixed at low temperatures of a night sky. Or maybe it's a chemical sprayed in the air by the government, secretly infect the masses and poison or control our minds.

Some claim that it is to "go out" the sick and the elderly, or even to sterilize the people of the population that the powers that stand (whoever) judged unworthy. US Environmental Protection Agencysays it's nonsenseOf course, but who will you believe?

The earth is flat.

Planet Earth Scientific Discoveries

If the members of the flatland company must be believed, the earth is a flat disc with the Arctic circle in the center and a huge wall of ice 150 feet high, otherwise called Antarctica, protecting the rim. NASA's soldiers protect the wall, so people are not too close, fall on the side and disguise themselves in space.

It seems absurd, but the number of flat burrows increases - a few hundred hundreds of year (well, according to society) - and they are armed with arguments that support their vision of the world (about they insist), as the apparent flatness From the horizon and the west path to the east of a solar eclipse.

The Israeli government has killer robot sharks.

shark fin

When five tourists have been attacked by sharks at an Egyptian station in 2010, the local authorities were suspicious because the sharks rarely approached the Sinai Peninsula in winter, when the attack took place.

So they jumped at the obvious conclusion: sharks were controlled by the Israeli government. And, because they had to find their way to Egypt, sharks must be installed with GPS. Israeli officials refused to comment, calling for the accusations "too ridiculous"Address.

The challenge of ice bucket was a satanic ritual.

conspiracy theories

The Ice Bucket Challenge, a world popular Internet sensation that raised money for ALS research, has been rumored to have its origins in a ritual purification ceremony, which,According to at least one conspiracy theorist, was "America cleaning in the name of Antichrist Lucifer Satan for a future thing". There was also the suspect death of Corey Griffin, one of the founders of the Ice bucket challenge, which has mysteriously jumped from a roof and died right after an ALS benefit in 2014. Was it a suicide .. . or murder?

Paul McCartney died.

worst part about turning 40, classic rock

It was during the height of Beattlemania in 1966, when a young Paul McCartney assumed an untimely end in a fatal car accident. Or at least that's what happened if you believe the cover of the Beatles albumAbbey Road.

The proof is right out there, the lack of McCartney shoes (in some cultures the dead are buried barefoot) and the messages hidden on the license plates (the plate on the cole of Volkswagen is "LMW 28IF", this Who means McCartney would be "so" he was alive.) They are also clues in music, like John Lennon, supposed to say "I buried Paul" at the end of "Strawberry Fields forever". (Spoiler alert: he really says "cranberry sauce".) Rumors persist so far despite the fact that McCartney, over the age of 76, or that of Doppelgänger, have just published a new struggled record,Egypt Station.

Lewis Carroll was Jack The Ripper.

conspiracy theories
Image via Wikimedia Commons

How could the beloved author of the classic "Alice in Wonderland" be the same mysterious series killer who murdered prostitutes in London in the late 1800s? Richard Wallace, author of the 1996 bookJack The Ripper: Light friend, Required the clues can be found in the carroll books.

Several passages of novels likeSylvie and Bruno, Written at about the same time murders, were actually anagrams, Wallace said. If you have reorganized some sentences, they will become horrible confessions, like: "I had it a tight outfit and split the throat, the ear left right."

Wallace, however, took a lot of creative license with anagrams and often left words to make his case. His theory is probably not true, but it always makes us shudder just to imagine an author of a child who went to the whirlwind for the victims at night.

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