20 facts about the millennia everyone is wrong

Do you think you know this generation inside and out? Still think.

The word "millennium" strikes the heart of the members and non-members of the generation. We have all heard about so many statistics and numbers on the somewhat infamous age group that the term has become virtually also of the fall of humanity. Okay, it could be a little dramatic, but thatcan Be very difficult to separate the facts of fiction where the millennia are concerned.

Although many people think that millennials lack a strong work ethic, feeling a special and timid treatment of the involvement of any kind, the reality is that they are not really different from the generations that came in front of them. To come, find the most common mistaken beliefs on this age group, as well as what isActually True about them. For more millennia, check20 "millennial problems" that actually apply to everyone.

They are lazy.

woman who wants to go back to bed Facts About Millennials

This is probably the most ubiquitous myth on the millennials, but according to statistics, it could not be further from the truth. "In the United States, the millennia have become the largest segment of the workforce, exceeding baby boomers in the first quarter of 2016," saidTamara Thorpe, a leadership coach, consultant in organizational development and founder ofMillennial mentor.

"Not only are they the most important contributor to the workforce, but research shows that like baby boomers, they work beyond the expected hours. A study ofHarvard Business Review In 2016, most millennia are work executioners and struggle to set borders with their job because they can access their work at any time, anywhere in the technology. Thus, when other generations millennial labels like lazy, it is factually inaccurate. "For more work, checkHow to ignore your career.

They are too young to be in leadership roles.

coworkers Facts About Millennials

Apart from the fact that it is silly to assume that someone can not lead a team to work according to their age (in one or other of the directives, of the mind), it is also true that some millennia are older than you think. "We often forget, because we like to think of millennia as perpetually aged 25, that the older millennia go well in mid-thirties," saysKatie Rasoul, Awesome director officerGreat Team Coaching.

"Many millennia the oldest elderly that I have worked with management roles over a decade or more. In addition, leadership is a way of being, without depending on someone's direct reports. He there are many well-adjusted millennia. Ready to run the teams, and many already do it successfully. "For more leadership, checkTom Brady reveals his leadership secrets.

They all live in the subsoils of their parents.

adult son living with parents Facts About Millennials

"This myth is so tired, yet it's not going to disappear," say millennial trend expertsJames GoodNow andRyan Avery, co-authors ofMillennium motivation. "Of course, many millennia have delayed the purchase of a house; to marry; And even the purchase of a car - and in some cases, especially in the face of the overwhelming student loan debt, they may have effectively declining with their people - but the truth is that it is difficult to generalize about 75 millions of people. It is the most important, the most diverse generation and the education of all time - and hardworking, but we tend to work differently. "

They do not care about politics.

students protesting Facts About Millennials

Think of it: "It is the generation that grew up with a Hollywood Star President, two Presidents of Bush, a president who had a liaison to the Oval Office and a chairman who declared" underestimate "and other words non-existent, while being also the generation that has proved in the mass to vote for the first black president by a landslide, "notesDennis Mihasky, A political blogger and a podcast focus specifically on engaged millennia.

To say that this age group does not care about the choices that the government does is simply false. But it is true that the way they think that politics could be a little different from other generations. "It's the generation that cares for problems on the party, which means that the people of the party, which means that the country on the party." And for more astonishing facts, check these30 things you always believe that it's not true.

They are mainly focused on the recognition of the name at work.

Young Happy Woman at Work Facts About Millennials

"Many people believe that all millennia want to work for recognizable brands such as Google or Goldman Sachs," saysLiz Wessel, CEO and co-founder ofWashup. "However, we found only one third of the millennia care about working for a company with" name to build my CV ". Instead, we have seen millennia in care more and more attributes like growth personal, a clear way to professional development and a strong emphasis on the social impact. "

They are addicted to technology.

Women on smartphones Facts About Millennials

It might be common to spot millennia (and many other people other generations, too) with their noses buried in their phones or computer screens, but it is less characteristic of their generation and more a function of the fact That's just how we communicate these days. "During the five years from 1995 to 2000 - a training period for Millennials - the online population has increased closely a factor of ten," saysMaculate, author ofThe guide in the way for generations at work. "So it's not just the millennials have stuck in the computer; the computer has become the most important trend of their lives."

"The millennia regularly use their phones on a regular basis, but they are perfectly able to turn off the phone and focus on matter at hand," addsLaura Macleod, LMSW, a Human Resources Expert, Consultant and Therapist."In my classes and support groups, we set standards and expectations of how the group / class will work. The use of the cell phone is always discussed and often students are those who say that phones must be put apart." Yup, it's true. "They find it distracting when others are SMS or emails. It feels disrespectful and prevents direct communication and interaction." For more information on smartphones, see these20 amazing facts that you have never known about your smartphone.

They are not interested in traditional rites of passage, such as home ownership.

couple renting house Facts About Millennials

On ato study By loan tree, millennial home buyers constitute a third of mortgage applications. "32.5% of all mortgage applications through Lending between February 1, 2017 and February 1, 2018 come from consumers 35 years and older," saysWoodruff Mandi, Executive Editor ofDistributer andBeautifully. And they make significant investments in their homes. "The average amount of the loan requested from this age group is $ 166,863."

They prefer Amadou fittings to serious relationships.

engagement ring Facts About Millennials

True, marriage rates are on thedecline and millennia getting married later than previous generations, but it's not necessarily because they do not do itwant to to marry. "Many of these young people want an exclusive relationship," saysDarlene M. Corbett, a therapist, a success coach and the author. "Like many past generations, long-term commitment, marriage and family are part of the biggest image."

More,Baby boomers Are in fact the generation to divorce at the highest speed for the moment, and they also did it in the 1920s and 30. Fortunately, it does not turn younger generations of marriage. "Most of these millennia were not obtained by the divorce rate of past generations."

They all have a "millennial flake syndrome".

men in meeting Facts About Millennials

"The millennia have been pampered, from the shower of the praise of any fulfillment to the transmission of the 11th place trophies to introduce oneself, so that adults, this misconception translates into millennia that thinking that the thoughts of thought are spoiled, constant fishing for approval and praise, "saysPatrick Colvin, Trade Partner of Strategic Human Resources for the United States today.

The thing is that millennia do not necessarily seek praise; They are looking forfeedback. "Studies show that 80% of the millennials want regular comments and 80% have preferred quick comments to formal annual reviews." But is not it that most people prefer to get feedback, regardless of their generation? "The millennia do not look for a tape at the back, they have just been conditioned to always look for ways to improve, which means that they are more likely to accept criticism and instruction if they are On the wrong track, which is desired in any employee. "

They are super autonomous.

celebrity photo secrets Facts About Millennials

Maybe you have heard millennia called "Generation Me". This is due to the common stereotype that they are self-obsessed (and selfie-) obsessed. But did you know that theBaby boomers have also been called the "generation of me?" Maybe egocentric people are more autonomous than there once, but that probably does not have anything to do with their generation.

These are job events.

man who left bad job Facts About Millennials

Not exactly. "The millennia are more careful of forging their own career paths than to follow the traditional road leaves established", say Bonnow and Avery. So, if a business always clings to obsolete ideals and practices, so yes, they could lose millennia at an alarming rate. "What works best for the Millennials allows them to work with managers to create a complete personalized career path with objectives and objectives adapted to the unique situation of each employee."

They spend all their free time traveling.

woman traveling Facts About Millennials

Glopetrotting-sometimes, looking for the perfect Instagram photo, is usually popular with Millennials, but not as popular as you might think. While people often refer to poor work ethics in the millennium population,research Show in fact that most millennia do not even take all their holidays.

They do not know how to handle money.

woman saving money Facts About Millennials

"A magnificently discovered survey of discovered millennia are the most likely to save money compared to X generation, boomers and the elderly," says Woodruff. Yes, you read that right. "74.8% of the millennials surveyed saved money every month. No need for a participation trophy here. Millennials first placed freely."

It's the fault of their parents.

father and daughter holding hands Facts About Millennials

Everyone loves to blame parents, and in the face of the millennials, the perceived laziness of the Millennials, the right and self-employed, many resemble people who raised the generation as part of the reason for their "failure". In reality,research Shows that the millennia are quite satisfied with the way they have been raised, reporting high levels of proximity with their parents as children, possibly because parents have spent more time with their children during this generation .

They are titled.

happy hipster Facts About Millennials

"I have heard that this stereotype a million times recruiters and managers who are frustrated that millennia want to move quickly and expect to gain more than their superiors when they started," says Thorpe.

There are two fairly logical reasons that millennia want to move forward, however. "The first is that their teachers, their teachers and their parents told them that they should not settle and have careers that they are passionate. Baby boomers and Gen Xers have grown feeling that we should be Grateful to have a job and all work was a gift. As a result, many of us were blocked in careers we did not want and taught our children to want more now than they want more. "

The second reason? "Millennials want not wanting to waste time basically and ask for higher salaries is because they have been disproportionately affected by student debt and wages have not increased with the cost of living. In areportBy invincible young people, he said the millennia earn $ 10,000 less than baby boomers or Gen Xers when they were young adults. They simply can not afford to work from the mailroom at the meeting room. "

They are not religious.

person reading Facts About Millennials

Although it is definitely true that less than millennials consider themselves as part of an individualreligion That in previous generations, it does not mean they have completely written and all that is spiritual. Expertiseto suggest These millennia learned that everything will think about yourself, be different and have your own moral compass. For this reason, they are more likely to have a "DIY" approach of religion, which could include recently popular practices such as meditation.

They want to play as much as they work.

man relaxing Facts About Millennials

Personal work-life balance is certainly important for the millennia, but it does not necessarily have a priority over everything else. "According to a recent study we conducted, 48.5% of the millennia stated that the balance of professional life was one of the three most important attributes they are looking for when evaluating a potential employer" , "said Wessel. "However, there is a misconception that it means that millennia seek an" equal balance "of work and playing. Instead of what millennia really want is to work for companies that properly prioritize things. who count the most for them - such as health, family and leisure time. "

These are experts in all regarding technology.

Millennial man helping Baby boomer Facts About Millennials

"Of course, Millennials can snapchat, download applications and edit new Instagram photos in their sleep, but they are not all coding experts capable of hacking national security accounts," says SILVANA CLARK, author ofMillennials vs boomers. "A millennium told me," I'm so tired of being asked to help a colleague with something on their computer. The elderly of my office assume that I can solve all their computer problems. "

They like to be considered millennia.

Facts About Millennials

It turns out that all members of this generation are not super proud to be part of the group. "A 2015 PRRI study showed that 66% of the millennials (determined by their birth year) do not identify with millennia," Rasoul. "With all negative statistics, affirms that millennia are" kill "industries and rhetoric that the millennia are lazy and titled, it is perfectly logical that the best and most brilliant generation does not prefer to be associated with that word. . "

In addition, millennia tend to see each other as individuals. It is therefore logical not to want to be framed in a category. "If we want millennia begin to pay attention to something, we may want to propose a new name for generation or reversing the negative connotation."

They are fundamentally different from previous generations.

office Facts About Millennials

Here is the thing about these general generations: they are very rarely good. But what is theresearch really show? The differences between generations are more likely to do with the state of age and career rather than fundamentally different values. In other words, we are not all different: from the silent generation to generation Z-as we can think. For more information on generational differences, see50 things that people say it will offend you if you have more than 50 years.

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