That's why your computer is so slow
Put to death the wheel of death.

We have all been there. You will do something harmless onyour computer, andBAM!Your cursor starts to turn constantly, rendering your machine virtually useless. (Some people call this technological affliction the "death of death of death")In modern age, it is probably one of the little most boring things we need to bear. And if you are experimenting while you are as part of a major project, you can also find you screaming, "Why?!Why Is my computer so slow? "
Well, as for all things, there are good news and there are bad news. The good news is that there is certainly a definitive problem that you can identify why your computer runs at an approximate speed of 0.5 mph. In addition, your machine can almost certainly be corrected and common at maximum speed in no time.
The bad news is that the identification of the problem is not always so easy.
Fortunately, we are here to help you. Here, at least very common, you will find all the reasons why your computer has been approved by your computer.
Programs, Programs, Programs
The most common reason for the slow dreaded computer is that there are just too many programs running at a time. Many people do not know they have current programs in the background, so it's always wise to verify that your computer does not have programs without your permission.
According toComputer Repair DoctorAaron Schoeffler, "90% of programs want permission to start when your computer starts, so you use them, which can cause a start-up time of five to ten minutes. When it finally begins, a ton of programs is Already running in the background and if you do not use a newer computer, it can slow it down. "For optimal speed, it is important to make sure you do not have programs defined to open automatically when you turn on when you turn on your computer. You can do it in your computer settings.
If the random access memory of your computer (RAM) is booted, the speed of your device will be compromised.According to The experts atEuhore, a technology company based in Madrid, if your RAM card is old, it could be the culprit. Ontimes, older versions of RAM technology have neither memory nor the ability to manage new operating systems at a decent speed. To solve the problem, Ehorus suggests retrogramber your operating system so that it uses less RAM or use programs that use less RAM.
Your computer can also run a low memory on the memory, which causes it to slow down.According to Internal business communityWhile your computer is looking for more RAM, other task resources will be deleted.Cable suggestClear temporary files to increase the speed of your computer and erase system files to increase the storage of your computer. If you do not know how to proceed, use the disk cleaning utility on your computer (it is under "All programs" in the "Start" menu Windows ") and select" Temporary Files "to delete any footprint . (Mac users: Consider trying an application, likePro disk cleaning.)
It is also a good idea to make a general cleaning of your computer every few months to make sure there is no space used unnecessarily. Computers come with many pre-downloaded applications and programs, and there are probably on your computer you have never used. (Hello, Photoshop for this year Junior Intook Elective Design.) Delete all dusty applications to make sure your computer has enough storage to operate maximum efficiency.
The last round to optimize your RAM is a program that you are probably using day and day: internet. Start by deleting your cache and regularly eliminate your browser history. Then address your windows and tabs. Have too many windows and open tabs at the same time is ahuge Error most people do.Whenever you open a new tab or window, it is saved in RAM, your computer probably slows down if you choose to keep tons of them open at a time. If you meet a slow computer and you have an endless sea on the screen, start with close some of these tabs and windows.
If you get a virus was your fault or not (this 720p version ofAvengers: War of Infinity Just look so legitimate!), No two ways: A virus can bring the work crisis from your computer to a stop. Of course, all viruses are not constructed or similar. Take it experts toTechnical speech: "Some people claim that you have a virus, so you can" rid "from it by coughing your credit card. Others are dormant in the background, expect additional instructions from the domestic base. Other floods Users with context listings based on the behavior of the user. Others divert the results of the search to direct you to suspected websites. "
If you need to purge your computer from a virus on the Quick, download a virus scanner, likeAversion. In this way, you can identify everything that can have a virus and avoid downloadingbefore Your computer becomes infected.
If nothing mentioned above seems to be the problem, your computer could simply be too old.According to Information technology of the companyIf your old computer works slowly, you can try to wipe the hard disk and start again, but the older computers of about seven years will probably not be able to handle it enough to notice a speed gain, causing a more operation. Slow. Living. "So, the best solution for your problem can be biting the ball and invest in a new computer. And for more incredible technical advice, learn everything on the13 ways to ruin your mobile phone without realizing it.
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