25 Quotes from Monty Python who are relevant today
John Cleese has seen all come.

Monty Python did only a handful of movies and a sketch show show, but they managed to create some of the mosttimeless comedy of their generation. And yes, we mean "timeless". Their first was in the 1970s and early 80s, but their best bits sound like they could have been written this week. When was the last time you watched a comedy of the 70s and thought, "It's as if they are satir in 2018?" Probably never. But Monty Python, despite the existing well before the Internet and all the peculiarities of the beginning of the 21st century, could also have modern culture.
Do not believe us? Discover these 30 classic citations from Monty Python and tell us that they are not as relevant today, perhapsFollowing relevant they were back in the 70s.
1 "We interrupt this program to get bored and make things usually more irritating."

-The flying circus of Monthy Python
Replace "program" with "online story" and add "with context listings", and it's like these Quotations from Monty Python were written yesterday.
2 "It's not the Messiah - it's a very naughty boy!"
-The life of Brian de Monty Python
Hey, we do not name any name!
3 "Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is not a basis for a government system!"

-Monty Python and the Holy Grail
But that has probably more logical than a government that allows it to close! (To burn!)
4 "And finally…"

"... Here are some completely free pictures of penis to annoy the censors and arouse some kind of controversy."
-The meaning of life
Hmm. Being shocking just to generate controversy and attract attention. We will let you think about that while you arePoster on Instagram.
5 "The mill is closed ..."

"... There is no more work. We are richer. I'm afraid I do not have any choice but to sell you all for scientific experiences."
-The meaning of life
Obviously, no one would never sell their children to pay the bills. But when times become difficult, it's easy toIdentify with absurdism one of the biggest quotes from Monty Python of all time.
6 "But the children were different in them days ..."

"... They did not have the head filled with all this Cartesian dualism!"
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
Adults are also confused that what the devil is happening with children today.
7 "Shut up, you American ..."

".... You are Americans, everything you do is talk, talk and say" Let me tell you something "and" I just want to say. "Well, you're dead now, so shut up!"
-The meaning of life
Leave it to the grilling mower with modern school Americans on theirBloated egos.
8 "We only use the best baby frogs ..."
"... The dew has chosen and stole from Iraq, cleaned in the spring water of the most beautiful quality, slightly killed, then sealed in a succulent candle chocolate envelope with quintuple succulent and frosted with love with glucose . "
-The flying circus of Monthy Python)
This could not only exist in 2018, they would probably sell more than $ 200 a book.
9 "My brain hurts!"

-The flying circus of Monthy Python
We are here with you, Mr. T.F. Gumby. Whenever we look at the news, we want to moan "my huuuturts brain!"
10 "There is nothing wrong with you that an expensive operation can not prolong."
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
The great thing about modern medicine is that they never overload patients forunnecessary procedures. Or maybe the opposite. Anyway, the quotes of Monty Python have some finesse when it comes to hitting the nerves of millions of people.
11 "It's a vegetarian restaurant ..."
"... we do not serve any meat of any kind. We are not only proud of that, we are sufficient."
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
All my apologies to our vegetarian friends, but you know it's true.
12 "Tonight instead of discussing the existence or non-existence of God, they decided to fight for that."
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
Unlike today, where we are able to have civil and rational debates on religion.
13 "She's a witch! The burns already!"
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail
It's likeJohn Cleese Enterpriseknewon the American presidential election 2016.
14 "It just became eight hours and time for the penguin at the top of your TV to explode."
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
We can not be the only fear of turning on our TV because of what could happen next, is not it?
15 "Let me tell you something, my boy ..."
".... When you come home at home tonight and a great homicide maniac comes after you with a group of Loganberries, do not come cry for me!"
-And now for something completely different
Somehow, this quote from Monty Python perfectly describes theparanoia You may feel maybe in 2018.
16 "Oh! Now we see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I am repressed!"
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Wait for it, is it a film about the 5th century Europe, or the 21st century university campuses?
17 "Outside sanitation ..."
"... the drug, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, freshwater system and public health, what the Romans have never done for us?"
-The life of Brian de Monty Python
Even today, our government is still out of the way, except for everything they do for us!
18 "It's not to pin ..."
"... it has been passed! This parrot is no longer! He has ceased to be! He has expired and went to meet his manufacturer! It's a late parrot! It's a steep! Beeft of Life, He rests in peace! Ta nailed to the pole, he pushed the daisies! It is lagging behind the curtain and joined the invisible choir. This is an ex-parrot! "
-And now for something completely different
This is not so much the dead parrot part of this sketch that always sounds true. It's the discussion with someone on what seems to be an obvious truth until you are red in the face, and they always refuse to recognize it.
19 "Is it a boy or a girl?" "Request the new mother ...
To which the obstetrician responds: "I think it's a bit early to start imposing roles on that, is not it?"
-The meaning of life
Hey, do not look at us, we are not the satire of modern ideas onGenus fluidity.
20 "There are many people in the country today, who does not fail their own, are healthy."
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
And remember that they were written linesbeforethe invention ofTwitter.
21 "Do not tightening and does not discuss who killed who."
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Why the Quotes from Monty Python are not taught in schools of an unusual example of the global political logic that await us.
22 "I would like to complain ..."
"... about people who constantly keep things complaining of people who complain. It's high time that something has been done about it!"
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
We would complain about this quote from Monty Python, if it was not so on the spot.
23 "I'm happy to say that we got the Go-Up to lend you money that you have forced ..."
"... We will of course need security the act of your home, the act of the house of your aunt, from the parents' house of your wife and your bungalow of your granny. And we will also need interest controlling in the stock of your new business, unrestricted access to your private bank accounts, the deposit of your three children in our vaults as hosts and a full legal allowance in case of diversion of funds against You by members of our staff during the normal course of their homework. "
-The flying circus of Monthy Python
Uh ...ce is supposed to besatire, Yes? Because we are pretty sure they have just described our mortgage.
24 "It's just an injury to the flesh."
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Yes, it was said by the black knight, who had just cut his arm. In a time in which the controversies are often brilliant, thisabsurd joke always sounds true.
25 "Do you suggest that cocotits migrate?"
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This quotation from Monty Python of the jaw, in which King Arthur insists that a tropical fruit could be transported by birds to the Kingdom of Mercéa temperate, follows the same reasoning for many disagreements in 2018, where the opinions are More important than the facts!
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