The 30 best literary baby names of all time

Show your literary love with these baby names inspired by books.

A good book can change your life, whether it'sHarry Potter Or a dottoyevsky novel that hangs on. For many parents - to be, especially those who want to give a significant name about their child, draw excellent works from literature, this is an opinion. If you are interested in paying tribute to your favorite author or character, these literary baby names are classics that will appear as respectable in the adulthood they make it adorable on a baby. And when you want to perfect these parenting skills, discover the20 ways of being a mother (a lot) best mother.


child playing with toy - literary baby names

While George is a fairly common name, he has a noticeable literary story. In addition to being the first name of the authors Orbell, Saunders and Eliot (his pen name, at least), George Emerson is also the romantic interest of the protagonist Lucy Honeychurch at m. ForsitterA room with view. Reading is not the only way to get a more interesting dinner client, however, so be sure to ominate on the50 GENERAL FACTS ON ALL.


Smiling baby - literary baby names

Zelda Fitzgeraldsaid to be the inspiration for Daisy Buchanan in her husband's classicGatsby the magnificent, may have had a brief life, but his name is always synonymous with literary talent and passion so far. It's a literary baby name with fire and pizzazz.


Crawling baby - literary baby names

French authorEmile Zola the protagonist inErich Kästner's Beloved children's bookEmil and detectivesThis elegant and elegant literary baby name is rare but falls to be strange.


Baby walking - literary baby names

What better moniker give to your child than that ofRoald Dahl's Heroin Lifty, Lovebook?


Newborn baby - literary baby names

If you name your son after the authorOscar Wilde or the title character inJunot diaz's modern classicThe brief and wonderful life of Oscar WaoThis classic name is perfect for babies and adults. And if parenthood increases your cortisol, be sure to check the30 easy ways to combat stress.


Baby holding flowers - literary baby names

Dashiell Hammett The fans will love this name, that their little one can share with the female protagonist of fast mind in the classic of HammettSlim man.


Baby boy - literary baby names

Although it is impossible to keep your young children forever, this name of Inspiration Wilde Oscar is the best thing to do.


Smiling baby - literary baby names

A source of early influence for the feminist movement and the subject of very subsequent criticism,Virginia Woolf is a worthy woman for a child to share a name with. Even when you do not have time to read, you can still continue learning while listening to the15 podcasts that will make you 15% smarter.


Happy baby - literary baby names

Appoint your son afterCatherine Earnshaw's Romantic Interest Moody for Emily Brontë'sThe Wuthering Heights will give him a cute nickname, Heath and possibly a reputation for being a tortured soul.


Man holding baby, he's a better man - literary baby names

James Joyce Fans can show their love for the work of the Irish author without moving too far from the beaten track taking their little Molly, after the flowering of Molly ofUlysses.


baby in chair with man - literary baby names

Need a name that works for adults, but has a cute nickname? Borrow one from Nathan Zuckerman,Philip Roth's frequent protagonist. And if you are eager to enjoy a smarter and more productive life, even when you do not brush literature, it's time to learn the15 ways to double your productivity within half of the time.


Baby in crib - literary baby names

Any girl would have the chance to share his name with the authorJoan Didion, whose work has been inspired readers and capture the essence of American culture for more than 50 years.


Babywearing dad - literary baby names

That you like or hateJ.D. Salinger's protagonist inThe receiver in the ryeIt's hard to deny that he has a good name.


Father holding newborn baby - literary baby names

The British author behind classics likeMurder on the East Express,Agatha Christie, has a charming name to the old one who is worth sharing. Do you want to develop your mind beyond your library? Bone on the10 amazing facts that will make you more intelligently this week.


Man holding baby - literary baby names

Whether you are a fan ofNeil Degressse Tyson 's Primary of astrophysics or the main character ofGoodbye, Colombus, Philip Roth's famous Novella, the boys named Neil have big shoes to fill.


Baby on beach - literary baby names

While this name is derived nicknames, like Maggie and Maisonie, are many cute, links toThe tale of the hand of the hand authorMargaret Atwood Make a strong literary baby name.


Baby on belly - literary baby names

Charles Dickens' Great expectationsIt may not have been able to give us a lot for the names of men-pip and Abel to be at the top of our favorite list, but that Estella is still quite amazing.


Sleeping baby - literary baby names

Surname Sam Clay, one of the characters holdingMichael Chabon's The Incredible Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, for a first name alone.


Newborn baby - literary baby names

Fans ofThe jarCan inspire the elegant name of its author for his own little ones.


stop judging women over 40 - literary baby names

John Kennedy Toole's hilarious masterpiece,A Dunces Confederation, offers a first name of unusual but cool literary baby for the little ones.


Baby playing outside - literary baby names

Innumerable readers were inspired by Jo March,Heroin ofLouisa May Alcott's Little womanAnd his name is not half bad, either.


be a better father - literary baby names

It is possible that you name your son afterArthur Conan Doyle, the author who created Sherlock Holmes, will breathe a love of adventure and mystery in your little one.


baby sitting in car, looking chill. - literary baby names

If you name your child after a bookmain character Seems obvious, Nellie works as well too. In this case, she is the boat inJoseph Conrad Heart of darkness.


Sleeping baby - literary baby names

Although ultimately a tragic figure, there is no denying that Jay Gatsby has a friendly name and sharing it. Even when you do not read, you can improve your brain by taking the15 drugs on the counter-sale that will make you smarter.


Baby outdoors - literary baby names

The heroin ofTruman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's Has a charming moniker that will work for lovers of nature literature.


smiling baby in bed - literary baby names

If you are eager to name your child something classic, but not too used, take the inspiration fromGraham Greene, author ofThe American calm andOur man in Havana.


baby sleeping and hugging teddy bear - literary baby names

Feminist parents can take a page ofErica Jong Seminal feminist novel,The fear of flying, by appointing their daughters after his protagonist released, the wing of Isadora.


baby in duck blanket - literary baby names

Looking for aStephen King-IN NamesPires Name Who is a little easier to live with Cennywise or Cujo? Try searching for Roland, the first name of the King's protagonistDarkness Series.


baby sprawled out in bed - literary baby names

The favorite girl of King Lear, Cordelia, has one of these literary first names who deserve to give a little bit. In addition to its literary meaning, it is thought to have a fresh meaning too: girl from the sea.


baby napping with teddy bear

Authors likeJames Baldwin and James Joyce to James Barnes, the male protagonist of HemingwayThe sun rises tooThis strong and strong moniker nickname has innumerable literary links. And if you have enough of these literary first names and you really want to make your Hemingway game, learn to make your signature drink, Daiquiri, one of the20 cocktails Everyone should know how to do.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: kids / Parenthood
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