40 facts about the numbers that will make you feel like a mathematical genius
Become a good faith, Pythagoras of the 21st century.

The amount on your bank account. The number of pages of a book. Which quickly approach the deadline. Time, dates, phone numbers, street addresses - The world is numbers. But how much do you havereally know about them? As it turns out, the numbers are a million times more fascinating than the most complex equation pythagorus could think. Here is the proof. And for more blowing trivia pieces, check these40 facts on words that will make you say "OMG!"
1 "Cent" does not mean 100
The word "cent" is actually derived from the old Nordic word "Hundrath", which actually means 120, not 100. More precisely, "Hundrath", in the old Norse, means "long hundred", which equates to 120, because of duodecimal system. But good luck tries to argue that your $ 100 bill is worth 20% more than it. And for more surprising definitions, see these47 Cool foreign words that will make you sound sophisticated.
2 There is only one maximum number
Number 2 is also the smallest and the first main number (because all other numbers even are divisible by two).
3 The square root of two is called constant "pythagora".
Surely, do you remember the Pythagore theorem in your 10th year geometry class, but have you ever heard of the pythagora constant? Well, here's the bottom: the square root of 2 (1.41) is known asConstant pythagora. It is alsoThe very first irrational number never to discover.
All this has to do with this Greek Mathematician Pythagore, and there is afascinating story Behind his famous theorem that they certainly did not teach you in high school - that the Babylonian mathematicians discovered his famous theory of 1,000 years before it! And for more facts of history, they did not learn you at school, check these30 crazy facts that will change your vision of history.
4 Zero is the only number that can not be represented in the Roman numerals
There is a total zero zero in Roman numerals. While the old Greeks wereawareFrom zero as a concept, they did not consider that zero to be a number at all. For example, Aristotle decided that zero was not a number because you could not divide by zero. Instead of a Roman figure, the Latin word "null" would have been used to represent the concept of zero. The reason that no number existed for zero is because there was no need to quantify it.
5 Different cultures have discovered zero at different moments

The idea of zero as a number has been invented around the world todifferent moments in history. Despite this dispersed adoption, it is generally accepted that the Indian astronomer and the Mathematician Brahmagupta raised the concept of zero for the first time, around 600 A.d. In addition to this one,Brahmagupta Many mathematics and astronomy, and is known to explain how to find the cube and cube root of an integer and also gave rules facilitating the calculation of squares and square roots. And for more trivia changing paradigm, here is here50 fun facts about the world that will put a smile on your face.
6 Roman figures have been invented as a means of negotiation
The cannery formhas been used As a means of the Romans, the Romans easily have different goods and services and have been widely used in the Roman Empire for daily processes. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Roman figures continued to be used throughout Europe. This stopped, however, around the 1600s. The Roman figures are represented by seven different letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M.
7 Zero is an even number
Mathematically, an even number is a number that can be divided by two and always create an integer. Zero meets the criteria for that because if you get zero, you get zero. But if you are confused, you are not alone: the research of the 90s, outside the University of Cambridge, revealed that the 10% seniors are slower to decide if zero or not even or not if, say, two.
8 There is only one number spelled with the same number of letters as itself
You probably never thought of it before, but there is only one number spelled with the same number of letters as itself. Can you guess which one? No? Well, it's 4. Oh, and number 4 on a calculator is composed of four light bars. Tell this do your next party! (You might not make many friends, though.) And for more didbat cocktails, here is50 Facts so crazy that you will not believe to be true.
9 Take any number and multiply it by three for a cold tower
Take any number and multiply it byThree. Then take the numbers of this new number and add them all together. Whatever the number of equivacles will always be divisible by three, regardless of the number you started. For example:
3 x 4 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
3/3 = 1
10 Six is the smallest perfect number
As the theory of numbers, a perfect number is a positive integer equal to the sum of its positive dividers. By this rule, six is theperfect number. If you scratched your head and said, "Hein?," Here's an example to clarify:
1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
The next perfect number occurs only up to 28. It is really perfectionis Rare ...
11 The digital system we use today is older than it was used
The digital system we use today - that composed of the 10 symbols (you know: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) -is actually on the basis of aHindu-Arabic numbers system. This was developed more than 1,000 years ago, but it was not before the15th century That these symbols we know today have been used throughout Europe.
12 The number is irrational
The number PI-has also called the ratio of the circumference to a circle diameter - is irrational. Indeed, pi can not be written as a fraction. Also: Pi, when written as decimal, never repeats and never ends up. Oh, and there is a designated day PI (March 14, or 3/14).
13 2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end with 2 and 5
A prime number is a natural number greater than that can not be created by multiplying two smaller natural numbers. So, to put this in non-mathematical discussions, the prime numbers are numbers greater than 1 which can only be trained by multiplying by itself. A larger natural number than the onenotPremium is called a composite number.
14 The Fibonacci sequence appears in nature
Leonardo Fibonacci was pisa. He lived in the 13th century in Italy and is credited with the discovery of a mathematical sequence that is now named after him: the Fibonacci sequence. Starting at 0 and 1, this sequence is created as a sum of two previous numbers in the sequence. So, for example:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...
The Fibonacci sequence often appears in nature most often in rabbit. (Put a rabbit with another rabbit, and you will get two rabbits, who spawn three, which then accumulate to spawn five, and so on.) Also, the song "Letores", by the American Prog Metal Band Tool , is written in time with the Fibonacci sequence. And for more impressive facts about modern music, do not miss these40 facts about the music that really sing.
15 9 is considered a "magic" number

Have you ever heard that number 9 is considered a "magic" number? No? Well it's, and here's why: If you multiply a number by 9 and add all the numbers of the new number together, the sumalways Add up to 9. So, for example:
8 x 9 = 72
7 + 2 = 9
4 x 9 = 36
3 + 6 = 9
See? It's really magical. Try it. Each combination will always bring you back to 9!
16 The number PI marks the food "pie"
If you (in the first two decimals of 3.14) upside down, in large blockers, it actually reads "pie". Do not believe me? Lookedhere.
17 There are strange reasons that cats would have 9 lives

Whether you like cats or you hate them, you have certainly heard of this myth that these felines have nine lives. But did you ever ask where did this idea come from? It comes from their ability to jump and land without hurting yourself! It turns out that there is afew theories For the nine numbers, however, one since 9, again, is a magic number and has been loved as such throughout the age.
18 We are not a first number

Often, number 1 is confused as the first number. But this is not the case - we do not fulfill the requirements of being paramount (being divisible by 1 and itself). Divide 1 by 1 and you get ... 1. Nothing has been divided.
19 If a pizza has a radius "Z" and a height "A" the equation becomes ...
Since the volume of a cylinder is pi, the time of the square ray, the height of time, which would mean a pizza with a radius "Z" and a height "a" would have the volume of ... pi * z * Z * a.
20 Blackjack did not start like 21

Anyone who played Blackjack knows that the goal is to arrive at 21, or close to that without going. But the game would have been from Italy as thegame thirty one, which goes back to the 15th century. The goal is similar (to get as close as possible to 31) but with slight differences: all cards between 8 and 10 are removed from the bridge and face cards are worth half of their nominal value.
21 7 is the most popular "preferred number"
If you have walked to someone in the street and asked them what are their preferred number - of all whole numbers between 1 and 100 - there is almost 10% chance they will say "7. » These were the conclusions of Mathematia Alex Bellos, who asked respondents to identify their preferred number and found "7" as the most popular choice.It was selected 9.7% of the time.
22 The most popular two-digit number is 13
You would think that the number 13 of unfortunate would be the one most people want to stay away. But in the search for Alex Bellos, it turned out to be the most popular double-digit number (selected from 5% of all respondents) and the sixth largest global number (next 7, 3, 8, 4 and 5 In the first five stains - it's true, the number five is also the fifth most popular figures).
23 There is such a thing that happy numbers

You heard one is the lonely number, but did you know any numberscan be happy, too much? To test if a number is "happy", replace it with the sum of the squares in its numbers and continue the process until the number is equal to 1 or a cycle that does not include 1. if the process ends with 1, the number is happy. For example, take 23:
22 + 32 = 13
12 + 32 = 10
12 + 02 = 1
This means that 23 is a happy number! Counting 1,000 you will find that there are 143 happy numbers.
24 7 is arithmetically unique
The number 7 can be so popular because it is arithmetically unique. Alex Bellos,Once again, explains"The first 10 digits, seven are the largest. You can not multiply or divide it within the group. He feels unique." For example, you can multiply 4 by 2 to get 8 or divide 10 by 2 to get 5, but there is nothing you can do with 7.
25 The National Game of India stands for "twenty-five"
The crossed card game and circle ofPachew is an extremely popular game in India dating from centuries, played on a board in which a player throws severalcowhide. His name translated into Hindi to "twenty-five", which refers to the most important score that can be won through the drawing of the shells (there is also a version where the score can reach 30). And for more fun games, check these12 Fun family games Everyone will have a game.
26 Six weeks = 10! Seconds

Ie 10 × 9 × 8 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 5 × -6 parts = 3 628 800 seconds = 60,480 minutes = 1,008 hours = 42 days = 6 weeks.
27 There is not enough room in the world to write a googolplex

A googol means 1 followed by 100 zeros. Agoogolplex is 1 followed by agoogol zeros. If it's hard to imagine how long this number would look at, there is a good reason for: to write it would create such a huge number, if you have written it and print it in a series of pounds volumed It would weigh more than the whole planet.
28 The city of Mile-High isExactly A high mile
The city of Denver, Colorado, has an elevation of 5,280 feet precisely, it is the length of a mile, which is why Denver is called the city "Mile High".
29 In Asia, 4 is considered unlucky
Also called "tetraphobia", number 4 is visualized withsuperstitionand mistrust largely from East Asia. The reason it may be due to the fact that the word "four" sounds like "death" in a number of Asian languages, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
30 In Thailand, "555" is hilarious
Teen Textine in Thailand (let's say three times fast) will send the numbers "555" to indicate that something is funny. The reason? "5" is pronounced "Ha" -So "555" translates to "hahaha". Thus, "55555" means "hahahahaha" or "ha" square.
31 (6 × 9) + (6 + 9) = 69

Do not laugh. Just tap this in your calculator and you'll see it's true.
32 31 days ago in most months
Of the twelve months of a calendar year, the majority of them have 31 days: January, March, May, July, August, October and December. Only four months-April, June, September and November-have 30 days. And, of course, February generally only 28 days, with the exception of the next few years, when the month jumps up to 29 days, which happens every four years. The next bisextile year will be in 2020. You will know if a year is a bisextile year when the number of the year is uniformly divisible by four.
33 In a group of 23 people, two will probably share a birthday

In a sample of 23 people, there are 50% chance that two share the same birthday. This phenomenon is (arranged) called the birthday problem. There is a whole calculation for why it's one thing too. All this has to do with the probability. For how exactly it works, head for thisexplanerBy Mathematician Brett Berry, as she can do a better job to explain it than ever.
34 We see odd numbers like men or even numbers like a woman

You do not think the numbers could have genres, but in our strange brain they do, apparently.Research published in theExperimental Psychology JournalI found that when an odd number was paired with a baby, the subjects were much more likely to believe that the baby was a man, while they would assume that the baby was a woman when he was paired with a even number.
It's a hypothesis with a long history,according toLive science: "Our tendency to affect gender to the numbers has a long history. The Pythagorian philosophy of ancient Greece and the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang has seen numbers as having a sex. The two cultures have also visualized odd numbers as masculine and even numbers only feminine. "
35 There is a specific name for the 35th birthdays
This is called a "coral anniversary". Go somewhere with snorkeling!
36 There are more ways to organize a card game than atoms on the earth

This probably seems crazy, but the fact is that if you mix a packet of cards, it is likely that the exact order has never existed before the history of the Universe. Cassandra Lee at McGill Universitybroken this: "There are somewhere in the range of 8 x 1 067 ways to sort a card game. It's a followed by 67 Zeros. To put this into perspective, even if someone could rearrange a card game Every second of the total existence of the universe, the universe ends before even having a billieth of the way in search of a repetition. "
37 7 is considered a lucky number
Seven is the most important number between religions and cultures. For example: seven colors in the rainbow, seven days in one week, seven notes on a musical ladder, seven seas,and Seven continents. Finally, seven often appeared in all the most preferred fictional work of the world such as white snow (seven dwarfs) and, of course,James Bond (007).
38 And number 13 is considered unlucky

You have probably heard that number 13 is considered unlucky.Think Friday, 13, for example. There are other reasons that this number is so superstitious. One is that there were 13 people at the last dinner. Oh, and there was traditionally 13 steps towards the stem; In addition, a witch Coven would generally have 13 members.
39 111,111 111 × 111,111 111 = 12 345 678 987,654,321

Although good luck can find a calculator that can take equations in millions.
40 40 below is the only temperature that is the same in Fahrenheit and Celsius
No conversion needed. Less 40 degrees, or "40 below", is the only temperature identical to Fahrenheit and Celsius. Other Fun facts about the number 40: There are 40 standard spaces on a monopoly board, the standard American work week is 40 hours and 40 is the maximum number of players that a MLB team can sign on its list at the times. Oh, and a typical pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. The more you know! And while you learn more about the numbers, see how you can operate them for you by consulting the Winning numbers of the most common Powerball.
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