13 reasons why daylight saving time is the worst

Seriously, who has already said that the time needs to save?

There is always so much to hope for the twilight of winter, when spring brightness begins to show and the world suddenly becomes much more wonderful. But there is at least one thing to fear: summer time. Yes, the horrible annual event where we turn our clocks ahead 3,600 seconds in the name of ... What?

Of course, experts float all kinds of reasons why we have to lose an hour every year (for more sun, to enjoy farmers, because Ben Franklin said, Blah Blah), but let's be honest: they are not very convincing.

Lies on which it was designed for our collective indecision on the moment when it should happen pretty much to all sins between the two, you will arrive at the end of this list, you feel exactly as I do: this day of summer is not necessarily theworse something forever happening to humanity - but it certainly applies to a dishonorable mention. And to help treat this violation of your natural pace, check these30 Healthy tips for resetting your sleep during daylight saving time.

Farmers do not really like it

A common argument that you will hear the creation of DST Defense is that this benefits farmers. And hey, who would not agree that these guys and gals should catch a break? However, it could not be further from the truth. In fact, farmers have put pressure vigorously against daylight since its implementation,According to Dave Prerau, author ofEnter the light of day: the curious and controversial story of summer time.

So where does this myth start?

According to Michael Downing, author ofSpring forward: the annual madness of the summer day, all roads point toLincoln Filene, The man behind the string of department stores Filene. Depending on the housing, the influential and connected Filene has put pressure on the fort and successfully for DST, and in the process, compiled a list of reasons why it would be a good idea. In his report, he took the initiative to say that his implementation would be beneficial for farmers. (Found: it was entirely a new to farmers.) According to experts, however, the retail sectorIs Indeed to benefit from DST.

It's already too hot

Man with Back Sweat Summer

It is a no-obvious value that is worth repeating here: the direct sunlight on earth plays a major role in the heat of the atmosphere, like that.University of Western Australia The astronomer explains.

Now, since 2018 was one of the hottest summers recorded, according to theNoaa, we can not help but ask me: Do we really need more sunlight in our already hot world? Like aUniversity of Arizona State Report on the decision of their own state to renounce summer daylight: "Who needs an extra hour of heat in the Sonora desert?"

To this, I would give an emphatic point ", not!"

Everyone calls the wrong name

woman exasperated with impolite people

It is time saving time - no summer saving time. Do it well, people!

Sleep experts do not like it

Doctor in lab coat

A report in the newspaperPerspectives on psychological science have found that Americans suffer a "sleep crisis" of public health as a result ofInconsistent sleep models. In the study, about 30% of adults reported having reached less than six hours of sleep a regular night.

A recommendation to help solve this problem, directly experts? You guessed it! The elimination of summer time.

"Since switching at the time of daylight disrupts sleep and leads to a variety of cognitive, health and negative work, we recommend eliminating the day saving time," they writes.

Maybe it's time to listen to the benefits?

We can never make us think about it!

female wearing white T-shirt, feeling guilty, confused, making helpless gesture with hands, having Oops expression on her face. Human emotions and feelings

Consider this: DST has been removedentirelyBetween 1942 and 1966. The current date of resetting clocks? He was chosenRecently that 2005. In the2005 Energy Policy ActThe Congress decided to extend the light period of the day of three weeks. He also preserved the right to return to the original schedule of 1966, then decide. Talk about a lack of conviction. In other words, it is as well as expected that theFyre Festival!

It was a joke throughout

Portrait of Ben Franklin
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Benjamin FranklinThe letter of thepublisher of theParis newspaper In 1784 is widely cited as the birth of the idea of ​​the day economy. What is often left out, however, is that the letter was largely a joke and entirely facet. It included other terrible recommendations, such as the police being used to prevent the combustion of the candles.

There are ways more easily to save energy

sleep after 40

The day economy was initially instituted to save electricity. And while it turned out capable of this task, according to theMinistry of Energy,This asks the question: Are there any means more easily to save energy?

The answer is yes. According to the DOE, simply Mastivate your home to maximize heating and cooling will reduce your energy consumption by 35 to 40%. It's much more than lean .03% that DST has been demonstrated to keep!

He goes with a lame title

prince harry is the coolest royal

In the United Kingdom, they call it"British summer time. "If you're going to hurt us, it's at least that sounds like that!

Good luck bring children to sleep

mother tucking daughter sleep

AsAndy Kryza written on the Patternel Father's website"," Bring the children to sleep in summer is difficult not only because their schedules are cowardly and more negotiable, but also because the sun has come out for long hours of prolonged light. "

Changes make a toll on your heart

Man Having a Heart Attack {Heart Disease Symptoms}

A study inThe American newspaper of cardiologyI found that the change of time and summer time had a modest effect on increasing the incidence of acute cardiac events. Although the effect is only modest, let's be honest: American hearts need all the help they can get. Cardiac disease remains theNumber one cause of death in the countryside.

Sleeping late is not ideal for your health

woman sleeping in a bed

A study inInternational chronobiology Discover only the sleep time - going to bed later and wake up later - was associated with increased morbidity, including higher rates of metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

It makes international planning a headache

couple planning a trip

The world is smaller than ever. Yet, for any reason, we continue to respect a system in which each country has adjusted when you can change to transform their clocks. The United Kingdom, for example, was a full two weeks behind us in 2018, whileMexico waited until April. The European Union thinks of the disappearance quite, according to theBBC. It's crazy!

The rebellion started


Here is something to be excited about: Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam keep all their clocks all year round. And, according toABC, more states seek to rebel. Florida and California have both invoices in works looking to make daylight their schedule.

It's time to free ourselves from the tyranny of the summer day!

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