30 American sayings that leave foreigners totally perplexed

"Yeah, talk to me about that ..."

If you grow up to hear some expressions or sentences all the time, it can be easy to neglect how we are bizardies. This is the case with a number of American authorianisms that we are so accustomed to pronouncement that we forget, they have no meaning or have been so removed from their original meanings it containsTake a linguist to connect them. Often, he can take a stranger to indicate how strangely some of the American expressions - a stranger who can raise a confusing eyebrow at the turn of the sentence that many in the United States for granted. Here are 30 of these American phrases that leave non-Americans scratching his head. And forActions who count like Americanisms, see the30 American activities that are weird to foreigners.

"A piece of cake."

woman eating cake unhealthy

One of the best known American phrases, it's not a piece of cake for newcomers to the United States to understand what we are talking about or where bakery products can be involved. "When I started school in the second year, the teacher asked a fairly easy question (I suppose)," writes a German reddit user on the first coming to the US "I heard all the world say it was "a piece of cake". And for the longest time, I always wondered where this cake was. "And to update your vocabulary, pepper your speech with these30 hilarious words for daily problems.

"Scoot on."

man sitting upright

The Americans could distinguish that when you ask someone to move slightly, but those who are not familiar with the term can be forgiven not having index what the American asks them to do. "My first school day in the United States, this girl asked me to" scooter ", writes a non-American on Reddit." And I just thought "What? I do not even scoot with me . ""

"Put the lipstick on a pig."

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This bizarre to famoquialism to describe to try to superficially improve something ugly or deficient makes sense when you explain it to an outsider, but asStirringS JR Thorpe says it: "One of the main reasons that the rest of the world finds that weird American policy is that often we often do not understand what politicians say. They are very grieved, for example, of this A totally bizarre expression, which seems to have a pretty simple meaning, but is really americanly strangely American, with its connotations of farms at home and vendors of Avon. "And for more information on how our country can be strange , learn theThe 40 most durable myths in American history.

"Break a leg."

Guests at the theater

When it is directly translated, this American phrase sounds to a non-English speaker than the president wishes their patient or put a kind of curse on them. In fact, the term exactly means the opposite - a good luck that, saying that it is supposed to ensure that it does not really happen. What could be confusing about it?

"Let's touch wood."

knock knock jokes

A kind of the opposite to "break one leg", this expression, said (and done) when someone hopes that something happens or continues to happen is common throughout the English speaking world (usually as "touchwood" in Outside of America). Unfortunately, these learn that the language can still not well found what it means, with little context given to all that suddenly struck on tables and doors.

"Not a big fan."

80s slang no one uses

"I come from Ukraine and I find really strange when people say they do not" not a big fan of ... "instead of saying that they do not like something," says a reddit user.

"It's not science of the rocket."

Scientific Discoveries

Similar to "not a big fan", "it's not a rocket science" is a way to explain something by hyperbulically explaining what it is not - in this case, saying that something n is not too difficult. But for a stranger in the United States, it could ask: "What should rockets do with anything?"

"Break an invoice."

girl with dollar bill, crazy facts about dollar bills

When we want to have changes, turn a larger bill in smaller, this term can be useful. But as a reddit user pointed out, the expression is not used outside the United States, creating confusion for non-Americans. "The term I use the most and when I travel, people give me a fun look, it's when I ask someone to" break "an invoice for me", writes the user. And for fascinating information about money, learn the20 crazy fact that you have never known about the bills of a dollar.

"Mysterious meat"

spam meat local favorites

Talking about spam or an unpleasant dish in search of meat sold in a cafeteria with seemingly unknown origins (is she of a pig? A cat?) Americans do this term, but the American phrase can also seem a little mysterious to foreigners. "Who on earth legalizes this substance, why is it served to children and what can possibly possess the health council to let it be so common that it is an idiom?" Request Thorpe. "Australia has its own strange type of mystery meat, called" Devon ", which is just random pork parts put in a sausage - but at least we know that everything will be from the same animal."

"Banana bag"

fanny pack

These collaborated zipper packs that brack around your size can make a high-grade feedback, but that will not make the more hilarious and strange British visitors. "Here in the U.K. Fanny [means something vulgar]" saysHuffington position Sonia Atkins player. "I found that hilarious and had trouble keeping a right face whenever one of my American colleagues used the word Fanny."

"Table table."


This American phrase seems to mean the opposite of what really means, according toHuffington position Reader Mary Shirley. "When you say at the table something you want to tint. When I say to table something, I want to put it on the table for the discussion, I put it on the agenda."

"Do not be a blanket so wet."

culture shock, arguing with friends

When someone is being lower or ruining the right moment of everyone, we can use this expression, leaving strangers to ask: "What has to do with blankets?" "Who examined a particularly boring and fun person at a party, assimilated them to be stifled in a piece of Sdden fabric and let the idiom be born?" request Thorpe. "It's the ingenuity like the one that makes America the house of so many start-up founders, I'm sure."

"Skip the shark"

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Screenshot via YouTube

Many Americans do not fully understand why we use this sentence to describe when a television show or other work works longer than it should. Although the sentence is native to an episode ofHappy Days Late in the series' race, it came to serve as a shortcut when something stops being relevant culturally - or all well - but for those who hear it for the first time, the visual sentence is a strange way to say that . And for more insight into the sentence, including the way it appeared on the non-Happy Days TV, learn theThe 50 most funny jokes ofDevelopment stopped.


old men laughing

A sentence that can sometimes be used in the same way as "skipping the shark", this one also refers to something older or become too long. Although it is a term referring to horses, whose teeth continue to grow as they aggregate, a non-English speaker heard him for the first time an imagination that the speaker refers to Someone who literally has long teeth.

"Green thumb"

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"Thumb Green" is another sentence that pays attention to a literal image (a person whose inch is green color) that does not describe what it refers to (a person who is practical with gardening). But also, it seems odd to focus on a figure that would not necessarily seem to be used more than others. "In Britain, they talk about a gifted gardener with" green fingers, "says the detective word.


couple smiling in the city

"I spoke to a Spanish people a little while, and they were shocked by the term" guard "to refer to a good [other significant] (for example" your boyfriend opened the door for me, he is a Guardian. ') He was awful to refer to "keeping" a person, "says a reddit user.

"Ride a horse"

This one is not so confusing from foreigners as superfluous. "Where would you like to sit?" demandHuffington position Reader Jaclyn Currie.

"Eate it"

man falling

"Heard an American say" he ate "when someone fell on it ... it born me," says a user on reddit. And for hilarious instances of this, check these50 EPIC fails, we can not stop laughing.

"How are you?"

first date questions

Visiting foreigners often start the way Americans tend to be, even completing foreigners. But the most confusing aspect of this opening is our tendency to ask people: "How are you?" "Take me a while to understand that they mean" Hi, "saidHuffington position Reader Nynke Bottina. As we say that a redditor on the hearing of the expression, "I said, until I understood it. It was very troublesome."


energy before noon

When we are dramatic or trying to focus on one point, the Americans will occasionally add a "period" at the end of their sentence. For us, this may seem like a powerful statement, but for foreigners, it may seem strange. "It's sometimes that their declaration has less impact, where it seems to be destined to do more than one," says a BritishHuffington position reader.

"Behind the eight balls."

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Anyone with swimming pool knows that it means being in a difficult place with a shot virtually impossible at the bank. But for those who hear it for the first time and who do not particularly know the pool, this can be a disconcerting American expression.

"Work Cemetery Change"

man working at night

"A friend told me once her husband did that and I thought he had a job in the cemetery. It hurts me!" saidHuffington position Reader Josiane Rocha. After all, they probably do not work in a real cemetery, and even if they were, it is unlikely that they would be there in the middle of the night-work at the cemetery will occur during the day, like anywhere else.

"Canadian Bacon"

canadian bacon

This one really throws our neighbor from the North. "In Canada, if I say" bacon "without any right, I mean these pork and grease bands that you have fris, asks a Canadian roller. "Is that what Americans mean by" bacon? "If so, so what's" Canadian bacon "" ""

"First base", "second base"

couple kissing in front of balloons

"All the basics in contact with a [opposite sex member]" confuse a reddit user. "They are not widely used outside the United States, I have never heard my friends using them." This does not help but no country outside the United States is that in the baseball base and that terms from this sport leave unmatched unmatched.

"My driveway"

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"I am often too literal with my words," writes a Korean Redditor. "My wife is particularly amused when I say" bread maker "instead of" bread win "or when I refer to something" in my driveway "rather than" "

"Under time"

woman sneezing sick on the couch

Feeling sick or less that healthy could bring an American to say that they feel "under the weather", leaving non-English speakers the translating to feel totally confused then they try to determine how someone can be physically "under". "My father's girlfriend works with people around the world," writes a user on Reddit. "Apparently" under time "is not a common sentence outside the United States"

"Tell me about that."

old people talking

When a stranger hears an American says that, they can be forgiven to assume that they simply ask them to keep talking about what they have talked about. Instead, we usually say that it means "I know what you mean." A non-American Redditor explains: "During a normal conversation with my American friend, I told him on the weekend that I helped my friend spend from SF to the, that I was so tired after 5 hours road. Then he said "yeah, talk to me about that. ' So, I told him how I prepared for the trip, packing and moving things, including driving around to find his new apartment. It's a bit a little bland so I do not know why he wanted me to talk to him about that. "

"Pull on the breeze"

Office dating

Taking advantage of the phrase of the end of the nineteenth century when "Breeze" made reference to empty chatting or gossip, those who hear it now could imagine that it has something to do with firearm with firearm (especially when the Americans say it).

"Monday morning district"


Since American football is barely followed or understood outside this country, a person hearing this American expression is likely to ask immediately: "What is a quarterback?" And "What is Monday to do with anything?"

"Spread beans."

girls gossiping Embarrassing Things

His time originating in the voting system in ancient Greece, foreigners could be forgiven to think that this American phrase refers to a kind of accident in the kitchen rather than a person who tells a secret or other information that n. 'was not supposed to reveal.

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