20 management tactics to make your team as thick as thieves
Follow the three C'S: camaraderie, communication and collaboration.
You know what they say: you are only as good as the company you keep. And it's never more obvious than when you have reached exalted management status, high accounts. If your team succeeds, you succeed. Period. The key? Promote a camaraderie, communication and collaboration environment. And even if you start with a group of Go-getters too ambitious and opportunistic - the type of people who are more likely to stab someone in the back than to seize them, you can always create unbreakable obligations. Whether just as simple regular lunches, or something deeper, administering personality tests and results-based steering teams, here are 20 safe steps that your team is a dream team. And for more good leadership advice, here are somechanging game strategies each boss should know.
1 FaceTime booster
Technology Makes easy communication, but it can make members of the team feel remote from each other. Relying on remote communication can result in a lack of enthusiasm and energy within the group, so a smart manager puts a premium on FaceTime.
"In order to effectively drive the commitment, FaceTime is required," says Dan Schawbel, author Besselling ofPromote yourself andMe 2.0. "You can not have a strong team by sending instant texts and instant messaging every day - you need real human interactions. Managers should encourage team relationships with more meetings in person, events social sites and sites with team building activities. " If you are ready to make this change, be sure to incorporate these5 secrets to execute the perfect business meeting in your directory.
2 Communicate openly
Your workers will feel more connected to each other if they feel like your door is always open. You should not just wait for something to be mistaken, suddenly appear from behind the curtains, criticize, then disappear. Put the side time to truly interest your team's daily concerns, both one and open.
According to Anita Bruzzese, an award-winning journalist focused on the career and place of work and the author ofTwo books of career consultancy"The most effective teams have leaders who openly communicate with employees about what is happening and encourages team members to do the same. There must be continuous communication, comments and a real desire to listen to . "
Modeling the communication behavior you would like to see members of your team will create an opening culture and your team will follow your traces: "It's a recipe to strengthen camaraderie." But be careful with the language you use when you try to connect, especially with a younger generation, keep in mind these40 things that men over 40 years should never say.
3 Do not micromanage
Leave your team members Take their own decisions to promote independence and facilitate friction between different members. Individuals want to succeed and perform their best to show their team that they can be a MVP. Give their place to reimburse.
Like Brent Butler, CEO ofMasterplans.com Said, "I think that courtesy and generosity are the cornerstones of camaraderie and, as a leader, you should always be willing to be the first to initiate. The first thing that a CEO should be generous with C ' is trust. " So trust your team to succeed by trusting their work. Butler adds that "this concept also means that you trust them to fail."
Microsestationcreates unnecessary tensions, bring back the morale and hurts discipline. The opposite is true if you instill your confidence in people - they feel liberated and have more room for creativity and innovation.
4 Be included
People like when their ideas are taken into account, even if they are not finally implemented. If you leave flow ideas freely without fear of ridiculous, you will have your choice of the good and your members of your team will appreciate that their thoughts were heard.
"The closing of an idea can very easily lead to a closed culture of mind and be pungent to a bad idea will probably be sure not to have an open line at the next winner," said Butler. "The camaraderie has just been included people's views."
An open and kind culture of inclusive promotes creativity and innovation. Make people "feel safe and free" and "Ideas will flow," says Butler. That's why you should avoid publicly closing an idea. This practice creates a culture of tension and stifles an open communication. For clearer and simple advice, here'sOne of the main glimpse of the CEO on how to build a healthy work environment.
5 Take advantage of victories
Give praise, both publicly and privately, promotes healthy driving in over-delivery group members while simultaneously demonstrating to others what you are looking to go from the team. Use success - for example, a person who has transformed a customer into a return client by making them exceptionally happy - to raise the morale of your team and emphasize where they should define their sites.
"Report the team members who have contributed to this success. Visit him at the level of society. Nothing favors a team more than a common victory," says Butler.
Your team will be held by the train and be motivated to overheat their next project. Other teams will look at them and work harder to get glory next time.
6 Incorporate employee values
It is important to always improve your model by trying new approaches to strengthen the morale and productivity of your team. Chris Madden, founder of the digital marketing agencyGamenode, shares the example of its company, which makes it possible to integrate the values and objectives of the employees with the general objectives of the company.
"We incorporate a" weekly work of a week "where employees are free to take advantage of the location and planning of flexibility," he says. This approach helps to invigorate the work week in promoting employee satisfaction and integrating the values of individual team members into the design of alternatives for business practices. It can also be beneficial for the balance of employment life of employees and overall health . "After the end of the week, we meet as a team to reflect on our experience and share new ideas that we could have."
Experiences like this make employees happy - and nothing stimulates productivity more than happiness.Work from home is also a holy productivity grail With him, so there's really no reason to not try that.
7 Do not force
But while the camaraderie is essential, designing systems developed to bring the team together may seem forced and not natural. "When it's forced, everyone feels it," saysVicki Salemi, career expert for Monster, as well asauthor,speaker, andjournalist.
It urges managers to let their teams connect biologically using natural devices like the teamluncheon, employees at pizzas or hot breakfasts. Food brings people together in a casual way and encourages them to share and involve more personal conversations. Choosing the right vehicle to link your team makes you a better leader: "The strengthening of the camaraderie begins with you," says Salemi, adding that you must "be present, transparent and accessible" to take full advantage of that.
8 Encourage recognition
Recognition stimulates morale and productivity. The infusion of the culture of your business sets up your team to motivate and inflame creativity and innovation.
Salemi urges managers to use your weekly team session to "create an inclusion environment. Shine a projector on a person who has done a particularly excellent job on something" and also invites your team members to continue this policy . There is even more simple and effectiveLeadership Tips HERE.
9 Start meetings on a personal note
A great way to break the tension at the beginning of a meeting is to start with an occasional survey of the week or the plans of all for the weekend. The connection with each individual on a personal level facilitates their minds and creates a familiarity.
"Familiarity generates the confidence of comfort, familiarity and breed of comfort, and the cohesion of trusted breeds," says Halely Azulay, Founder and CEO ofTALENTGROW LLC. "As a result, managers should look for opportunities to feed frequently familiarity and comfort."
The promotion of a warm and friendly environment facilitates the flow of ideas and creativity and makes people more inclined to offer solutions.
10 Celebrate the events of life
On the same lines, encourage your team to celebrate birthdays and other important life events naturally enriches their working relationships.
"Create a way for people to come together and truly celebrate a person's milestone and spend time with the socialization of time," said Azulay.
Flanges of fanfare, fortified with cakes and laughter, create significant social experiences that bring your team together. He gives members of the team of happy memories and promotes casual interactions, stimulating camaraderie. Also, we have moreways for you to be a better boss here.
11 Use the entry of the personality
Leave different personalities shine you teaches your team how to interact with each other. Openly shares what moves them and motivates them to the creation of a community of understanding and appreciation. But take another step back and explore and celebrate the different types of personality of your legitimate personality tests (not that these publishes buzzfeed publications) can reveal the strengths and working style of each person, depending on their type of personality. This can create an additional assessment of these aspects between team members. Get your team members to take a number of personality tests and use the results as a team building experience.
"We use theEneugram, which captures our motivations and our fears in our sessions, "says Dr. Josh Kuehler an analytical director forFMG leading. "People learn how their teammates think, what motivates them, which causes stress and how to interact with them when they are stressed. The conversations and sharing of the real self are powerful to see in action."
You can teach skills, but you can not change personality, so it's important to study and embrace these aspects of your team members in the most productive way possible.
12 Treat People as Adults - Not Family
Corporate culture and interactivity among team members are often compared to the creation of a family. But finally, you are not in the case of taking care of the other - you want to get things done. You do not have to sacrifice the camaraderie for the ultimate level of productivity, pay attention to the dynamics you create.
"Treating people like the family sets up a parent-child dynamic and comes an internal competition that can resemble the frontal rivalry," says Lynn Carnes ofCreative Spirits released, as well as an executive coach and TEDX. Carnes argues that you should "treat people like adults, not family members. Concentrate on performance. Ask everyone to contribute to this goal and emphasize victories when they do."
Draw the line closer to achievement, promotes more results-oriented crops and leads to a more productive and connected team.
13 Have a positive intention
Carnes urges the interiorization of another concept when encouraging employee interactions: assume a positive intent. This basically means that you give others the benefit of the doubt in case of incomprehension or something that could otherwise be negatively perceived. It's a valuable approach for you to take your own management efforts and instill in your team members.
"Instead of rushing to judgment, ask questions to discover the real story about what is behind any action," says Carnes. This practice reassures your team of workflow gently and instructions focused on solutions. "When you touch the positive, you will get more positive. People will trust more and be willing to give up one to others to the common goal."
Your team will communicate and work better when dealing with the objectives methodically with a constructive and positive intent. Your blood pressure will also thank you for this calm and positive habit - perfect this skill and check10 ways to reduce the stress of men.
14 Create meeting rituals
One of the best ways to start a meeting is with a joke. Laughter stimulates creativity, innovation and eliminates stress. Small rituals of this type illuminate the mood and the spirit of people open the efforts of the productive team.
"Fixing rituals is a classic cohesion strategy that celebrates the milestones of the team so as to honor the entire team and work together. Rituals are an excellent link tool," says Ile Marcus, founder ofAlignorWorkPlaceand author ofBoring People Management: 7 Provenatics to Optimize Team Performance. "Relaxation of your team with a" LOL group "receives each person from their own head and takes the collaboration pump pump."
Your team will feel well at the beginning and your meeting will probably be more coherent.
15 Use a meeting calendar
Although flexibility is important in your team's gatherings, you will help strengthen cohesion by following a plan to follow. The calendars prepare and keep your team on the same page of meetings.
"Focus on the right, [agendas] promotes collaboration before the team's preparation and update meeting," says Marcus.
You must keep some brief agendas, up to a page or five items, so that everyone can grab them at a glance. By creating a structured model for your meetings, you promote the independence and budgeting of time.
"Knowing how their time will be used provides a sense of appreciation, the empowerment of breeding for each member of the team," adds Marcus. "Empowerment produces actions and cohesion."
The time allowance to define the key points of the next meeting goes very far. If you are unable to attend or run late, you can leave the agenda running the meeting and have your team report on solutions or actions. It is important to provide continuity between agendas to promote commitment. In addition, leaving the social interaction time after each meeting invites your team to resume discounted topics outside team or project meetings.
16 Cultivate mentoring
Investment time and efforts in a mentoring program also strengthens the structure of your team. This creates strong internal links that improve the workflow.
"Train Team Members on very fundamental coaching skills and make sure that one another on a monthly rotation basis," said Karen Alber, former IOC of Millercors, and HJ Heinz, and the management of the management ofThe integrity group, a professional coaching company.
This practice helps you improve personal relationships and invite them to share their professional challenges and aspirations. The method can also eliminate long-standing barriers and misconceptions between team members, even those at the executive level. Diree for example and prove to your team that the same high standards apply to you - if you still have trouble pounding bad procrastination habits, check these15 ways to triple your productivity.
17 Clear
It is important to invest time to clarify how each member of your team contributes to the common goals. When people have a clear understanding of their responsibilities, it stimulates their cooperation and their interactions become more coordinated, particularly in case of stress.
"People work better than everyone understands how their own work affects all others," said Lee Caaherher, author ofThe principle of Boomerang: inspire life loyalty of your employees andMillennials & Management: the essential guide to operate it at work. "You will find that people will really help each other when they know what everyone is responsible."
Clear responsibilities reduce friction and increase the results. Encourage your team to manage their stress levels will also help these goals - these are the10 Best Stress Office Without Exercise.
18 Teaching People - Skills
The training and development of social skills in your key positions make better internal communication better and promotes the dissemination of these skills to all in your team. The "popular skills" essential will allow your leaders and to do the rest of your team follow them and aspirate to develop their own skill set.
"Train team leader on the skills of vital persons: coaching skills, emotional resilience skills and personal resilience skills, who display all members of the team and defines an interpersonal culture of respect, compassion, from Honesty, equity and responsibility towards the people they work with, says Alber.
In this way, the essential skills will be infused in your culture and lead to better results and success through the Council. In the end, you invest in healthy growth of your business. AndMake sure each leader knows how to prosper.
19 Appreciate
The appreciation goes very far and creates stronger and more reliable teams. When there is an air of good will between you and the members of your team, the commitment becomes the motivated factor of individuals to obtain better results.
"The teams that feel appreciated by overperforming those who do not represent up to 30%, up to the bottom," says Caaherher. "The managers who create and maintain the behavior of" please "and" Thank you "Contribute to the creation of appreciated teams. The appreciated teams are more effective than unappreciated teams."
People like to be appreciated and knowing that their hard work can lead to this non-nonchain profit the motivate to overload. Make sure your team knows how much you value them before you start asking for a payroll - but if someone brings it, here7 ways to manage the dreaded question.
20 High entrance, weak democracy
Measure three times, act once, as the proverb says. Taking illuminated decisions consists of collecting as many inputs as possible and to sift for useful bits. It is important to show that you take the opinion of each one on the exam - but the final decision is for you to do.
"Work is not a democracy. At the same time, the manager or leader who thinks he has all the good answers is delusional," said Caaherher. Good executives consider as many opportunities as possible before taking action. Show your team that they are your trust counselors earn you their loyalty.
"Your team will thank you and be more invested in work at your fingertips," says Caaherher.
Seeing that their business in your decision process makes them proud to be part of your team. And the pride of work does well is the sign of a connected, productive and happy team.
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