17 magnificent photos of wild penguins

Photographic proof that the penguins are the most cute creatures of the animal kingdom.

Penguins are not as black and white as they appear. There are 17 species of these beautifulbirds of the sea, All that exist exclusively in the southern hemisphere. Penguins also choose the same partner with the season after procreary season. And even if they have no visible earrings, they have an excellent audience they use to find their companions. , They are really a wonder, in addition to being a part of theThe most cute creatures in the animal kingdom. Here we gathered the most beautiful images of theseAnimals in their natural habitat, The Arctic Glacial Ocean with sunny shores in South Africa. These gorgeous penguin photos will take your breath away.

This love embrace

King penguin mating couple photos of wild penguins

The royal penguins, like those here represented, have theThe longest breeding season Of all penguin species, which usually lasts from 14 to 16 months in total. Once the royal penguins find their companion, they stick with them, like thatadorable embrace proves.

This tuxedo-clad group

Group of King penguins photos of wild penguins

Whenroyal penguins have full full part (Which means they can swim and poured their juvenile fluffy brown coat), they leave their colony. The penguins come back three years later to reproduce and do thispilgrimage several times throughout their 20 years or more in nature.

This Deep Sea Diver

african penguin swimming photos of wild penguins

African penguins (like the one presented here) are the only species penguin found in South Africa. Since their habitat can be hot enough, they spend most of their daysrefresh in water.

African penguins Can dive at a depth of nearly 330 feet in a few 50 seconds and can stay under water without oxygen as long as two and a half minutes.

These three amigos

Penguins on iceberg in antarctica photos of wild penguins

The most abundant species of antarctic penguins is the men's penniel (photo), the name of the black band that is under the throat.

Which is perhaps the most impressive of this species, according toNational Geographic, Is the size of their colonies. The largest colony of juggle penguins is on the uninhabited island Sandwich south of Zavodovski, where an amazing 1.2 million breeding couples live.

These SUNSET applicants

King penguins in falkland islands photos of wild penguins

The Malouin Islands house more penguins than people, making it a realMagic destination.

This remote hosts from the South Atlantic archipelago royal penguins (photo here), as well as veryRare species of penguin, Including gorfos, puffy penguins, penguins and penguins of Magellan Macaronis.

These small fluffy chicks

group of emperor penguin chicks photos of wild penguins

ThoseEmperor penguin chicks, Tight against each other, are called a crib. Like the age of chicks, their parentsfeel more comfortable leaving them alone in these groups.

According toNational Geographic, Are a typical crèches show end of autumn and at the beginning of the winter month when parents of penguins have to gather food. Then, by December, when the warmer temperatures break the ice that the chicks were posited on, young people are ready to venture into the open water.


king penguins st. andrew's bay south georgia photos of wild penguins

Famous to be the place of rest of the famous explorerErnest ShackletonThe distant island of South Georgia in the South Atlantic is also famous for its large population of royal penguins.

Despite remaining close to Antarctic convergence, the waters surrounding St. Andrews Bay in South Georgiaever freeze. This means that the penguins should not migrate during the winter, which explains why the shores of St. Andrews are always full of royal penguins, as you can see here.

This dot dad

Emperor penguin with baby chick photos of wild penguins

After a female emperor penguin a single egg, she will then let go catch their food for her family. The male penguin will protect the egg for the approximate65 days, it takes for hatch, Keeping it warm with his "incubative pocket" or hot layer of feathers at his feet. Then, according toNational GeographicJust after the chick was born, the mother returns with enough food to feed her family. This proud picture Penguin could be soft?

This beautiful blind flop

Photo of penguin sliding on belly on snow
Robert McGillivray / Shutterstock

When they are long distances, you will often see penguins slip on the ice on the belly, like this emperor penguin at the Snow Hill colony in the Weddell Sea of ​​Antarctica. Since the penguins are able to wander with their short legs and legs, this stomach slide, which is calledtoboggan, Is a faster, more efficient and easier way for them travel.

These Love Birds

Photo of penguins hold hands on rock overlooking snow

Papuan penguins, Which have an orange beak and live in Antarctica, particularly form long-term obligations, evenSharing parental responsibilities As soon as the female gentoo lays an egg. These two adorable Papuous are entitled to aHistory of love cinema-Celle on a rock, looking at each other and holding wings.

This brave brood

adelie penguins jumping off iceberg in antarctica photos of wild penguins

Adélie Penguins are originating from the coast of Antarctica and are named after the wife of the French explorerJules Dumont d'Urville, which first discovered this species of penguin in 1840.

Unlike other penguin species, Adélie, who areparticularly small, are objects of prey for leopard seals, giant petrels and sometimes evenkiller whales. But these Adélie penguins jumping in the water do not seem frightened.

These protective parents

Emperor penguin parents and their chick photos of wild penguins

The mother and the father Emperor Penguin devote their existence to the supply of food and shelter for their newborn, according to theAustralian Antarctic Division. Look at these guards, loving one another and their precious chicks.

These beachcumbers

Photo of penguins wandering shore of beach with rocks in ocean behind them
Sergey Uryadnikov / Shutterstock

African penguins - shown here in the colony of the rocks of Cape Town, South Africa - are the third smaller species of penguin. These little guys are also called Jackass penguins because theyBray like donkeys.

These shy guys

Fiordland crested penguins photos of wild penguins

Fiordland Peak Penguins are endemic from New Zealand, reproducing small colonies along the southwestern shores of the South Island and Stewart Island. Unlike other penguin species, theFiordland Crest Penguin is shy and shy in nature.

These cuties kissing

Magellanic penguins in chile photos of wild penguins

Named after the explorerFerdinand Magellan, who first discovered this species of penguin in the 16th century,Magellan Penguins are known for the distinctive white band that buckles around each of their eyes and meets at their rides. These penguins live in the southern parties of South America and the Falkland Islands.

These hot wambaDlers

wild african penguins photos of wild penguins

African penguins are equipped to cope with the rise in temperatures due to their habitat. They lack feathers on their legs and have stains on their faces that allow any excess heat to escape - keep them constantly.

This meal moment

Emperor penguin feeding its chick photos of wild penguins

After having traveled up to 125 miles to find an abundant amount of food for his newborn, a woman Emperor Penguin must locate her companion and her child at home in the colony. According toPbThe female penguin has a unique call it allows to find his partner so that the family can be reunited successfully. And for more Arctic animals, check these15 amazing facts about polar bears.

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