30 crazy creatures that you will not believe exist

And they said that nightmares could not come to life ...

Every year, scientists discover between 15,000 and 18,000 new animal species. Simple algebra tells us, while there are innumerable thousands, maybemillions, let out. And, about 8.7 million speciesalready Discovered, there are those that one could call "creatures" -You know, the little animals, often scary, that we would prefer not to recognize at all.

Thus, for your greatest pleasure, we have gathered the most terrifying, strange and out of the world creatures on the planet. Nocturnal lashing with panic-induced heels to a little terrifying shackle called thePromachoteuthis SulcusThese are the animals that will make you check under the bed a second (and third and fourth) time tonight. (Oh, and you will also find some cuties overall - to help reduce nightmares.) And for more incidental species for fear of the world, check these30 Most dead animals on the planet.


Chevrotain Crazy Critters

Also known as "deer of mouse", the Chevrotain comes from Southeast Asia and constitutes the smallest bootal animals in the world, weighing, at their lightest, only about 2 pounds. The name of Telugu for this animal is Jarinipandi,which translates into "a deer and a pig". And all this time you thought theDOCTOR ISLAND MOREAU was a complete fiction. And for more surprisingly tiny creatures, meet them23 small animals on the planet.

Aye Aye

Aye-Aye Crazy Critters

This native Lemurian of Madagascar is the largest night animal in the world and the most missing, visible in trees by a simple flash of yellow eyes. Although extinguished extinguished at the beginning of the twentieth century, the species has been rediscovered in 1957. However, since the folklore has the inhabitants who believe that these animals are the prejudices of evil and death (even going to to believe until we believe that if the animals pointed one of their long fingers in their direction, they are then marked for death), they are endangered again because of the number of murders on the part of the inhabitants who believe in these legends. And for more creatures at the edge of the Brink, meet themAnimals that are tragically close to extinction.

English Angora Rabbit

English Angora Rabbit Crazy Critters
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Angora's rabbit, one of the oldest types of domestic rabbits, is also known to have one of the highest grooming routines, requiring garnishes at least twice a week. For those who choose not to follow this difficult routine, the fur of the Angora rabbit can grow to extreme lengths (similar to the one illustrating above). Since the 16th century, these rabbits have been appreciated by the royals and pet farmers because they have qualities that make them more docile and easy to form.

Elephant shrew

Elephant Shrew Crazy Critters

It's an elephant that, stretched in a room with you, you risk missing it. These small insectivorous mammals, originating in Africa, make their name for the resemblance between their long noses and that of the trunk of an elephant. However, while they have many typical qualities of the musaraignes, a phylogenetic genetic analysis of 1997 (a study of the evolutionary history of the Animal of Elephant has revealed that it was more similar to an elephant . Put another way, elephant miseraignes are the smallest species of elephants in the animal kingdom.

Josephoartigasia MONESI

The Josephoartigasia Monesi Crazy Critters
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This extinct species, who lived about two to four million years ago, is the greatest rodent of having already existed in the animal kingdom, which timed around a ton. Due to the shape of his skull and his presence of large incisors (measuring up to 12 inches in length), the Monesi Josephoartigasia is often compared to a hamster. And for creatures that have come back from the war, meet the15 animal species miraculously saved from extinction.

Red and white flying squirrel (petaurista alborufus)

Red and White Flying Squirrel Crazy Critters
Image via YouTube

Also known as the Chinese giant flying squirrel, this rodent is the largest kind of giant squirrel in the world, measuring a little more than three feet from the tip of its head to the end of its tail. Endemic of China and Taiwan, these flying squirrels can cover distances up to 65 feet during the flight, are easily identifiable in this area for their bright blue eyes and unique dyes of their coat.

Bosavi woolly rat

Bosavi Woolly Rat Crazy Critter

Considered the largest bosavi rasp, Bosavi's woolly rat was discovered for the first time in 2009 when shooting a BBC documentary,Lost of the volcano, which detailed the exploration of the crater of the volcano extinguished from Mount Bosavi. These rats, discovered deep in the volcano, measured 32 inches long and weighed about 3 pounds. Which makes these giant rats so unique is their incredibly docile nature - they show no fear of humans, for example - unlike normal rat species.

Star-headed linden

Star-Nosed Mole

This incredibly unique, endemic taune of the eastern regions of Canada and the United States, is easily identifiable by its star-shaped nose, covered with receptors, called Elmer's organs. Because the starry tau is blind, it uses its receptors to "see" the world, even the ability to see and feelsubmarine. In fact, many engineers have become aware of the special qualities of the star-nosed taupe and have started analyzing how the transfer of the moles to the smell works and how we can learn from this process to help blind humans to interact with the world. .


Goliath birdeater Crazy Critters

Found in northern South America, this spider is the second largest spider in the world, with the giant Huntsman spider who only knows a few inches more and more leg (but more to that later) later) . Although the Tarantule has been named for the first time for its supposed tendency to prey hummingbirds, centuries later, it has become clear that it is a rare event for the Goliath Beateratre, which normally consumes frogs , lizards, other insects and snakes from time to time.

When they detect a danger or face an imminent threat, these spiders can actually use their crocs (yes,crocs) Kill predators. While the hair on their body, when used as a defense, can be harmful to humans, they are not deadly and can be compared to a wasp stitch. And, despite the alarming appearance of the Goliath Birateter, the inhabitants really enjoy eating them - roasting his body (less harmful hair) and the slogr between the banana leaves. The taste of the South American predator is described as "shrim -plike".


Gharial Crazy Critters

Originally from South Asia, Gharial is a crocodile species seriously threatened, easily identified by its muzzle and an extra-long row of 110 impressive (and incredibly sharp) teeth. These special features allow the Gharial to be an incredibly qualified predator in the water, although the constant decline in fish populations in the region has contributed to their endangered status.


Lamprey Crazy Critters

This jawless fish is characterized by its mouth of sucitation toothed and delighted, which looks like what it is felled directly from a bad horror movie. Due to its ability to migrate long distances, some species have been found in the Great Lakes. To kill their prey, which mainly includes small fish, they use their teeth to set to prey and suck. And for additional pulse to avoid depths of depths, see the30 reasons why the ocean is more frightening than space.

Gray fish

Hairy Frogfish Crazy Critters

Also known as greelized fish, this marine fish gets its strange appearance of spinules irregularly, resembling hair. Depending on their environment, these fish can change colors to better mix in the background. What makes these fish is unique, it's their ability to consume fish that compete them in size, sometimes in a gulf.

Bat of the nose of oriental tube

This small beat of fruit, endemic in Australia and Japan, is named for its unique nostrils, which look like tubes. Despite the surprising appearance of the animal, many inhabitants value intelligent creatures, known toto create their own forms of igloos in winter.

Coconut crab

Coconut Crab Crazy Critters

Coconut crab is the largest arthropode of earthly life in the world, can reach more than three feet long, usually weighing about 9 pounds. These crabs flourish in tropical areas, namely islands along the Indian Ocean. And although they are named after the communities responsible for coconut, they rarely saw consuming the fruits and opt instead of any potential source of food on the ground, which wins the nickname, "Robber Crab ". These crabs, when detecting danger, even have the ability to climb trees - and often to hide the biggest predators, like older and cannibalistic coconut crabs.

Promachoteuthis Sulcus

Promachoteuthis sulcus Crazy Critters
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Taken in a German fisherman's net in 2007, this photo of thediscovered recently Promachoteuthis Sulcus is the only one that exists of this particular species. It was immediately noted for his pair of exposed lips, which look strangely to human teeth. Although this is not much known about the deep sea squid, it does not pose any threat against humans, because it depends only on the deep sea and measures only a length of an inch.


Angler Fish Crazy Critters

When you imagine that the most frightening creatures are hiding at the bottom of the sea, you probably consider fish similar to fishermen, made easily identifiable by the luminous piece of the back of the dorsal spine that protrudes above their mouths, is present only in women to attract masculine fish and prey. To make them appear even more threshing, the peachfish's mouth is filled with translucent teeth - not to mention the mouth large enough to allow them to swallow fish more than twice its own size,according to National Geographic. And for more fear of deep, check these20 bizarre marine creatures that look like what they are not real.

Spider Giant Huntsman

Giant Huntsman Spider Crazy Critters

Meet the world's largest spider - the spider Giant Huntsman. In fact, these spiders are so big that they become up to a long foot, allowing them to travel to a courtyard per second when they approach prey, such as cockroaches and other major insects. Distributed in warm climates around the world, these spiders are notorious to enter cars and houses, but are only known to cause minor symptoms in humans, such as headaches, when attacking.

Kau'i Cave Wolf Spider

KauaʻI Cave Wolf Spider Crazy Critters
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Found above the caves of Kaua'i, Hawaii, thisSpider species Is incredibly unique for his absence, instead, using his brilliant sensory hair called Trichobothria to navigate life in the volcanic caves.

Blind Salamander of Texas

Texas Blind Salamander Crazy Critters
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Although this type of salamander is rare, but only the Edwards aquifer near San Marcos, Texas, his body almost translucent and his lack of eyes make it extremely easy to identify,said Texas Parks & Wildlife. His blindness is the result of his environment of life-submarine, dark caves. To hunt, the salamander simply uses his other senses to detect vibrations in the water of their prey, which usually includes tiny snails and shrimp.


Sinocallipus Crazy Critters
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These cupcakes are unique for their antennas and their shape of skull, which resembles that of an ant. These mini-led to the ingredient relate in caves along Vietnam and China, some only capable of surviving in tropical climates.

Cart star

Basket Star Crazy Critters

This extraordinary deep sea creature has an incredibly unique series of twists and rotating weapons that can measure one meter long. Feeding on its main predator, zooplankton, theCart star Use his arms, attached with tiny sharp hooks to capture prey. Even more incredibly, any damaged or broken member can be reproached.

Mantis shrimp

Mantis Shrimp Crazy Critters

Not only theMantis shrimp, Endemic subtropical marine climates, show some of the most beautiful colors of the animal kingdom, as shown above, its eyes also contain 12 colored receivers-9 more than those of humans and other animals generally. Basically, this means that these animals combine different movements and models with colors rather than using all their senses to determine their environment. In addition, this little creature can knock out any predator with their strong claws that can knock out with 200 books of strength. In short, the shrimp of Mante became one of the brightest human kingdom abnormalities for scientists to study.

Asian giant hornet

Japanese Giant Hornet Crazy Critters

With a wingspan of more than 3 inches, the Asian giant hornet is the largest hornet in the world. Originally from the tropical regions of East Asia, this hornet venom is so powerful that when it is stung of many at the same time, humans can really die. In fact, in 2013, this insect was unleashed, killing 42 people and injure 1,675 in three Chinese cities,according to CNN. In short: avoid this bug at any time.


Hagfish Crazy Critters

According to Smithsonian, Harcquk is considered the most disgusting animal on the planet, because they eat their prey from the inside outside, using their sensory tentacles to tread and devour it from the inside. If it was not sufficiently disgusting, the highfish pushes the predator with his mud, which he produced by sliding through the bottom of the ocean.

Dumbo ocher

Dumbo Octopus Crazy Critters
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Also known as Gimpotututhis, the Dumbo octopus has been named after its apparent resemblance to Dumbo, the emblematic Disney character. Measuring a length of about 12 inches in length, this only octopus is the only octopus to swim in such depths and can be found around the world, even off the Oregon coast.

Kiwa Hirsuta

Kiwa hirsuta Crazy Critters
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Also nicknamed the "Yeti Crab", the Kiwa Hirsuta is a crustacea covered with silky blond silks, resembling fur or hair. It was discovered in 2005, right next to the shore of Easter Island, at a depth of 7,200 feet. The creature had never been discovered before that because of its terrier trend under hydrothermal vents. To survive the life next to these vents, the Kiwa Hirsuta uses its "hairy" series to detoxify the toxic materials emitted by the vents.

Sea dragon Feuillle

Leafy Seadragon Crazy Critters

The leafy marine dragon, closely related to the sea horse, is a camouflage expert themselves, using their leaves-shaped appendages to melt in the life of the surrounding plant. To move along the water, these marine dragons actually use two pectoral fins and a dorsal - that are so thin they are almost invisible.

Kangaroo rat

Kangaroo Rat Crazy Critters

Similar to kangaroos, these small animals, standing only six inches tall, jump over distances of about 9 feet and wear farther legs smaller than the hind legs. Not only that, but this North American rat also has fur-lined pockets they use to store food.


Blobfish Crazy Critters

Voted as the "most sheeted creature in the world" of the British Scientific Festival in 2013, the Blobfish, also considered one of the rarest creatures of the sea, rarely moves due to its lack of muscle tone (which contributes also to his ugly aspect). These fish spend most of their lives on the soil of the Ocean of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, swallowing any edible material that floats in front of it.


Scotoplanes Sea Pig Crazy Critters
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Also known as a sea pig, this deep sea dwelling lives in the Oceans of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific. By using the tentacles on his mouth to consume his favorite meal decomposition flesh. Although the situations of this creature of the sea are rare, when this happens, the visitors of their habitat are likely to stumble on groups up to 600 because they like to travel together in packs. And for more critical critters in the ocean, check these20 Marine creatures more dangerous than sharks.

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