The 20 cinema lines the most misconduct of all time
You can think that you are a movie movie, but we guarantee you that you regularly get most of them.

If you are a fan of the movieJaws-And that is not? - You have probably found a reason to use the most classic line of the movie at least once in occasional conversation: "We will need a larger boat." Well, sorry to be the wearer of bad news, but you have probably misunderstood in this way all your life. You are near, but it's not exactly what Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) said to his crew Mate Quint (Robert Shaw) What he really tells him is: "You are will need a bigger boat. "And it's far from the only film quote we all collectively mamber. Here are 20 famous and famous film lines with the history of cinema. And for more killer lines, here's here30 cinema quotes every 90s knows by heart.
1 "Cupidity is good."

Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) book what is probably thethe most notorious line On investors ethically challenged inOliver Stone Cinematics tour of 1987Wall Street. Only problem is that he never says it.
What Gekko really says to the crowd of investors would be: "The point is, ladies and gentlemen, this greed, for lack of a better word, it's good. Cupidity is right, greed works." You will never catch someone by saying this precise way. "Cupidity, for lack of a better word, it's good" has only the same ring. For more than the decade of greed, here is30 cinema quotes every 80s knows by heart.
2 "Play again, Sam."

In our collective cultural memory, it isHumphrey Bogart Who said "play again, Sam" in the Black 1942 ClassicCasablanca. But it's actuallyIngrid Bergman'S Ilse who says something closer, when she pleads with the piano player, "plays once, Sam, for the love of old age. Play' over time. '"
Later in the movie, Bogart tells Sam ", you played it for her, you can play it for me. If she can stand it, I can. Play!" Not exactly "play again, Sam," but it's close ... a little.
3 "Do you feel lucky, punk?"

It's a good fun line to say. Every time you want to have a threatening threat, in aClint Eastwood Also dirty Harry Chountha Way,It's the quote turn to. Ah, if only it was precise.
It's not exactly what Diry Harry says when he confronts bad guys with a .44 magnum. What he really says is: "You have to ask yourself a question:" Do I feel lucky? Well, you, punk? "You must admit, even if it implies some extra words, it's aa lotCooler quotes. For more, discover30 quotes of fifty every year 70 know by heart.
4 "You are dirty rat!"

They are the three most infamous words thatJames Cagney never said on the movie. Well, allegedly. It is difficult to locate their origin. In the movie of 1931Blonde crazyHe says: "Oh, this dirty rat, double cross. I would like to have my own hooks on him. I locked him into pieces." Who is at least near, right? And then in the movie of 1932Taxi!He calls someone a "dirty and yellow rat", which is still at least once.
5 "Hello, clarice."

The Speaker Hannibal Way Creepy Way (Anthony Hopkins) Salute clarice (Jodie Foster) In 1991Thesilenceofthelambsis often repeated. But if you have already made a Hannibal impression to try to panic someone, you probably said the famous erroneous quote. What Dr. Lect really says: "Good evening, clarice." For some scary streaming recommendations, here is hereThe 18 best horror movies on Netflix right now.
6 "A man must do what a man must do."

There are at least two films in which people rememberJohn Wayne Say this line: 1939Diligence and 1953Hondo. But, as it turns out, he does not say it either.
InDiligence, the duke approaches the line "" Well, there are things that a man can not run away. "It's a kind of the same thing, but not really. InHondoThe character of Wayne states that "a man must do what he thinks is the best", which is at least in the ball. But are they the things that a man must do what he thinks is the best? A debate for ages.
7 "Luke I am your father."

This is one of the most famous lines of the entireStars warsFranchise, and we all mistake. Darth Vader never said this exact quote inThe Empire Counter-Attack. He corrects Luke, who has other ideas about who is his dad. "No," Darth said to him, "I Am your father. "Leave the" No "and you lose all the discharge switch of the revelation of Darth. For the music you talk badly, here is here30 lyrics Misheard Everyone is mistaken.
8 "I am out of order?You are out of order! This wholecourts out of order!"

When Defense Counsel Arthur Kirkland (Al Pacino) Loses its cool in the 1979 courtroom ...And justice for allHe scolds the judge with this legendary Takedown. Or may not be. Our memories get some of the correct words, but less than you might think. What did Pacino actually shout at Jack Warden is: "You are out of order!You are out of order! The totalitytrial is out of order!They are out of order!"
9 "He is alive!"

When Dr. Frankenstein brings his creature to life in the masterpiece of Horror 1931,Frankenstein, What's starting to shout? If your answer is "He is alive! He is alive!, "Well, sorry. What the good doctor actually cries in celebration, it's "It is ALIVE! "Which makes sense, as the monster is not technically a person. It is a lot of different parts of the body that the doctor sewed together. For more random facts,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
10 "I like the smell of Napalm in the morning. It smells like ... Victory."

Sometimes the lines become miscondited just for brevity reasons. Take this classicFrancis Ford Coppola'S 1979 EPICApocalypse now. Lieutenant-Colonel Bill Kill Kilgore (Robert Duvall) says something about Napalm Spending as a victory, but it was nowhere that we all remember. Its complete quote is a little more hiking. "You feel that? Do you sink it? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world feels like that, he says.
He continues to talk about bombing a hill for twelve hours and their enemies are wiped. "The smell, you know, this smell of gasoline," he continues. "The whole hill. Feel the victory.
11 "Ms. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?"

The most famous line issued byDustin Hoffman In 1967The graduation Do people get ... well, especially right. Hoffman like Ben Braddock actually says: "Ms. Robinson, you try to seduce me. Are not you?"
The way the film fans have reimagated the line slightly modifies the meaning. Malquote is a direct question, but what Ben really says uncertainty.
12 "I do not think we're in Kansas, Toto."

Even if you look at the classic of 1939Wizard of Oz Every year, you probably always remember as the line pronounced by Dorothy (Judy Garland) When she realizes that she is far from home, it's really not. What she really says is "Toto, I have a feeling that we are no longer in Kansas." It's not about what Dorothy "thinks". Everything is on his feelings.
13 "Attach your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy trick."

It is a curious erroneous interpretation. Why did we collectively tookBette Davis"most famous quote ofAll about Eve("Set your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night.") And it sounds like it as if it's a Greener Sadique in a Disney Theme Parks Park? It's bumpy "night", people. Boarding a wheel drive.
14 "We have ways to make you talk."

Even if you have never seen the 1935Gary Cooper movieThe life of a Bengal launchYou probably know this line, which is best said with a German accent. Well, it may be looking at the movie because this line does not exist. What really said - and without the emphasis usually added to this - is "Well, Gentlemen? We have ways to talk about men."
15 "Run, you fools!"

It's one ofOur favorite scenes inPeter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Camaraderie of the Ring. When Gandalf gray (Ian McKellen) is about to be fired in the abyss by a monstrous ballogog, he screams with hobbits ... Well, not what you think. In our memories, he tells them to run, but the line is really ", flying, you fools." This is such an ubiquitous mistake, there are son reddit devoted to debate the line.
16 "If you build it, they will come."

We always have foggy eyes every time we look atKevin Costner Love letter at baseball,Dream field. But as much as we think we know the story inside and out, we always haveThis timeless line wrong. The voice that the character of the coster hears in the field of culture does not promise an abundance of people. The line is actually: "If you build it,he will come. "The" it "in question is too tired Joe Jackson and, well, we do not want to ruin the movie for you.
17 "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most beautiful of them?"

Every child who grew up looking at the Classic DisneySnow White and Seven Dwarves Know the scary issues posed by the nasty queen, a perverse mother-in-white mother. Or at least we think we do. The real line is: "magic mirror on the wall, which is the most just of them?" Why did we all decided collectively to drop the adjective who explains the powers of the mirror? Who knows?
18 "Me Tarzan, You Jane."

SameJohnny Weissmuller, the 1932 classic starTarzan, the monkey, was confused about the famous line. He once admitted to an interview "I did not have to act inTarzan, I just said: 'Mr. Tarzan, You Jane. "Except, sorry, he never said that.
His character has a long exchange with Jane as she tries to explain their names. There is a lot of finger pointing as she tries to make him understand. Its closest version of the line is: "Jane. Tarzan. Jane. Tarzan. Jane. Jane ..." But maybe it's not as hung as "me Tarzan, you're Jane."
19 "Climb me, Scotty."

We hate to ruin your childhood, but Captain Kirk (William Shatner) Never said once said, "Go up, Scotty." Not in the television show that ran between 1966 and 1969, and certainly not in any of the movies.
WhatHe actually says East: "Scotty, Beamwe up. "Because Kirk is a team player, he's not going to leave his friends behind. Kirk provides variations on this line during the TV, ranging from" loan to scratch out of radius, Jim, "to" gentlemen, I suggest you to make me shine on board. "But never bring me down, Scotty. "
20 "Life is like a box of chocolate."

In 1994Forrest Gump, the holder (Tom Hanks) Gives its incredible life story to a rotary group of people while waiting for a bus stop. And this comes with a certain morality. But we have to tell you that you have miscast it. Forrest Gump does not say, "Mama always has the habit of saying," Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you are going to have. "" He said, "Mama always has the habit of saying that life was like a box of chocolates ..." He has more paraphrase his beloved mother than to quote directly.

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