The 30 worst fashion trends of 2018
Some eyes have really exceeded their welcome.

If you follow fashion, you know one thing for some: things that come directly from the track can look like Kooky on average Joe and Jane. Now, that does not mean that you should notalready Try something new, especially if you are a little adventurous on the Sartorial Front, but the fact remains that all popular eyes in the world of fashion are winners. And no year has never been more true than 2018.
OpenTatoires and colors with decade returns of the Malicious Decade (mainly 90s), 2018 has been loaded with fashionable traps. Here are all the styles of the past year who have to go the way to Dodo,yesterday.
1 Chunky dad's sneakers
The most ugly baskets in the world have become the hottest shoes in fashion this year. But as many other trends in eye-catching fashion, this one is already on the way. To opt forCleaner, more silhouettes of classic sneakers For an ATHLEXURE look that will never come out of style.
2 Tinusse sunglasses
"TinyMatrixSunglasses --Inpired are a nostalgic trend that returned strong in 2018, "saysColleen Babul, head of the stylist operations forSnap + Business Style. "It's a trend that I'm happy to leave behind. This trend does only appear on a small percentage of people, so unless you have the bone structure of Bella Hadid, I stick to a form that complements your face."
3 Branch
To go with your bulbous sneakers, why not take a friendly sacks? If you want to look like a suburban dad out of touch, it's your look. Otherwise, skip it.
4 Overloading the logo
Graphic tees, handbags, sweatshirts, and more with designer logos are back in a general way, but all fashion experts are not fans of this flashy look. Take the logo handbag, for example: "If you wear it, do not do ityoupossesses? »Ask Helena Apoteher, Store Manager atDecades.
5 Cold shoulder sleeves
Folder This under: trends that will not die. The cold shoulders felt fresh and modern when they were brought back to the popular pli a few years ago. But now? They have just spent their welcome.
6 Clear shoes and handbags
This trend has found its origins on the track, but fashion editorials outdoors and Instagram celebrity posts, it just looks, good, cheap.
7 Oversized Clothing Majorolized
"Friendsincome has reduced this trend, "saysCatherine Bachelier Smith fromCBS Lifestyliste."I like mixing shapes and sizes in your outfit to add texture and visual interests. But swim in boxy and bulky clothing does not do much for your shape." If you want to make the oversized look, choose a single baggy object and keep the rest of your streamlined outfit.
8 Chaste
Staying online with the "90s returns that are so popular right now, Chahers reappeared in the high way this year. But there is no faster way to give a retro hold (and not in a good way) than to throw one of these super short necklaces. Paste with pendants for a more sophisticated atmosphere.
9 Bucket
Streetwear Style has brought back those backs, but their time has come and left. Exchange your bucket cap for a baseball cap or a hat in the winter hat and Panama in summer and thank you later.
10 Fanny packs worn as singing bags
"If you have not seen, people started taking Fanny packs and gripping them on their shoulder and around their body," explains Patrick Kenger, image consultant toPivot Image Consulting. "It serves absolutely no goal and I bet it will light up quickly. If you want to try this look, get a tote bag instead. It's a much more elegant option."
11 Overalls

Of course, they may seem ironically to cool on the supermodels. But on us, we are regular? Not really.
12 Too long sleeves
The ladies that have sleeves too long and too long flows from the track to daily retailers. "Showcase Your cuffs is subtly sexy," said Smith. "When the sleeves surpass your hands, you have created two problems: Once you have just eliminated the sex-appeal and two, you look like a child wearing clothes of your parents. Not big anyway."
13 Mini bags
They could be cute to look at the store, but once you got your miniature handbag, you will probably find that it's not exactly useful. "Do they joke?" Aposotker asks. "Where do you get all your things?"
14 PUKA Shell Necklaces
They areback! Get frosted tips and you will be defined for the nostalgic look in the early 2000s. But if you want to look like you to be firmly put on this decade (and in reality), it's a trend to jump. For better supplements, see these50 essential accessories for women over 50 years old.
15 Shoulder tops
After four or five years in the mix, it is officially time to say goodbye to this trend. Not only are they hard to wear because they will not stay put, but they also start to look seriously dated.
16 Color lenses
As if teeny-tiny sunglasses were not bad enough, we are now dealing with the colors of the creative lens. A bold precookedFrameworkis one thing, but keep your neutral lenses.
17 Corset belts
In theory, the idea of throwing a corset belt on any outfit to highlight your silhouette seems to be a good idea. In practice? At best, it will doYou look like a reality TV star. At worst, you will look lumpy and like you are dressed in the dark.
18 Bright orange for guys
"The tones of all kinds pardon the track this last year," Kenger said. "Many colors we have seen have been very bright and noisy. Orange was a popular color for designers, but difficult to shoot for most men; it's a difficult color in hand and looks bad on the Most guys. If you want to work in stronger colors, be sure to do it in very small doses and anchor with more neutral colors. "
19 Fancy fantasy
Lovers rejoiced when the shoes concentrated on comfort and a little indestructible were again "in" again, but unless you work in a hospital or cooking and need practical reasons, those. - should stay outside the limits.
20 The appearance of the half-shaped head
Countless celebrities made this hairstyle once unusual, now overdone. ThisIsWatch Edgy, but what happens when you want to grow?
21 Extreme maximalism
"Gucci leads the parade of this gradual trend, "says Smith."Maximalism blend bold color, luxurious tissues, metal and patterns.It's great and really likes the feeling of a lot of passion and joy,But please, balance it with classic and elegant pieces. "
22 Jeans
For the love of all things fashion, who came with that and why? Apart from the fact that we can not think of anythinglesscomfortablethat theseWhat is the problem with regular jeans? In addition, these are guaranteed to creak with each movement you do.
23 Stick pants
Yes, they are comfortable. No, they do not look good to anyone.
24 Oversized jewelry
"Usually, it ends up wearing," says Apothaker.
25 Wild West

Western boots, shirts and hats have appeared on the tracks this year for men and women. Although it is definitely a fun way to add something new and different in your usual wardrobe, it'smannerToo easy to go to the sea. Unless you are a pro style, it is the surest to just avoid this look.
26 Teams Teees
There is no faster way to look like a phish concert than to play sports. Even if you like jam bands, these tees should only be reserved for the summer camp only.
Just because Kim Kardashian West and Gigi Hadid wear these does not mean you have to participate. If you want to wear a denim, go for full pants or short short, not between the two.
28 Assorted knitted sets
The sweaters will never come out of the style. But sweaters who have matching pants? It's basically just a snuggie that you can wear and on.
29 Sock Top Nodes
Nothing cries "Girl Sorority", like a top node. We understood. You were having the party and did not have time to wash your hair. But unless you are actually a student, it's a look at you.
30 Stubble
If you have the bone structure related to the divinity of a Hollywood Ryan (Gosling and Reynolds being examples of choice), you can remove the uncomfortable look. If you are among the 99.9999% of the population, friendly reminder: a little grooming goes a long way. And for advice in this department, fly these 23 towers of barbers on shaving properly.
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