There is scientific evidence that cats adopt the personalities of the owners

Kitty See, Kitty DO.

Recent research has shown thatDogs tend to match the personality traits their owners and are particularly prone toTake their stress levels. But because people tend to think that theBond between dogs and humans It is stronger than that between cats and humans, most of us assume that our personalities have no impact on these majestic and independent creatures. But now, science proves us wrong.

A recent study published in the journalPlos a Indicates that you may have more influence on your feline's behavior that you do not think. Researchers at the University of the United Kingdom of Lincoln and Nottingham Trent University used an online survey to request more than 3,000 cat owners on theirPersonality traits "big five": Extroversion, acceptance, opening, consciousness and neurotism. They also asked them questions about the race, personality, health and behavior of their cats.

The results showed that, to a certain extent, cats really meet the personalities of their owners. For example, owners who have found high neurotism were more likely to have cats that were more afraid or worried, had more stress-related diseases and were less likely to wander outside their hobbies. Meanwhile, the owners who were more extrovert seemed to have cats who liked to be in the big spaces. And the particularly conscientious owners seemed more likely to have affectionate and friendly cats.

The study is limited by the fact that the results were self-declared as opposed to observation, it is therefore very possible that the owners had projected their own personalities on cats. The study can not also answer the issue of chicken or egg whether your personality affects your cat or if you are just more likely to choose a cat that seems similar to your temperament.

"Many owners consider their pets as a family member, forming close social ties with them," said the co-authorLauren Fincka, a postdoctoral researcher in animal welfare in Nottingham Trent University School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences,says in a press release. "It is therefore very possible that pets can be affected by the way we interact and managers and that these two factors are in turn influenced by our differences in personality. The majority of owners want to provide the best care to their Cats, etc. The results emphasize how our own personality can be influential on the well-being of our pets. "

And for more recent searches on our furry friends, checkStudy finds that cats know when you call them, they just do not care.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: News / Pets / Science
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