This is what the signature analysis reveals to your subject

The way you sign your name says more about your personality than you think.

You could think so much more than a line of ink, but a signature can actually reveal many things about the person who wrote it. Think, for one second, on what a signature is really - a statement, repeated and refined over the decades, which serves as a unique representation of a person. It binds you to legal documents. It allows your purchases. In other words, it'syours-And that's why the signature analysis is so revealing.

Is your signature big or small? Disordered or neat? Do you sign in the center of the dotted line or a little right? It turns out that all these things can offer an important overview of who you are. Here, all right ofWriting analysts, all ways of your John Hancock is a window in your personality.

An indecipherable signature: you are arrogant.

close up of messy signature with fountain pen

You might think that readability has to do with the speed with which we sign our names, but the truth is more complicated than that. Signature of your name so that people can actually read is an intentional choice, according to theEncyclopedia of handwriting analysis. A clear and complete signature shows an open, direct and willing person to share who are with others. On the other hand, an indecipherable signature can reveal an arrogant and autonomous person.

Stressing: you lack confidence.

older white male businessman signing a form

The encyclopedia of the handwriting analysis indicates that embellishments to your writing reveal many who you are. For example, the underline can indicate a need for responsibility and importance. This also shows a lack of self-confidence and a desire for status and recognition. Embellishments are counting because they are deliberate attempts to attract greater attention to something that is already apparent - and what you choose to draw attention to often reveal that you really are.

A short signature: you are impatient.

close up of someone signing on a tablet

According toThe bright side, If the letters that make up your name are close and create a short signature, it's because you are responsive, impatient and you have a weak concentration. The analysts keep that it is the sign of someone who is itching to move on to something else: you do not even have the attention state to finish writing your name!

A right signature: you have an equal personality.

close up of someone signing a check

If your signature is easy to read and right, you are a "balanced and temperate" person, according to the analysts of handwriting toPreserve.

A period: You are a titan of the industry.

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According toTriple, put an end to your signature with a period is actually a sign of a strong business leader. It makes sense when we think about it. You are the boss's time.

Slant down: you are a pessimistic.


A bit like a face of the floor, a signature that went down reveals a feeling of pessimism towards the world that surrounds you, according to Trimly. Not only that - it can mean that you are careful at meetings and gatherings, a person who tends to weigh the risks of your decisions before moving forward and acting.

Right Slant: You are sociable.


Everything is about the direction you tilt! A right tilt generally means that you have an outgoing personality, according to theDaily mail. A left inclination means, however, that you do not push yourself forward, because the online encyclopedia of the handwriting analysis reveals.

Slant Ascendant: You think in the future.

close up of someone signing a contract

Steve Jobs' Signature inclined upwards, reflecting his ambition and tendency to look to the future - at least, according to theDaily mail, which reports these qualities as linked to an upward inclined signature.

Initials only: you are extremely private.

close up of short signature with fountain pen

TheDaily mailsays that the use your initials does not mean you remember. Ironically, Facebook CEOMark Zuckerberg, who created a world of overload, signs with just his initials.

A nickname: You are fiercely independent.

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A signature nickname reveals a person with an independent series and confidence in their own abilities, according to theDaily mail. ApplesSteve Wozniak Fits with a simple "Woz", his nickname. The signature of Wozniak also inserts up, so you know it's advanced.

Size of the small letter: You have self-esteem problems.

asian woman signing a form

The size of your signature is important, explains the encyclopedia of the handwriting analysis: it indicates how you feel about you and the world around you. For example, large signatures show a feeling of high status. Medium-sized writing reveals a balance of modesty and value. And finally, a small writing could reflect a small self-esteem.

Large capital letters: you are proud.

close up of signature with large capital letters

So yes, big letters mean great self-esteem, as strengthened the criminal. But aside of the trust, big capital letters in a signature also indicate that the signatory has a strong feeling of oneself.Barack Obama Signs with big capital letters, with a very strong start to his signature. It aims to make sure that its presence is felt.

Illegal letters: your mind moves quickly.

white man signing a check

Grilled letters are not necessarily the sign of someone sloppy (or impolite): they could actually come from a person who works quickly and goes to the next project, theDaily mailsaid. Your unreadable letters could be a sign of an agile spirit. Disordered writers, rejoiced!

Surname more readable than the first: you are careful.


The encyclopedia of the handwriting analysis indicates that a difficult name to read followed by a legible last name shows a reserved and prudent person. You want to familiarize yourself with others until you know better. However, if it's your first name easier to read? This suggests that you are accessible, direct and friendly.

No points on I: You think holisticly.

close up of signature with blue pen

Careless mistake? It could be something deeper, according to theDaily mail. A missing point on I-formally known as Tittle-actually reveals someone who tends to focus on the largest image and not on all these nervous details and grains.

In the middle of the line: you are self-important.

close up of fountain pen signing

It's not just the way you sign, but also. The placement of his signature says a lot about what happens in your head, according to the online encyclopedia of the handwriting analysis. For example, a signature on the left shows someone who, in public, might seem to hang in the past. A Smack DAB signature in the middle? It's a spectacle of personal importance. And a signature on the right means that you are looking for in the future.

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