30 questions that you would need Ace to pass the geography of the 6th year

Dust a subject that you have not studied for years.

From all things you learned in college, geography is what you are probably forgetting first. As you go through years of schooling, English is transformed into literature. Mathematics turns into geometry and calculation. Science turns into biology and chemistry and physics. Geography, meanwhile, is transformed into ... Well, nothing.

What we are trying to say is that if you have walked up to your sixth average grader and have challenged them to a bee of geography, you will getsmoke. It would not be a just fight at all. Do not believe us? Read it and try it. Below we have rounded 30 hours directly from the geography classes of American colleges. Some should be without care. But others are some to leave you completely beaten. And once you have tested your mental mass on these, give yourself to the30 questions you would need ACE to spend the 6th mathematical year.

Question: Are the lines on a card that handles in the Latitude or Longitude lines East-West?

6th grade geography lat long lines

Latitude and longitude are constants that allow you to identify any location on Earth on a map.

Answer: Latitude

close up map of europe

Some people remember the difference by noting that the lines oftheTree run horizontally, like the bars of atheDERRE.

Question: What is mapping?

6th grade geography questions cartography

Tip: It's not the photograph of shopping trolleys.

Answer: The study and practice of making cards

man drawing a map on a wall

Google Earth is an important tool for modern cartographers, but that can not replace them. Makeup artists must think of whom the card is that the card, how many details they want to include and what the card will be used for.

Question: Choose the correct words.

6th grade geography questions

There is no universal definition for a mountain. Although all the mountains have high altitudes and steep slopes, whether something is a mountain or hill, you may need to ask what the inhabitants call it.

Answer: "volcanic", "fold"

superhuman feats mount everest

Volcanic The mountains appear when a tectonic plate grows under another, butto fold The mountains are created when two plates simply face. (A third major typeto block The mountains - are caused by two plates that take place above the other in a horizontal direction.) And for more amazing information about how the world works, check these30 the craziest facts on the planet Earth you have never known.

Question: What is the smallest country in Europe?

6th grade geography smallest country in europe

Tip: The smallest country in Europe is also the smallest country around the world.

Answer: Vatican City

Vatican City and the Vatican walls on a bright shiny day

As the name suggests, the whole country of the city of Vatican is a unique city. Only 110 acres of the area (not even half a square kilometer), you could walk around in about 40 minutes.Completely surrounded by Italy, The small country was officially created in 1929 as an attempt to separate the Pope from the international policy of Italy. Why are there walls around the Vatican?

Question: What is the demographic term that describes the annual number of live births for 1,000 people?


Demography is the study of the human population in a given region.

Answer: birth rate

Shutterstock / Mhin

In 2016, the average global birth rate was 18.5 per 1,000 people. It's about 256 new babies every minute!

Question: What is the top layer of a tropical forest?

6th grade geography rainforest question

The upper layers of a healthy rainforest absorb so much sun that the forest floor exists in near the darkness.

Answer: emerging layer

tortuguero national park rainforest

Only the highest rainforest trees sting in the emerging layer out of the dense canopy underneath. These trees get a lot of sun, but they are not protected from the wind or extreme temperatures, such as the lower layers are.

Question: Japan is an island in which body of water?

6th grade geogrpahy questions japan

Japan includes a collection of 6,852 islands in total, but most Japanese residents live on four main islands and two small chains of islands. And take a look at more non-planolized destinations, do not miss these30 most magical islands on the planet.

Answer: Pacific Ocean

kerema islands okinawa japan

The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world, containing about 46% of the total amount of water from the Earth. It is greater than the whole surface of the earth combined.

Question: What is the name of the Aboriginal people of New Zealand?

6th grade geography new zealand natives question

These aboriginal people call their country Aomearo, which means "the country of long white cloud".

Answer: Maori

maori new zealand natives

Around the era of the Middle Ages in Europe, some adventurous Aboriginal Australians gave sailing and found New Zealand. They came to call us Maori and their culture is always influential and visible in New Zealand today.

Question: Name the financial measure of the goods and services of a country.

financial measure acronym

Demographers use this measure as a way to compare the economies of the world.

Answer: GDP or gross domestic product

gdp gross domestic product

There are a number of ways to calculate a country's GDP, but you are essentially adding the monetary value of goods and services produced within a country of borders and subtract the cost of supplies and materials. It does not give the picture of a country's economy, but it's a place to start.

Question: Choose the correct words.

nile amazon rivers question 6th grade geography

The largest river in the world contains the same amount of water as the next seven the largest combined rivers.

Answer: The largest river in the world is theAmazon River, located on the continent ofSouth America.

amazon river manu national park

Although the Nile is very narrow in length - and, depending on how you measure it, it is sometimes claimed to be slightly longer - the Amazon is by far the largest river in the world, to empty about 209,000 cubic meters of water in the ocean every second.

Question: What is the name of the island country of the African coast?

africa island country question

The continent of Africa contains 54 sovereign countries.

Answer: Madagascar

africa globe madagascar

The fourth largest island in the world, Madagascar is home to many rare animals, including more than 100 different species of Lemur.

Question: What is the capital of New York?

capital of ny state question

Tip: From all the capitals of the state of America, this one is the first alphabetically.

Answer: Albany

albany new york capital building

Although the city of New York is its largest city, the state capital of New York is located in Albany. The city is longer and is closer to the center of the state than New York.

Question: What is the name of a territory under the complete control of a distant country?

colony question 6th grade geogrpahy

That's why you could hear French spoken in Vietnam or Sierra Leone or see English street names in Congo or India.

Answer: Colony

Puerto Rico

For centuries, the most powerful countries in the world have decided that they simply possess other countries, taking control of their resources and products. Fortunately, we slowly become a world where countries can govern themselves, do what is best for their own people.

Question: Where would you find fjords: Austria, Norway or Malaysia?

fjords question

The narrow river fjords assigned by escarped cliffs - are created by glaciers.

Answer: Norway

sunnylvsfjorden norway
Shutterstock / SMIT

As glaciers grow towards the sea, some U-shaped valleys in the surrounding rock to form majestic fjords. The Fjords in Scandinavia are perhaps the most famous, but they are also in Scotland, New Zealand, Canada and even Washington.

Question: Choose the correct words.

compass question

The top of a modern card is usually North-but there is no good reason why it must be. Some old Japanese cartographers always put the imperial palace at the top of the map to highlight the importance of the emperor.

Answer: "Compass Rose", "Cardinal"

compass on a nautical map

Cards often include acompass show the orientation of the fourcardinal directions. Compass roses are not simply presented on cards. They are so useful for getting your bearings that they appear even on GPS systems.

Question: In which country is it?

highlighted satellite view of vietnam

Between its low tropical lands, its hills and high forest lands, only 20% of the Earth here is flat enough for the farm.

Answer: Vietnam

hanoi vietnam

The capital, Hanoi (in the photo above), is the second largest city in the country, with a population of 7.58 million.

Question: Name the destination thatis not in Asia.

asia tourist destinations

Tourism combines demographic data (the study of human populations) with landscapes of the Earth and therefore falls under the heading of geography.

Answer: Kenya

Giraffe Manor Hotel Kenya Outrageous Hotels

Kenya, a country in East Africa, attracts more than one million visitors a year, mainly in one or more of its 60 national parks and gaming reserves. This tourism has stimulated the economy and encouraged some ecological practices, but also contributed to erosion and deforestation. If you want to visit Kenya, do so responsibly!

Question: Name the longitude line that divides the oriental and western halves of the globe.

equator question

This line crosses England and rub shoulders with Africa in two.

Answer: Prime Meridian

royal greenwich observatory

While a number of different meridians have been called "premium" throughout history, when people refer today to the first meridian, they talk aboutThe meridian of the IERS which is also used to define the average time of Greenwich. The Royal Greenwich Observatory (above) marks the exact location of the Meridian premium.

Question: In which country is it?

argentina satellite view

Tip: The country's Olympian football team won gold in Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008.

Answer: Argentina

caminito buenos aires argentina

The vibrant colors of the legendary Caminito-in the Boca district of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina - are like an Instagram photo come to life.

Question: Choose the correct words.

tributary question

The area where two or more water meeting bodies are called confluence.

Answer: "Tributary", "Distributaire"

The Delta Queen Tennessee Floating Hotels

Atributary is a smaller river flowing in a larger, while adistributionis a small river that gets away from a larger one. Distributing are the most common ones where rivers throw themselves into a sea or a lake. At that time, a river often connects several times, the creation of a delta.

Question: what is the problemis not caused by urbanization?

urbanization problems question

Urbanization occurs when much of a population movement in rural areas to cities and towns.

Answer: Economic instability

pedestrians walk across shibuya crossing in tokyo

The cities actually offer some stability to the economy because their production does not depend so much on the climate as agriculture is. Urbanization can benefit from a population in a number of ways, including increased employment opportunities, development of culture and social mobility, but there are serious disadvantages as well.

Question: What are these types of species called?

invasive species question

Tip: These species are not indigenous in the areas that are mentioned.

Answer: Invasive species

cane toad

A species is considered invasive if it is not native to a given region, but once it introduces, it spreads to the extent that it begins to harm native plants and animals. Sometimes humans introduce a kind to a new environment for a specific purpose, for example, cane crapauds have been dropped in Australia to try to keep scarabs out of crops, but end up having unexpected consequences, devastating.

Question: What is wintern as a biome called?

biome tundra question

A biome is a wide way to describe a type of environment, as well as the organizations that live there. Many habitats make up each biome.

Answer: Tundra

elk on tundra biome

The soil of the Arctic tundra is frozen and it receives the light of the limited sun, which makes it impossible for the trees to grow. Instead, shrubs, grasses and foams feed resident animals, which include reindeer, musk oxen and arctic foxes.

Question: Choose the correct words.

weather map question

There are many ways to show the weather on a map, but you are probably more familiar with those used by meteorologists of television.

Answer: "Isobares," «» isothermals

weather map

On a surface weather map, lines of equal atmospheric pressure are calledisobares, And the exhibition temperature gradient lines are calledisothermal. The letter H on a meteorological map indicates a high pressure area, which generally corresponds to good weather. Cloudy or stormy weather, on the other hand, is most likely to appear the areas indicated by an L for low pressure.

Question: What kind of card is the map of the middle ground?

middle earth map question

While Tolkein admitted that the geography of the county (the House of Hobbits) was based on that of England, all the land of the middle does not correspond to existing landmarks or countries.

Answer: Fantasy card

hobbiton the shire new zealand

Although many fantastic cards illustrate the geography of a fictional universe, some are abstract works or actually combine cartographic information with comments to assert a point.

Question: Name the process by which the climatic ruptures of the rocks, but leaves them about the same place.

weathering erosion question

This process is powerful enough, given enough time, even the greatest rocks can break down in small pebbles with help than water.

Answer: Alteration

The Wave Arizona Surreal Places in the U.S.

On the other hand, erosion refers to the process by which rocks and minerals are ventilated and transported by water or wind in other places. These two processes can cause drastic changes to a landscape over time.

Question: Choose the correct words.

strait of gibraltar question

Nineteen countries have the coast on this sea, and two entire island nations exist in its waters.

Answer: "Mediterranean", "Gibraltar"

strait of gibraltar

Africa is separated from Europe by theMediterranean SEA, which is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait ofGibraltar. The Mediterranean is surrounded by so many historically powerful countries that he played a huge role, among others, the expansion of the Roman Empire; The birth of Judaism, Islam and Christianity; and the two world wars.

Question: Which of the foregoing is not a problem in PDGEs?

lecd question

It is difficult to give a short answer to the question "Why some countries are much poorer than others? Geography, resources, trade and racism all play a role.

Answer: Low levels of intelligence

chalk and chalk board

The level of economic development is unrelated to the intelligence of its citizens of a country. However, smart people in PMDE often have fewer opportunities for education, which explains why they are generally underrepresented in academia.

Question: In which country is it?

iran satellite view

This region is sometimes called the Middle East, the Near East or Western Asia.

Answer: Iran

azadi tower in tehran iran

One of the oldest civilizations in the world made his home in Iran as far as 4000 BC. Historically known as Persia, Iran is currently encompassing many ethnic and religious groups.

Question: Maybe the world's most famous card is called the projection of Mercator. Why can not we do cards, especially cards that show very large quantities of land-without projections?

mercator projection question

The projection of a card is to modify it from one form to another by trying to keep it as accurate as possible.

Answer: Because we represent the surface of a three-dimensional sphere (the earth) on a two-dimensional surface (the card).

a globe and a map

Latitude and longitude lines are very important to help match areas on a flat map with areas of the world. As accurate as the cartographers try to be, the projections will necessarily result in distortion. For example, because of the way it flattens the poles, Greenland and Antarctica seem much bigger on the Mercator projection than today. And for more difficult brain twisters in a misleading way, check these30 questions you would need ACE to spend the 6th mathematical year.

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Tags: School / Trivia
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