25 hilarious punes of dinosaurs Each joke-a-saurus will love

Or should we call you a Cirraper Ve-lol?

Scientists make new discoveries on dinosaurs every day. For example, in 2019 alone, paleontologists discovered a newDinosaur Fossil with Bat, Created arobotic dinosaur pattern This could run on a treadmill and (continued) to discuss what actually spelled the end of these Reptilian animals. And although all this is fascinating, there is something that makes an even better reading material: dinosaurbany. We can virtually you guarantee that you will not be able to be able to tricera-top these game words of dinosaurs.

The best punes of dinosaurs that you can not tricera-top

  1. How do you call a dinosaur that never abandons? TryTry-Cératops!
  2. How do you call a dinosaur who left his armor in the rain? A stegosau-rust !
  3. What type of tool is a prehistoric use of reptile carpenter? Adino-saw !
  4. How do you call a dinosaur with an eye?Eye-saur!
  5. What do you get when crossing a dinosaur with a pig?Jurassic Pork!
  6. How do you call a dinosaur with extensive vocabulary? Athesaurus!
  7. How do you invite a dinosaur to the cafe?Tea, Rex?
  8. How do you call a dinosaur that does not stop hiking?A dino-bore!
  9. How do you call a dinosaur pet? aexstension!
  10. How do you call a dinosaur that is a noisy sleeper?A tyranno-snorus!
  11. What is the preferred dinosaur quote? "Jurassic once call forJurassic measures!"
  12. What is the dinosaur called his blouse business?Try Sara Tops!
  13. How do you call an anxious dino? NervousRex.
  14. Where do the dinosaurs go? Thedino-store!
  15. How do you call two dinosaurs?Pair-odor!
  16. What do you say when a dinosaur blocks his car? Tyrannosauruswreck!
  17. How do you call a scary dinosaur? Aterror-adactyle!
  18. What is the preferred drink of dinosaur?Rex on the beach!
  19. Why did the archeopteryx caught the worm? Because it was aup early!
  20. How do you call a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat and boots? TyrannosaurusTexas!
  21. How do you call a dinosaur after a breakup? Tyrannosaurusex!
  22. And what are you calling a baby dinosaur? AWee-Rex!
  23. What do the dinosaurs do on July 4th? Play withdino-macro!
  24. Why can not you hear a pterodactyl using the bathroom? Because theP is silent!
  25. Do you think something could Tricera-Top these dinosaurs playwords? Idino What to talk about, but probably not.

Categories: Culture
Tags: Funny / humor / Jokes
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