50 quotes from happy Friday that prove that it's the best day of the week

Leave the countdown at the weekend start.

TGIF! If you read this, you formally made it the last day of the work week or you want you to know. Anyway, you're lucky. To bid you aHappy Friday and make you motivate to finish the strong week (even if you arealways stuck on Monday), we gathered a list of happy Fridayestimate To make you go. These endless dictations of an inspiring week are all about feeling good vibrations, preparing for this well-deserved weekend and thanking you for a well done job. You have done it (or almost fabricated) to the day that is nicknamed the "superhero of the work week" and from there, it is a smooth veil. Happiness is a day called Friday. Here is your tail to enjoy it.

Funny Friday Quotes

couple talking and laughing in a group, friday quotes

"Friday, I like to make me high for having spent another week on another week on caffeine, power and humor inappropriate."

- Nanea Hoffman

"I'm always happy to meet my friend and my friend is my weekend."

- Debash Mridha

"Hands up if you're ready to do something you regret this weekend. Go! You have my blessing."

- Florence Welch

"If you have news that you do not want to be noticed, put it on Friday afternoon."

- David Gergen

"I think it's a mandatory law of the universe that Fridays, you have to do something a little fun."

- Hanna Rhoades

"If you have to have motivation, think about your pay check on Friday."

- Noel Coward

"Although I understand that every day are equal with 24 hours each, most of us agree that Friday is the longest day of the week and the shortest Sunday."

- D.S. Mixell

"Friday is like a superhero that always arrives in time to help me savagely hit one of my colleagues with a keyboard."


"I know that every day is a gift, but where is the reception of Monday? I want to exchange it against another Friday"

- Unknown

"It's 4:58 Friday afternoon. Do you know where is your margarita?"

- Amy neftzger

I have not been so excited from Friday since last Friday.

- Unknown

"The man was made at the end of the work of the week when God was tired."

- Mark TWAIN

"Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. The Middle Ages is like a long weekend Monday afternoon."

- Bolles Richard Nelson

"If my boss knew how unproductive I am I sold on Friday, he would not want me here either."

- James Johnson

"Life must be terrible for workers, considering spending everyday evening celebrating a two-day break."

- Robert Black

Happy Friday Quotes

happy coworkers laughing at a desk, happy friday quotes

Oh! It's still Friday. Share love that lacked during the week. In a moment worthy of peace and happiness.


"Friday afternoon feels like the sky ..."

- El Fuego

"You know you do what you like when Sunday nights feel the same as Friday night."

- Donny Deutsch

"Fridays are the most difficult in a certain way: you are so close to freedom."

- Lauren Oliver

"Friday is a day to finish your goals for the week. It's a day to celebrate what you have decided to accomplish at the beginning of the week. Well done."


"Doing food is a wonderful way to spend a Friday night."

- Chrissy Teigen

"Weekend welcome Warriors for the social pleasure starting Friday."

- David Chiles

"It's Friday. Be fierce."

- Unknown

"Happy Friday you beautiful human."


"The best career choice is perhaps done in is one in which you hate to see Friday come because you like your work."

- Catherine Pulse

"Music always sounds better on Friday."

- Lou Brutus

"I do not care if the blue of Monday, the Gray Mandiais and Wednesday too. Thursday, I do not care about you, it's on Friday I'm in love."

- The treatment

"Friday sees more smiles than any other day of the work week!"

- Summers Kate

"When you start doing what you really like, no matter what it is on Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up every morning to work on your passions."

- Edmond MbiakAding

Friday inspirational quotes

woman happy excited, happy friday quotes

"It always seems impossible until it is done."

- Nelson Mandela

"Let the beauty of what you like to be what you do."


"Think of all the beauty remained around you and be happy."

- Anne Frank

"It's all the sails and not the direction of the wind that determines how we will go."

- Jim Rohn

Every morning when I wake up, I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain ... to feel the freedom that has just been able to make mistakes and choices today, I choose to feel the life, not to deny my humanity but kisses it.

- Kevyn Aucoin

"At the end of each day, write on a calendar the best thing that happened to you that day."

- Brenda Shoshann

"I have never written every day. When I write a book, I write from Monday to Friday. I'm always trying to take Saturday and pretend to have some mental."

- Maya Angelou

"Mondays are a good day to make statements, not Friday."

- Ernie Els

"People wait all week for Friday, all year long for the summer, all life for happiness."

- Raimonda.b

"Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good at a distance but disappear when we get up near them."

- John Shirley

"Do each day of the week like Friday and your life will take a new enthusiasm."


"I have never met in my life in my situation where I stopped working and I said," Thank God, it's Friday. "But weekends are special even if your schedule is everywhere. Something tells you the weekend has arrived and you can indulge a little."

- Helen Mirren

"Life begins Friday night."

- Unknown

"Concentrate on the positives and be grateful."


"The pace of the weekend, with his birth, his planned gaieties and his end announced, followed the pace of life and substitutes for him."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Pretend as if it's the weekend, ... we could pretend to do it all the time.

- Jack Johnson

"I work especially during the week and the weekend, I can spend time with friends, so it balances good enough."

- Jimmy Bennett

"I must be alone very often. I would be happy enough if I spent Saturday night at Monday morning alone in my apartment. That's how I'm delighted."

- Audrey Hepburn

"Go away as far as you can see; when you get there, you will see further."

- Thomas Carlyle

"Some people want this to happen, some want it would happen, others make it happen."

-Michael Jordan

"Do you think you can and you are at half the way."

-Theodore Roosevelt

"It's a wonderful day. I never saw this one before."

-Maya angelou

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