17 signs that your other significant is still in love with you

Tip: It's all about little things.

No matter how long you have been with your partner, the question has probably crossed your mind: are they still in love with me? Of course, you know they are alwayslove you. But whether or not they arelover With you is totally different. Do they get butterflies when you walk in the room? Are you the only person on their minds? It's not crazy about wanting to know. Just in time for Valentine's Day, we discovered the revealing signs that your partner is still totally and totally loved. And for great ways to make the holidays of your really special partner, check these40 Valentine's Day Ideas Not Clicked.

They show a real interest for your day.

Even if you have been together for decades, your partner is always in love with you if they regularly ask questions about your day, writes Psychologist Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., inPsychology today. "During this period that you spend together, do your partner ask you questions and show interest in, the strengths of your work day? Couplesbuild their love One for the other is not necessarily on ethereal, but on practical supports that maintain open communication routes, "says Whitbourne.

They say your name during sex.

PsychologistStan Tatkin Note that when your partner says your name and retains a visual contact during the sex, it's a sign that they are fully present and do not want to be in bed with someone else, but you. This dedication will do wonders for your relationship and get out of the bedroom.

They look at you. As,really look at you.

Do you still catch your partner who saw you on the other side of the table when you get out with friends? Or you look carefully while you tell a story? It is an important nonverbal affair that they are always in love with you, says Whitbourne.

They do not like anything more than talking about the past.

If your partner often starts with conversations with "do not forget the time we ...?" It points to the fact that the memories you share some of their favorites to look back. As long as they still make an effort to stay in the present with you too, taking a promotion of memory, is never a bad thing.

They intentionally do what you hate.

By this point in your relationship, your other other knows your tastes and your disgusts. And although it's great if they will shower with the things you like, flowers or sports tickets - it's even more told if they create a buffer between you and things you hate yourself -Dire, dishes or their odious friend.

"If he knows the three or four things that will always hurt you or turn off the balance, then know that what to do to avoid them either to avoid them or again when they occur, consider. your antidote, "Tatkin saidRed book. It's a safe sign of your significant importance of your feelings and is willing to do everything you need to put you first.

They want to stimulate your self-esteem.

When your partner is in love with you, they will constantly want to give you compliments and strengthen your self-esteem. According to Whitbourne, someone who makes you feel good about yourself can make you feel safer in your partnership and with yourself.

Theyalways Do you want to know more about you.

When you have been with someone for several years, it can become more difficult to talk about personal questions as opposed to mundane daily problems - things like that need to get out of the trash or take the kids. However, when your partner is still in love with you, they will always want to continue learning. Find the time to have more intimate conversations - on your relationship or your deepest thoughts - every few weeks.

They want to continually surprise you - and change things above the bed.

First of all, there is no shame to try something new from time to time. In fact, like Mary Jo Rapini, sexual therapist and intimacy expert, saidRed bookthe desire toconstantly spike thingsmeans that your sexual relationship is always important for your other significant. And obviously, it's a good sign. A commitment to keep things fresh proves that they are in the long run.

He says "yes" to what you suggest.

Okay, this one only applies if your other significant is a man. According to a study published in theJournal of PsychophysiologyLovers tend to seem less enthusiastic than men who are not simply because their serotonin levels tend to fall when they headed on heels for someone.

Women's serotonin levels, on the other hand, tend to increase. This makes them look more enthusiastic. "Because men's levels are not as high, they do not feel the need to do it - they are happy to show that you like by agreeing to do what you want to do, even if it's just sitting next to you and watch TV, "Psychologist Paul Coleman saidRed book.

They do not complain about doing things you like.

If your partner is still in love with you, it will not bother you trekking in your favorite restaurants, parties or other events. It's because they just like to spend time with you - no matter what time.

They are quick to end an argument.

Although this may not always take advantage of your relationship, your partner's trend inLet yourself be gained fighting Pointe because they do not want to see you upset or risk putting yourself in something that could put the relationship at risk.

They put their phone around you.

Once again, if your partner is in love with you, they value the time you spend together. And especially in the 21st century, it means finding free time without phone to sit and reconnect. The research also supports that. In a study published in thePsychology of popular media culture,The researchers have discovered a link between a partner's dependence on their smartphone and safety in their relationship. Unsurprisingly, the less dependent people from their smartphones have been safer in their relationships.

They never threaten to break with you.

That's right: using the word "d" or threatening to break with your other significant can make your partner as if these options are always on the table. If your partner has never threatened to call it, it means that a life without you has probably never crossed their minds.

They respect your point of view.

Your partner can have fully different views from you and succeed in embracing your ideas. And according to Whitbourne, this ability to understand and accept the differences of another means that you have an unbreakable connection. "The main feature is not what your beliefs are," says Whitbourne, "but how you are open to accept the perspective of your partner as valid." And for more ways to say if your partner is reallythe one, beware of these23 signs that your partner takes you for granted.

They are marble that loves you in their routine.

Chalk this one with laziness, or the fact that your partner is totally loved. "If you find them doing the same type of activity style with you, I still like bringing home a gift for you, call or text throughout the day, clean things or do things like filling your car with a gas that takes a task that takes a task out of your list, and so on, so they show you love in the way they think you receive it, "said Katie Rossler, Certified professional advisor, saysInsist.

They share their food with you.

When your partner shares food with you both private and in the public, it's a sure sign that they are still in love with you, according to a study conducted by theActs of Royal Society, Biological Sciences.The study revealed that the exchange of food releases the hormonal liaison oxytocin. This means that when your partner shares food with you, they are not only invested in the relationship but aspire to make it even stronger. The next time they offer you a French frie, take it. This could greatly benefit your link.

They listen.

Sometimes you just really need good advice. And sometimes your partner is doing too. The fact that your partner is sufficiently compassionate to not only give you advice, but to take advice that you explain, indicates that they really appreciate your opinion. According to non-profit love is respect Your partner really loves you when they can value your opinion - and trust you enough to ask your advice in the first place. And for more advice on love (this should not come from your other significant), Here are Mr. Ruth's tips on online dating, dry spells and night stands.

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