The 20 most funny tweets about being a mom
Pushes, jokes of dad.

Nobody is denying the beauty of maternity. Unfortunately, it can not be all Pinterest-loans and Christmas trees perfectly decorated. There is also a lot of driving. And cleaning. And convince people to eat. Basically, there is a lot of running from sunrise and no need to pray for a single moment of quiet loneliness.
The chaotic nature of parenthood lends itself to a broad humor, which is to say that you should not be a mom to think that these tweets are funny. You do not even have to be a parent everything you need is a sense of humor. But if you are a parent, here's40 parenting hacks to raise an incredible child.
1 On public participation
You could not find a historical reconstruction of Thanksgivingparticularly entertainingBut you can not deny the hilarity of these50 jokes of children who are funny crazy.
2 House cleaning
WithChildren is an abundance of things. If the idea of making space for abandoned dreams speaks you, check out these40 Genius ways to be more organized after 40.
3 the calendar
You must return to Chrissy Teigen forkeep real. With regard to motherhood, she is the social media master. For proof, consult30 most funny social media moments Chrissy Teigen.
4 On gruwing breads
Once they can reach the upper tray, Your concealment tactics must obtain exponentially stealthier. And for greater chances of laughter, check out the30 the most funny jokesParks and leisure!
5 Maximize your time on
30 minutes passed boiling eggs is 30 minutes, you can never come back. And when you want to spend less time on your own domestic tasks, discover the20 Genius Tricks House-Cleaning That Goes Blow Your Mind!
6 Screen time
A little screen time Probably never hurt anyone. And when you want to be a better parent, start with the40 parenting hacks to raise an incredible child!
7 On the appeal
Andafter thatThey would probably say they are bored. If it feels a little too real, here isThe best ways to raise children and emotional health.
8 Be ready on
No matter how you are preparedThe parenting role is a "make it up as you go" kind of work. If you feel that your day of work is now back, here is6 secret weapons for the shooting of the work you have in Want job you.
9 On the Gig economy
On the bright side, when your children can drive, you will be aChauffeur very accomplished.
10 Dreams
And this mom isdream could become reality in another decade. And for more stupid humor, check out the75 jokes that are so bad, they are actually funny!
11 On Little Victories of Life
At least this mom is elevate honest children.
12 On Looking Good
The trick consists of stationary flight as long as possibleThe gray area between making an effort and the care absolutely not at all.
13 on deception
The one who gave this child a harmonica isFrom the Christmas Card List.
14 Complex roles on the fight against
To be a mom forces you tocarry several hats. In this case, a large white, and a bat mask.
15 On Creepy children
Have you ever wondered whatterrifying things kids would say If they were actually trying to be goose flesh?
16 Learn better
It's incredible How much you can get out with while having any idea of what is happening.
17 In interior decoration
Sorry. It's not your home anymore. It isA Museum of Arts and Crafts for Children.
18 bugged
Once you are not paying absolute to your child will be timeThey pull their brains.
19 Examples of adjustment
And once the children are asleep, it'sIce cream for dinner For adults.
20 Parental pride
We can not all berocket scientists. Someone must know the world with bad jokes. And there is much more from where it comes. To verify50 chrns so bad they are actually funny.
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