15 things that policemen hate when you do
No, they do not appreciate your apologies.

It is not a secret that police officers have one of the most stressful jobs there. In fact, an analysis of 2019Caraercast found that it is the fourth most stressful work in the country, military personal right behind enlisted, firefighters and line drivers.
But it is, there are little things everybody can do to make these jobs officials a little easier and you can start by avoiding these federal pet peeves almost all police officers a. Not to know where your registration is located in your car to try to talk with them when they eat breakfast on break, these are the officers want you to stop doing.
1 When you get the defensive

It is never in your interest to chat with a police officer. "The vast majority of police officers are simplywork and you want to pass through the interaction with the least possible conflict ", saysLeonard sip, A former police officer, who exploits the news siteCrime in America.
"When people are too much about the defensive about why they were arrested either in the street or during the driving, he arouses the suspicion of the policeman that the person may be anything good," he says. "This [often] additional vehicle control mandates, the person and the license and the license card to drive the person. »
2 Or try to advocate your case at a traffic stop

You may disagree with the reason you've been fired, but getting into a debate with a police officer at the time of the quote is not going to earn you. "If you disagree with the officer's actions, then take to his superiors or go to court to challenge the interaction," says SIPES. "You have all the time in the world to make your case, but during the stop, it is in your interest to be cooperative. »
3 When you use ridiculous excuses for speeding excess

Save some legitimate excuses, you will probably get a ticket, no matter what you say the officer who shot you. But if you decide to lie, avoid some of the excuses more clicked. "People must be more creative with their apologies when dealing with us," writes officerDavid Murray forPolice officer. "Many and many times the same apologies and the reasons are given to us by people who simply can not admit their mistake. »
Murray says excuses like "I do not see the sign", "I am new here and I did not know" and "what is it guy?! Are some of those you should keep out of the conversation.
4 When you ask for their help with something that is not their job

While most agents do not relate to offering simple instructions to a citizen who lost, it does not mean that they are there to answer any questions you may have. To help you start your car or heavy loading boxes in the trunk are clearly not in the description of the officer position. Police officers are busy with many other questions that need (and effectively mandate) their attention and they appreciate being able to tell you no.
5 When you do not know where your registration is

Each driver must have their insurance information and current registration easily accessible in the glove compartment of their car, they are drawn on. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, which can endanger the agents as well as getting on their nerves.
"To imaginestanding in the heat of the sun with a jacket while the cars whiz by you at 90 miles per hour while a motorist product to show you all the old cards they can produce from their glove box, "says the lawyer and former officer policePhil Brailsford.
6 When you talk to them while they try to take a meal

While most agents seek to get to know people who live in the communities they serve, it does not mean they like to be interrupted when they are on a break. A police officer on aOfficer.comNotes forum that he insects "When citizens come to see me and guys at dinner time to talk to me about ... What. Would you be on foot up a group of plumbers and talk about the last time yourtoilets were cloggedAsks the officer.
7 When you do the "it was not me! " to joke
Police officers haveheard this joke far too much for him to be funny still. "If you see a cop walk in a restaurant, please do not throw your hands and shout:" It was not me! , Says Brailsford. "This joke is old and tired and you are better than that. »
He urges people to put themselves instead instead of police officer: "Imagine this officer has just responded to a drown of child or a crime scene Grizzly like all humans, they need sanctuaries where They can relax and relax. "
8 Or the "I'm going to have that the police officer stops from you" joke

It isanother tired joke That each cop heard dozens of times. "If you are with your children and you see a cop, please, do not turn to them and say strong," better to eat your vegetables, or I will have that the policeman stops, "says Brasford . "I like to say a big joke to a person [really great], they probably heard it before that day!"
9 When you are irresponsible with your business

Sometimes a lack of common sense can rub the officers in the wrong direction. "I'm tired of taking a flight flight report because your laptop was stolen from your car for the third time," writes an officer on the forum officer.com. "You should not have left your laptop at the first view the first time (but I'll give you a FreeBee), but ... Why did you continue to leave it in your car a second and a third time? "
10 When you tell them how to do their job

Let's say you have to call the police on part of the house of the house next door or a suspecting person on your block. Now that you have informed the police, it's in the hand of the officers - and you should not try to interfere. "I can not stand the mentality" I know the law "when, in all the reality, they have no idea what they speak", writes another officer on the forum officer.com.
The officer vents of the appellants who "expect the arrest to be done or manipulated as he sees the form ... If the role is reversed and that the same person is a suspect they throw an adjustment S ' They are treated or manipulated as they expected the United States should deal with people who caressed them. [These types of people] expect the criminal law or to make new laws on the point. to enjoy at that moment. "
11 When you think your children can not do any false

The only thing more boring that a suspect too defensive is a suspect that is part of their parents. "Believe it or not, children actually scorce up", notes an officer on the Forum Officer.com. "I'm tired of parents in the beautiful part of the city with his 16-year-old daughter leading 16-year-old Mercedes Benz to 21 mph on the speed limit telling me that their daughter would never have accelerated so I was just Harassing a poor innocent girl. Wake up, parents! "
12 When you do not turn on your headlights
When it rains, snow or dark outdoors, your headlights must be lit. "It's not true that you can see ... It's so many people can see you," writes an officer on the Forum Officer.com. "And no, day day lights do not count." Many accidents could be avoided by following this basic step.
13 When you think your situation should take the priority

Snipes says it's not unusual for an officer to have two or three additional calls waiting for their response above the one he is in the middle of. This means that the officer can only spend time with you and your situation if there is a sufficient reason (that is, a violent crime, medical, suspect in the region, crime in progress).
"Citizens are frustrated when their burglary or theft is not studied by sending a crime laboratory to their location," he says. "For most jurisdictions, no one sends a crime laboratory for a burglary. There are simply too many violent crimes that need this resource."
14 When you suppose the officers do not care

Officers must stick to a protocol in their interactions and prioritize their tasks based on emergency. "Yes, the agent understands that your burglary is very important for you ... But remember that others are waiting for the agent to arrive," says SIPES.
In other words, just because something is the most urgent problem of your life right now does not mean it's the only thing about the officer's plate for the moment.
15 When you forget how much their work can be intense

"The cops see many things, fatal accidents and the creation of death notifications at 1 hour in cases of child abuse and domestic violence," says Sipès. "My first call for domestic violence involved a drunk husband hitting his wife's head in his head with a frying pan."
And of course, these experiences can weigh heavily on the spirits of the officers. "We discover moreDepression Officers SSPD symptoms, "says Snipes." We notice more drugs and alcohol. Suicides become a real problem, new in New York this year this year. "So, the next time you interact with a policeman, try to keep in mind what it could have been through that day. And if you are looking to extend a little kindness to all that you meet officers, including officers, try one of them33 small acts of kindness that you can do who are totally free .
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