20 military joint things want you to know

Their spouses in armed services are not the only ones to make sacrifices.

Marriage is not always easy, and when you launch the stress of a military career, things are exponentially more difficult. Only more than 1.2 million active service members in the United States and 641,639 military spouses, supporting these brave men and women when protecting our country. However, while we often hear stories of heroism and sacrifice of men and women who are fighting for our country, the stories of spouses back home are rarely told.

In the way these frequent movements affect their families to what type of stress deployment really puts a wedding, which these military spouses deal one day at the day could surprise you. This, we gathered 20 things that military spouses want you to know. And when you want an infallible way to make your own relationship, resist the test of time, check the50 best wedding tips from all time!

Make friends is surprisingly easy

Friends Eating Ice Cream Anti-Aging

While the media can represent military spouses as isolated, the opposite is often true. "It's not difficult to make friends at all," says Katie, a former New York military spouse. "Many people are friends with the families of unity. The units are usually quite tight - they must be, because they train and fight together." And when you want to develop your inner circle,This is the best way to make new friends!

But not always for their children

Kids Studying on Bench

Unfortunately, making and maintaining friends is not always easy for their children. In fact, the average military childpass the schools Between 6 and 9 times before their high school diploma. Fortunately, when you want to raise a child in more well balanced, you can start with these40 parental breeding hacks of an incredible child.

And their children often have trouble because of that

upset teenage boy

Military life is not easy for anyone, including children. Among the military children studied, 30% were admitted to feeling without hope on a daily basis, according to research published in theJournal of Teen Health. And when you want to connect more with your own children, discover these40 children say that parents always fall for.

Military spouses are more likely to finish high school

Graduate degree

Remember to think that education rates are lower among military spouses? This is not the case. In fact, according to theDefense DepartmentMilitary spouses are twice as likely to be high school graduates than the average civilian. And when you want to increase your own brain, start with these30 words that will make you smarter (but not pretentious).

They are often educated

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Do not be surprised if you see a university degree hanging on the wall of a military spouse. In fact, more than half of the military spouses have attended a college for at least a certain period. And if you are a past or current student, you will love these20 hilarious tweets Each student can relate to!

Most of them move with a shocking frequency

Packing suitcase

Remember to be a military spouse usually means being on the same base for prolonged periods? Still think. According to research presented at thePopulation Reference Office and 5th Annual Symposium of the Hopkins Population Center on Policy and Health, the average military family moves every two to three years. And if you are getting ready to settle in a new home, make sure you know these20 home maintenance tips Everyone should know!

It's more difficult for them to be prefers

Woman and money, Bad Dating Marriage Tips

Although the members of the armed services are notoriously underpaid for their work, their spouses are rarely much better. According to a study of theMilitary Officers Association of America and Institute for Veterans and Military of Syracuse University, military spouses earn 38% less on average than civilians employed. And when you want to reinvigorate your work life, start with these20 best ways to revive your career!

Budgeting is essential

woman saving money Facts About Millennials

With low salaries for members of the service and high unemployment rates for their spouses, budgeting is essential when you are a military spouse. "You absolutely need budgetisation," says Katie. "We have lived somewhat as university children on the base. We drank and ate cheap food." You want to save more? Those40 ways easy to stretch your paycheck Have you covered?

Unemployment rates are high

things divorced people know

If you may only stay in a certain area for a few months at a time, it is not surprising that looking for a job can be difficult. Although the US unemployment rate has plunged up to 4.1% in March 2018,Unemployment of the military spousesystematically averaged nearly 30%. However, when you are ready to put an end to your Unemployed Series, these15 Top Councils of Recruitment Managers Are they sure to point out to you.

They are regularly under-employees too

working woman Bad Dating Marriage Tips

When you may need to pack your life to the drop of a hat, it is naturally not always easy to find the kind of significant work you want. In fact, according toa study90% of women's military conjugation with another active service were underemployed. And when you want to spend your time at work more enjoyable, check these20 ways to make the work more fun!

And those who are used are often overqualified

Stressed out man

In many cases, military spouses are overqualified for the positions they hold. A by 47% of the military spouses interviewed reported more experience or more education than their work really requires.

They tend to start their families early

marriage Bad Dating Marriage Tips

While people around the world get married and have children later, he can not be told for military families. At 25, more than60% of male military members are married, more than double the number of male civilians who have knotted the node of this point.

They are more likely to be deceived

50 compliments

Ato study It is revealed that among the veterans surveyed, nearly a third party admitted to being unfaithful during their marriage, almost twice the percentage of non-veterans who admitted to cheating.

But they are less likely to divorce than the rest of us


Although infidelity tends to occur more frequently among military families, they are less likely to be divorced than the general population. In fact, between 2011 and 2015, the divorce rate of military members fell .7%, at 3% total, according toDefense Department statistics.

Long deployments put major constraints on marriages


Although military spouses can be less likely to split than their non-military counterparts, the stress of long deployments can make the habitual stay difficult. In fact, research published in theJournal of Population Economics reveals that the probability of divorce increases with the duration of the deployment.

Fight can increase the probability of divorce for women

Soldier in fatigues

Understandable, seeing the fight can pass its toll to anyone, but the research suggests that this can specifically increase the probability of divorce for women's members. According to a study conducted by researchers atSchool of Postnaval Graduate Studies, the members of the services who inspected or entered a destroyed military vehicle were 23 percentage points more likely to divorce than those who did not.

Their mental health can make a major success during deployment

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It is not surprising that the deployment can be a major source of stress on military families, often leading to negative results on mental health for home-based spouses. In fact, research published inMilitary medicine reveals that the use of mental health services has increased between military spouses up to 20% during deployment periods.

And things are not always better after

couple fighting Bad Dating Marriage Tips

However, it is not only during the deployment periods that things become dark for military spouses. The same study reveals that the period between deployments is often as difficult, with similar mental health treatment rates for military spouses during these periods.

Future planning is almost impossible

bad puns

Planning is not an easy exploit for many families, but if you are a military spouse, it can be almost impossible. In addition to long deployments, "If something happens, like a natural disaster, your plans are on the window," says Katie.

The work always comes first

how to tell military time soldier silhouette

While military families may only have families - their spouses know that the work always comes first. "It takes the good kind of person to be a military spouse," said Katie. "I knew I was a priority, but I was always on the back burner when he arrived at his orders." And for more facts about armed services, see these30 celebrities who served in the army!

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: Marriage
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