20 horror stories of real holiday vacation so bad that you will want to cover your eyes
You may want to try online shopping this year.

The holidays are supposed to be a carefree and happy period of year, full of love and disinterested gift. It's the theory, anyway. Reality can sometimes be a little more intense. Of the "Black Friday," The Melge of Heavy Sales at a reduced price just after Thanksgiving, to the final Christmas countdown, it's a war zone of something that goes in shops and shopping centers through the country.
How is it going? As a reddit user with the experience of retailing holidays above the holidays that summarized her in a memorable way: "Let's just say if I hear that I hear that Mariah Carey's' all that I want for Christmas is that you "it triggers feelings of SSPT. "
Here are 20 host vacation stories badly turned, filled with so much horror of the jaw and slapstick carnage, you hope that nothing you do not read is real. Oh it'sallTrue friends. Happy holidays and for kindness love, be safe!
1 The spray time pepper involved.

While trying to beat other guests for a reduced video game console, a woman doing his shopping at a Walmart California made which person would ring would do. She pepper sprayed the fools who stopped. Wait What?!
More than ten people have descended their faces and panting for the air and a witnesstold reporters Later, "I do not know if she felt threatened or felt she had to do that to have what she wanted." Although the witness managed to get out with only a slightly irritated gorge, he said he saw other people around him who "really seriously, a woman cried" my eyes, my eyes ! "Oy, it's hardly the holiday spirit.
2 The time someone broke the glass.
A former store abasoudireminder of employees A customer who "thought it was a good idea to break the glass on the case of displaying the game to access the games rather than asking me to unlock them."
When he finally arrived at her and realized that she was rocking a bloody elbow and her forearm, she did not apologize for being impetuous and put her personal security at risk. No, instead, she shouted at the poor guy for not using tempered glass in their store displays. "Sorry lady", the employee remembers to tell him: "I did not realize that someone would use their arms like a ram on my cabinets."
3 There was a false line.
Waiting in lines is a reality of a holiday vacation. But I hope you will not be stuck in one hour before anyone realizes that you are not really filtered down, well,anything.
That's what happened to a confused client, who was standing in front of what he thought was a cash register but was actually only an unused computer. Other customers assumed that he knew what he was doing and within 15 minutes, the line started "snake all around the department", according to a former shop employee.
He has just become more chaotic from there. "When the doofus that started all this fiasco went to find the right line, he found the end of the line he had started," theformer recalled employee. "Then the guy behind him heard that there was no register so he followed the first guy. Then the next customer followed the second and so on."
It continued, with hundreds of people walking in circles in the same line, until one of them finally understood, and the store manager had to calm down the angry crowd to prevent riot. For the record, no, it was not aMonty Python sketch.
4 The grandmothers have brought back.
Not even grandmothers are safe from chaos that often accompanies vacation purchases. Astore Recalls three grandmothers entering a fishing fishing on a single Furby toy for their respective grandchildren. For those who remember too young, a Furby is an electronic "pet" that was, for a brief period, the most sought after holiday gift in the world.
To get his hands on one, women started in a "complete fight, rolling on the floor, striking and striking." It was "the most vehilated thing I've ever seen," says the employee.
5 It has become a vomiting situation.

Holiday purchases can cause even the most intentioned parents to make really terrible decisions.
Take the father who thought it would be a good idea, after a long day of shopping with his young girl, to place it on his shoulders and turn it very quickly for a certain way as necessary.
Like astore Observed, the girl, "said she did not feel good and told him to stop." He ignored her of course and she ended up vomiting with the intensity and volume of the girl inThe exorcist. "This caused a chain reaction", employees reported "and in total, 12 people have vomited from the entire shop. Worse. Scent. Never."
6 The time of a man without dirt has fought for good vouchers.

It is not unusual that people enter physical skids with strangers while holiday shops. What is unusual, it is the fighting when one of them decides to remove their pants without apparent reason. Or at least it's the memory of a shopping centerrestaurant employee, Who said it was quite strange to see two adult men fight on the ground of some better vouchers, but it was particularly disturbing to see one of them wearing "nothing but of its sub- clothes". A restaurant staff took out a fire extinguisher and sprayed brilliants like Christmas singles played in the background. Oh, and if you plan to hit the Big Box Store, make sure to know the50 best purchases to buy at the best purchase.
7 The time people expect 14 hours for cheap towels.
If you are outside a shop for half a day to buy Christmas gifts, you hope that the gifts would be worth it. Not so much for a very determined couple, who waited outside a target for about 14 hours, according to a former employee, to get the first dibs on the shopping offers of the store.
But once inside, the very patient couple charged his basket of purchase of Towels of $ 2. "That's it," theAn employee remembers. "Just towels suffice." When the store closed later that day, the employee noticed that "we have always had shelves full of these towels, as well as tons of more in stock."
8 The time of a lingerie client has almost shot a firearm.
The lines are a recurring pattern in horror stories of holiday shops. But in this one, they are taken to a new level, when a mother waiting in a line of 50 people decides that sufficient enough is sufficient and pushes his way directly to the front. Like an oldStaffeur remembers, "Our security guard has asked several moments to walk in the back of the line or leave. She directed it with every word curse in the book and ended with a firearm that 'She had in her bag. "
Because nothing says "I'm in a hurry to buy these Christmas panties" like brandishing a firearm to make your point.
9 The moment someone stole jelly seafood by dropping their pants
From all things to fly by pussying them in your pants, you would think that frozen seafood would be at the bottom of the list. But it is apparently what happened in a club of Sam during the rush of the holidays, when a woman was discovered, like an oldshared employee"" Stuffing the inside of his pants with a frozen lobster tail. She decompressed them and throws the trash in a stack of tires that were exposed. "We give his points for creativity, but we are very,veryRecognizing that we were not on the list of guests for his holiday seafood dinner.
10 The moment someone stole a bike by making it out of the store.
It's so simple that he is brilliant. If you want to steal a Christmas present for your child, it could be something with wheels as well.
This happened in a walmart during the height of the party purchases season, when an employee witnessed a fist fight on a bicycle.
"There was blood," the oldStaffeur remembers. "Finally, a guy became a property and managed to get away from the crowd. He climbed the bike out of the store to flee his pursuers (without paying)."
11 The time a woman risked her life for an iPod.

We can not insist on this point enough: stuff is simply stuff and it is not worth endangering your personal safety. An elderly woman learned it difficult when she burst into a shop during a vacation purchase sale - "running" with his walker, according toan employee at the time-and the dove-yesDove, like an Olympic swimmer jumping in a swimming pool towards a display of MP3 players.
She apparently "hits the floor, hard and people start flooding the store. Some of them support it." The old woman started clinging to ambiguity chest and ambulancers to try to save her. But she was more concerned about the fact that she lost her purchases. "Throughout this business," the notes of the employee ", she holds three mp3 players and absolutely refuses to let them go."
12 Adults fought children for hat babies.

We expect a small hysteria of adult vacation, which can leave the stress of the season make the most of it. But children should be more innocent, eager to be on the beautiful list of Santa. And for the most part, they are-unless someone is trying to touch their cap babies.
Aold childRemember a vacation trip from your youth, in which children and adults went to the table of the tables of the table of a store. "People were vultures after these things," he remembers. "I was about nine years old and an old lady grabbed a cat from my hand. I trampled on his foot and stole it." Has he felt a bit odd to resort to violence on something as small as a toy? Nope. "I was so proud," he said.
13 Customers of time ignored an armed man and remained online.

It was an hour before a shopping center is planned for Christmas Eve and the violence broke out in a children's clothing store between two angry guests, one of which shot a firearm. The police were called and the shopping center stores were put in place, but many customers were not afraid of their lives, they were just "angry, they were unable to finish their purchases," recalls an oldshopping center. As he tried to bring the customers to lie down on the floor and to cover the head, he said, "A woman shouted me to finish his transaction."
14 The moment an employee announced a sale in a "zombie" store.
If you will advertise a big slash for a hot gift item, you'd better make sure you have it in stock. A former employee in an electronics store remembers a terrifying weekend in which his district manager made that deadly error, making an announcement at the store level that digital camcorders had just been marked from 199 at $ 49.
"I knew the model and we had it in the inventory",reminder of employees. "The problem was that we had only four." They were soon surrounded by all sides by "Horde de Zombie Quick Buyers" and the district manager, making his mistake, made early retirement. "I never had a fear for my life," he remembers.
15 The time a woman prayed for a lightning strike so she can cut online.
When the cash buyer line at a shop at a store is in the triple figures, you must have at least a few people who think they are important enough to go directly to the front.
This was the case with a woman with "two full charts" of toys, according to a former employee. When the employee explained him politely that she had to wait like everyone else, the woman "got up on her knees and began to pray - that Jesus strikes me with a flash of justice to block the path of a Christian soldier "theAn employee remembers. "After 15 minutes from me, she is not struck, she left the store."
16 The time someone brought a baseball bat to a toy store.
Holiday shops can become emotional, especially when supplies are limited and everyone thinks they deserved. When two children with a toy "R" started to negotiate punches on a Nintendo video game, it was just a matter of time before their parents are involved.
As a former staff member remembers, employees immediately intervened when parents started to be physical, especially when they understood that one of the parents "had a bat in his basket." Before you can stop the altercation, the bat contacted the other parent, sending it to a display cabinet ", breaks the glass and cut it really well."
It may be enough to realize that he had committed an aggression, the beaten parent made a race at the exit and was approached by a policeman. "He resisted and got a serious beating in the middle of the store",Staffeur remembers.
17 The moment when an elderly woman fought a man in a wheelchair.
A buyer remembers to witness the fight of both parties to take possession of an ice machine. When the wheelchair man lost the helm of war, he found a security guard to complain. "The woman flat denied her, saying that man was using his disability to embarrass him," theHoliday Reminders Shopper. "I lost a little faith in humanity at that time."
18 The time a man has transformed a profit of coffee from hungry caffeine buyers.

The standing position during the holiday purchases season can be exhausting. That's why a guy decided to bring a coffee with him before braking the crowd. As he passed in front of the incredibly long line outside a better purchase, a tired man to the forehead "offered me $ 20 for my café half drunk, warm coffee,"he remembers.
He did the sale, then returned to the cafe to pick up four other cafes, which he sold $ 10 a piece to "the most desperate people online". There is a suction cup born every minute, and apparently, they will pay anything for a cup of caffeine.
19 The time of a store has played an endless Christmas song.

If you think you are bored Christmas songs, you have nothing about most store employees, who must withstand an endless loop of vacation tunes after day. AUser reddit Attributed that while working in a commercial bookstore, he realized that the stereo of the store was stuck on the same holiday song, playing it again and again.
As the only employee of the store - and with so many customers demanding his attention - he could not break down to change it. "It was at least an hour before he could get away from the counter," he remembers. "It was the day I was forced to listen to a kind of generic" a jingle very jazzy jingle "about 30 times in the back."
20 Time two buyers fought on a ... Calculator.

This is not the price of a gift that counts, but the thought that went there. At least it's conventional wisdom. But if the thought involved a fight between grannies? That's what happened during a radioshack during a vacation sale, when a $ 10 calculator was scored at $ 5.
Aformer employee Witness with two sweet women, older women realize that a single calculator has been left, then they both loaded with "a geriatric version of roller derby without skatters," recalls the employee.
Did it worth it? Probably not. The employee says he has always imagined "a little opening of kids present on Christmas morning and this stupid calculator of $ 5, not really to want her and having no idea of the story behind her, Like his grandmother, sipping her tea, look with a triumphant glow in his eyes. "
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