33 facts about storms that will make you run for coverage

Mother Nature is the most powerful super-metro of the planet.

As innumerable inaccurate weather reports have shown, storms are mysterious and unpredictable things. Most of us would probably have trouble identifying what causes them exactly, and even those whose full-time work is to predict seems to have a hard time doing it.

In other words, just when we think we understand it, Mother Nature is scaling with a big surprise - one that is often perplexed, terrifying, or even downright deadly. For this purpose, here are 33 interesting Tidbbits on showers, tracksuits, blizzards, delugs, tornadoes, hurricanes and any other type of storm that you or mother-lyrics - might think.

A 1995 storm in Texas had as big hilaysones as soft balloons

Large hail stones pelting car roof during storm

In 1995, a storm struck the north of Texas which inflicted 70 km / h andhail as big as soft balloons, killing at least 15 people and injure more than 100 years. The storm caused an extended flood, knocked out the power of 16,800 customers and broken windows of many buildings and cars. In one hour, some Routes de Fort Worth were buried under two feet of hail. Eleven people drowned while trying to escape flooded vehicles, including five people in a family.

A blizzard in Iran buried whole villages without survivors

snow fields during the daytime

Iran Blizzard of 1972 is known as the most murderous blizzard in history. The storm lasted a full week from February 3rd to 9th and resulted in the death of about 4,000 people. The South Iran received as many feet of snow, and about 200 villages were completely buried and wiped on the map, which did not entail any survivors in the peripheral areas of the country that were hit the hardest.

Blood red rain has paid India for a summer

Photo of a drop of water on a red background

From July 25 to September 23, 2001, the red rains fell on Kerala, India and disconcerted the world. A few days before the beginning of the blood rains, people have reported a sudden light of light and coating in the sky. People also said that trees tear shine and wrinkled brilliance leaves. After studying this phenomenon, it was determined that there were red particles found in the rain, which were actually spores of the lichen alga.

A heat waves in California once transformed grapes into raisins

Golden raisins

Heat hit the northern wine country from California in September 2017, during the weekend of the Labor Day and all rightTouring grapes in raisins. As temperatures reached 109 ° Fahrenheit,burning heat Evaporated water from bays and closed the whole metabolic process of the vine. It is estimated that wine vineyards have lost up to 50% of their culture due to unprecedented heat. Although September heat waves are not rare in the viticultural regions of California, so that we come from earlyIn the month, it is very unusual and negatively affected several vineyards.

Once, the earth was as cold as March

mars opposition {best of 2018}

The coldest temperature never reported was in Antarctica on August 20, 2010. The temperature dropped to -135.8 ° F, or -94.7 ° C. It is almost 10 degrees colder than previous registration. As the temperature was captured by satellite, not thermostat, it could not be included in theGUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS. According to an ice scientist who reported the temperature, he said he was more appropriate for March than for one of the poles of the earth.

A sliding of Muds can move whole buildings

2018 was worse than 2017

Landslidesoccur when masses of rock, earth or debris come down a slope andMuds slips are a type of joint land sliding that moves at a very fast pace. Muds slips usually start on steep slopes and can be activated by natural disasters, including forest fires or after heavy rainfall. In the United States, landslides and landslidesTrain 25 to 50 dead each yearAnd can carry rocks, trees, vehicles and even entire buildings.

America is the world capital of Tornado

tornado in texas craziest facts

The United States has more tornadoes than any other country. Oh, and they are also stronger and more violent in America than anywhere else. The majority in a zone known as Tornado Alley, which includes Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota and Minnesota . The United States has an average of 1,274 tornadoes a year over the last decade, most of which occur in the spring. (Tornados are the least common in winter.) All over the world, most tornadoes occur late afternoon, between 15:00. and 7:00, and peak around 17:00

The Greenland is the most of the self of the planet

Flag of Greenland waving in the wind against white cloudy blue sky.

More specifically: Cape Farewell, Greenland, is thethe most roof place on the planet. According to a researcher who runs an expedition directed in 2007, winds are so strong that those flying on the area are "turning around". According to satellite data, winds reach 44.7 mph 16% of the year and 29% of winter. We think that these strong winds wore Viking explorers in Iceland and Greenland in North America, making it the first European to discover the continent.

The soft autumn time leads to larger spiders inside

Spider crazy news 2018

When we have hot autumn, you can expect to see more spiders around your home. Males spiders mature mid-end of summer, leave their tapes or holes and go for a companion. It is during this research that you are likely to see them crawl along our walls, windows, furniture or floors. However, the hottest of the Fall season, the greater the spiders, because there is more prey available than usual. Insects thrive in hot conditions and that's what spiders feed.

You can calculate how far you are lightning

lightning terrifying ocean facts

There is a way to divert lightning lighting to understand how far you come from a lightning strike. Just count the number of seconds that pass between lightning flash and thunder that follows, then divide this number by five. The result is equal to the amount of kilometers you just from where lightning has just hit. This is called the"Flash-to-bang" method. The National Meteorological Service recommends taking the cover if the time between Lightning and Thunder is 30 seconds or less, which indicates that lightning is 6 miles or closer.

There is such a thing that water tornadows

Bad weather and the storm with the wind on the sea. tornado over the ocean

Tornic waters are what they look like a tornado on a body of water. They usually start on land in relation to a storm, then move on the water. Like tornadoes, they can be very destructive. Nautical places occur most often in northern Michigan in August, September and October, when the waters of the Great Lakes are as they wish. They tend to last two to 20 minutes and move at speeds of 10 to 15 knots.

A sandstorm once buried a force of 50,000

giza egypt pyramids travel

In 525 B.c.e., Cambysses, son of Cyrus the Great, sent 50,000 soldiers from Thebes to attack the Oasis of Siwa and destroy the Oracle at the AMUN Temple after the local priests refused to legitimize his claim in Egypt. After walking for seven days in the desert, the soldiersdrowned in a sandstorm. In 2009, bronze weapons, a silver bracelet, an earring and hundreds of human bones were found by archaeologists in the vast desert sorry of the Sahara desert, believing belonged to the missing Persian army.

Hurricane Andrew leads to a python invasion in Florida

California Fair python food

Hurricane Andrew, a Category 5 hurricane, struck the south of Florida on August 23, 1992. Its ferocious winds reached 150 miles per hour and demolished many buildings, including a reproductive facility forPythons BirmesAnd many of them escaped. As a result, the Everglades are invaded with giant snakes. Female pythons can lengthen up to 100 eggs a year and reproduce quickly. To help control the python population in full swing, Florida residents are allowed to catch them and kill them by almost every means, without any required permits, especially on private land.

Lightning is incredibly hot

lightening rain storm

The chances of being struck by lightning are incredibly thin, but people aremore likely to die of lightning other types of storm, not including hurricanes. Lightning strikes hundreds of people in the United States each year and 10% of lightning deaths occur in Florida alone. A direct strike is deadly. TO50 000 ° Fahrenheit, a flash is five times warmerthat the surface of the sun. There are about 55,000 lightning strikes a day in states. Be careful!

The eye of a storm is actually calm and sunny

hurricane radar

The very center of a hurricane is called "eye". In the eye of a storm, the winds are calm and one can feel like a peaceful and sunny day. The eye of the storm is about 20 to 40 miles in diameter. It is surrounded by eyewear, a dominant storm ring where the most severe time and the highest winds are. The lowest barometric pressure of the hurricane occurs in the eye and can go up to 15% less than external pressure outside the storm.

Aristotle believed that thunder was caused by collision clouds

blue sky with clouds

Legendary philosopher Aristotle believed that Thunder and Lightning were part of a "dry expiration" clouds. "If one of the dry exhalations is captured in the process because the air cools, it is pressed like the cloud and Collide contract in its fast route with the neighboring clouds and the sound of this collision is what we call the thunder "henoted. He believed that lightning is the combustion of the same expiration.

There is a lightning and thunder phobia

victorian christmas

Astraphobia is the extreme fear of thunder and lightning.These are not only children And adults who can suffer from this irrational fear, but it is a common phobia that affects animals: that's why dogs scream and hide when they hear thunder. A person who hasastraphobia Check frequent weather forecasts and change their plans if a storm arrives. Like pets, people with astraphobia can even hide a closet to handle their fear. Astraphobia can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy.

A tornado has a death penalty of nearly 700

tornado craziest fact

Tornado Tri-State on March 18, 1925 was the most murderer tornado in the history of the United States. This caused 695 deaths, more than twice the deaths of the second most deadly tornado, which took place in Mississippi in 1840. The track of 151 to 235 miles left by the Tornado was the longest ever recorded in the world; He went through southeastern Missouri, across southern Illinois, and then in southwestern Indiana. Although it was not officially evaluated at the time, it is recognized today as a Tornado F5, the maximum damage gradual score.

Some storms are more powerful than atomic bombs


Hurricanes areextremely powerful And are equivalent to pack as much energy as five atomic bombs of Type Hiroshima. Hurricanes have their power from the condensation of hot ocean water. The moisture of condensation in a low pressure region releases energy, which heats the air, then rises and pulls more air from outside to the center, creating a powerful devastating cycle.

A hurricane can continue for several days on free water, validation and power construction. Then, when he strikes land, the lack of moisture and increased friction will slow it down a little - but not before they can have a massive destruction and loss of life.

Large cities create stronger thunderstorms

Lightning Storm Bogus 20th Century Facts

The research found that the additional heat generated around cities make the storms more intense. This is known as theEffect of Urban Heat Island. The heat of activities such as car line and the vast amount of heat absorbing heat in large cities lead to warmer air. This extra heat causes an increase in hot and humid air to form clouds and thunderstorms. A study revealed that precipitation in Phoenix increased by 12 to 14% as the city's population increased.

Yes, lightning can hit the same place twice

Flashes of lightning in the night sky. Lightning strike. Lightning near the factory. Night sky. Storm cloud. A flash of lightning. Industrial landscape before the storm - Image

The phrase "lightning never strike the same place twice"is a total myth. Reality is thatlightning can and will hit the same place twice, whether during the same storm or the same centuries later. There is a significant attraction between lightning and the place he has previously struck, so it is more likely that this will be found. The skyscrapers like the Empire State Building are almost guaranteed to be struck by lightning each time a storm goes over the head. Fortunately, such structures usually have an integrated search to ensure that no damage is made to the building.

The majority of Americans believe that global warming is real

climate change iceberg

On a2018 survey Carried out by the YAL program on climate change communication, 70% of Americans now agree that climate change occurs, an increase of 5% in 2015. More than half of the respondents (58%) have declared that the Warming the planet is caused mainly by human activities. The survey also showed that more Americans connect global warming with extreme weather events, 60 firefighters reported that climate change affects the weather. And 40% reported having personally known the effects of climate change.

It may rain animals

Wood frog

"Power animals" is a rare but real weather phenomenon when animals fall from the sky. But, before letting your imagination run wild, "rains cats and dogs" is not what happens. Instead, you will just hit me with fish and frogs.

Such events have been reported in many countries throughout history. A hypothesis is that tornic gargoyles can pick up small animals, such as fish or frogs, and transporting them several miles. Sometimes the animals survive, as witnesses have described them as surprised, but in good health, and showing a normal behavior shortly after. In some incidents, animals were frozen or even completely caught in the ice. There are also cases where the rain was composed of parts of the body of shredded animals.

Pine cones can be used for rain Forecasts

cozy home holiday decor

Pine apples open and close as a function of moisture to help their seeds disperse. Light seeds are contained inside the pine cone. When the weather is dry the pine cone opens, so that the wind can catch the seeds and allow them to be dispersed in the air away from the original tree. When moisture increases andthe rain arrives, The pine cone firm to prevent seeds from fleeing and becoming sorgated with water.

The lightning hit and killed a whole football team, but left intact the opposing team

victorian christmas

On October 28, 1998, a monster explosion ofLightning struck dead a football team together In the African state of Congo during a match, while their opponents were left entirely healthy and sound. All 11 team members aged 20 to 35, lost their lives, while members of the local team were not affected. Many football fans blamed the witchcraft for the weird incident because, by the way, the score was equal at the moment of the fatal lightning strike.

Most US Tornado warning are false alarms

Rolled newspaper with the headline Severe Weather Alerts

On average, 70 percent of the Tornadoes Warnings issued in the United States are false alarms. This means only three in 10 tornado warnings contained a tornado Verified in the Warning Zone for the duration of the notice. To try to reduce thisfalse alarm problem,Tornado delays warned have decreased From 13 to 14 minutes, at the beginning of the decade, about 8 to 9 minutes in 2017. The National Weather Service forecasters now tend to wait until a tornado started before issuing a warning.

A hurricane laré a whole month

hurricane rain storm

Hurricane John, also known as Typhoon John, was both the longest duration and the cyclone that travels the furthest ever recorded. John trained in 1994 and peaked as a hurricane category 5. John traveled 7,165 miles from the eastern Pacific of the Western Pacific and return to the Central Pacific, for a period of 31 days in total. Despite lasting for a month, John barely struck the Hawaiian Islands and the American military base on Johnston's atoll.

The tropical storm names are determined before the hurricane season starts even

hurricane katrina

Tropical storms are the names given from a predefined and pre-approved list by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). There is anaming system in place, where names can not be repeated after six years. However, if a storm causes large amounts of destruction, this name is permanently retired and a new name started with this letter is added to the list. This system has been invented to easily distinguish different storms that occur at the same time in different parts of the world.

Once, wind during a game NFL bench the goal posts

football on turf

On December 28, 2008, a windstorm caused a lot of damage during aNew England Patriots vs Buffalo Bills game. The winds at 75 mph tear a band from the house on the field of Buffalo Bills practice in the stadium parking and tilted the two goal poles inside the stadium. The work teams had to use ropes and a forklift to refix and refocus the goal posts, which shook heavily in the wind. The winds also torn part of a goal post on the field of outdoor practice of bills next to the house on the ground.

It is only snowed in Florida once

Woman happy in the snow christmas depression

19 January 1977, goes into history andonce Florida has never received the snow. At the moment when things touched the ground, he dispels quickly. Yet many residents of Sunshine State remember like a snowstorm. When the snow started to fall, as far south as Homestead, thousands of residents ran out to see and feel. Some motorists pulled on the side of the road in wonder, and teachers allowed school children to go out and experience what it's feeling snowflakes on their faces.

Yes, there is such a thing like "Thundersnow"

Driving in Snow

Thundersnow is not a fate of a fantastic novel. No, it's a rare winter meteorological phenomenon that is the most common near the Great Lakes. When relatively hot columns of the floor elevation and shape turbulent storm clouds in the sky in winter, there is possibility ofThundersNow. Some other factors are needed for this to happen, including warmer air than the cloud cover above it, and the wind that pushes warm air up. However, you may not even know that this happens, because the lightning is harder to see in winter and the snow can mitigate the sound of thunder.

Cities can become really creative with the removal of snow

ice and snow removal

After snowstorms and blizzards, where is the snow? Different cities use variousSnow removal methods. Many transport it to the car park or other open spaces where it can sit until the weather is warmed up and found. During particularly snowy seasons, cities are sometimes forced to throw the snow into the ocean. Some cities use snow-melting machines, which use hot water to melt 30 to 50 tons of snow an hour. This method is fast but expensive - only one machine can cost $ 200,000.

Most people struck by lightning will survive

A businessman holding an umbrella in a storm

About 2,000 people are killed around the world by lightning each year. However, hundreds of people survive, but suffer from a variety of sustainable complications, including loss of memory, vertigo, weakness, numbness and other life modification ills. Lightning strikes can cause cardiac arrest and severe burns, but the fact is,9 out of 10 people survive. The average American has about 1 chance on 5,000 to be struck by lightning during their lives. And for longer-blowing facts, check these50 Facts so crazy that you will not believe to be true.

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