50 things that parents make who agac their children
This seems like all that parents are annoying their children, but these offenses are particularly bad.

There is no better expression of often tenserelationship between children and their parents thanWill Smith 1988 hit "parents simply do not understand". It reminds us that parents often seem as if they exist in a different universe, one in which they are unconscious of the way in whichboring they can be to their children. But Smith's classic is only the tip of Iceberg. There are an infinite number of things that parents do this under their child's skin, sometimes because children are impossible to enjoy, and sometimes because adults are despite (yes, really).
For a main list of whatnot To do if you want to stay on the good sides of your children, here are 50 ways that parents agac their children - whether justified or not.
1 To be openly affectionate with them in public

Cuddling and kisses from parents are superb, as long as there are no peers nearby. Trying to have a kiss of your child when his friends look are essentially impossible - but that does not mean you will not try!
2 Be cool

You could actually be the hip among your own social circle and your age group. But to a child, a parent will never be almost close to legitimately cool. Sorry, put on a leather jacket will give you more street credits with them.
3 Watch your phone

It is a little ironic that parents always complain aboutHow much screen time has these daysWhen many adults are also hypnotized by their own phones, looking at these small screens, even when their children are paying attention. Your email can wait - follow your own tips and put the phone!
4 Tell them they have to wear shoes or they can not go out

All children have the impression that shoes must be fully optional. Although the outside world is not perfectly designed for Wandering Shoeless - the rule "No shoes, no service rule" does not apply at about all, from school to church to shopping centers - all children think in some way they will be those to understand. The insistence of a parent they put on shoes anyway feels like a sharpness of betrayal.
5 To refuse them the fast food

Listen, you do not need to explain why an apple is much more nutritious than McNuggets. Children have been taught this for a young age. But happy meals have toysand friesand They come in cool-and lunch boxes and watch, there is a McDonald's at the next release! (You can win this battle, but the rage war.)
6 Take too much ... a lot ... Photos

Never has a generation of children have been more documented than today. And guess what? They are extremely aware of every photo taken. They know they can not doanything Without an adult trying to capture her with their phone.
Parents who act like their child's paparazzi are a major source of frustration for children who simply want to experiment with something without being photographed. Basically, all the little kids these days sound like a critique of celebrities, "no photos!"
7 Do not help when they perfectly clarify that they did not need your help (but in fact they needed your help)

This one is a double-edged sword. They want your help but they absolutelynot Do you want your help, until it's too late and that their attempts are trying to do it alone - whether to bind their shoes or learn at Parking Park-have resulted in a complete catastrophe . How many times have you heard: "Dad, why did not you help when I said, "Do not help"? "Yes,father!
8 Compare them to other children

TheLast thing to say to any child That's how they are not as sports as the star of his baseball team, nor how they do not receive the same notes, like the genius who lives in the street. Stressing the achievements of other children does not motivate your child to try harder. It simply makes them want to withdraw in their room and slam the door.
9 Shouting

The breeding of your voice will not make a kid you respect or take your adontant more seriously. All they see is an adult leaving their emotions get the best. If you can not explain to a child what they have done wrong in a calm voice, same voice, you may be the one who needs a period of time.
10 Do not show

Is your job important, but does it really justify your child's big match, or do not introduce yourself to catch his stage debut in the music musician? Even if your children do not always seem to want you, it means a lot for them to see you sitting there and acclaim them. So, take the time to be there as often as possible.
11 Endless questions about their day

Of course, children are elusive when they respond to this line of questioning with a shoulder shrug and a non-commissioner response. But sometimes they just want to pass the meal without being grilled. While encouraging your children to share their lives with you is a good thing, they may not want to tell every detail as they give a deposit.
12 And interrogate their friends

It's not that children do not want to haveall interaction with their friends. As for it, however, it should simply be limited to a polished "hello" and "have a good time!" And to be fair, you probably do not need to launch an intense interrogation line on the family of friends, the academic career and personal hobbies of your children, and at least not right away.
13 Complain about invoices

One of the best parties to be a child is the lack of financial stress. Mortgage loans and utility bills are not something they need to lose all sleep, but they might simply if they are exposed to too many grunts of their parents on missed car payments and IRS fines. And that would make their granulation with good reason.
14 Be overprotect

Children want to free themselves and scratch their knees sometimes, but nothing ruins that fun like a terrified mother hovering nearby, always ready to cushion their fall. It can be a challenge that gives your children the space to explore while nowkeep them safe-I know they will probably be bored whatever happens.
15 Tell them to eat their vegetables

Sorry, moms and dads: a2014 study of the University of Chicago I found that children are less likely to eat healthy foods when their parents push them to do it. So, not only your children hate the hearing "Finish your broccoli" -il 'is also unproductive! You may need to find more delicate ways to sneak vegetables into their diet.
16 Not be absolutely fascinated by Legos

Even parents who love sitting on the ground with their children and creating countless LEGO structures end up touching their limit. Legos can be absorbing, but you are still an adult. Children are perplexed by this, as Legos are clearly made for hours of pleasure, and what might be more important than building a castle of zero?
17 Tackle

You have heard of "dad's jokes, "Well, it's not a term of love. Call something a" joke dad "is a warning that what you are about to hear is more likely to make you moan than laughing . We came to accept that parents are never as funny as they think they are. So no, your children will not love your comedy attempts.
18 Living by proxy through your children

So you always wanted to be the star player of your high school basketball team? Or play piano as a youngMonk Thelonieux? Or maybe you wanted to start a successful political career by becoming president of the class? If your child is interested in one of these prosecutions, by all means, encourage them. If you plan your childhood dreams about them, however, it will be obvious - and they will repel.
19 Overload their lives on social media

Your Facebook friends do not need to hear about the intimate details of your children's life, as funny or relatible that you might think they are. If youinsist on overloadKeep the focus outright on yourself and let your children. Otherwise, you will annoy them (not to mention the adults who follow you on social media).
20 To be too dramatic about the difficulties of their youth

Adults like to entrust children how difficult everything was when they were younger. While "I had to walk to school two miles in the snow", Schtick is pretty played, today's parents might comeGrowing up without the Internet. Anyway, your children are not impressed.
21 Singing

The more you are convinced that you have solid pipes, the more likely your kids are reacting to your singing as nails on a table. And maybe you really have talented! But trust that when you serening them, your children do not think about why you have not become a famous pop star - they want to have ear caps.
22 Request embarrassing questions in public

Some things should not be discussed in a polite business and this goes for the questions you ask your children. Like, say, if they wear clean underwear today. Or if they always have a belly pain. Or, most mortifiers of all, if they need their favorite "love" doll. Your children may want your tenderness to love the closed doors, but they prefer a little less intimacy before others.
23 Standing in front of the television while they try to play video games

Sometimes it seems that parents do not even care that their children are in the middle of an epic game ofSubtitle. It can be difficult to understand the severity of standing in front of the television while your children play a video game, so think about it in their terms: it would be like paste head in front of the television during the first landing moon.
24 Create tasks

Obviouslysomeone must empty the dishwasher and make the bed and bend the linen, but no child will never understand why someone must bethem. There is surely an adult somewhere who would not want to take care of this well-filled work so that the kid can finish their aforementioned game ofSubtitle, law?
25 Insist they mark for grocery stores

Do you know that they will simply push the grocery cart in things moaning, "how much time longer? How much more?" Of course, if you do not take them, they will complain that you did not have any food they wanted. Sometimes we feel like you can not win.
26 Forcing them to listen to your idea of "good music"

You know who agrees with you that the best music never recorded, sometimes the songs you listened to in your youth? Person of your age. However, your children have their own musical tastes and their preferences, and they probably do not come to your side, no matter how many times you force them to listen to songs that you are not quite ready to classify as " Oldies. "
27 Reminding them of cleaning their room

For a child, even the cluttered rooms feel comforting and perfect exactly as it is. Maybe an avalanche of dirty clothes is not your idea of aesthetically pleasant,momBut beauty is in the eye of the viewer.
28 Demanding that they use the toilets even when they do not have to go

It's a battle cry of a parent at the beginning of any trip on the road: "Do not forget to use the bathroom before leaving." Regardless of the amount of children insist that their vesseries are empty-a parent will not let them climb in the car before having at least crossed the motions. And they will definitely get eye rollers as a result.
29 Hammer

Some parents register their children in tons of after-school activities: sport practice, music lessons, external tutoring - it never ends. Certainly, keeping your active children has benefits, including raising their self-esteem and directing them. But that does not meanmoreThe planning of your children is the solution. If you do, get ready to hear a lot of things, go. No piano today. I am tired!"
30 Saying something they are upset is not a big problem

Trivialize the problems of a child will not solve anything. Even though what feels like the end of the world to a child will be forgotten tomorrow, your better bet is to be compassionate and let them have their moment to feel like the sky falls. Try to convince them that it is an excess reaction will only causeanotherExcessive reaction, this time directed you to you.
31 Eat their halloween sweets

Some parents are trying to convince themselves that they eat only Halloween candies of their children to protect them. Without all this extra temptation, maybe your child can avoid a belly pain. It's a good idea, but no one really believes it. You eat their sweets because you like Candy, and you will find that they will not fail in some ways of "amusing size".To accuse!
32 Be terrible homework assistants

Children do not expect their parents to have all the answers, but they would appreciate more than just shrugs and an excused explanation like ", we ensured better than when I was at the school." (In your defense, we know mathsTogot more complicated!)
33 Showing your dance movements

Your robot dance may have killed at your semi-formal junior, but your children are not as impressed by these "stellar" movements. Go ahead and dance as no one looks at - just not be surprised when your children can not resist brutal criticism.
34 Get out of old baby photos

Children know that their parents thought they were adorable as babies. What is less adorable to your children is that you embarrass them with another journey in memory, exposing them to the photo after the photo of their squishy, gigzy baby.
35 Public affectional displays with your spouse

Your children can know, on a logical level, that you and your spouse become Huggy and kisses with each other sometimes. Do it in front of them, however, and they are likely to flee the room.
36 Tell them they should "know better"

Never a more condescending parent than when they run a child for a bad driving with: "You know better." If your child knew better, they probably would not have done it!
Children hear that and take it to say, "I thought you were smart, but apparently you're not." Of course, it will rub them the wrong way.
37 Say negative things about their friends

You do not have to love all the friends of your children - it's a data. But your child would hate him if you start talking to the trash, especially if you have never met that person. Before making instant judgments according to what you have heard from other parents or their own assumptions, trust your child a very good judge of character. And if you have real concerns, invite the friend and discover yourself.
38 Mention puberty

Do not ... even ... go there. A parent raising the subject of puberty, that someone else is in the room, is beyond death. Of course, it's a subject they will have to get used to finalizing. Just try to bring it in the least traumatic way possible, okay?
39 Use the slang you do not really understand

If you ask your children to "spill the tea" because you are about to get "turnt" and you have "squad goals" but that you do not say it to your "bae", they Do not think, "Oh, cool, parents are like us." They will avoid visual contact, try to look busy and hope you will move on and find someone else to bother.
40 Moving chips on the upper tablet

Do you think you deceive someone? Your children know that the chips are there and they know that you deliberately put them out of reach. To make inaccessible junk food does not mean that children cease to want it, and they will be felt when they feel like accumulating all good things.
41 Do not follow the technology

It is a rite of passage that all children finally teach technology to their parents. Listen, Tech moves so fast these days, it can quickly be confusing. But your children do not want to become 24/7 technical support.
42 Play favorites with brothers and sisters

You are agood parent, then you never dream of saying that you prefer a child on another. But children are intuitive and they can take subtle signals. If you always seem to dissipate the achievements of a particular child, their sister brother will feel badly ... and more than slightly bored.
43 Prohibit all films not rated PG or G

Is there anything more attractive for a minor child than the prospect of seeing a movie? What secrets of the universe are missing because of an arbitrary note, they are wondering? Your films restrictions can be sensitive, but they only make your children more intrigued - and irritated.
44 Start a sentence with, "when I was your age ..."

They get it, parents.To be a child today is not the same thing As it was when you grow up. This is not going to make your children less bored when you start to feast with tales in how many things were many decades ago.
45 Get bad luck

Whether at that time "we built this city on sausage rolls" while listening "we built this city of the city" or Slowly "or sings of typing from your cat on the square" Whenever the queen "we go cracked" comes on the radio, the musical ignorance of a parent is sufficient for everyone to want to slip under the bed.
46 Take a little too much in the holidays

If you decorate your home for Christmas as you are trying to give Las Vegas a race for its money, you may not do the pleasant holidays to your children. While you might think "more the most festive, the better" your children could easily be refused by the intensity of all that.
47 Choose their clothes

We know that you think you have a flawless taste. And of course, when your children were babies and you dress them in CBGB OneSies, no one complained. But now that they are a little older, they have their own opinions on what looks good and what feels comfortable, and they are not afraid to let you know.
48 Insist that Brussels cabbages are good

For children, Brussels Sories are an affront to everything they want expensive. When they are older, they will learn to appreciate them. But for now, how do you dare to try to tell them that these smelly cruciferous vegetables areWell.
49 Framing of non-negotiable leaps

Too often, children assume that the basins are just a vague suggestion, and not something placed in the stone. They would not have accepted that 9 m. bedtime if they knew they had to be in pajamas and under the coversTo9.
50 Eat the latest cupcake

You knew it was the last one, and you eaten it anyway?! UT Oh. Your child will possibly forgive you, but the anger they feel right now are very real. Do not pretend that you can not tell. It will only make it worse.

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