This reddit thread on what makes people happy is incredibly edifying

A high school student asked how "ordinary people" could be happy and have insightful answers.

Recently, a high school studentPosted on reddit it would probably make anyone who is not rich and famous feeling pretty defensive: "How are ordinary people happy that they areWork a job from 9 to 5, Have an invalidating student debt, have to live a small apartment and continue to do the same everyday thing until they die? Enter and live a life without any satisfaction. So, just to sprinkle with a small extra judgment, they wrote that they feel pity every time they "look at a fast food worker or a person working at basic work". The post quickly went viral, with more than 2,000 comments of "ordinary people" ready at school, this young person on whatWhat makes people happy.

Many people have given personal testimonials proving that you never know how someone feels inside on the basis of their lives outside. It's not because someone is working a minimum wage job does not necessarily mean they are miserable because people are unique and have different priorities.

"I'm 25 years old, happy with my life as a hotel worker" A user redditwrote. "I make advice, a decent paycheck that keeps a roof on my head and food in my belly and allows me to keep my cats happy and fed ... Will I be rich and famous, living a comfortable life somewhere? It's incredibly improbable, and I'm fine with that. Not sure what the future is holding but, for now, I amquite happy with what I had. "

Indeed,Search outside the University of Yale shows that happiness is largely a state of mind and a question of perspective. After all, there are enough celebrities who openedFight with anxiety and depression To indicate that ultra-succeeded will not keepnegativity At the bay. And from here now, we have probably all heard thatMake more money will make you more happy Past some point. That's why some people feel happy after abandoning money and glory.

"Everyone has a different version of aa happy life, "Another reddit userwrote. "I had an exciting career at the fast pace in Hollywood [which was] full of success. However, as I elder, myPriorities have changed and I gave it all for office work withLess stress and more time to dedicate to my family. Which makes me happy, works to live, do not live at work. I like not to have chaos, but I'm grateful that I feel it. No means is better than the other, that is what it suits for each individual. "

Another reddit userwrote That, when they were in high school, they want too much to have "a kind of unique, creative and interesting work in the future", "or be sentenced to" drudgery and misery forever. "Then they came out of the college, started working in a warehouse, became climbs of debt and realized something unexpected about the life they had feared." I'm happier to keep my hobbies As a hobby, "he said." I like to exchange the art of music or writing whenever it suits me, without the deadlines and responsibilities. creative prosecutions. People who do what they like to make a living can never "never work a day in their lives" but they also goNever have a vacation. My job pays well, has good advantages (dental plans are more important than you think), gives me three weeks of vacation paid a year and makes me home to five out of five to relax and enjoySimple pleasures of life. "

So, the morality of history is that there are many different ways of being happy and what brings you that joy might not be what you thought it would be when you were younger. You just need a lot of self-reflection - and maybe someGratitude exercises-Serve what you want and enjoy what you have, no matter what you do.

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