These are the foods you should never feed your cat

Keep your cat very far from garlic powder.

With regard to the diet of your cat, it is better to stick on things specially formulated for felines. Although you are sick to giveyour cat The same kibble exact every night, this diet is designed to offer your pet with the nutrients it needs - more, it is done by professionals who know which cat foods can and can not be stupid.

But what about these moments where you want to sneak your cat a little something from the fridge or pantry? A little indulgence from time to time and then will not kill the princess - but if you are going to feed your feline friend, human food, make sure you first know all the foods that are bad for cats.


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Do not let your cat get from your lawyer toast. "Lawyers, pits, leaves and actual plant are all potentially toxic for dogs, as well as other animals like cats, mice, rats, birds, rabbits, horses, cattle and goats, "said a 2009 study published in the newspaperInterdisciplinary toxicology.The green fruit contains the persin, a "highly insoluble" fungicide toxin and can "trigger fluid build-up in the lungs andchest. "


Pouring a Glass of Milk Food Bad for Cats

Although stray cats are often offered milk bowls by well intentional unknowns, the reality is that "cats are lactose intolerant as adults", according toDr. Danielle Bernal, staff veterinarianWellness Natural Pet Food. She explains that "as cats out of kitten, they lose their ability to break down lactose into milk, so they can present astomach ache or diarrhea shortly after [y drink]. "


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What people say chocolate being toxic to pets is true. Sweet treatment contains substances called methylxanthines-those which, when they are ingested bysmall animals Like cats, can cause all gastrointestinal problems to death. In particular, cocoa powder and cooking chocolate - especially when they are dark - are the most lethal forms of chocolate for your cat, so keep all the cooking supplies blocked and out of reach.


Bowl of Candy Foods Bad for Cats

Keep your children 'Halloween Candy away from the cat. As theInterdisciplinary toxicologyStudy notes, many candies, as well as chewing gums, bakery products and toothpastes, contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol, which, when ingested by cats, "causes a rapid decrease in blood glucose ... [and] then causes a depression, ataxia, seizures and collapse. "


Chopped Onions Foods Bad for Cats

One of the most bad foods for cats is onions. According to Bernal, this vegetable contains sulfoxides and disulfides, both "can be very toxic for cats". Obviously, they have the ability to break the red blood cells and causing clinical signs of anemia,lethargy, weight loss and gastrointestinal problems. "


Clove of Garlic Foods Bad for Cats

As its relative close to the onion, the garlic also contains sulfoxides and disulfides and is considered toxic for domestic animals. In fact, theInterdisciplinary toxicologyThe study notes that "the most common toxic foods for cats are onion and garlic and other related root vegetables."

Dog food

Dog Sitting By a Bowl of Dog Food

Of course, most pet owners know better than giving dog food to their cats. However, curious felines are not afraid to taste everything on the ground - and if it becomes the case that your cat does not eat the bowl of your dog, Bernal warns that it can lead to "problems" health, such as heart disease, vision impairment and dental problems. "Fortunately, your cat will start to make known serious health problems if and when they consume dog kibouts in large quantities - but nevertheless, you need you ensure that your cat is eating only theirSpecific Feline Food. And if you are a feline fan, so check these30 funny cat videos that will make you love cats even more.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Pets
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