30 ways to change your life in 30 minutes or less

The coaches of life, personal coaches, and career experts show you how to make a 180 ° in 30 minutes or less.

The revision of your life is not an easy exploit. It takes a lot of time, effort and tenacity. However, all major changes start withSome small adjustments, and there are tons of little things you can do every day toImprove your physical and mental well-being. If you are wonderingHow? 'Or' What You can change your life Today, you have come to the right place: we consulted the coaches of life, personal coaches and career experts to offer 30 brilliantways that you can change your life in 30 minutes or less. A new and improved you start now!


Happy couple doing stretches and working out at home

Sitting for hours in the end, as we all tend to do - canwreak havoc on your body And your life in the long run. But all you have to do to fight this damage is to stretch it. "Discomfort, muscle pain and spirit of mind can be avoided byTake the time to stretch By breathing properly for 30 minutes, "explains the approved medical acupuncturist and the coach of lifeJamie Bacharach. "The stretching of the complete body will not only protect your body, but it will beKeep your spirit fresh and offer enhancements of huge life when done in a coherent way. "

Correct your posture.

woman sitting up straight while using her laptop

Hunching Over can cause back pain, make you more subject to injury and even cause breathing problems. The good news? TheAmerican Chiropractic Association said that "a conscious consciousness of your own posture and know which posture is correct will help you correct consciously." Aim to go from 10 to 15 minutes a day to correction your posture using theOrganization guidelines To sit properly, standing properly and lie down properly.

Call an old friend.

Black woman calling a friend on her cell phone

It does not take too much time of your day to call a friend. And according to Bacharach, it cangive you a serious haste.

"Often, depression and related symptoms holdsfeelings of loneliness or a lack of purpose. By calling an old friend, you will remember that there are actually many people who care about you and would be happy to hear from you, "she explains.

Or make plans with a friend.

Man texting a friend on his phone

Of course, spending time with family and friends takes a lot more than 30 minutes. However, making plans to meet is something you can do in a short period of time. Just have something to wait impatiently to instantly raise your mood and make you more motivated to cross banal tasks.

Gives a hand.

Woman delivering groceries to her elderly neighbor

It's not all that takes a lot of time to do one or twoacts of kindness everyday. And as a motivating speakerSAUNDERS LENNotes, "The art of" give "is always a great step to get a better person." That you hold the door of the person behind you, get your neighbor with elderly grocery stores while you are at the store or drop old clothes to a shelter, at leasta selfless thing every day will help you feel - and actuallyto be-better.

Take a nap.

Older black man sleeping on a hammock

Take a nap Can help you feel refreshed and invigorated. And according to theNational Sleep FoundationAll you need is 20 minutes to see the benefits such as improved energy levels, an improved concentration and a more positive attitude. As for the nap, less, it's more than shorter NAPS "keep you in the lightest phase of sleep not REM [and], it is easier for you to get up and go after your Snooze session, "the notes of the Foundation.

Or take a bath.

close up of middle aged white woman taking a bath

A very relaxing way to improve your life in 30 minutes is with ahot bubble bath. "Hot water has extraordinary health benefits, both physical and mental," explains a certified professional advisor and a yoga instructorElizabeth Schuler. "Not only will a bath going to mitigate your painful muscles, help you relax and reduce inflammation in your body, but it can alsobattle depression. "

Go to the gym.

Asian woman exercising outside with a hula hoop

One of the easiest ways to change the interior is with exercise. "The natural endorphins of exercise can radiate positivity in your mind, body and mind," explains a personal trainerScott Thompson. And you do not need to spend hours at the gym to see mental and physical results: in a 2012 study published in theAmerican Journal of PhysiologyThe men who exercised for 30 minutes a day saw the same benefits as those who worked for one hour a day.

Stroll out outside.

Black woman walking outside on a hike

"Walking is one of the most beneficial activities For us humans, "explains the practicing doctorNikola Djordjevic, a medical advisor toHealth care. "Our skeleton and our muscles are made on foot and various research show the different types of benefits - of physical to mental - this walk provides." A 2019 study published in the journalBorders in psychologyFor example, has found that the outside of the walk for only 20 minutes a day can significantly reduce your cortisol level, the stress hormone called.

Or just spend some time in nature.

Couple hanging out with their dog in the park

Whether you're sticking in the park or Frisbee playing on the beach, try going out for 30 minutes a day. "Vitamin D and Endorphine Rubbed you will receive by simply breathing in fresh air and taking in the sun's rays can make a huge amount of difference," says Bacharach. In fact, in the same 2019Borders in psychology Study, participants who spent time in nature saw some serious anti-party advantages, just like those who went for walks.


Woman meditating on the couch

When you feel stressed and overwhelmed, a shortmeditation session Can help you keep calm and continue. In fact, a study published in 2014Jama Internal Medicine Shows that only 30 minutes of meditation can have the same impact on anxiety and depression as antidepressants. "You should not be in a meditation posture, just in a position in which you are comfortable," says life coachAmy Riordan.

Create a result card.

Woman writing in a notebook

A results card is a tool created by developing social entrepreneur strategiesDave Mason, Co-author ofThe size of your dreams. It has three components: the goal you want to reach; the date you hope to achieve this objective; and the steps you will take to achieve this goal.

"To make it work, you want to go to your result card three times or more a day, including the first thing in the morning to define your intentions for the day, the night last thing to really program in the subconscious, and at least Once in the middle of the day, "explains Mason. A result card is an easy way to keep your life on the right track and read it on a few times a day takes much less than 30 minutes.

Exercise four quadrants.

Black man writing in a notebook

Another activity that changes the life you can do in less than 30 minutes is what therapistJacob Kountz calls the "four quadrant exercise. Here's how to do it:

  1. Take a piece of paper and draw two lines (one go and down and the other crossing from left to right).
  2. In a quarter of a circle, write where you see yourself in five years under the title "five-year goals. »
  3. In the quadrant two, write what should happen to achieve your goals under the five-year "one-year objectives. »
  4. In the three quadrant, write what should happen to achieve your one-year goals under the title "three-month goals. »
  5. In the four quadrant, write what needs to be completed to get closer to your three-month goals under the title "One-week Objectives. »

"If you are ready to take 30 minutes a day at work towards the small goals you have planned, it is much easier to reach these big five-year goals," says Kountz.

Note the things you like about yourself.

latina woman writing in a journal in a meadow

When you aremore confident, Your life takes a turn for the better. And believe it or not, you canImprove self-esteem By working on for only a few minutes a day.

Whenever you have free time, think of what you like on yourself, suggests career advisor and coachingTricia Sitemere. Then note some of the traits you like on yourself on post-it notes, and leave them around the house to find later. "The moment your self-adhesive notes start" mixing "for your environment, it's time to return to your list and write a new lot," says Sitemere.


Woman writing in her notebook or journal

The integration of reflection into your day can help you get clarity and peace of mind. "Not only will a newspaper allow you to get everything and on the paper, but it can bring you directly into achievements that would otherwise go unnoticed," says Riordan. Take a few minutes to write your thoughts and feelings every day will help you learn, grow and heal emotionally.

Create a bucket list.

bucket list

Have things to tend towards making life all the more bearable. That is whyCreating a bucket list is one of the best ways to totally transform your life in a short period of time.

"Take 30 minutes to sit down and make a list of everything you want to accomplish in life," suggests Riordan. "Dreams the biggest dreams and the smallest dreams and keep the opinions of everyone out of him. When your list is complete, you will know exactly what you are looking for. It is a personal roadmap of the future. »

Put your phone.

Person putting their phone in their jeans pocket

In a 2013 study of students published inComputers in human behavior,The use of the cell phoneWas associated with increased anxiety levels, so the elimination of your increment phone could seriously help your long-term health. Of course, it can be difficult to detach from your devices, but get your phone away and your computer, even only 30 minutes at a time, you will do wonders for your well-being. "Leave your phone at home before taking a walk, going out for a meal or running a race", suggests a success coachLisa Michaud.


mother sitting on couch and sorting child clothes for donation

A clean mind begins withA clean house. "Making the place in your house makes room for your life to search for other changes", Notes Professional OrganizerMelissa Keyser.

Even if you do not have hours tocompletely clean your house, spend 30 minutes on a small space can make the difference. If you are not sure where to start, KeySerie suggestsStarting with your workspace. "It is scientifically proven that the clutter causes stress and the work is sufficiently stressful without the visual of a disorder office," she says.

Recognize negative thoughts.

A mature black man looks out while sitting on his porch

If you areThinking negative thoughtsTake a few minutes to think about how you feel. "When life becomes stressful, it can amortize happiness and peace of mind", explains a licensed advisorErica Wiles, writer of mental health atCompare life insurance. Learning to recognize intrusive thoughts and prevent them from their tracks is "useful for gaining a perspective" and to avoid falling into a dark place.

Take the time to think when you come home.

Thoughtful senior man sitting on sofa at home

Take a few minutes once you come home to really think about your day - it's not forced to be a complete 30-minute outfit, either. "Ask yourself what you enjoyed about the day, what you have learned or done and how you could make your day even better. Celebrate the progress you have made and what you are proud of," said Michaud. "Lower the negative and remember: tomorrow is a new start."

Talk about things you are grateful with friends and family members.

Two male friends talking and having a conversation in a coffee shop

A little ofgratitude can go a long way. In fact, according to the contractorLisa Swift-Young, author ofPause 2 praise, "A great way to make your life better in just three minutes involves forming a gratitude circle with two or three members of your family or close friends." This circle should not be literal; SWIFT-Young notes that it and its adult children send texts of gratitude to each other every day. "It's super simple and a great way to keep in touch with expensive beings," she says.

Take gardening.

Woman sniffing a pretty flower while gardening

If there isAny hobby, you should fill your free time withIt's gardening. Yes, tending at a small patch of flowers, vegetables or herbs for a few minutes a day can help you heal from the inside. A 2013 study published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine found that gardening reduces its risk of a heart attack and a stroke up to 30%.

Give yourself a scalp massage.

Woman giving herself a scalp massage

When you feel tired and need a quickrenewed energy, go ahead and give yourself a scalp massage. "It will give you a PPE in your step and [in your] mind," explains the health and well-being coach based in San DiegoLisa Yee. It recommends using essential oils such as eucalyptus or peppermint, bothhave been recognized for their calm and regenerative effects.

To learn a new language.

Man reading and studying at the table

As a 2014 study published inAnnals of neurology notes, learning a new language is a great way toKeep your edit edged. And with applications likeHubbub This offers sessions of 10 to 15 minutes, becoming bilingual is more possible than ever these days. You can make your daily class during your morning trip, before going to bed or while you work. In a few weeks you will find that yourThe memory is sharper And that your linguistic skills have improved considerably.

Practice aware of eating.

Older Woman Eating Fruit, look better after 40

During the meal, try not to eat inattention. According to intuitive nutritionistEmily Van Eeck, "MINDONDE EAT can make a huge difference in your relationship with food." As you eat, spend a few extra minutes "do you pay attention to flavors, textures, aromas and tastes," she says. "This allows you to tune your fullness and inner satiety counters instead of the following rules on the amount to eat or size of your portions."

Wood a little water.

Older woman drinking water

Revenge coachCorey Callietsays that the consumption of drinking water is "one of the simplest things you can do to improve the vitality of your body". To be specific, theMAYO Clinic Suggests about 15.5 cups of water a day for men and about 11.5 cups a day for women, aimed at taking a one-minute water break every hour.

"The positiveeffects of being properly hydratedTogether almost immediately, "adds Calliet. "In addition to keeping the body works well, getting your recommended contribution of water aids in recovery, detoxification, and elimination processes in the body".

Update your LinkedIn profile.

Person working on a computer on LinkedIn

If yourImprovement objectives are linked to your career, Then good news: There are many ways to get in place for success in less than 30 minutes. "If you spend 15 or 30 minutes Tuning with your LinkedIn profile, recruiters can findyou», Explains career counselorMaureen Crawford Hentz. Some things that it recommends to be noticed include groups joining, adding keywords to your profile, depending on the companies you like, your refreshed and abstract title, adding links to your profile, ask your profile. Recommendations, and get adventors.

Snors 30 minutes earlier.

Asian woman sleeping in bed

Every minute of Roupillon accounts, etc.Go to sleep only 20 or 30 minutes earlier that usually could make you both stronger and healthier. "Your body heals and recovers during sleep. It may seem counter-intuitive "sleep" on your goals, but without sufficient sleep, the body can not recover, "says Calliet.

And create a routine of the relaxation bed.

Woman reading a book on the couch

How are you getting ready to go to bed is just as important as when your head on the pillow. What should you do with your last 30 minutes of Awakening? "Specry this half hour to winding with a book, music or meditation," suggests the coach empowermentJulie Bois. "As you are preparing to fall asleep, review all the positive things that took place during the day orrepeat positive affirmations yours. This is a powerful thing to do before falling asleep because itImprint Positivity In your unconscious mind and subconscious while you sleep ".

Wake up early and build some time "me" in your morning routine.

waking up

What do you dofirst thing in the morning set the tone for the rest of the day. So, if you want every day to be nice and peaceful, wood recommends to wake up 30 minutes earlier than you currently do to "do something you like. »

"Practical meditation, yoga, exercise, write, draw or read an inspiring book," she says. "This puts you in place to be centered and inspired for the day. »

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