27 amazing facts about household objects

Unlock the sleeping hidden stories in every part of your home.

The house, as they say, is where the heart is. For most people, this is the most intimate part of their lives - a place they know inside and out with deep and complete knowledge. But, although you can think that you know every square inch of your home through and through, a deeper aspect will reveal many hidden secrets that are sure to surprise you.

For example, did you know that your floor plan could organize a long-standing solution to weight loss problems? Or your home is probably also at home at least fifty dollars in alternative changes? And, the most urgent, that there is an answer to the secular question: what is the difference between "sofas" and "sofas?" Here you will find the answers to all these urgent and more mysteries.

The bubble envelope was intended for wallpaper

person popping bubble wrap

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this practical shipping material was not intended for the origin of avoiding breakage in the packaging. Instead, its creators-Al Fielding and Switzerland InVetor Mar Chavannes-were intended to serve as a textured wallpaper (their original idea was to seal two shower curtains together to create the bubbles of air. When he has Not managed to sell, the creators marketed it as an insulation with greenhouse effect, which also failed. Hetook a marketing in 1959 Hit on possibilities as packaging material.

The refrigeration was pioneering for Booze


As expected, the progress of refrigeration has made an effort to keep the cold beer. Specifically,James Harrison, a nervous journalist and the inventor of the first refrigerator (invented in the 1850s using ether), used it to cool the beer, according to Tom Jackson, author ofCooled: how refrigeration has changed the world and could do it again.

There is a difference between sofas and sofas

couch in nautical living room home decorations

We use both terms interchangeably, but coaches and sofas are two distinct things. To help define the difference, look no further than eBay, including the usefulsales guide Help the sellers to say the difference between the two by defining the couch as "a piece of furniture without arm used to lie" (even if this definition is slightly exceeded) and from the French word "lying".

The sofas come from the Arabic word "Suffah", referring to a wooden bench covered with cushions and blankets. This has evolved to say that they are furniture for more formal occasions and ensures four or more people, compared to the sofa, which two to three.

Build something yourself brings you more joy than buying

man and a woman building furniture together

It's called "The IKEA effect"-Who you build something yourself, you value it. It was the conclusion of a group of researchers from Harvard, Duke and the University of Tulane, who found that when a group of subjects put In the effort to create three different and equitals of simple storage boxes, objects-IKEA, origami and LEGO models - they have placed a greater value on them. In many cases, they even overvalued the objects.

There is more money elongated that you do not realize

jar of coins

From the inside of your sofa cushions to the piggy bank on your shelf at the pocket pieces of your pants, you have accumulated much more change than you probably do. Guess how many replacement changes you have around your home. According to CoinTar, you should probably double this guessing in a study of the manufacturer of change conversion kiosks, while consumers felt that they had an average of $ 28 lengthened around their home,The actual number When gathered and brought to the kiosk was $ 56.

The rental makes you happier than buying

happy couple at home

The secular question of whether it is better to rent or buy a house has been answered in a survey byTelegraphJournal, who asked for 5,800 British on the subject, as well as questions about stress levels, financial circumstances and more. It turns out that these rentals were more likely to feelhad the good job / good balance of life compared to those who owned their homes.

The burglaries at home are more likely to occur during the day

burglar breaking in with gloves on

We generally believe that home burglaries occur in the night's cover, but in fact, the houses are more likely to be subjected to burglary while the sun is out. According to statistics on the FBI uniform crime statement, burglaries were6% more likely occur between hours of 6:00 and 6:00. (When residents were at work or running races) than at night.

The shoes were formerly considered as ways to repel evil spirits

shoes by a door mat

Europeans once spread their shoes in walls, fireplaces and soils in an effort to get rid of diabolic spirits. It was not because they felt bad - the shoes were observed to possess magic charms served as protection. So many shoes have been found in old buildings than the museum and the art of Northampton in the UK have created aConcealed shoe index To follow these discoveries, follow about 1,900 shoes concealed so far.

Red doors have many meanings

a red front door

Fans ofAmerican beauty havetheir theories About what the red door in the film (and a red door in general) was supposed to symbolize. But as it turns out, a red door can mean very different things depending on which country it is. In China, it symbolizes "welcome" in the tradition of Feng Shui, while in Scotland, it has historically meant that the person who lived there hadpaid their mortgage.

A messy house could help mitigate creativity

man sitting in messy living room

In areas where you are creative, your office, your workshop or your cooking researchers have found that the clutter can improve creativity. Inseveral experiencesThe subjects were invited to fill in creative tasks - complete a puzzle, take a "remote associative test" and creates a drawing in a congested room and a blank person. Those in the disordered room finished the fastest puzzle, scored the highest on the remote associate test and won the best brands in the drawing judgment panel.

Before the varnishes, we used the secretion of bugs

hardwood floor

Before the owners used varnish and polyurethane finishes to target their hardwood floors, they used bugs. More specifically, a secretion of the bug bug of India and Thailand, which, when dissolved in alcohol createsliquid lacquer gum, the ground finish in everyone in the 19th and early twentieth century. It would be replaced by the lacquer of nitrocellulose by the 1930s, but before these insects maintain brilliant soils.

Charles Darwin invented the office chair

Procrastination, productivwoman leaning back in office chair at workity

Charles Darwin has not just studied evolution, he helped the engineer - at least when it comes to office furniture. The researcher iscredited as being one of the first people To add wheels to its chair, which facilitates the evolution of observation specimens with writing. Always looking for ways to do things as efficient as possible, Darwin loved adaptation - but it would take a few decades further before not catching more widely. And if you are looking for awesome thrones to do your job, check theThe 15 best high-end office chairs leaders swear.

Your floor plan could make you fat

couple cooking dinner in a kitchen

While HGTV is all about open kitchens, architecture and design researchershave found that These with plans close on the ground are likely to eat less than those who have no walls between their dining room and their kitchen. Presumably, it's because it's much easier to see (and getting) the food available - and feel and be tempted by cooking.

Most toilets rinse in e apartment


Users of the ears bathroom may have noticed that the distinctive sound of a toilet rinsing is theE flat note.

Refrigerators have hot and cold stains

woman getting something from fridge

If you think all your refrigerator is a consistent temperature, reflect again - depending on the model, the amount of cold in the refrigerator can vary considerably. For example, a study conducted byCnet found Temperatures may vary in French door models of 32.8 ° to 50.7º Fahrenheit.

The toilet paper was in the foreground with suspicion

toilet paper

Before the "deployment" of a more practical way of taking care of business, Americans have generally used old newspapers and catalogs for this purpose. When inventorJoseph Gayetty The fabric of the bathroom introduced (at the time sold in packets of trays, single sheets), most thought it was useless use of a new paper. Finally, a British inventor came on the idea of ​​selling it in rolls and the 1880s, he appreciated great popularity.

The longest whoever is ironed at once is 100 hours

woman ironing shirt

If you find the ironing of your morning shirt to consume time, you should hear how Gareth Sanders spends his time. The BRIT holds the world record for the time spent at 100 hours (which has been added to about 2,000 clothing, without more than 30 seconds of pause between each item). "It has been much more difficult than expected," he saysWhen he broke the record, in 2015. "Sleep deprivation was the most difficult from afar, because the longest that I slept was about 12 minutes."

Goats make big lawn mowers

goats eating grass

For those who love their lawn mowers with a little personality, societyCalifornia PastureIn answer: goats. The organization leases its more than 800 "ecological weed eaters of the environment" to those seeking an entertaining way to maintain their yard. Companies as big as Google used their service and, by the company, hoover aids reduce water pollution, prevent package fires and reduce emissions from the lawn mower.

We do not know exactly how microwaves heat food

man opening his microwave oven

You would think we would have understood that before almost all the households in enshrine, but there is some disagreement on how microwave ovens heat exactly the food. Although general belief is that particles in food (especially water) absorb the energy of waves through a process called dielectric heating,some scientists Maintain that it is due to other interactions between particles that cause the temperature increase. However, if you are looking for thebetter way of heating your remains,This is the safest way to heat food into a microwave.

Some cold floors illuminate with age, other duplicates

living room floors

You could assume that scratches and wear on a hardwood floor will hard up time, but depending on the type of wood, itcould become lighter. The woods like oak, maple and ashes become yellow as they are exposed to ultraviolet rays of the sun, while materials like cherry, walnut and Kempas are darker.

Sofas may seem much cooler in the future

couch in a living room

This standard sofa design that you used could be fully activated in the head in the coming years. Designers have developed very inventive approaches of sofas that could come to a department store near you. Just name a couple, there is theSosia changing shape multifunctional sofa bed; the modularMultiply This can become a bed, a table or sofa according to your needs; or theAnima causa seats system Made adjustable foam balls.

Refrigerators were a way to sell electricity

man opening fridge

General Electric entered the refrigerator company in 1911 - the acquisition of the electric refrigerator rights developed by Abbot Marcel Audiffren - do not sell the devices, but to sell the electricity they need. Since the machines required constant power, it meant a stable income for the electrical society and, as Jonathan Rees said in his book.Fridge"In the end, GE only started building refrigerators in the hope that the power they consumed would help the company's electricity services division."

The sofa bed date back to the 19th century

pull-out bed

While the sofa bed seems to be a relatively modern invention, the sofa beds go back to the Victorian era. Like a one tastemaker of the eraPut the,The sofa beds, "are particularly practical in a house where the number of bedrooms is limited ... Allow the mistress of the house, when his hospitality is seriously imposed, turn a cloakroom into one room at a time."

Dublin's colorful doors hide a message

dublin's colorful doors

Like Dublin, Ireland, grew prosperous at the beginning of the 18th century,Fantasy new Georgian houses Began to appear, with strict architectural guidelines that limited the design choices of the inhabitants. A resident inhabitant could stand out? The color of their doors, leading to a wide range of catchy entrances (some accounts suggest that this has been done as a protest after the death of Queen Victoria when the Irish have been informed to paint their black doors, but it is Almost certainly a myth).

Keep a complete refrigerator does not use less energy

full fridge

If you try to save money on your electricity bill, pick up some extra grocery stores will not do it. While the myth persists for a complete refrigerator uses less energy,according to Researcher Jacob Talbot of the American Non-Profit Council for Energy Economy "A complete refrigerator does not diminish the use of energy." Instead, he suggests focusing on verification of joints on the door to avoid leaks and maintain the unit between 36º and 38º Fahrenheit.

The showers use less water than baths

man taking a shower

Filling a bathtub turns out to be a lighter approach than a fast current shower. A typical bathtub contains42 gallons of waterA low flow shower simply uses about two gallons of water a minute. So a 10-minute shower will simply use about 20 gallons, compared to (at least) more than 30 gallons to fill a bathtub most of the time.

A steel bullet is used to measure the hardness of hardwood floors

hardwood floor

What is the hard a hardwood floor? Those who seek to answer this question use theJanka hardness test, which measures the force required to integrate a steel ball of 0.444 inch (11.28 mm) exactly halfway in the wood, measuring the books force (LBF). According to this method, the hardest wood is Australian bulke, which requires 5,060 LBF to pass the Janka test. The sweetest wood ever measured, just 22 LBF, is Balsa.

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