11 lies that you said it does not work in quarantine

No, you were not stuck in traffic.

People love theirWhite little lies. Late at work? Oh sorry, it was because of the traffic! You do not want to attend an evening? Oh no, it seems like you do not find baby sitter. Anyway, people are rather good to come with excuses. However, with quarantine changing the daily life of all, there are some fibers that will not cut it anymore. How were you late at the office because of the traffic when you areWork? And a virtual company means that no baby-sitter is required. These, and more, lies do not work in quarantine. And if you are looking for sneaky social distancing excuses, check the11 Lies Everyone says in quarantine.

"I have other projects than at night."

Young woman is lying on the sofa and watching TV

When you do not have anywherego because of quarantine, exactlyWhat Other plans Do you have that night? While you may be able to pass some lies of havingAnother virtual encounter, there is only so far you can stretch it. At one point, you will have to do what you have put.

"I buy it to drink with friends."

Businesswoman using smartphone while shopping in a supermarket

The clerk at the counter knows and you know yourself. You do not share this bottle of wine at home to drink with friends who can not come. You bring it home to drink alone in quarantine. Its good! And for more ways to spend the only quarantine, consult the17 things to do for yourself while you are at social distancing.

"Sorry for the late response, I just see that!"

middle aged black man texting on couch with cup of tea

The chances of this sticky fiber now are thin, at least. Most people are on their phone every day everyday,Scroll through various applications spend the hours. If you answer a person five hours later with a "I see right now that", they will be suspicious.

"I do not have time to cook these days."

Closeup shot of an unrecognizable man making a food delivery

Not only are you stuck inside 24 hours a day, but you do not have a lot of restoration optionscorn to cook. And even if you order every night, do you convince it's because you help financeLocal companies for a difficult periodAt some point you will miss remnants and you really need to light the oven.

"I will not be able to go because I can not find baby sitter for children."

Mother and kids enjoying smartphone

Unfortunately for you, virtual meetings do not necessarily need the need for a baby-sitter. Your friends, family or colleagues will be more than happy to include in their virtual encounter, even with children who shout in the background. So, good luck trying to use children to get out of things now!

"Sorry, my phone was gone because I was in the cinema."

Close up of tasty but unhealthy food. There are basket of popcorn and a blue cup of coke on picture. Man and woman are holding it together

The cinemas are closed. Good try! While you can try to convince someone you got your phone because of a "family movie night"At home, it's not likely that they will fall for that. It is a great lie that has been undermined by quarantine limitations.

"I'm never enough at home to catch up with this show."

Man sitting home in his armchair, using phone and changing channels

Let's face this, Netflix and Hulu subscriptions were merged into the sky during this period. Everyone knows you watch the days. But that does not mean that you want to tune in a show recommended by your friend. Instead of creating a lame excuse, just tell them that you do not want to watchKing tiger!

"I have to go, someone is on the door."

care nurse visit

Everyone is inside. Nobody is at your door. As much as you may want to skip a call andRelax aloneYou can not rush from the phone by telling someone you have to go to answer someone who strikes. There are no repairs, friendly neighbors or children trying to sell Scout Girl Scout cookies.

"Sorry, I got up to the office and I can not leave."

Shot of a young businessman looking stressed during a late night in a modern office

You took place ...At your home? Unlikely. You can not go out for a drink at the bar with your colleagues and tell your partner that you have "stuck working late at the office". After all, if you are quarantined with them, they canliterally See what you do.

"I want to pick up a new hobby, but I'm too busy."

woman writing in a notebook

During the quarantine, everyone had to face this lie that they said themselves. Have you convinced yourself that you would learn to play piano if only you had enough free time? Or maybe you told you finally start writing this book you wanted. Yet, with all the extra time of the world, people still do not mark their endless task lists. If you want to learn something new, check out the13 hobbies to master during quarantine.

"I can not, I have the jury duty."

jury duty selection behind a lawyer holding up papers

Ah, the excuse of classical jury law! People have used this to get out of work, weddings, birthday parties and more. But let's be real,No one has the jury duty right now. You will have to startAttend these virtual celebrations and find new excuses to tell your boss.

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