120 random facts that will make you the most interesting person of the room

Never warm to Highle Chitchat. These eclectic facts are sure to put your friends up.

Sometimes there is no better conversation starter than a little information out of the left. Maybe it's a small factoide about a popular brand. Maybe it's a piece of little known story that returns your perspective upside down. Maybe it's alittle trivia about nature or the whole world. No matter whatTypes of facts Trimming usually your fantasy, be sure to read these 120 random facts and 100% extremely interesting that are guaranteed to win new friends.

You would not be able to tolerate the calm place on the ground for more than 45 minutes.

southern slang

Silence can be golden, but too much of it will make you crazy. InMinnesota Orfield LaboratoriesThere is an anechoic chamber so silent, the background noise is measured in negative decibels (-9.4 dBA, to be exact). The founder of the room,Steven Orfield, RecountKnow the hearing aid It can not only "hear your heart beat and sometimes hear your lungs", but those who have entered the space are struggling to get up because humans use sounds to feed. This means that anyone spends a little time in the room must be seated. But they will not be there for a long time. According to Orfield, the longest whoever has been able to tolerate extreme silence is 45 minutes.

The letter 'X' was used for the first time to represent a kiss in 1763.

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If you sign letters or more likely, texts and e-mails - to those you love with an "XO", then you keep a good tradition that goes back hundreds of years. By an article inThe Washington PostOxford's English dictionary stated that an "X" was used for the first time to represent a kiss in 1763 in a letter written by the British naturalistGilbert Blanc.

Dogs usually go to the bathroom in alignment with the North-South axis.

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We have known for a while since dogs, as well as several other animals, can detect the magnetic fields of the earth. But it turns out, they also use it to direct their more personal habits. After observing 70 dogs do their business over a period of two years, researchers who have published their work in the newspaperBorders in zoology found that puppies preferred to go "aligned along the North-South axis under calm magnetic field conditions." According to the study, it was the first time that a measurable and predictable behavioral reaction to the fluctuation of the magnetic field has been demonstrated in mammals. Maybe that's why your dog needs to decide where to go.

The entire population of Central Europe during the Stone Age could have been integrated into a cruise ship.

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Search published in the newspaperPlos a found that for significant time effects during the Stone Age, there were less than 1,500 people living in Central Europe. And likeIFL Science Reports, it's about as many people as you might find on a medium-sized cruise ship today.

The longest television announcement in history is 14 hours long.

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Created by Old Spice for a product supposed to "last forever", the actor of commercial featuresTerry Crews, among others, and is currently broadcast "for an eternity" online (you canLook at the abbreviated version here) But as it is not exactly as possible on television, a 14-hour version has been set up and broadcast in São Paulo, Brazil, December 8, 2018, winning theGuinness World Record For the longest television announcement ever.

The gap between conversation responses usually lasts 200 milliseconds.

couple talking on a first date with each other

Although this is an average, it's also almost universal. In most languages, including signs language - the break between when we speak and when the person we are talking about takes turns, continues to a familiar model.Stephen Levinson Of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics saidAtlantic Whether the gap is "the minimum human response time to anything", including when the riders react to a departure pistol.

"Keep calm and continue" is a reduced propaganda.

keep calm and carry on vector

The slogan "keep calm and maintaining" was originally created by the British government as a form of propaganda to urge citizens to remain civilians during the Second World War, when London often endors the air raids from Germany .Alas he never took. Years later, in the 2000s, a poster was discovered and many companies used it as slogan or marketing theme for their products. Apparently, vintage sensitivities also apply to modern public relations campaigns.

Nobody knows how William Shakespeare's name was really spelled - and he did not.

Shakespeare wax figure

For each information cold cuts, we know aboutWilliam ShakespeareLife, there are just as much as we do not do it. And one thing that historians are not too sure to know howShakespeare's namehas been actually spelled. Frankly, he did not seem too sure either either. The bard itself used variations in its moniker such as "Willm Shakp", "Willm Shakspere," and "William Shakspeare". His contemporaries spell more than 80 different ways, including "Shapere" to "Shaxberd". It turns out, the man has never used "William Shakespeare" once, despite the fact that it became the spelling accepted for his name.

The tailgate does not accelerate your trip.

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Research out of theMassachusetts Institute of Technology From 2017, suggests that if we all keep an equal distance - similar to the stolen birds in the herds, we would arrive at our destinations twice as fast. The study confirmed that maintaining an equal distance between cars at either end of you significantly gives you your destination faster than if you tap the car in front of you. Of course, you can not control the car behind you, that's why we must all have to have the same page and stop hindering.

"Girl" was the word for a young child.

A Baby and Father Shopping for Clothes {Save Money on Kids' Clothes}

If you use the word "Girl" these days, you are probably talking about suzy or young Sally. But the return in the 1300s, you may have made a few bobby or Young Billy. The word "gyrle" (which is where we get "girl") was used for any child or young, according to theOnline etymology dictionary. For the evidence,Quartz Pointe to ChaucerCANTERBURY TALES From the end of the 1300s, in which he wrote: "In the Daunger Hadde, he at his Owene Gyse / Yonge Gerles of the Diocis, / and knew Hir Reed and was Al Hir Reed."Quartz Explain that "the invoker knows all the secrets of young people in the diocese, not just young girls".

Bananas Glow Blue under UV lights

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Bananas can be yellow famous, but according to a study published in theJournal of the German Chemical SocietyThe generally sunny fruit really shines a blue color "intense" when it is put under the black light (or UV lights). Scientists from the University of Innsbruck in Austria and Columbia University of the US have found that the degradation of chlorophyll that occurs in the fruit while it matures is the cause of the funky blue glow.

The activity of the brain of an actor is different from their character.

Guests at the theater

When the actors enter the character, they change more than their costumes and how to speak. During a study byMcMaster University of CanadaThe researchers digitized the brains of performers while the actors answered questions as themselves or in character. The results revealed that the cerebral activity of the participants differs according to the separate scenarios. Author of research and psychologistSteven Brown wrote, "It looks like you're acting, you suppress you; almost like the character owns you."

China cloned an award-winning police dog.

police dog laying in the grass, interesting wow facts

Forming a puppy is not easy, that's why a police force in China hopes to accelerate the process byCloning of an award-winning dog. The cloned puppy, named Kunxun, reported for the duty in March 2019. She was cloned using the current Huahuangma police dog DNA, a seven-year-old Kunming Wolfdog from the Yunnan Police Center, renowned for his skills. detective. The agency hopes that the cloned puppy is just as skilled in solving crimes than his clone. If things go well with this puppy, there could be many other cloned canines joining force.

The designer of the Eiffel Tower built an apartment.

surprising copyright trademark
Tom Eversley / Shutterstock

WhenGustave eiffeI designed the tower that bears his name, he added a hidden apartment on the third level of the marker - but he never lived there, nobody did. Instead, Eiffel used the special space to entertain distinguished guests such asThomas Edison. Although it was not big, the apartment was decorated with wallpaper, furnished with wooden cabinets and even endowed a grand piano piano. These days,You can have a look At the unique home through a window if you buy a ticket for a ride in the tower.

The largest pizza at check-in was 13,580.28 square feet.

cornicone on pizza

Most of us love pizza and have surely eaten our fair share over the years. But could you eat one who was the size of a warehouse? In 2012,Dovilio Nardi,Andrea Mannocchi,Marco Nardi,Matteo Nardi, andMatteo GIANNOTTE from Nipfood to Fiera Roma, Rome, Italy, created a massive pie that had an area of ​​1,261.65 square meters, according toGUINNESS WORLD RECORDS. They named their creation "Ottavia", in honor of the first Roman emperorOctavian august. And yes, the pizza was gluten free.

Cats can handle us with honey that seem like tears babies.

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Research found that our Félins Finicky friends know that what to do to get us to give them food and attention. A study published inCurrent biology I noticed that when cats used a meal more like a baby, called "purring solicitation", American humans deemed more urgent than their regular screams. So, how do the researchers knew it's manipulator? Scientists have found that only cats who lived in single-person households developed this special cry - which means that it is only something that the cat acquires when he has an individual relationship with his owner. And for more cat trivia, check these20 amazing facts that you have never known on your cat.

Archaeologists discovered an "immortality elixir" in an old Chinese grave.

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In March 2019, archaeologists in the province of the center of the Henan of Central Chinaapparently Found a 2,000-year bronze pot of a Western Han dynasty containing 3.5 liters of a liquid mentioned in an antique Taoist literature as "Elixir of Immortality". The elixir turned out to be a mixture of potassium nitrate and alunite. However, we must assume that it was less efficient, given the fact that it was discovered, you know, in a grave.

There is a mail route in Alabama that requires a boat.

Pile of Mail on a Desk {Secrets Your Mailman Knows}

There is a lot ofFacts from the United States It's hard to believe - and this includes this little detail on Magnolia Springs, Alabama. According toUnited States today, The city is the only place in all the country that has a water delivery route all year round. People who live there receive their postal mail from the US postal service via boats that serve the 31-mile stretch since 1915.

The word "swim" is always "swimming" when it returned.

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Go, return the device you read this upside down. Or even try to write the word yourself. If you use all uppercase letters, you will find the same word if you look at right or upside down.

The full name of Barbie is Barbara Millicent Roberts

vintage barbie russian doll on a car dashboard

You may be familiar with the emblematic doll of his nickname, Barbie, but when the famous Toy Mattel, Inc. was presented for the first time in March 1959, received the full moniker of Barbara Millicent Roberts. His name is in honor of CreatorRuth ManagerThe girl, Barbara, who inspired her mother to design a doll in the form of adult while playing with paper versions and giving them adult personalities, according toBarbie Media.

A change in our diets can have changed the way humans speak.

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Various factors modify the evolution of the language and this apparently includes what we eat. A study published inScience Explains that the linguists of the University of Zurich believe that the rise of agriculture can have changed how we speak. By introducing sweeter foods into our diet, human teeth and jaws have been affected in a different way from the one if we have manually eating more difficult foods like meat. For this reason, we eventually started using softer sounds such as "F" and "V" that may not have been so widespread otherwise.

Before awakening, there were alarm humans.

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The upper height work (yes, that's really what they've been called) are from Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution, when people had to wake up and go to work, but awakening was not accessible to the general population. AUpper Height job Was literally taking a wooden stick and knocking on the door to make sure you wake up - only two to four shots, then they were on their way, without glue. Some have even used peas shooters to pull dry peas on tenants on higher soils, in order to wake people on top soils if stairs were not accessible.

The mice in Central America can sing nearly 100 notes.

Mouse on a carpet - funniest jokes

If you think that disney fictitious mice were the only creatures that can wear a melody, you will be surprised to discover theScotinomys Tegyouin a, or the singing mouse of Alston, Central America, who are musically rodents of real life. Small creatures communicate in singing conversations in which they respond to about 100 audible notes. In addition, theirability to communicate Some with others make it the ideal laboratory mice to study communication difficulties in humans.

Omphalophobia is fear of belly buttons.

Woman Massaging Belly Button {Pressure Points}

When you think that they are responsible for feeding in the belly, the belly buttons are quite incredible. But everyone is not amazed by small points in the middle of our body. In fact, some people are downright panicked by them. And if it's you, you now know the official term for that:ompéhalophobia

McDonald's in Sedona, Arizona, is the only one in the world with Turquois arches instead of Golden.

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The golden arches of McDonald are as famous as their large nuggets of Mac and chicken. And you can spot the emblematic symbol of sunny color just about anywhere in the world except for a place inSedona, Arizona. The only restaurant has changed things with turquoise arches after government officials have found that the yellows contrast too much with the picturesque red rock of the region.

You could adapt Rhode Island to Alaska 425 times


The 50 states of America come from all forms and sizes, which means some are larger than others. In fact, some area lot larger than others. For example, Alaska is not only one-fifth of the size of the 48 lower states and larger than Texas, California and the combined Montana, but you could also match Rhode Island in Alaska a Alaska at 425 times, stateSite of the official state.

Wimbledon's tennis balls are all stored at the perfect ambient temperature.

Tennis ball

All Wimbledon tennis balls are kept at 68 degrees Fahrenheit, because the temperature of the tennis ball affects how it rebounds and all tennis balls must be kept as coherent as possible for reasons of competition. When the ball is warmer, the gas molecules inside the dilated ball, which bounces it higher. When it is fresh, the molecules contract and the ball bounces lower. To make sure that the best tennis balls are used and the temperature is maintained stable, Wimbledon passesMore than 50,000 tennis balls per year!

Humans once ate eaten giant lazy.

Baby sloth - Image

It's hard to imagine lazy like something else than incredibly adorable and super slow creatures we know and love today. But back when, they were also massive - and a massive meal for the man, according to a study published inAdvance of science. The recently found research study suggests that one of the old animals had been massacred using human tools during the age of ice.

Every day we take about 22,000 breaths.

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According toPulmonary Foundation Australia, the average person breathes about 22,000 times a day. However, women and children have a higher breathing rate, which means they breathe more times than men.

The CIA headquarters has its own Starbucks, but the trails do not write names on cups.

Starbucks coffee order and a man with a tablet.

Starbucks barriers are inflable to undress the names of customers when placing orders, but this is not a problem for Starbucks customers at the CIA headquarters. Due to safety issues, baristas relate to adding cups. It was not always like that, but an unidentified supervisor talking toThe Washington Post I revealed that, despite the fact that those who wish to be blanket "can use the Polly-O chain cheese" for all that they were caught, it simply did not work. "Give any name at all. Maked people - you know, the subcovers - feel very uncomfortable. It just did not work for this place, "he said.

When the FIFA World Cup Trophy was stolen in 1966, it was found by a dog named cornchons.

world cup trophy being held in the air

The Jules Rimet trophy was the original price attributed to the winners of the FIFA World Cup each year, symbol of sports excellence. But on March 20, 1966, while taking advantage of a tour, the trophy was stolen from the Methodist center of Westminster, despite the fact that five guards were assigned to protect it. The flight was a huge story and a lot of false tracks appeared as a possible ransom note.

However, at the end, it was a mixed race of four years Named Cornichons that noticed the stolen object under a hedge while walking with its owner,Dave Corbett, according toat the BBC. Corbett recalled: "The pickles ran around my neighbor's car. As I piled up on I noticed this package that slept there, just wrapped in the newspaper, but very closely linked with a string. I torn A little background and there was a blank shield, then there were the words of Brazil, Western Germany and Printed Uruguay. I ripped the other end and it was a woman Holding a very shallow dish above his head. I had seen the photos of the World Cup in the papers and on television, my heart started beating. "

The word "sarcasm" can be found on a word that means "to tear the flesh like a dog".

Woman reading and flipping through the dictionary, common word origins

We heard about "biting sarcasms" and when you are struck with a rather vicious remark, one can certainly feel like it is if it draws blood. This is why it seems appropriate that the origin of the word "sarcasm" is rather fierce. According toMerriam Webster"Sarcasm" can be found in the Greek verb "Sarkazéin", which initially meant "to tear the flesh like a dog". Ouch!

Lego has an underground vault with every set never done.

crazy facts

LEGO offers seemingly endless sets of their toys based on everything, historical events at Movie Blockbuster franchises. But there is a place that contains every set never done. In 2008,Gizmodo You have a look at the Vault of the way of the Lego lane, which would contain 4,720 sets, some dating back to the 1950s.

Sherlock Holmes The author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle played like a football goalkeeper under a pseudonym.

The Conan Doyle pub in Scotland

Anyone who loves a goodmystery film is likely to recognize the nameSir Arthur Conan Doyle"And it was also true of the author's life from 1859 to 1930. But no one would also be familiar withAC Smith, Which one isThe Doyle pseudonym used By playing as goalkeeper for the portsmouth association football club while living in Southtsea, England.

The more games of a crepe in one minute is 140.

Pancakes in a pan, funniest jokes

AustralianBrad Jolly put it onGuinness World RecordFor the most pancake games in 2012 with 140 flips in one minute only. While demonstrating his super fast technique, he explained: "Everything is in the wrist."

The Milky Way weighs about 1.5 trillion of solar masses.


We can not obviously break up our galaxy on a ladder to learn the number of books of books, but usingData from the telescope of the Hubble space of NASA And the Gaia satellite of the European Space Agency, scientists have calculated that the milky way weighs about 1.5 trillion of solar masses (1 solar mass is equivalent to the weight of our sun). Part of this mass comes from the 200 billion stars in the region, as well as a black hole of 4 million solar mass and black matter surrounding.

Blood horror movies can really make blood.

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Whether you are in the scandalous movies in the old or most recent fantasy stories of the spine, you are certainly aware that the scary plots can make you go. But according to a study of 2015 published inThe BMJBloodCurdlinghorror films Can just do that: cure your blood. Scientists have found that when we look at a terrifying tale, our bodies feel an increase in the blood coagulant factor VIII, which is a coagulation protein. Too much protein and blood will coagulate or, in substance, curling.

The smell of fresh grass is a distress signal.

Lawnmower {Secrets Your Mailman Knows}

Scientifically, this incredible fragrance of the fresh grass is the release of enzymes as a result of stress - similar to when humans sweat when stressed. When the grass is cut, "the plant signals the environment via the emission of volatile organic compounds, which are recognized as a power queue for the parasitic wasps to come to the plant that is eaten and laying eggs in the pest insect, "saysMichael Kolomiets,Texas A & M Agrilife Research Pathologist.

J.K. Rowling invented quidditch after a fight with her boyfriend

quidditch equipment in box, interesting wow facts

Inspiration can strike at the strangest times. And it's a pretty sure bet thatHarry Potter authorJ.K. Orifice did not expect to have one of his most famous ideas after disagreement. But that's exactly what happened, according to the writer herself. "[Quidditch] was invented in a small hotel in Manchester after a row with my boyfriend, so I made think about things that hold a society together because it gathers and would mean its particular character and knew that I needed 'a sport,"She wrote in a first annotated edition From the first book of the famous series, which contained information on how it wrote it.

Scientists study ancient fecal material to follow the population change.

People Walking in Crowded City Life in 100 Years

Scientists can learn a lot from what old citizens leave behind them and this includestheir excrement. Cahokia - An ancient city less than 10 miles outside what we now know like St. Louis, Missouri - had an important population from 600, which culminated from 1100, which makes it "the most Large Pre-Columbian settlement in northern Mexico ". The region has provided a lot of indices on the life of Cahokia residents. But beyond the top of Knick and any possible recorded history left behind, archaeologists from the University of California, Berkeley, also find information on the old waste population found in lake sediments.

Bangladesh has six seasons.

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Depending on your place of residence, you meet different types of seasons. Those in the north of the United States know what it is to adapt to four separate seasons every year, while those living in southern states are more familiar with different warm, hot and sizzling levels. And the range of seasons varies even more around the world, including in Bangladesh where there isSix official seasons: Summer (Grisma, Bengali), Monsoon (Barsa), Autumn (Sharat), Late Autumn (Hemanta), Winter (shit) and spring (Basanta).

"Eh?" is considered a universal word for man.

female wearing white T-shirt, feeling guilty, confused, making helpless gesture with hands, having Oops expression on her face. Human emotions and feelings, math jokes

It is apparently impossible to speak fluently all the languages ​​used around the world. However, it turns out that you could be able to get with at least one word (or sound?) It does not matter where you are on the planet. Search for a 2014 study published inPlos asuggests that "huh?" is the closest thing for humans to a universal word. The questioning expression is included in almost all languages.

Baseball referees were sitting in rocking chairs.

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Nowadays, we are used to seeing baseball referees crouching behind the host plate ready for the action of the tourbillon. But before 1859, the benefits responsible for the collection of strikessitting on chairs behind the house plate. And while it seems quite strange, what makes it even strange is that they used rocking chairs20 feet behind where the batters were.

Ornithoryryns do not have a stomach.

platypus 2 Amazing Facts

Ornithoryrynins are so weird that people were originally thought they were a hoax. But even if researchers are now experiencing creatures, animals are still incredible. Above to have a bird bill and palm legs, swimming mammals have no stomach.National Geographic Explains that if you are looking at an ornithoryrynque ", you will find another strange feature: its Gullie connects directly to his intestines. There is no bag in the middle that secretes acids powerful and digestive enzymes. " (In other words, there is no stomach.)

A phrase of Pangram is a sentence that contains each letter of the English alphabet.

open dictionary in a library

If you have already found yourself saying something in the sense of "2 jocks driven help fax my big quiz" or "the five boxing wizards jump quickly", then you used aPangram sentence which contains at least one of each letter of the English alphabet. And if you are imperial to keep them a regular part of your daily speech, you can also say that you can also say things like "the work requires an extra cyclobile and a zeal of every salaried salary" and that zombies jadédés Acts necessarily, but continued to lead their oxen forward, "which is undeniably something we can all see us from time to time (* the implicit heavy sarcasm *).

It would take 22.7 years to eat all the restaurants in New York.

New York City Tourist Traps That Locals Hate

New York City is a hub for the chefs at the top of their match as well as food lovers who like to taste countless delights. But to eat at each restaurant in New York,It would take a total of 22.7 years to go to a place a day, according to the data ofOpen table.

Air pollution now kills more people than smoking.

smokestacks clog up air in city

A new study conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry appeared in theEuropean heart newspaper Discovered that air pollution is now responsible for nearly nine million premature death each year. The professor of co-author of the studyThomas Münzel Explain"To put this into perspective, it means that air pollution causes additional additional deaths per year that smoking smoking, that the World Health Organization estimates were responsible for 7.2 million deceased. in 2015."

Smart bags are pumped full of nitrogen.

bag of chips

All that excess air in smart bags is not there to make buyers fades thinking there are more chips inside. In fact, it serves a goal and not, it does not contain oxygen. Instead, smart bags are filled with nitrogen. Oxygen would quickly transform the rencidant chips, whileNitrogen retains freshness Among the chips, prevents combustion and creates sufficient cushioning when shipping so that chips are not overwritten.

Häagen-Dazs does not mean anything in a language.

haagen-dazs company name origins

The ice cream company was launched in 1961 byRose and Reuben Mattus, Jewish and Polish descent, in the Bronx. Recognizing the marketing power of a great name, they decided to name the society something that would evoke "the crafts of the old world" and, in the brainstorming, they understood what better name to go with that who honors the Denmark , who helped Jews win at the Second World War?

The reality, however, is that the Danish language does not even use thataWith a Umlaut (Ä) in one of his spells and the end "-zs" is not Danish, it's Hungarian. Finally, we have a reason why this name wassoDifficult to read when we were children - because it's not real!

Walmart Greeters was originally presented to stop the thieves displayed.

walmart storefront at night

The sympathetic greeters that you can spot in any Walmart location have been set up at the originDissuade the thieves. In 1980, the head of a Walmart in Louisiana was trying to determine how to reduce theft, then he hired a woman to stand near the gateway and salute customers, which also intimidated any possible potential to 'display. When founderSam Walton Visited the store, he instituted it as a societal policy in all Walmart in the nation. Reduce theftWalmart keep prices down for its customers.

When traveling, your brain is alert.

woman lying awake at night in bed with sleeping husband

This is called "the first night effect", according to a study of 2016 published inCurrent biologyAnd it's because a side of your brain remains active to react to potential dangers in a new environment. The left side of your brain remains more awake for the first night of an unknown place, then you sleep a little with an open eye in a way.

Sharks do not sleep technically.


It was originally believed that sharks do not sleep because they still need to stay in motion so that water rich in oxygen can travel their gills, which is the way they breathe. However, this theory was refuted when scientists observed how sharks areable to stay still on the bottom of the ocean.

What we learned, however, is that sharks do not sleep "the way humans" sleep ". There is never a point where a brain of a shark enters the rest. Similar to the way we remain partially awake during the "first night" sleeping, shark brains just take breaks.

Fortune cookies are not from China.

Fortune cookies, fortune cookie

In fact, they were effectively influenced more by Japan than China. They were born in the 1900s in California and, although their specific inventor is unknown, it was determined that they were based on JapaneseSenbei: rice cookies. They thought they were served for the first time at the Japanese tea garden of Higiwara, San Francisco, with small thank you notes inside clients, rather than fortunes.

Around the same moment,David Jung and his brother-in-law,Lester Soo Hoo Immigrated to Los Angeles. There, they founded Hong Kong Nodle Company and began to spend the same style cookies with inspiring writings. He is still not clear crystal that is responsible, butgeneral consensus As they are born in the Japanese tea garden. You will not find restaurants in China distributing fortune cookies - unless you find yourself in an Americanized restaurant - but in Japan,Omikuji-Sénbei (The rice crackers with fortune inside) have been a delicacy since the 19th century.

The tomato is legally vegetables.

Tomato Plant {How Do Plants Protect Themselves}

As the proverb says, "intelligence is to know a tomato is a fruit; wisdom knows not to put it in a fruit salad." Well, apparently intelligence is also a way to squeeze a little more tax money out of taxpayers.

In 1893, according toHistory of the NPR, the US Supreme Court has declared them vegetables for tax purposes in the case ofNix c. Hedden. NIX, a product company, wanted to declare the tomato a fruit on its actual biological classification, in addition to the lower tax rate that the fruits worn in Hedden, a New York tax collector, argued that it should be declared a legislation. On its practical use as a vegetable, in addition to the additional tax, it could collect as a result of the higher tax rate of vegetables. The decision was that the tomato was generally known was a vegetable and should be taxed as such.

Alcohol makes you only feel warm.

a group of friends in winter gloves tapping alcohol glasses in cheers

Alcohol is a vasodilator, which means that it dilates blood vessels. Therinse Commonly called that "liquor coverage" is simply a result of blood vessels near the surface of the expansion of the skin;You do not have warmer, your blood is simply redistributed. This can actually be even more dangerous because a main function of your skin receptors is to react to the cold by tightening the blood vessels near the skin so that more blood is sent to internal organs. Alcohol totally reverses this function.

One of eight eight-year-old people live in California.

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If you live in California or know a few people who do it, it's because a large part of the American population calls the golden state house. In fact, one inhabitant of eight inhabitants of the country lives in California and this number continues to increase, according to thePublic Policy Institute of California. By 2050, the state population should reach 50 million people. To put this in perspective, in 2019, there are 327.2 million people in America.

Basketball hoops were real baskets.

Basketball on a Basketball Court Things Never Leave Outside

Well, this one is the kind of name. The first "hoops" were fishing baskets drilled at a wooden panel in1891 at the YMCA. In the 1900s, they were replaced by a metal hoop and a net, but the net was sewn at the bottom. It's only 15 years after sport was invented that someone had the idea of ​​cutting the bottom of the net, so the ball would not have to manually extract each time someone did a Photo.

Shark babies eat in the belly.

baby shark swimming above grass

As soon as Tiger Semark embryos develop teeth, they attack and eat each other at Utero. Up to 12 babies start, while, usually only two, only the living, anything but one being consumed by the largest baby of litter. As a result, tiger shark babies are generally much larger than babies other shark species, so they are relatively safe predators.

The paternal DNA can also play a role. At some point, pregnant sharks may have two different DNA in their different embryos-meaning 2-3 fathers - andScientists have a hypothesis May male sharks attack and eat others that are not the same genetic makeup as possible.

The beauty and the Beast was originally a twisted tale.

beauty and the beast

The beauty and the Beast was based on aHistory of the French author published in 1740 which aimed to romance arranged marriages. In history, a rich family with six children loses all its wealth. Thanks to some events, one of the girls-beauty, the youngest - is promised to the beast in an arranged wedding, which is not very romantic at all. The story ends with joy, in the same way that this one, where beauty finally agrees to marry the beast, and the prince charming is revealed.

Your thumb does not make a sound when you slash your fingers.

Man snapping

The sound you hear is actually created by your majorHit against your palm, not your thumb rubbish against your index. Indicate that to your friends in a conversation and you will receive shortcuts to be smart.

Feces pigeons were once the property of the British crown.

Pigeons chilling in an urban area

The royal family in England has jaw jewelry, many high quality properties and other coveted items that the commoners could only dream. But one of the rare things belonging to the British crown that you will not be too enviable about pigeon feces. It's true because the fact that bird baskets were formerly used to make powders,King George I Claimed all feces for the crown in the 18th century. According toThe Chicago Tribune, the king even sent guards to watch the pigeons of coca producers.

An nail polish business sold once false teeth.

woman polishing nails

Odontorium Products, Inc., was a dental enterprise in the 1980s providedDental acrylic to make false teeth. Inthe 80s-The golden era of the nails of long and colored Techs nail has begun to use dental acrylic illegally to manufacture acrylic nails, the company has therefore developed a nailor acrylic that can be used and legally distributed in the beauty industry. . Finally, they closed the dental side of the company to focus entirely on nail products.

When you see floats, they are shadows thingsinside your eye.

Woman with Green Eyes
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

Although they seem to float in front of your eye, they are actuallyinsideof this one. The handles and points you see are the shadows thatfloat Cast on the retina, which is the layer at the back of your eye that detects light. Bleaks are small tufts of gel or cells inside the glazed, the transparent fluid of frozen type that fills inside your eye. Sometimes they are harmless, a normal part of the aging process, but sometimes they are a sign of a tear of the retina. If you start to see them appear at random or excessively, make an appointment with your optometrist, Stat.

In Milan, it's a legal condition of smiling at any time.

fake smile

If you feel blue, you'd better stay away from Milan. In the Italian city, it's aLegal requirement for people to smile always. The only exception to this seemingly strict rule and the application of happiness is during funeral or hospital visits. Apparently, the rule came from the regulation on the 19th century city imposed by the Austrians who then ruled on the city and has never been repealed since. Fortunately, eyebrow rebels can probably expect to fend for a fine.

Your skin is your biggest organ.

woman with sunburn on beach what happens to your body when you get a sunburn

The skin of an adult stretched would cover 20 square feet and weighs 8 to 10 pounds. Ina square inch of skin There are more than 1,000 nerve endings, 20 blood vessels and 650 sweat glands. Humans abandon about 500 million cutaneous cells each day.

Rue de sesameThe real name of Smiley's Smiley is Bernie Liederkrantz

sesame street

Wheel of Fortune hostPat Sajak was actually born as Patrick Leonard Sajdak andDangerThe main man ofAlex Trebek Was originally George Alexander Trebek, which means that they only modify their names for their careers on the screen. CornRue de sesameThe resident resident gameSmiley guy apparently went for something totally different when he opted for a scene name instead of his own. Goes out, its given name is Bernie Liederkrantz, which can also be spelled Bernie Liederkranz.

Enough that the Mickey mouse ears are sold every year to cover the head of each person from Orange County, Florida.

mickey mouse ears disney in front of eiffel tower paris, interesting wow facts

When the end of the end, they stretched 175 miles long. And whileDisney does not say Exactly how many hats it means they sell, you can bet it's nearly one million, if not more.

The Nike logo design costs $ 35.

Nike Cortez shoes, great for low-maintenance upgrades

In 1971,Phil knight, the co-founder of Nike,paid of $ 35 $ 35-About $ 221 in today's economy to a graphic studentCarolyn Davidson Create the brand now beyond Iconic Swoosh logo. At the time, the company was just starting like a Knight lateral company, so it could not afford a lot for the logo. However, like Nike grew up, he gave him to Davidson: not only she worked with Nike until 1975, she was also endowed with 500 shares of society.

The word "jaywalker" means a "rubber of walking".

Man Jaywalking across a street in portland oregon

According toMerriam Webster, The word "Jay" was a former term used to describe someone as "Greenhorn or Rube". In other words, an unintelligent, possibly stupid. In the early 1900s, the word "Jaywalker" was used for the first time to describe pedestrians crossing the street at random points, putting and drivers at risk of accident.

Minnie and Mickey were partners in real life.

mickey mouse and minney mouse

Russi Taylor hung the role of Minnie's voice in 1986, whileWayne Allwine had made Mickey's voice since 1977.They met in Disney Studios CorridorAnd at the time, both were really married - to other people, unfortunately. They became wonderful friends and, in 1991,they got marriedAnd stayed so happy until Wayne passes.

The name of Batman's online screen is Jondoe297.

Batman logo

Batman has an apparently endless fortune and every crime fighting gadget a vigilant might ask, but sometimes even superheroes want to enjoy the convenience of the internet. And a sign indicated byIgnoble Proves that in a printed cartoon, the computer-savvy Bruce Wayne, a.k.a. Batman, engages in online conversations using the JondoE297 screen name.

Dr Seuss wrote his most famous book to win a bet.

Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham

In 1960, publisherBennett deer, the founder of the publication of random house, betTheo Geisel-The man you may know as Dr. Seuss - he could not write an entertaining children's book with less than 50 words. The result?Green eggs and ham-One of the books of the most popular children in history. Mr. Seuss saw how much the stress of 50 words was savagely and useful for children to learn to read and write a lot more books, finding the limitation of a strict number of words to be an unexploited source. ofcreativity.

Lyme disease is named after a place

deer tick, backyard dangers

The disease first won the attentionIn the 1970s in Lyme, ConnecticutWhere children and adults knew huge conditions because of what did not seem to be a cause: rashes, fatigue, flu symptoms, paralysis and more. The doctors have about abandoned by trying to understand it and that two mothers were those responsible for conducting research - they were still unable to determine what caused it, but they gave it its name. In 1981, a scientist namedWilly Burgdorfer Finally, finally identified a connection between ticks and disease.

"Dukeism" is a real religion.

jeff bridges in the big lebowski
IMDB / Polygram

Yes, you read this right: theRelaxing pacifism married by Jeff "The guy" Lebowski inThe big lebowski has his own church. Lebowski's inspiration church of the chat-day Dudes says he ordered more than 450,000 mounted priests around the world and even has an online university where they offer free honorary degrees. Tell what you want about the doubt of this foundation for a belief system, but hey, at least it's an ethics.

QR codes can be used to schedule your funeral.

QR code scanner

QR codes-The square digital bar codes, you can scan with a smartphone usually used to compare prices for items in supermarkets, have emerged in cemeteries. But instead of seeing prices when you scan a tombstone grave code, you will read a necological record and see pictures of the deceased. And you canPre-plan your funeral in line.

You are not supposed to shake a polaroid.

polaroid pictures delete instagram account

In the 1940s, when Polaroid came out for the first time, the instant film did not have a coating, andYou literally had to coat the photo You yourself with a liquid emulsifier, let it dry. It would remain wet for 15 minutes maximum. The easiest way to get it dry? A quick shake. Finally, the photos were covered with their own emulsifier with a mylar coating, so it was not necessary to cover the liquid and dry it yourself. Everything happened under the plastic.

However, the shake had already become one thing that people did it. In fact, Polarod has emittedA declaration In 2004, after the Outkast's Single's Single '' S Sing Ya shouted to "shake it like a polaroid image", which shakes the instant film can actually damage the photos because it can cause a wave or blurred before To be able to sign to the semi-wet ink before having time to dry correctly.

There is a natural lake the color of Pepto Bismol in Australia.

Australia's Lake Hillier

Western AustraliaLacillier Could be a place that deserves to be added to your list of buckets. It's because it's a bright pink lake that isnot Manmade, and, to date, continues to fuck specialists. Their best estimate is that it has something to do with the algae of it, especially Dunaliella, which produces carotenoids - things that make live orange carrots. There is also a high concentration of salts, which can have something to do with color. The lake is totally safe to touch, but you are not allowed to swim.

The bags of Duffel are named from a city.

Canvas duffel bag

Theduffle bag Gets his nameThe city of Duffel, Belgiumwhere the fabric used in the bags was originally sold. The fabric was a coarse and thick wool cloth originally used for robust vessel coatings. It has been suggested that bags have been manufactured in remnants for sailors and explorers on their way to the sea.

Bug spraying does not repel mosquitoes.

mosquito bite bug spray

Although it is pretty common for humans,It's not a smell that repels mosquitoes. Dreet simply masks what you feel at mosquito. This creates a barrier on your skin that interferes with the mosquito antennas that detect lactic acid and carbon dioxide they are attracted by those who generally bite them.

In addition, your spray bug should always continueafterSolar cream. If you can not stand the jacket in a regular bug spray, you can consider using lavender oil and lemongrass oil on your pulse points, as they also repel mosquitoes (and d other insects). In fact, if you encounter a bug problem in your garden, you can plant lemongrass and lavender to significantly minimize insect problems without having to use pesticides.

It would only take an hour to lead to space.

Shot of planet earth from space.

If you entered your car, lit the ignition and led to the sky at 60 mph, it would beTake only one hour To go to the outdoor space, according to the astronomerFred Hoyle. Of course, it's if you could drive at all. But it's fun to think.

Chuck E. The cheese and Atari were both invented by the same man.

The historical Atari 2600 Video Computer System running at 1.19 MHz with 128 bytes rom. This home video game console by Atari INC has become the status symbol of retro video gaming. - Image

Nolan Bushnell, the inventor of Atari, the company of the game console, was an admirer of whatWalt Disney made with its thematic parks: create a place for the pleasure of the family. He wanted to take the concept of arcade games and make it a fun family experience, complete with meals, so the theaters of Chuck E. The cheese were born. Not only was it an ideal place for families to gather, it was also an excellent distribution center for the still growing play line.

Killer whales are not whales - they are dolphins.

Orca whale

SoWhy are the Orcas called whales? Orcas received the name "Whale Whale" by former sailors who observed groups of them hunting and taking care of larger whale species. The "real" whales eat plankton, krills and fish much smaller, while Orca "whales killers" -technique, dolphins-prey sea lions, large fish and even sea birds. The teeth of the Orcas can reach 4 inches long!

You need saliva to taste food.

millennials eating avocado toast

You produce about one liter of saliva a day. During a lifetime, that's enough to fill two large pools! So what are the taste buds? Theyto do Taste the food - Once the food has been broken down into a form than the chemoreceptors of your tongue buttons are able to recognize. Liquid is necessary for theFlavors to bind to the receiver molecules, and although the water would work technically too, the saliva contains enzymes that act on the food you eat not only start the process of digestion, but also to do so as well as your taste buds can taste it.

The baby carrots are actually carrots.

asian baby holding carrot
Shutterstock / McImage

The baby carrots are not really baby carrots, they are only regular and rounded carrots rounded by a machine. According toNew York SunThey were invented in 1986 by a farmer,Mike Yurosek, who had too much "ugly", Misshapen carrots he could not sell shops. Thus, experiment with a peeler of potatoes and a green-summer Slicer, he cut off the ugly laid of his big carrots, Saca and sold them to the stores.

The cheetahs may like the house cats.

Cheetah, animal, African animal

Cheetahs, despite their size, stature and status, can not roar. They are just dying like normal house cats. In reality,Only four of the "big cats" actually roar: Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Jaguars, because they have a ligament in their voicemail that can be stretched to create a wider range of height.

Some dolphins are so smart that they are used in the army.

close up of Dolphin Random Obscure Facts

The US military resulted in dolphins of embodiments toMake a range of military tasks since 1960, from the location of underwater mines to report the presence of enemy swimmers. Nevertheless, despite this advancement, we were upgraded. The Russian Navy could cause dolphins to attack enemies and Sensez Sonar who was otherwise indistinguishable by machines.

You have more than five senses.

walking on a balance beam

Neuroscientists will tell you that you really had somewherebetween 22 and 33 different meanings, which they call "metainer". The most common metainers are:Equilibrioception, or meaning of balance;proprioception, or knowing which parts of your body are where they are without looking (like knowing where your hands are on a keyboard); andthermoceptionOr be able to detect the temperature (like knowing that a recently used hotplate, even if the flame is out, is hot).

Dogs can feel the disease.

dogs are (not) the best

You know dogs that can sniff bombs and illicit substances, but did you know that dogs can literally feel cancer? By getting a puff of the patient's breath, they are able to recognize the smell of certain organic compounds that the human body emits when it does not work as it should, according to the search forSchillerhohe Hospital in Germany. Canines have also been proven to detect when an epilepsy crisis arrives and can bark and warn the breath accordingly.

Koala's fingerprints are indistinguishable from human fingerprints.

Koala hand

You may think that chimpantis and monkeys have the closest fingerprints for humans, but it is actually the impressions of cuddling links that are almost indistinguishable from humans,Even under a microscope. Koalas are not even tightly related to chimpants: the Marsupial genre has escaped primate 70 million years ago. What is even foreter is that none of other marsupial kangaroos, wombats,Any of them-Have this characteristic of fingerprint.

A book on theTitanic The shipwreck was published years before he did it.

titanic sketch

The Titan wreck throughMorgan Robertson was published in 1898; Titanic Sank in 1912. The book of Robertson presents a cruise ship namedTitan It evists in the North Atlantic after hitting an iceberg in literally exactly the same location: 400 nautical miles from Newfoundland. TheTitan had 2,500 passengers, half of whom sank, while theTitanic Holding 2,200 passengers, half of whom has also sunk.

The peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes.

boiled peanuts heart healthy diet

Technically, aThe peanut is a legume, like beans and peas. Thelegume The family consists of edible seeds locked in cloves. The peanuts develop underground, unlike all other hazelnuts and chestnuts "true", which grow on trees and are considered asdrupes. By this measure, nuts and pecans are actually legumes too! Nevertheless, it is easier to simply call all full of "em" nut ". If you want to be a huge stickler, you can call them all the "culinary walnuts".

You usually can not dream.

Woman Sleeping

Read, write and evenTalk are very rare in dreams, because the brain regions responsible for these functions - the Broca region and the Wernicke region - arenot as active during sleep. The exéption? Anyone whose vocation or lawyers involve a lot of reading, writing and linguistic creativity. The brain of these people constantly practice in this arena and thus reinforces these parts of the brain, so even at rest, it takes very little work for their neuronal lanes to access the reading and writing zones.

In fact, dogs see in color.

Barbet dog looking at camera. Brown French Water Dog. - Image

Most people think that dogs see in black and white, but they actually see in shades of yellow and green. The color spectrum we see is thanks to thestems and cones in our eyes, which are responsible for the interpretation of the color in wavelength. Humans and Primates - See three color wavelengths (red, blue and yellow), but dogs have cones that cones that seeTwo colors (yellow and blue). Basically, to a dog, all that is a nuance of red will just interpreted as a nuance of green.

Mars may have had underground lakes connected in the entire planet.

mars opposition {best of 2018}

Research published in theGeophysical Search Journal: Planets The evidence included as March was once at home to a large global network of groundwater.Salesse Francesco, PhD, a planetary geologist at Utrecht University in the NetherlandsExplainthat the geological evidence of water-related environments have led to believe that the underground system was "possibly interconnected", something that could not happen on earth because of the fact that our planet is composed of several tectonic plates that have divided. Our globe in sections while March is considered a "planet to a plate".

In Japan, the nap on work is considered honorable.

man napping on a stack of papers at his desk

To take itTheNew York Times, In Japan, the nap on work is considered a sign of due diligence - as if you work yourself in exhaustion. There is even a word for that:Inexpired, which translates almost to "present while sleeping".

Inexpired is not new by any way and for more than 1,000 years for more than 1,000 years. However, it is usually only cool in white-collar jobs; You will not find Barista whistling on the clock. Also,Inexpired is not only limited to work. It is common to sleep in public cafes, shops, trains and buses. And because it's cooked in culture, you are extremely unlikely to fly if you are in public.

Your work desk contains up to 400 times more germs than toilets.

chest pain

Search does not lie: middle ports of the office20,961 germs per square inch, In more than 3,295 on the keyboard, 1,676 on a mouse and 25 127 on the phone (if you still have one, that is to say). Hey, look like that: it's justAnother reason to work at home. And for more surprisingly infested Gernic areas,These places in your house are more difficult than your toilet.

The great wall of China was maintained together with a sticky rice.

Great Wall of China

As indicated by theThe TelegraphScientists from the University of China have been researching the material of the Great Wall have been surprised to learn that there was a special ingredient added to the standard mixture of lime and water: sticky rice. Not only does that make the mortar of the Great Wall the first composite mortar of the world, it is also why the structures of the Ming dynasty were able to withstand all that concerns earthquakes in the sand of time .

Ford did not invent the Car-Benz.

mercedes benz logo on grill

Henry Ford Cars fabricated faster, cheaper, better and more available to the general public. He created the mounting chain for the creation of cars. But he did not invent the car.Karl Benz is the original inventor of the car. In 1885, he designed and created the first automobile supplied with an internal combustion engine. Ford did not create his first car before 1886.

Plants "speak" one to each other.

Hoh Rain Forest Surreal Places in the U.S.

Almost all the plants that were sought - ofmushrooms wildcorn plants In laboratory parameters - have been proven to communicate with each other underground. Plants extend their roots to another to warn threat, "test" soil and support growing plants.

The red fish have incredibly good memories.

goldfish craziest emotional support animal

Friends tell you that you have"The memory of a red fish?" Well, it's not as bad as you can think. Red fish haveparole Learning that turned out on several studies in several months. It is very similar to the way a dog remembers things: dogs do not know how long you went when you come home; They only know how to behavewhen You have returned home.

3 bars of musketeers once arrived with three flavors.

3 musketeers bar

If you never understood where the name came, it can finally make sense: the bars, when creating in 1932, were sold inPacks of three, each with a different nougat flavor: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry. During the sugar rations in the Second World War, three packages have become too expensive to produce, so that the company has reduced the detail to a flavor.

New York City has its own sort of ant.

cornfield ant

TheManhatIt is found that in a band of 14 New York blocks, and nowhere else on the planet. It is similar to an ordinary corn-field ants, but can not be matched with other known ant species. Scientists believe that this has evolved through isolation in the concrete jungle and potentially an unhealthy diet.

Natural disasters receive human names due to political views.

Hurricane Claudette

TheOriginal meteorologist to start names them,Clement Wagge, named hurricanes after politicians, he did not like, so that he could say things like they "causing great distress", "Ravage of Havoc" and "wandering without purpose". "So, uh, who would you like to name a hurricane after?

The US Navy uses Xbox 360 controllers.

40 Old-Fashioned Relationship Tips That Still Apply Today

The Xbox 360 controllers are lighter, more intuitive and globally easier to use when using periscopes on submarines, unlike the previously used helicopter-style complex control sticks. In addition, game console controllers sell about $ 20, while replacing a standard underwater industry up to nearly $ 40,000. Everything said, exchanging the Xbox controller AReduced training time hours within walking distance.

Jeanette Rankin became the first woman member of the US Congress in 1916.

Members of Congress on the Floor {Best of 2018}

Do something interesting about this year? Thisis A little ironic because 1916 was four years old even before women even gave the right to vote. However, it should be noted thatBinder was a leading leader ofThe movement of women's suffrage. Its State of origin of Montana has granted women the right to vote in 1914, six years before it is legal for the federal government.

Charlie Chaplin entered once entered a Charlie Chaplin and lost competition.

Charlie Chaplin

In 1975, a few years before he died,Charlie Chaplin entered a appearance contest in France. Hecame in third, not first. A theory of why he did not win is that he has blue eyes that could not be seen in black and white, so the judges did not recognize him. Whatever the case, however, it was apparently a good sport on the high being.

The leaning tower of Pisa has always been leaning.

Leaning Tower of Pisa Tourist Traps

It is not as if this famous structure afflicted right over time.The construction of the tower started in 1173And, because of the soft soil, it was built, began to lean as soon as the builders arrived in the third story, five years after the beginning of construction. In the next 800 years, supported was not the only thing about the tower: it also flows at a rate of two millimeters a year.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died in a few hours.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams historical facts

July 4, 1826, the two former presidentsJohn Adams andThomas Jefferson deceased. Other patriots have transformed opponents, they were also the latest surviving members of the original American revolutionaries. In addition, did you notice the date? It would be the 50th anniversary of American independence, which seems rather symbolic.

William Henry Harrison served the shortest presidential term in the history of the United States.

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA - DECEMBER 14: Bust of President William Henry Harrison in the Virginia State Capitol on December 14, 2014 in Richmond, Virginia

He was the Ninth President of America and served only one month from March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841 - beforeDie of pneumonia, which makes him the US President of the United States.President William Harrison has been succeeded by his vice-president,John Tyler, who won the nickname "his accident".

Paul Revere never really shouted, "The British come!"

War hero Paul Revere

While everyone knows the story ofPaul RevereThe famous journey, in which it was said to have warned the colonial militia of the enemy approaching shouting "the British arrive!" But it never happened.The operation was intended To be calm and stealthy, because the British troops hid in the Massachusetts countryside. Moreover, at the time, many colonial Americans always considered themselves British.

The first fax was patented in 1843.

50 funniest facts

The same year theOregon Trail started, the fax was patented by Scottish inventorAlexandre bath. Then, three years later, in 1846, he actually created it. At the time, it was not called a fax machine, but afacsimilemachine. He used a clock to synchronize the movement of two pendulums, which then scan each line of the message during this process.

The Beatles were refused before making it big.

Photo of The Beatles with Ed Sullivan from their first appearance on Sullivan's US variety television program in February 1964. From left: Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Ed Sullivan, John Lennon, Paul McCartney.

You may think that anyone who has heard the Beatles perform, their talent and their pace would be immediately recognized and attributed. Well, not exactly: the Liverpool group was really refused by Decca Records after a hearing onJanuary 1st, 1962. ProducerDick Rowe was apparently without impression with FAB four. However, five months later, the Beatles were signed byGeorge Martin On the parcel - and the rest is history.

There were hundreds of plots against Fidel Castro.

there were many weird plans to kill Fidel Castro

And you thought you had enemies. Compared toThe BBC,Fidel CastroThe former Cuban dictator had more than 600 plots against him during his diet. Most were plots against his life, but an idea similar to the idea of ​​sting with LSD just before going to the radio, she looked the nuts - did not want to destabilize her rule.

A bestseller has already been written by a nine-year-old child.

the young visitors novel cover
Academy Chicago Publishers

Talk about impressive. In 1890, nine yearsDaisy Ashford wrote a novel that she then started to forget. She ceased to write fiction at 13 years old. About 28 years later, after his mother died, Ashford and his sisters found the manuscript in a drawer. Long history short, the novel (Young visitors)was picked up by a publisher and continued toBecome a bestseller.

King Tut parents were brothers and sisters.

King Tut

King tut took the throne of Egypt at the age of nine and ruled 10 years as Pharaoh until his death at 19 years of age 1324 BC.DNA tests Starting in 2010, revealed that the king's parents were really bound, as in the brother and the sister. Apparently, it works in the family: King Tut's wife was also his half-sister. They had two daughters, but both were born dead.

Napoleon once lost a battle to a horde de bunny

Napoleon insulting politicians
Everett Collection / Shutterstock

Once upon a time, the famous conquerorNapoleon Bonaparte was attacked by ... Babeies. The Emperor hadrequested a rabbit hunt to be arranged for himself and his men. His chief of staff has put in place and that men had gathered 3,000 rabbits for the occasion. When the rabbits were released from their cages, the hunt was ready to leave. At least it was the plan! But the rabbits accused of Bonaparte and his men in a viscous and unstoppable exhibition. And we were taught that Waterloo was the greatest defeat of the conqueror.

The cold cuts are safer when they are hot.

Deli Meat Random Facts

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)recommended That the elderly, pregnant women and those with low immune systems avoid meat, hot dogs and charcuterie unless at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. It kills the bug of foodListeria monocytogenes, which infects 1,600 people and kills 260 in the United States each year. Hot Bologna? We will run the risk of Listeria, thank you.

Albert Einstein was offered the Israeli Presidency

Albert Einstein

After the first Israeli presidentChaim Weizmann deathNovember 9, 1952The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was responsible for finding candidates for replacement. Israel's ambassador to the United States,ABA EBAN, approachedAlbert Einstein To see if he were interested in becoming President of Israel. While Einstein said he was "deeply moved" to have received the offer, he could not accept because he felt that he was missing the necessary experience.

Ronald Reagan was an excellent rescuer.

Ronald Reagan Craziest U.S. Presidents

Tell what you are going on his policies and his legacy, butRonald Reagan Was a stellar rescuer. At Lowell Park Beach, the Grand Communicatorwould have shot 77 The people of the water during his time as a lifeguard there.

Peter the big barbe on the beard.

hipster man stroking his beard

Peter the big, Revolutionary Tsar of Russia, once declared imposed an annual annualbeard tax on the members of the company who had face hair. If someone wanted to keep their hair from the face, they just had to pay for that. After their deposit, they received a coin that declared "tax paid".We guess Movember was notfashionable at the time

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